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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3329524 No.3329524 [Reply] [Original]


It's out, go grab it, report any bugs/typos/etc, have fun, blah blah blah.

>> No.3329532

Hmm, will you be surprised if I do this? :P

>> No.3329528

Hell yeah!

>> No.3329534

I was waiting for this, if you are one of the responsible, thank you!

>> No.3329540

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.3329544

>Error: Error patching/extracting file(s).
>3 file(s) affected.


>> No.3329554 [DELETED] 

Have to ask, did you patch to 1.00b?

>> No.3329545

Endings are translated too of course?

>> No.3329548
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Oh god, that was fast.

>> No.3329550

Nevermind, I was trying to patch the demo.

>> No.3329555

Yes, of course. Why wouldn't they be?

>> No.3329559

Now we just need a 12.3 translation.

>> No.3329567

Does this one also have atrocious font choices?

>> No.3329563

Wait, now I tried to patch the game, and I got.

>Error: Error patching/extracting file(s).
>2 file(s) affected.

What the hell.

>> No.3329574

Everything went well here, it seems. Do you have 1.00b?

Check OP's pic.

>> No.3329583

Enjoy your trojan.

>> No.3329586

That's it, I have 1.00a


>> No.3329589

It's the same font as MoF/SA, chosen for a narrow fixed width font that is can be freely distributed without possible threat of MS backlash.

>> No.3329603

While I do dislike THspatial, it wasn't what I was talking about.

Though, I just downloaded a checked all the fonts now. Most of them are pretty bad, and it's still pissing me off that these patch makers don't also distribute the tools.They don't seem to realize that they could be the driving force behind Touhou modding, to the point where UFO could completely replace danmakufu.

>> No.3329605

I kept getting errors when I tried downloading this

>> No.3329613

Go back to Gaia you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.3329620
File: 24 KB, 417x450, キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.3329624

I found out why I was getting an error with this english patch. I had to update UFO.....What exactly did the update do?

>> No.3329636

Fixed a bug that was making the 1 billion points barrier crash the game.

>> No.3329638

Can't update from 1.00a to 1.00b.

How the fuck do I do this?

>> No.3329672

Trying to patch to 1.00b, point it to directory, nothing happens.

What the fuck.

>> No.3329677

- temporarily renaming directory to th12 or something all ascii
- use applocale on installer
- install -> done

>> No.3329682

Tried running it with Applocale?

>> No.3329683

Tried running it with Applocale?

>> No.3329694

Awkward, unnatural english in shitty fixed-width font.

I love it.

>> No.3329704

Why would you want to play a mod of ZUN's perfect game?

>> No.3329714

He said a mod of UFO though, not a mod of IN.

>> No.3329718

So you can put Sakuya in it.

We all knows how stingy Japanese modders are when it comes to sharing mods, nevermind the tools - so no; we're still at a dead end.

>> No.3329733


What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.3329735

IN the perfect game?

...Yeah, I guess you're right.

>> No.3329745

What's the point? There are no complicated menus to navigate or worthwhile dialogues in Touhou games.

>> No.3329761

>No worthwhile dialogues in touhou games
>Ghost Team in IN

>> No.3329780

Nevermind. Didn't get errors after dling .00b

>> No.3329784

You get to know which attacks beat the fuck out of you, so you can whine about them online.

>> No.3329800

Ah man. The next game really ought to have 5 or 6 playable characters.

And boss fights against multiple people.

Hear my plea, ZUN!

>> No.3329809

TH13: Yuki and Mai return. You better enjoy your curving homing lasers.

>> No.3329812

And I want a pony moeblob too.

>> No.3329810

Yeah, I want another Phantasmagoria too.

>> No.3329819

wow how fast, thanks
now finally MS will be translated...!

>> No.3329838


>> No.3329866

Mystic Square has a better soundtrack than most of the windows series so yea please do that next.

>> No.3329947
File: 178 KB, 420x390, ef3259a1e910b61a5ce6ce7289da76645a92107f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.3329955
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>> No.3329979

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
my waifu and me are so happy on cirno day,
thanks to the bros @ gensokyo

>> No.3330009

Does anyone have a link to the touhou 12 iso? I've been playing off that first folder that was posted and the 2DJGAME C76 Collection Pack 1 - Game torrent isnt doing so well.

>> No.3330033


>> No.3330055
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>> No.3330069


>> No.3330075

i finally beat kogasa on normal

one step closer to being a touhou master

>> No.3330076

that was fast.

>> No.3330081

Best Cirno Day gift ever.

>> No.3330084

do you have Share?

>> No.3330087
File: 265 KB, 600x800, 1235136884406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not hngggggggh, but...

>> No.3330114


I'm a different person in the same predicament, and I have share

>> No.3330126

Also, do get at least one bad end. They're actually bad this time around instead of just being depressing like MoF's.

>> No.3330128

after installing it, now my game crashes when i start it. i have 1.00b.

>> No.3330131

1. Search with www.sharedb.info
2. Get hash.
3. Paste into Share.
4. ?????
5. Profit!

>> No.3330132

Also when going for bad ends, don't continue on stage 1, that just counts as restarting the game.

>> No.3330140

How do you get bad ends, by beating the game using continues?

>> No.3330150


>> No.3330170

Link for 1b where?
I have 1a.

>> No.3330214

It's on ZUN's site.

>> No.3330251

What the fuck did I just watch.

>> No.3330253
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>> No.3330262

Can someone deliver the UFO Soundtrack in mediafire?

>> No.3330265


Then shmupfags like me will bitch that Samidare did the Yuki and Mai return better.

>> No.3330271

>I missed school.

must have been art class.

>> No.3330274
File: 86 KB, 794x907, 1249405582001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330294

It's too big to upload to mediafire.

Get all your data shit here.

>> No.3330756

Heh, the bad ends don't do that silly thing where it says your character will try again the next day. That never made any sense. Marisa B's is basically just "Hey, you're stuck in Makai. Isn't this a shitty situation. [ending no.10, stop sucking]".

