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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3344126 No.3344126 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Touhou, visual novels, or anime more?

>> No.3344127
File: 186 KB, 1346x1181, WRen-Is-That-So.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like all of them.

>> No.3344132
File: 47 KB, 250x388, Chibi_Vampire_by_Witchma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like manga.

>> No.3344133

Touhou for fanart
VNs for story/fapping
Anime for entertainment

>> No.3344135


Top tier anime is best for me, otherwise it's VNs > Touhou > Anime

>> No.3344138

Touhou is a game series, VNs a small genre of video games and anime the entirety of Japanese animation.

Great comparison, really.

>> No.3344139

I believe you meant to put Touhou under fapping.

>> No.3344140

touhou, touhou VNs, and touhou anime

>> No.3344145

Umineko and Ever17 > Touhou > all other VNs > a turd sandwich > this season's anime

>> No.3344149

I don't like any of them.

I don' even know why I'm here.

>> No.3344151

What do you come to /jp/ for if you like none of those?

>> No.3344147

Well they're the holy trinity of weeaboo shit.

>> No.3344146

Never played it.
>visual novels
Never played any.
Last I watched was Toradora (on Youtube) and I didn't even finish that.

>> No.3344153

Hahaha, oh wow. What next, you outrageous liar, you have a twelve inch penis and the moon is made of cheese?

>> No.3344155

Drama, trolling, faggotry in general.

>> No.3344159

Generally suck
Seldom watch any
Decent game, gets my vote.

>> No.3344174

>Visual novels
Shitty medium, mostly porn with plot. Also incredibly verbose, pretentious, and pseudo-intellectual 90% of the time. Yawn.
Well at least it doesn't take itself seriously. The girls are cute and I enjoy fapping to them. The games are also fun but I suck at them.
I like some anime, but most of what is currently airing is horse shit. Last thing I enjoyed was Manabi Straight.

>> No.3344184

I like all three but

Visual Novels

In that order.

>> No.3344187

>pretentious, and pseudo-intellectual

Anybody who uses these words is pretentious and pseudo-intellectual themselves.

Me included.

>> No.3344209


>> No.3344208

i'm a touhoufag

>> No.3344221

Admittedly I'm an animebro (2-3 hours a day for 4 years), but I can't be assed to go to /a/ or anime sites, so I usually just hang out here and play VNs or talk about Touhou with you guys.

>> No.3344227
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Is there an easy test I can use to tell if I'm a pseudo intellectual?

>> No.3344380

toehoe in your case

>> No.3345238


Most anime sites/forums have horrible communities. The communities are made up of children and 20+ year olds who speak like children.

You know... ^_^ XD etc etc...

>> No.3345242


>> No.3345243

I tried browsing the Animesuki and MyAnimeList forums for about 10 minutes each.

They make /b/ look good.

>> No.3345281


> The communities are made up of children and 20+ year olds who speak like children.

So, basically /jp/?

>> No.3345289

We're SLIGHTLY above children. At teenager who thinks he's smart level, maybe.

>> No.3345304


Nah, not buying it. Teenagers can at least speak to people and function without their parents. /jp/ is so socially anxious that going outside is a tremendous effort. Hence, like children.

>> No.3345317

/jp/ is the quiet one that everybody thinks is gay.

>> No.3345318

I was talking about speaking style online. If you're talking about real life, I'm pretty sure we're below children.

>> No.3345320


>/jp/ is the quiet one that everybody knows is gay and crossdresses.


>> No.3345328

I like to think /jp/ is full of mildly intelligent 20-29 year olds and not mouthbreathing, drooling 15 year olds like on /a/.

>> No.3345336

>I like to think /jp/ is full of socially retarded, maladjusted, hermetic, homosexual 20-29 year olds

You're not wrong.

>> No.3345339

Bisexual, thanks. Not that it matters with fapping.

>> No.3345342

I don't like visual novels or anime at all.

>> No.3345351

I'd say we fall somewhere between a tapeworm and a rat.

>> No.3345367

Rats can get pretty intelligent. It's unfair to rats.

>> No.3345420

Hey now, don't sell us short.
Rats memorize mazes, we memorize spellcards. Same thing, really.
