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3345780 No.3345780 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry for the constant questions but this is a new game and there aren't any guides in English for simple questions.

In Live for You, how do I start a game with Mami Futami? I've gotten Ami 11 out of 11 times in a row. I'm just wondering if she needs to be unlocked by playing Ami first or if it's random and my luck sucks.

Also do you only get their greetings the first time you produce them or are there other instances with conversations with them? Constant voice mails is kinda meh. Though Yukiho is absolutely adorable when she calls me.

Last question so I don't overburden /jp/ with threads. What exactly is there in this game to accomplish? It's easy in a guitar hero-ish sort of way but are there goals other than performances? I love it of course but I'm not sure if the replayability is as high as the first game.

>> No.3345836

press in the control stick when Ami is selected. This also works to select the short brown-hair Miki.
There are a few greetings that get chosen at random after the first one. I think there's 4 or 5.
The popular songs are pretty easy, but some of the DLC is hard as balls. The draw is not having to produce to get to see the performances. Otherwise, it's Taiko Drum master with 13 buttons.

>> No.3345870

>What exactly is there in this game to accomplish?

You can buy lots of DLC and make Namco happy.

>> No.3345928

Yeah, I need to buy Otome Samba, Colorful Days, Tonari ni ..., Do Dai, and possibly Kiramekirari.

Thank you greatly, although Agent Yoru wa Yoku has already kicked my ass. I'm not used to these kind of games so I need to practice more.

>> No.3346058

Oh, she admits to being a twin after the first performance. Ok. So ... lemme guess there's no 'end' to this game is there? It's just constant live performances forever. There's no 4 way pie eating contest after you finish all the songs or unlock all the accessories or something. It's just on and on and on and on and on.

This game is basically a tool to create nico videos. I guess I can live with that.

>> No.3346119

Why is OP pic so hot?

So delectably unguarded... if you fall asleep in a place like that, girls, your "niichan" just might steal a kiss!

>> No.3346141

I'm sure you already have it but just in case.

