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File: 68 KB, 554x416, easymode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3333537 No.3333537 [Reply] [Original]

You better not be playing on easy mode

>> No.3333546
File: 483 KB, 640x480, tou3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3333567
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I play on the difficulty that is the most fun for me. What are you trying to prove to yourself by playing it on hard?

Not only that, the easy difficulty in most of the Touhou games is comparable to the highest difficulties of many other games. Any Touhou game on easy makes even the most absurd video game challenges such as Mile High Club on veteran in Call of Duty 4 look like child's play.

>> No.3333591
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 1242330810554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mile High Club
>Call of Duty 4
These ARE child's play
Just as is Easy Mode on every Touhou
Normal is acceptable, at least for casuals.
Hard and above is where the real fun is.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3333628
File: 336 KB, 640x480, tou2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not proving. Easy mode is lame.

Its more fun to play hard/lunatic

>> No.3333674

What idiots believe to be challenge in Vet Mile High CLub is just the luck factor due to enemy ai.
For the rest, it plays like touhou, memory play, never get hit, etc. Except it's easier and shorter.

>> No.3333679

What if I want to take it easy?

>> No.3333687


No it's flash grenades all over the friggin place.

>> No.3333693

>playing it on hard
>highest difficulties of many other games
You're just bad, hard mode is where THE GODDAMN FUN IS AT, BRO. YEAHHHH

>> No.3333695


i dont use much memory in touhou, but ALLOT of graze....

>> No.3333707

But even flashbangs are memory play.
I throw them like i use bombs, without a single bit of originality

>> No.3333738

So what?

Yes but Easy is way too Easy on Touhou.
At least play the normal mode or don't play Touhou at all (better easy games are available out there if u really wanna be that lazy)

>> No.3334715

I play normal, but I suck at it.

>> No.3334759

As newbie is easy modo a good start or you play a Touhou game the first time.
I play first on easy, next step normal and higher.
Sometimes I play more easy modo. Why?
It's more fun to win. lol

>> No.3334832

easy mode is unforgivable

>> No.3334851


I played easy mode to get myself into the game, but for me what makes me better is playing on lunatic.

I bang my face against lunatic and get raped but learn the patterns and learn when you've trapped yourself and simply have to bomb out of it, etc. Just keep on continuing and slowly working your way through lunatic, trying to get a little further each time. Don't get discouraged if you only 33% clear before finishing all your continues the first few times, it's learning through having your ass kicked.

Then when I go back to normal or hard, suddenly it's like wow, so many fewer bullets, this is some easy shit!

>> No.3334959

Wasn't aware The Game had modes.

>> No.3334999

I'm playing normal, however I am terrible at shoot 'em up games. Could anybody explain to me what graze is?

>> No.3335306
File: 161 KB, 1000x750, MarisaLunaticModo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I can get more than 33% without using continues.

Still working through IN's Lunatic but I still can't capture Kaguya's last spells no matter the difficulty.

And stage 4 seems to be my wall. Happened to me when I first started no, not on easy modo, happened when I switched to hard, happened when I switched teams. And now it's both Lunatic AND Reimu.

>> No.3335344

Graze is when you allow something to pass through your character sprite (or very close to it) without letting it hit your hitbox, which you can see by holding down shift.

>> No.3335359

Hey, hey, if you hit print screen, you can get a screenshot without us having to see your computer.

>> No.3335376

I'm aware of that. But I'm playing on full screen, lolMAC, and it was for my 365 collection that badly needs organizing.

>> No.3335369

always on normal until i can win without using continue

>> No.3335385

easy mode is for people who have no basic gaming skills.
i played easy the first time, and had pretty much no trouble. moved up to normal the same day, which was challenging enough.

>> No.3335400

I need a continue on normal to clear it. I die most time in the last boss and last spellcard. But sometimes I clear it without continue. My last without continue on normal was UFO with Reimu B.

>> No.3335420

I don't play Touhou at all.
I'm currently playing Oblivion on max difficulty, though.

>> No.3335435

Oblivion's stupid "the difficulty rises with your level" is not comparable with STGs.

>> No.3335441

Kids breeze through lunatic.

Then age sets in, degrading sight, reflexes and finger movement.

>> No.3335459

I try not to, but god I suck so hard ;_;

>> No.3335471

>The Elder Scrolls
Yeah sure, just let me grab my 100% chameleon equipment.

>> No.3335466

The only times I played on Easy was to unlock solo characters in IN.

>> No.3335507
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, 1250874666734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3335511

There are mods that fix all that.
I'd die over and over again if I didn't have my 2 companions, and I barely get by with them by my side.
Shit's dangerous with the mods I'm using.

>> No.3335522

I don't enjoy playing on easy mode. Shit is too easy.

>> No.3335556

I play the highest fair difficulty available. By that, I mean the difficulty that relies on "clever" AI, intricate traps, new and unexpected challenges which force me to change my approach, or hell, even cheer difficulty you can overcome with wits and reflexes is good for me. Quick-loading 40 times until you don't get randomly sniped by some guy running in the opposite direction with a fucking glock isn't fun. Bullshit bosses forcing you to either grind or exploit the mechanics of the game isn't fun.
Trial and error? I'm okay with a boss or two requiring a very precise method to beat them, but the whole game? Please, I have enough exams as it is. If anything, normal mode is more interesting because it's reasonably challenging AND playable the way you want. Lunatic is just copypasting the moves you learned from the replays. Sure, it wouldn't be easy, but it it wouldn't amuse me as much as the other modes.

>> No.3335562

Protip: self-imposed difficulty isn't difficulty.

>> No.3335575

once you've played normal mode for a while, it becomes too easy because of all of the tactics you've learnt and perfected. which is why hard and lunatic mode are there.

>> No.3335587


I'll be going back to my all-Oracle FFT run now.

>> No.3335600

Or maybe you could, you know, play another danmaku.
