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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 205 KB, 520x405, screenshot-2021-02-19-22-19-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33292953 No.33292953 [Reply] [Original]

<Resources to get started>
Ankidrone starter pack (updated): https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/basic-vocabulary.html
Dictionaries: https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/yomichan-and-epwing-dictionaries.html
Textbooks: http://2ch.club/jp
Jap bookmarks: https://pachimon.github.io/tools/JapBookmarks.html
Grammar guide: http://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar
Check native pronunciations: https://youglish.com/japanese
Immersion Wiki: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gDpwFl07a0EO_pTHLLVn_Waz2GXwwSE1

Official DJT study room: https://chat.tchncs.de/#/room/#djt:g33k.se
If your question doesn't get answered, post it in the room.

>why did DJT move away from discord?
1 https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/discord.html
2 https://stallman.org/discord.html

Previous Thread: >>33277458

>> No.33292961
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>> No.33292963
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>> No.33292970

do you have that meme picture that says "manga isn't reading"? i can't find it in google.

>> No.33292972

real thread when

>> No.33292998
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>> No.33293010

why are westerners so bad at animation? this show has half of hollywood as VAs and is produced by amazon yet looks like complete fucking dogshit. literally any japanese studio could do better.

>> No.33293031
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>> No.33293053

this is as good as it gets boys


>> No.33293055
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x689, Neighbor_Madam_WMyXO9HgRs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just spent an hour and a half jacking off to this eroge.

>> No.33293064

honestly just end urself

>> No.33293077

ESL here, tell me which one is better
>a product is a thing produced with the purpose to sell it
>a product is a thing produced with the purpose of selling it

>> No.33293080

dont wanna

>> No.33293085

same shit

>> No.33293111

what's wrong? if you're on windows 7 just update powershell to the latest version

>> No.33293124

i want to sound more native so sensei dont fuck me in the ass for giving him the work 2 weeks later

>> No.33293126

i mean theyre both fine i guess but it sounds kinda off. id say

a product is a thing produced in order to be sold

>> No.33293143

looks like fucking shit bro, but if the story was worth it i dont judge you

>> No.33293144

the second one

>> No.33293163

you get to bang a married woman and ntr her husband.

>> No.33293176

look at the year

>> No.33293181

(Windows 10)
too much lag with powershell, i dont know why.
v5 script with curl and ffmeg work fine.

>> No.33293192

can you measure the lag between v5 and the latest version?

>> No.33293195
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x750, GT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty to that anon who recommended me this
just read for an hour and i'm having a lot of fun playing it
i think i'll clear this vinnie next

>> No.33293203

yeah dno bros

>> No.33293204

real thread >>33293201

>> No.33293205

finished my 30 min of anki, now time for 8 hours of tae kim

>> No.33293209

looks shit

>> No.33293215

does someone have a link to that video of matt debuting his new mattcards for beginners?

>> No.33293216


>> No.33293231
File: 158 KB, 790x717, 1562835248735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly have no idea what ur talking about but this is what i found on warosu

>> No.33293236


>> No.33293262


>> No.33293274

i did like psycho pass but i dont like moe so now im conflicted about it

>> No.33293290

0:43 made me feel really anxious for some reason

>> No.33293295

>read stupid shitposts in my language
>fucking monkeys this isn't funny
>go to 4chan
>kys famalam cuck tranny nigger faggot gook bitch spic tranny nigger BBC reddit sneed
>Literally lol'd
>who are you quoting?
This wouldn't be funny If I was a native English speaker. What is this mental filter called?

>> No.33293313

aye that was one of my post

>> No.33293317

id drop the animes rating by 2 points in anilist

>> No.33293342

im a nice guy and you should like me

>> No.33293403

Anime is shit, and here's why.

1. The same drawing in all shows:
1.1. Big bang-eyed blinkers
1.2. Triangular chins
1.3. If you remove hair from a character, especially from a female, you cannot distinguish them from another character, this is idiocy.
1.4. No mouth animation, it just opens and closes.
1.5. Excessive facial expressions and gestures. It looks very ugly, for example, when the mouth opens up and covers the entire face.
1.6. Females have grasshopper legs, males have fists bigger than their heads. In murrican cartoons, this only happens in comedies about Bugs Bunny.

2. Fucked up animation of this whole thing:
1.1. 15 FPS is impossible to watch! Even the cheapest murrican cartoon has much better animation.
1.2. Lack of drawing of movements during dynamic scenes. All dynamic scenes are shown in 1-2 frames for 2-5 seconds. Here is a samurai swinging his sword, now he is "chopping" the enemy, here he is on the ground, and the enemy is cut from behind. It's so ugly, where is the drawing?
1.3. When japs are tired from animating, they just show you a slideshow with music. For example, when characters go shopping or on a date or whatever, you are shown a few slides of the action, and the animation resumes after they're done with it.

3. Idiotic stories. Usually all characters are schoolers, and they either have superpowers or super robots, or he is a ninja, or in especially idiotic cases she's a goddess.

4. Target audience - children. Yes, 95% of Japanese cartoons' target audience are 12-18 years old teenagers. And not a single adult would watch bullshit about schoolchildren in schools. So anime can be safely called a cartoon, because it is.

5. Fucked up OSTs. Fuck, it's impossible to listen to this degeneration: j-rock sounds like the cries of a gorilla at the moment of copulation with a giraffe, and j-pop is generally shit.

6. Retarded fans. Yes, and it's not just about the numbing assholes that flooded big cities and, oh horror, small villages on the territory of this damned country. It's about the imageboard fuckers who fill NORMAL threads with their dolls and other Suzumiyas and start posting them there, naturally getting hate in return, because it is logical to hate what is imposed on you. An anime guy (weaboo, animufag, otaku - I don't understand the types of shit) cannot argue, he starts to pollute threads.

And further. Anime hits all sorts of secret desires and complexes, as I understand it. Porn, superpowers, the fate of the world and the defeat of the world's evil, cute garbage for those who lack love and warmth, highschooler MCs to make it easier to relate yourself to the hero. What else does a young loser need? Therefore, those who perceive the cartoons rationally treat them very negatively.

Therefore, a weeb is worse than a hamster, and anime is shit for cattle without taste and brains.

>> No.33293415

the moment i see more than 3 sentences i just click hide without reading

>> No.33293417

the conclusion is false so your argument is shit

>> No.33293418

feelin kind of bummed my boy gyari shitcanned someone and i dont even get deets how am i supposed to acquire nippon culture like this

>> No.33293421

lol imagine actually using windows
i think mpvacious doesn't have powershell you can try that

>> No.33293434

>or in especially idiotic cases she's a goddess
fuck you kamichu was and still is kino

>> No.33293438

>imagine actually using windows

>> No.33293443

windows user virgin here

>> No.33293456
File: 153 KB, 640x854, 1592136865587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought only analcream uses windows here

>> No.33293459

my last relationship ended right after i uninstalled gentoo and installed windows now that i think about it

>> No.33293472

Use mac and have had loads of boyfriends.

>> No.33293491

im half virgin and i dual boot

>> No.33293507

i cant dual boot because booting more than once a day is against my faith

>> No.33293518

willing to bet 1000yen windows users have more sex than all the other OS users combined

>> No.33293527

that's basically why i never boot into windows

>> No.33293530

i dont dual boot
instead i have two hard drivers with different os

>> No.33293547

>western archetypes

>> No.33293551

m*c users have more sex if you count all types of sex

>> No.33293553

ok so animecards site tells me to use a clipboard page and a clipboard inserter, i assume it wants me to use sharex?
but sharex sometimes shits the bed is there no better way to copy the subtitles?

>> No.33293567
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>> No.33293574

i am willing to bet against it if you include all oss that have came before

>> No.33293576


>> No.33293583

sorry only 4chan hackers can acquire nihongo

>> No.33293584

animecards site is shit, never go there
>use a clipboard page
never use that it's useless
>clipboard inserter
use the one that's built-in in mpvacious
sharex is for retards
if you need something like sharex there's https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/ames

>> No.33293603

do you really need all that tech shit to learn jap damn

>> No.33293605

>i assume it wants me to use sharex?
stop assuming

>> No.33293616

wtf i read this post and got sand in my keyboard

>> No.33293629

bitch has terrible taste

>> No.33293630

not funny

>> No.33293642

this is what happens when some malodorous white watches madoka and decides to turn it into burger capeshit

>> No.33293650


>> No.33293652


>> No.33293654

talking as if doroda was good in the first place

>> No.33293665

it was, suck on this dick boomer

>> No.33293671

yeah this guy needs https://learnjapanese.moe/

>> No.33293678

and he probably watched it dubbed too

>> No.33293680

shit this is prob true

>> No.33293700

just remembered yakusoku no neverland is getting burgered

>> No.33293701


>> No.33293713

アメリカ 経済活動の再開進むも外食や娯楽分野で雇用回復 遅れ

>> No.33293723

沖縄 尖閣諸島沖合 中国海警局の船2隻が領海侵入

>> No.33293739

バイデン大統領 就任1か月 コロナ対策や外交政策で実行力強調

>> No.33293754
File: 56 KB, 325x325, 0-DownSyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find all of the ANKI keyboard shortcuts?

Specifically, I'm trying to move in the card browser between the search bar and the individual cards without using the mouse. Anyone know how to do this?

>> No.33293774

look at anki source code

>> No.33293784

the second one, but you should change it to:

a product is a thing produced for the purpose of selling.

>> No.33293799

second one

>> No.33293800

tab and shift+tab a few times
theres no way they put a real shortcut for that

>> No.33293804

whens v32 coming out

>> No.33293809

wtf are you talking about. no. the animecards site explains how to parse jp subs live.

>> No.33293812

finna immerse in genshin pussssssy

>> No.33293822

no idea what any of these say

>> No.33293826

figures. thanks

>> No.33293842


>> No.33293843

why do you need a half-working stolen mpv script from a guy that doesn't know the difference between sort and max? you can write your own in less than 1 hour or use one of the 1000 mpv scripts from github.

>> No.33293844

>ok so animecards site tells me
what a retard
who actually uses that site

>> No.33293846


>> No.33293861

idk maybe this weekend

>> No.33293898

wow we're at the level where people have substituted their website and tools for learning methods, yeah guys this is totally different lmao imagine analbeads keep posing his scripts and talking shit about other scripts crazy

>> No.33293916

ty for the script anacreon love your work

>> No.33293922

i mean i dont really care about all the script nonsense but analcream is a good dude so id support him if i cared

>> No.33293926

put your trip back on samefag

>> No.33293936

>supporting namefags who take over the thread
sasuga new-djt

>> No.33293943

now say that in japanese

>> No.33293949

who are you quoting

>> No.33293951

are dishwashers common

>> No.33293956

which of your scripts uses powershell?

>> No.33293957

yeah i have one

>> No.33293962

i mean i dont really care about all the script nonsense but namefags are cancer so id kill him with fire if i cared

>> No.33293984

i would go to any of the soaplands that eiffelbro recommends with anacreon

>> No.33293988

og quit posting while menstruating

>> No.33293991

why are so many black people in japan's youtube channels focused on them being black?

>> No.33293998

never saw one
does it do the dishes all on its own or do you have to clean it at little

>> No.33294022

i mean its easier to look them up on utube than go to a zoo

>> No.33294025
File: 17 KB, 429x273, i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you using a continuous graph for discrete values? stupid 15yo

>> No.33294029

my girlfriend told me the dishwasher was leaking, so i brought home some tampons

>> No.33294036

cope miniyoga

>> No.33294045

hi sorry that site isnt mine and i just throw it around every chance i get because i am easily amused sorry please reach out to the actual site owner for complaints

>> No.33294047

fuck off racist

>> No.33294051

neither of those are correct english lmao end yourself

>> No.33294066


>> No.33294070

kaufmann has been making the same fucking videos for a decade now lol

>> No.33294166

is the moe site really made by a 15 year old tranny? is their japanese any good?

>> No.33294197

does text extractor work with ps2 emulators?

>> No.33294243
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x900, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33294259


>> No.33294267

based. tomefure is a rlly good vn btw vn guy hasnt posted in a while

>> No.33294294

no, some extractors work with ppsspp though

>> No.33294334

but this looks like it has pp in it...

>> No.33294357

behead otaku

>> No.33294360

A product is something that is produced to be sold.

>> No.33294368

o-taco haha

>> No.33294375

>15 year old
where and when did we go so wrong as a society

>> No.33294521

what discrete values
did you not read the x axis

>> No.33294547

if you take the x axis as what it's labeled it makes even less sense. % of unknown words of what? a sentence? but then i+1 isn't constant cause it would depend on the length of the sentence

>> No.33294653

i mean the graph also has no numbers have you tried just feeling it out

>> No.33294677

how do you decide what to mine?

>> No.33294709

i bend over a djter and cock my foot back and let it rip *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.33294740

everything you don't know or the more frequent stuff that you feel like you should know

>> No.33294951

dont mine anything

>> No.33294980

didn't ask kys attention whore

>> No.33294987

i mined your mom's ass last night

>> No.33295062

i answered your dumbass question though

>> No.33295086

where can i get vinnies for free?

>> No.33295136

have you tried looking it up yourself?

>> No.33295142

if youre a beginner mine things youve seen a few different times
if not mine whatever you want

>> No.33295191
File: 141 KB, 1125x1499, A00A871A-EFB7-4F4A-9E18-5705A4C50DE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros im fucking IN!

>> No.33295273

somebody wipe my butt

>> No.33295335

holy shit end your life

>> No.33295363

why do u attack people for asking questions. have some shame!!!!!

>> No.33295560

yo where does djt go to read untranslated doujins? nhentai is has far more english than jp doujins

>> No.33295565


>> No.33295575

i prefer nhentai

>> No.33295634





>> No.33295760

bruh wtf even is that site, why am i expected to jump through a million hoops to access it?

>> No.33295852


>> No.33295984
File: 964 KB, 696x801, 1598806321157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come people still cant get on exhentai on fucking 2021

>> No.33295993
File: 75 KB, 1200x675, Dw4U3kOUwAEy1Of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33296037

no-one wants to go to the trouble of messing with cookies or downloading some bloatware add-on when they could just find the same doujins on a site that isn't lame

>> No.33296137
File: 2.53 MB, 600x338, 1604955115001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro cookies are literally rocket science dont bother

>> No.33296158

glad we agree

>> No.33296215

i thought all the holoshit was supposed to be contained to their own board like the ponies were

>> No.33296349
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, 1604690607797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You havent been paying attention then, yeah there is a new board but even in /jp/ there is still holo threads.
Sincerely i havent even opened that board it seems like the perfect breeding place of EOPs
But then again i dont frequent the threads very much.

>> No.33296367

Could someone explain the meaning of the expression 「言わない約束」for me?

>> No.33296518
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>> No.33296524


>> No.33296580

a 約束 that you don't 言う

>> No.33296585

an unspoken agreement i guess?

it just looks like an adverbial noun, a noun that uses the preceding sentence to describe itself

>> No.33296595
File: 17 KB, 400x313, 1593323677030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking vague comprehension + hovering over unknown vocabs constantly is reading lol

>> No.33296599

I meant to say relative noun*

>> No.33296600

imagine caring

>> No.33296608 [DELETED] 

Is there something like yomichan for android? I play some Japanese mobile games on my phone something like that would be helpful for kanji I don't know. Or is there a recommended dictionary?

>> No.33296612

how else would you go about reading? I can't think of any other way to start learning how to read.

>> No.33296620



>> No.33296624


kore ha nihongo no hontou no imi desu

>> No.33296652

because they never tried in the first place?

>> No.33296727

how do you guys consume content on days where the NEET depression hits hard and you just want to lie in bed all day doing nothing

>> No.33296780


>> No.33296922

>NEET depression
the what?

>> No.33296993

its when you're enjoying your NEET life but suddenly remember black people exist

>> No.33297068

done immersing for the day, almost done playing tower defense

>> No.33297336

should i really be consuming if 90% of the shit i see in phrases i have to look up or is it too soon?

>> No.33297352

Of course. To get a feel for the language. You don't need to know everything to learn.

>> No.33297399
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>> No.33297470


>> No.33297691

since when can soko be used as "this"
or is this "animespeak"

>> No.33297783
File: 453 KB, 750x502, 1611410815336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how would you translate this sentence?

>> No.33297787

It's an early stage of reading, yet most people never get beyond this level of literacy even in their native language. Give an American a classic novel in English and watch them squirm.

>> No.33298143


>> No.33298155

why is windows 10 such a mess
searched C:/Users/Username(because i am retarded) and it just BSOD'd my computer lmao what the fuck with that shit

>> No.33298166



>> No.33298483


>> No.33298491
File: 39 KB, 739x640, 1601072897986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>scroll through 300 new posts without reading a single fuckin one
>dab on djt

>> No.33298548

it all returns

to nothing

>> No.33298639

wanna have hot sweaty summer sex with a jp whore while anri is playing in the background

>> No.33298663

this has never happened to me

>> No.33298678

calling all midwits: did you progress beyond the beginner stage?

>> No.33298692
File: 56 KB, 711x970, anki_2021-02-20_12-32-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, can someone help?
I installed Awesome TTS and there should be a "Playback" option in the Configurations, but for some reason it's not here, while it is in all manual screenshots
What wrong with this? I just want to disable auto-play audio but I can't find it anywhere

>> No.33298726


>> No.33298728

>I installed Awesome TTS

>> No.33298752

because Azure tts is based

>> No.33298759

uh ok sure bro whatever u say lol

>> No.33298840

thread's so shit i had to check the catalog if there isn't another

>> No.33298845

acquaintance only that kind of incident happen ! disappointed become not

>> No.33298964




>> No.33298989

behead ciaran

>> No.33298995

>My students will occasionally throw out some unsavoury comments about chinese and koreans. I've brought it up with the home room teachers and they have said it's just kids being kids. Should I just let it go?

>> No.33299017



>> No.33299020

stupid malodorous white alt

>> No.33299064

just measured my pulse at 46 bpm

>> No.33299069
File: 412 KB, 1280x720, 1571837107966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33299076
File: 52 KB, 1024x823, 20210220_121734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n0 reading test

>> No.33299093

*teleports behind you*
*cuts your 頸動脈 with a 日本刀*
*measures your pulse at 0 bpm*

>> No.33299113


>> No.33299275


>> No.33299473

cringe op

>> No.33299496
File: 40 KB, 1058x108, Screenshot 2021-02-20 at 19.44.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you also struggle with difficult katakana? how did you overcome this immense struggle?

>> No.33299519
File: 328 KB, 959x720, Screenshot_20210216-103912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read katakana only stuff

>> No.33299575

aniki deck

>> No.33299600







>> No.33299611


>> No.33299619

read more

>> No.33299724

sound like you only see seasonal moeshit and bottom of the barrel shit.

>> No.33299755

so how big of a red flag is a self-proclaimed 中性めんへら goth girl with like 10 ear percings in each ear and has hundreds of kuromi dolls in her room that works in some kind of bar in akihabara and that uses loli ahegao faces as instagram highlight icons

>> No.33299782

as big as it gets

>> No.33299792

getting sex murdered is the best case scenario

>> No.33299796

double bag it

>> No.33299803

leeeeeeets gooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

wonder if my nihongo is better than her nihongo

>> No.33299810


>> No.33299813


>> No.33299819

wrong board bro go back to >>>/vt/djt

>> No.33299836

just imagining some am*rican alt starting a twitter account to do racial justice in japan lmfao

>> No.33299858

I hope for your sake that your level is higher than tourist with a sentence book level and pracriced the game 100 times to get it right

>> No.33299872

the game is in english lol

>> No.33299938

Those girls are probably the closest thing you can get to a legal loli so have at it, and they are probably also the only ones that would date a foreigner unironically, just make sure to disarm her before intercourse

>> No.33299956


>> No.33299968

never had a good interaction with anyone who calls them self menhera

>> No.33299991

Arent we all a bit menhera here

>> No.33300015

there's a difference between being menhera and wearing it as if it were a badge of honor.

>> No.33300050

gonna update my twitter bio to say i am otaku and menhera

>> No.33300068

you have twitter?
for what? retweeting jav sluts?

>> No.33300108

so does this mean bisexuality or asexuality

>> No.33300159

never heard of a dictionary?

>> No.33300175

Why do nip girls always blur their faces or wear masks on their profile pics, are they scared of getting doxxed or something

>> No.33300179

it was ironic i dont have a twitter

>> No.33300216

What does menhera nip butthole smell like

>> No.33300227


>> No.33300232

this is one way in which nips are less retarded than westerners desu
mark zuckerberg decided everyone should post their real names and faces, everyone just went along with it and now here we are

>> No.33300248

unironically miso and curry

>> No.33300255

its really weird how easy it was to get ppl to just put themselves in a database willingly for ppl to freely search and use as ammunition against u

i saw thru it all tho

>> No.33300295

if zuckerberg doesnt have you by the balls then google does.

>> No.33300297
File: 45 KB, 620x373, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using your real face on the internet
>using your real name on the internet

loved when google bought youtube and the text during signup that said "never use your real name" quietly disappeared and this showed up instead

>> No.33300330

yea googles got me but theyve got all data anyway in general but the difference is its not like social media where ppl post stupid shit that anyone can find

>> No.33300336

how to get vtuber nip gf that makes enough money to sustain us both and also teaches me japanese and helps me rub moisturizing cream on my psoriasis

>> No.33300343


>> No.33300344

if ur woman has that much power in the relationship u need to get her pregnant so u can be useful to her as a stay at home dad

>> No.33300351

guys remind me what's the word the japs use to call girls that believe everything they read in fashion magazines

>> No.33300365

How many cans of prego does she need to get pregnant

>> No.33300367

dont say japs dude

>> No.33300387

a couple barrels not held

>> No.33300388

wish i was a stay at home dad sounds comfy af

>> No.33300394


>> No.33300402

only problem is u have to produce a son bc if u have to stay at home dad for a little girl shes gonna become a dyke

>> No.33300423

tho i guess if ur 1 of those cucks who couldnt bear the idea of their daughter growing up and being with boys this might be ideal for u anywya

>> No.33300438

sorry i know it's an insult but is also easy to say like (x)fag
i'm not memeing i think it was some slang

>> No.33300441

bought duolingo premium

>> No.33300454

I would be my daughter's boyfriend

>> No.33300474

b層 ?

luckily ppl like u wont ever procreate in the 1st place

>> No.33300481


>> No.33300483


>> No.33300493

Do menhera girls just need a proper dicking to get normal again or do they require a more advanced method like giving natural birth

>> No.33300505

read sharin and find out

>> No.33300509

girls never stop being menhera

u can soothe them and help make it a lil more dormant but itll resurface eventually and the worst part of it is they will hide it all from u and make it so much worse for themselves until it starts to leak out

>> No.33300522

stronger than i ever been before

>> No.33300521

bunko br0 is that u buddy what did u think of the epic twist in syarin

i still have in my top 5 of all time just bc of that it was well executed

>> No.33300544

oh no no

>> No.33300553

that keniti is ken?
still only at natsumis part because ive been reading other stuff

>> No.33300555

I pay japanese on fiver to read out my novel line sentences for me, itsgoing to be expensive but worth it in the end

>> No.33300567

oh uh well keep reading haha

>> No.33300569

how the do i get a menhera nip gf and what JLBT level is required

>> No.33300582

damn im pretty hyped now
have a few theories for stuff that could happen

>> No.33300590

i think saying there's a big twist counts as a spoiler

>> No.33300603

it is a spoiler but hes still not gonna *snorts super loudly* see it coming lmfao

>> No.33300648

>Length Medium (10 - 30 hours)
bunko should be done in 5 then with his reading speed

>> No.33300680


>> No.33300685

im actually listening to a lot of the voice clips for once because the characters are cool

>> No.33300702

is tinder a good way to talk with natives and practice conversation or will they just like you just for being a foreigner and practically ignore you or just unmatch you afterwards

>> No.33300734

its pretty good they will meet you with a group of friends and hang out at karaoke or something

>> No.33300741
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, Toho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been translating Tiny Little Adiantum as a practice and can't understand what ”んだ” in しあわせなキスをしたんだけど is supposed to mean. 助けて!

>> No.33300755

time for some tubers

>> No.33300763

why would u go on tinder and hang out w. japanese ppl for free when u could advertise urself as attractive malodorous foreigner willing to make ur friend group look cooler than they really are msg me for my hourly rate

>> No.33300779

ill pay in crypto

>> No.33300806

feel it out

>> No.33300809

what if im black and very very hideous

>> No.33300813

they will just think u look like mr popo

>> No.33300816

>what if im black
coulda just stopped there

>> No.33300833
File: 141 KB, 569x426, jamal enters the thread .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33300834

>the characters are cool
strongly doubt that after reading the synopsis on vndb and seeing the screenshots

>> No.33300835

gyarus bro

>> No.33300849
File: 10 KB, 207x162, SeWc8Uf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one should i watch first

>> No.33300871


>> No.33300879

anyway to get jap subtitles on these kind of videos

>> No.33300882

ん is short for なの
だ is part of だけど

>> No.33300885

So it just indicates that she felt the kiss?

>> No.33300897

boy are you going to have alot of nip gfs

>> No.33300901


>> No.33300905

is this the norm meme song

>> No.33300910

its honestly a way different kinda game than i thought it would be from doing the same

>> No.33300918


>> No.33300922

i did however feel happy when i got kissed or something

>> No.33300927

if theres 1 gripe about syarin its that its basically inspired from cross channel but the author ultimately did a fine job developing the finer points

>> No.33300944


>> No.33300960

miss playing table tennis. wish i had room to have a table at my place

>> No.33300962

put time to 0.75 or 0.5 for an easier listening experience

nips talk stupidly fast

>> No.33300968

you can put the closed captions on but they're automatically generated so even if the audio is crisp they arent the most accurate

>> No.33300978

how are you ever gonna get used to "stupid fast" then

>> No.33300984


>> No.33300986

lookin at naked and half naked women

>> No.33301002

this is the wrong approach
put english content at 1.5 or faster and make your brain get used to it

>> No.33301019

so i can learn japanese by speedrunning english?

>> No.33301028

looking at one third naked and three fourths naked women here

>> No.33301065

deadass can't watch eigo vids without 2x speed

>> No.33301093

nip vaginas for short and you will at most only fit half ur weewee inside it before you hit the baby hole, very unenjoyable sex for both parts

>> No.33301094

some are okay but some talk like they are on sleeping pills or some other drugs

>> No.33301098

this is the right approach

>> No.33301102

used to do that when i felt guilty about watching english stuff instead of japanese
now i almost never have anything in english i want to watch

>> No.33301103


>> No.33301139

another plus of being a debusen

>> No.33301223

listen nigguh, if i am to practice stupidly fast nihongo then i need some subtitles to associate the gibberish with

>> No.33301230

>now i almost never have anything in english i want to watch
just combine it and watch english content about japanese content

>> No.33301260

big fucking dislike

>> No.33301281

i remember benjo no tubuyaki being way too fast for me and not being able to keep up
just listened to it while playing vidya a lot and then eventually i started getting more and more

>> No.33301292

calculating from my anilist i apparently only have ~800 hours watched. youtube and other shit is maybe 150 hours more max and reading manga another 100 hours maybe so barely over 1000 hours of input total yet i can watch basically any show with jp subs comfortably and can watch most average shows raw. was watching darker than black recently and it's easy. either im on mount stupid which i dont think i am since i'm always very self critical or shit or idk

>> No.33301331

its gonna be a long way down....

>> No.33301342

isn't there some channel where they put some fan made japanese subtitles over these kind of videos, even if they are short, closed captions can fuck up even regular english videos

>> No.33301358

gotta watch something way over your level like anime about rakugo

>> No.33301373

how much do you get of something like this

>> No.33301483

yeah thats on my planning list. the last thing i got fucking bodied by was gits 2
got 3 minutes in and understood all of it except whatever the fuck he said at 0:38-0:40

>> No.33301501

nice refresher on 教訓 havent heard that word in forever

>> No.33301529


>> No.33301547
File: 136 KB, 500x477, 1566616196966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33301567

yeah would never have gotten that even if i rewound 20 times lol

>> No.33301617

still impressive
it took me forever to get to that level

>> No.33301677


>> No.33301689

not gonna watch this but andre 3000 is based

>> No.33301721

idk ive been at it for 2 and a half year so its depressing that i could have been so much better than this if i did more per day. in the past year i've done at least 2-3 hours per day i'm sure of that much so i must have done fuck all the first year and a half lol

>> No.33301769


>> No.33301853
File: 265 KB, 1005x691, 1535544652320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33301924


>> No.33301948

imagine learning japanese just to listen to nigger trash

>> No.33301983


>> No.33301985


>> No.33302009

was sick when puff daddy wouldnt let them use their name in the states lol

>> No.33302015

i learn japanese to find a nip gf or gf(male) thats 10 years younger than me so i can experience the young love that i missed out on due to being a ugly stuttering retard

>> No.33302020


>> No.33302041


>> No.33302045

why do you think you can get a nip gf any easier than you could a gf in ur own country

>> No.33302058

repulsive noise

>> No.33302066


>> No.33302097

dont say the n word bro

>> No.33302100

holy fuck just randomly remembered runnyrunny999 lol

>> No.33302110

idk or c who that is

>> No.33302121

always read that as cunnycunny

>> No.33302125


>> No.33302131


>> No.33302167


>> No.33302183


>> No.33302209


>> No.33302224
File: 515 KB, 1440x824, 1613832770998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33302237

boy i sure love japan saturated with rap and twitter! thats definitely one of the draws i had to the country!

>> No.33302245


>> No.33302247

did she drink bbc juice or something

>> No.33302251

why dont more boys do this and let their balls and dick just droop there

>> No.33302264

People be talking oh you make shit cards, I tell them shit it's 20% make cards 80% sit on my ass watching japanese shit homie

>> No.33302267

btw i went to that video just to thumbs down it

>> No.33302274


>> No.33302278


>> No.33302280

wow that is where pee and poo comes from

>> No.33302284

i think some boys in auzzieland got their school to let them the girl uniforms for a laugh so maybe they did

>> No.33302285
File: 19 KB, 670x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the kind of ppl who watch these vids

>> No.33302305

he could easily be a djter

>> No.33302309

i think its time to start my yt career w. a rant about how much i hate e sluts

im not going to heart emoji u for holding ur leg up im going to call u a skank and genuinely wish i could kick u in the ass so u can start acting right

>> No.33302315

latin americans are the most powerful race

>> No.33302325

like they give a shit what some malodorous wh*te thinks

>> No.33302336

gonna sub, like and sign up to ur patreon

>> No.33302371

is there a market for very ugly english teachers

>> No.33302390

the more nihongo i study the more some esl mistakes sound more natural to me, like not using plural and not using a/the

>> No.33302406


>> No.33302412

thats what you are doing buddy

>> No.33302446

nips are probably one of the few asians that actually do care just a little what waido peepoo think

>> No.33302459


>> No.33302467


>> No.33302486

her face looks tired like u can tell shes got a lot of mileage on her from all her years of suckin and fuckin for cash

>> No.33302488

washi washi ching chong bing bong, shut up weeb learn english

>> No.33302497

sorry i can't hear you over the sound of that nigger stretching out your axe wound, tell him to shut the fuck up

>> No.33302501

Just power through it anon.

>> No.33302515

life is an exercise in powering through

>> No.33302516

wonder if i could have saved her if i met her earlier in her life

>> No.33302521

you're still doing it what is ur issue

>> No.33302532

finally someone said it!!!

>> No.33302535

thats a really ugly and cheap looking underwear set

>> No.33302544

doesnt mean shit if the bitch who wears them is hot

>> No.33302555

which she isnt

>> No.33302560

agreed *powers through your mom's 子宮*

>> No.33302566

whats her bbc milage at

>> No.33302570

dunno bro the sitagi is cute and she looks really cute in it

>> No.33302571

great language you got there nihon

>> No.33302597

i want to visit many child palaces when i visit nihon too

>> No.33302599

more like jikyuu

>> No.33302610

we need a new internet where theres no sluts

>> No.33302619
File: 391 KB, 1082x2157, 1556232801806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is feel it to make it a solid strategy or just a cope for the low IQ.

>> No.33302623

and non-native english speakers

>> No.33302633

anybody that knows any language on earth can feel it

>> No.33302637

this is why this thread has always belonged on int what is the point of a language learning thread conducted in english for another language 1 just in general and 2 if the english speakers are they themselves esl

>> No.33302642

nante powerful image

>> No.33302644

love ado

>> No.33302656

flags unironically would save 4chan if sitewide and only subhumans disagree which is the real reason they don't post in the /int/ thread

>> No.33302661

where does it say daily japanese language learning thread

>> No.33302662

i'm an proud esl

>> No.33302664

this was quiz but now that he's feeding his life essence to some 3d whore he truly will never make it

>> No.33302665

wym by flags

>> No.33302676


>> No.33302705

too many JET faggots already abuse the hinomaru, i dont want it to spread to every board

>> No.33302713

How do I improve my reading speed?
I'm in a class with a lot of Chinese and those fuckers can read as fast as I can read English, whereas I stumble around and take twice as long to read a string of kana

>> No.33302717

sad how qm will never finish a single vinnie in his life because he build a family too early in his life

>> No.33302724

those JET faggots are in japan and likely white so instantly more relevant to any discussion on the subject

>> No.33302728

read more

>> No.33302731

shut up english teacher

>> No.33302737

what possible answer could you have expected other than read more

>> No.33302741

read less

>> No.33302745


>> No.33302746

>How do I improve my reading speed?
3 things
read more
watch more anime
read stuff you find interesting

>> No.33302755

skim through shit
if you get too confused on what is happening then go back and skim once again

>> No.33302758

eat more

>> No.33302760

reminder that JETs are not actually teachers

>> No.33302767


>> No.33302773

have passionate slow sex with nihonjin onna to otoko

>> No.33302781

this is truly the secret to quick gains. well unless you are a retard that insists on speaking english like paolo

>> No.33302795

it's not cope they literally are not. they're assistants and are not allowed by law to teach a class on their own though some shithole schools ignore that lol

>> No.33302796

daily reminder to stay hydrated!
i sometimes don't drink any water during the day and get all brain foggy before i realize what i have done wrong

>> No.33302811

shut up jet nigger or the main teacher will have to scold you again for speaking without being asked

>> No.33302817

with english i don't even need to process a word in order to know what it is. i can just make a quick glance and instantly know what the word is

>> No.33302821

no teacher can deviate from the set curriculum its a japan thing not a gaijin thing. they are officially teachers in their position title and visa status

>> No.33302823

yup reading without subvocalizing words is pretty neat

>> No.33302825


process that

>> No.33302840

you WILL do what the main teacher tells you and you WILL not talk unless spoken to and you WILL be escorted out from the room after class is over

>> No.33302858

damn people really get mad about jets lmao
almost smells like a cope to me

>> No.33302869

majority of jets i knew were basically there to just say stuff that the teacher told them in a native accent so the students could hear what its supposed to sound like. sounds awesome to me, no responsibilities. though a few of them had to work at multiple schools and some got really shafted and had to plan lessons and do most of the teaching themselves

>> No.33302870

>rejected jet application reason: brown

>> No.33302880

being brown is almost guaranteed jet acceptance unless something changed in the last 20 years

>> No.33302886

i still subvocalize english but like multiple words overlapped at once

>> No.33302916

they hire literally anyone except asians to be english teachers dumbass

bet you got shafted by a brown jet applicant and has to teach english in thailand instead
cope cope cope

>> No.33302923

you wont pass the face to face interview on the japanese end if you aren't white 9/10

>> No.33302938

what ? u just say ok me teach the english and u get hired lmao

>> No.33302998

jets cope hard and larp as native nihons on english forums


>> No.33303002

japan's average toeic score is pathetic
even worse than certain SEA countries

>> No.33303010

> toeic
wait i first gotta google this word

>> No.33303014

never took a toeic
dunno why you need to bother with it

>> No.33303039

never took a toeic
not an esl kekw

>> No.33303075

feel like fapping soon, hope theres some good new doujins up

>> No.33303079

obviously the only solution is to mass import SEA immigrants into japan, solve the english proefficiency problem and low birth numbers in one go

>> No.33303098

explain or u are the esl

>> No.33303126

they're already doing that with chinese and vietnamese workers
some kurds in there as well

>> No.33303134

honestly pissed they put lolis in sharin so i have to alt tab everytime i hear someone close by my door
i know they meant well

>> No.33303135

toeics are for esls
simple as

>> No.33303141
File: 211 KB, 512x384, rqwwwwwwwwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what region has the cutest nip girls

>> No.33303151


>> No.33303153


>> No.33303161

i'm not an esl either because english is my third language.
english tests are for blue pilled.
immerse and you're gonna get gud

>> No.33303162


>> No.33303174

Northern Europe / Russia
The rest is filled with untermenchen

>> No.33303176

kyushu apparently
maybe they're more chinkier there

>> No.33303187 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 1280x1921, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33303193

i used to have a cute jukujo japanese teacher from fukuoka, i miss her...

>> No.33303209

tfw no succubus with baby oil on her tits gf

>> No.33303229

tired of suffering

>> No.33303296

Honshu and Hokkaido

Kyushu is too han chinese and korean for my taste and i dont know anything about shikoku

Oh and Okinawa just got gyarus i think

>> No.33303303

hokkaido but i only rate by accent

>> No.33303308

idk about looks but kansai girls sound cute

>> No.33303327

reminds me of djt

>> No.33303339

never hear much from shikoku, i wonder if there's cutes down there

>> No.33303347

sorry gonna need subs 4 this

>> No.33303364

nips doing an impression of a gaijin accent is the funniest thing desu

>> No.33303383

is all gaijin accents the same or can they hear a difference if they are from the Anglo-sphere or brazil and such

>> No.33303411

can u not hear the difference between brits and americans speaking japanese?

>> No.33303432

not even after 3 years but i just need to start getting input every day

>> No.33303441

yes but most people learn japanese from english sources which should theoretically produce the same kind of accent

>> No.33303462

well then all gaijin accents is not the same my esl friend

>> No.33303472

its ok fake tits arent really fun anyway they are just rocks

>> No.33303476

someone post a video of a nigerian speaking nip

>> No.33303492
File: 649 KB, 1440x2400, 1613838717770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33303511
File: 50 KB, 270x199, tutun-dopamine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33303520

i fucking love science!

>> No.33303523

rec me some bunkos boys, ones on the level of コンビニ人間

>> No.33303558

dips on far right

>> No.33303577

so glad ive encrypted the whole os drive cause my parents would be pretty disappointed to find me dead and see all these shortcuts to lolige on my desktop

>> No.33303611

>shortcuts on desktop

>> No.33303647

one that doesn't cover panties is also the one with the visible beef curtain


>> No.33303721

trying to inflate my kanji grid bros could you do me a solid and post your rarest kanji please

>> No.33303765
File: 35 KB, 1216x202, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33303766

this isnt even attractive when u have sluts doing ahegao floppin their tongues everywhere holding 1 leg up and shit

>> No.33303768

incredible how fucking unappealing they all look.

>> No.33303782

based takeda anon

>> No.33303789


>> No.33303790

all of them

>> No.33303792

自炊 - scanning a book or magazine to create an ebook by oneself

>> No.33303798

that means to cook for oneself, no?

>> No.33303809

that too

>> No.33303820

in the miso soup is very good
kaze no uta wo kike

>> No.33303828

post something appealing

>> No.33303850

dont call me a kike u faggot

>> No.33303871
File: 76 KB, 531x711, 13709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy but

>> No.33303874
File: 12 KB, 406x122, 1588761817588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these marks that appear in weblio? Like ▽
Is there an explanation page for all the random marks that appear in the dictionary?

>> No.33303887
File: 624 KB, 1920x1080, shiro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl hands down

>> No.33303891

means the kanji is rare

>> No.33303901

dno i just ignore them

>> No.33303913

Thought as much. what about × then?

>> No.33303927


>> No.33303929

means it's wrong

>> No.33303935

maybe that it's a different meaning
i actually dont know

>> No.33303936

why is super common stuff like 侭 燈 厠 龍 in the "probably chinese" list?

>> No.33303977

don't think ive ever seen this one
only see 儘 and even that is a bit rare

>> No.33303987

this is the intermediate thread friend

>> No.33304000

it just doesn't show up in what i read
and if it has i probably just looked at the furigana

>> No.33304002


idk these are ones i can think of off the top of my head

>> No.33304010

all n5

>> No.33304037

if you care about a kanji grid you dont know japanese

>> No.33304047

if you dont care about a kanji grid you cant call yourself a real autist

>> No.33304052

Doesn't explain why it's wrong tho, and I see it a lot

>> No.33304065

don't know what a kenji grid is

>> No.33304074

i actually seriously want to apologise for saying im autistic itt

>> No.33304079
File: 91 KB, 546x827, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking that just because you the kanji you know to read lol

>> No.33304082

dunno why anyone thinks its funny or quirky to call themselves autistic

>> No.33304090

heh cool it w. the antisemitism br0

>> No.33304095


>> No.33304112

kenji grills is just misdirected autism

>> No.33304167

in not too long time im probably gonna listen to the conbini ningen audiobook again
listening to that while walking to school instead of taking the bus on the days where school started late was so much fun

>> No.33304172

heres the daijisen 凡例 be a little more resourceful next time lol the link is at the top of the page you capped

>> No.33304203

its not funny or quirky it gets the point across concisely whats your problem

>> No.33304230

do your own work you retarded fucktard

>> No.33304234

the word autism has completely lost its meaning

>> No.33304247

i hope when og and i get back together we can become the malodorous whitoid version of this


>> No.33304286

whats your problem you wanted to get the stupid girl out of your boys only club so she stops shitting everything up now you cant stop talking about her like a 15 year old virgin

>> No.33304297

not completely only mostly

>> No.33304298

i see u

>> No.33304306

idols cant date moron

>> No.33304307

that's 邪魔l for you

>> No.33304317

they can and do its only a problem when someone finds out

>> No.33304322

the bottom fifty percent of every population might as well be illiterate I don't see what this is supposed to prove

>> No.33304330

reading this post while imagining all the idols fuckin and suckin old fat dudes right this very second

>> No.33304340

this is a straight white male only thread just to remind you all

>> No.33304349


>> No.33304352

sorry ill see myself out

>> No.33304355

mined 羊水

>> No.33304362

can "白桜" be read as "shion"

>> No.33304370

i shidont care

>> No.33304383

every eroge has idols being fucked by old ugly bastards, there might be a grain of truth to it.

>> No.33304384

wtf is wrong with nihoniggers

>> No.33304395
File: 91 KB, 817x786, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the top does know their shit

>> No.33304405

sheep water

>> No.33304416

think of it like this

imagine if the same kind of idol industry existed in a western country

do u think those girls wouldnt be sucking as much dick as possible to work their way up the ladder ?

same in japan its all an illusion as long as they can maintain the illusion reality can go to hell as far as the rich fucks who profit off these women r concerned

>> No.33304435

western entertainment is run by jews stop acting like all races and cultures are the same, happa

>> No.33304448

imagine raking in tons of cash AND popping cherries left and right shit i want to be a fat bald ojisan

>> No.33304451

mined 労災

>> No.33304453

>shit nihongo
>playing with little female streamer
>i say konnichiwa
>oooooooooooh nihongo jozuuu
feels goodman

>> No.33304458

thats not dating so its a-okay

>> No.33304466


>> No.33304473

>playing with little female

>> No.33304477

stfu it's your job as a veteran to help beginners and intermediates and you don't get to complain

>> No.33304482
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>> No.33304493

cant decide on an icecream what do i do so many good flavors

>> No.33304515

ice cream is hella overrated
its way too cold

>> No.33304514

but im an intermediate

>> No.33304522

dont like ice cream and people around me think im a freak

>> No.33304527

make a milkshake to warm it up a bit

>> No.33304529


>> No.33304530

you are freaks

>> No.33304545

who the fuck eats nut flavored ice cream

>> No.33304554

how is it going to take 4 more episodes for the purple haired guy to kill himself in horimiya

>> No.33304567


>> No.33304571

pistachio is goat you unwashed pleb

>> No.33304575

take that shit to a

>> No.33304576

i got some nut flavored ice cream for you right here

>> No.33304595

damn og you back already?

>> No.33304596

dropped that after the first ep dunno how it can be so popular

>> No.33304602

yeah that is honestly way better

>> No.33304604

do you fags actively study grammar?

>> No.33304617


>> No.33304622

anyone up for anonymous chat?

>> No.33304623


>> No.33304627


>> No.33304630

wish i had a fat j and some ice cream right now

>> No.33304632

i do bunpro which is garbage but nothing is better

>> No.33304646


>> No.33304647

If I stumbled up a weird concept I study that shit ye

>> No.33304651

i get angry every time i see this tomboyish hair style on a girl AAAAAAA
this hair style doesn't fit girls

>> No.33304652

read dojg from cover to cover

>> No.33304655

fuck japan is truly cursed

>> No.33304657

i go through genki II every week

>> No.33304660
File: 27 KB, 645x118, Screenshot_20210220-124806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a large amount of people attended thanks for the grub

>> No.33304663 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, [Underwater-FFF] Saki Zenkoku-hen - The Nationals - 04 [BD][720p-AAC][D9C06FE3].mkv_snapshot_20.57.080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go Miyamori!

>> No.33304669

it does fit girls and it often tells you they're huge fucking sluts

>> No.33304675

aya hirano fucked and sucked her entire band and got shitlisted for like 10 years so idk abt that

>> No.33304677

reminds me of hentai MC meme

>> No.33304678

bro theres only orgies on zoom

>> No.33304686


>> No.33304691

rub a dub dub

>> No.33304692

thanks for all you people for attending my gei party

>> No.33304698

wheres the girl

>> No.33304699

read quite a lot of sharin and now my boys are coming to get me so we can smoke
you should join

>> No.33304701

>aya hirano fucked and sucked her entire band
absolutely based

>> No.33304703
File: 5 KB, 93x419, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis be rayciss

>> No.33304706

for like the first three months I was studying I did. after that I just referred to dojg or googled when I came across something I didn't know.

>> No.33304710
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>> No.33304712

that 1 hurt cuz i had feelings for her at the time

>> No.33304715

pretty sure i wrote online not only

>> No.33304716

long hair is a feminine trait so short hair always makes you fail as an onnna in one aspect

>> No.33304722

white chocolate

>> No.33304726

yah as it turns out hamburgerhi is a fucking slut

>> No.33304728

i felt like the 1 guy that didnt get it in

>> No.33304732

this guy looks more albanian than japanese to me

>> No.33304736

is sake as harsh as something like whiskey or is it more drinkable?

>> No.33304740

bro .. your sexuality ?

>> No.33304747

lmao yugos have shqips living in their heads rent free

>> No.33304749

chad jomon jin

>> No.33304759

no which is why no one here understands japanese

>> No.33304768

>long hair is a feminine trait
not true
>short hair always makes you fail as an onnna in one aspect

>> No.33304771

>getting sucked off by lucy, haruhi, konata, and dende
dunno how i feel about the last one

>> No.33304778


>> No.33304792

would u imagine hauri or kona

>> No.33304795

i've came about 10 times to 女装 javs in the last 2 days

>> No.33304800

why would you need to "actively" """"study"""" "grammar'' if you understand japanese lol

>> No.33304814

some girls look plain with long hair. if they have a cute round face and short hair can suit them and make them look a lot younger

>> No.33304816

*flips through pages*
i just understand japanese

>> No.33304827
File: 2.98 MB, 5648x8000, danberu 8k AI Upscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the question is, am i a literal genius?

>> No.33304840

clench shiptar shit

>> No.33304866

everything in that pic looks disgusting good job

>> No.33304876

if you cant grab them by the hair you grab them by the pussy haha

>> No.33304889

turn your monitor on xD

>> No.33304907

it looks terrible

>> No.33304914

look up the blend s sakuranomiya one

>> No.33304926

watched all 9 parts of this the other day minus the parts before i dropped the game because of the stupid gacha and menueing for map skills was way too freaking annoying

first time ive done something like this and i feel like i missed absolutely nothing

>> No.33304934

don't tell me you have long gay hair

>> No.33304940

now its even worse

>> No.33304943

she doesnt count as dende

>> No.33304945

i look like anime

>> No.33304979
File: 30 KB, 384x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just thought of this

>> No.33304983

what does nip foreskin taste like

is it like the inside of a sausage casing after you've squeezed the meat out of it

>> No.33305000

wow i wanna fuck her

>> No.33305008

with or without consent?

>> No.33305010


>> No.33305014

we might never know now that ciarans gone

>> No.33305017
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>> No.33305023

bet she knows

>> No.33305044

not sure, doujins have taught me that nips actually like it without consent

>> No.33305055

small and petite, yet can take a decent pounding and survive natural childbirth no problem, truly a powerful race

>> No.33305057

who doesnt

>> No.33305059

feeling depressed that moe probably looks like a hippie

>> No.33305061

not into the fake tits

>> No.33305078

don't feel anything regarding moe

>> No.33305088

they also get heart shaped pupils and drool when you penetrate their cervix so just push right through it

>> No.33305094

moe or moe ?

>> No.33305097

you're a sociopath. he's an important part of djt

>> No.33305106


>> No.33305107

thanks for the tip bro

>> No.33305112

i dont and i look like the handsome harem anime boy who has fuckin sex with everyone

>> No.33305122

thank god

>> No.33305135

>source: me

>> No.33305137

long hair only makes you a hippie if youre a fag by nature

>> No.33305181

well-maintained long hair is aristocratic. buzz cuts are for prisoners.

>> No.33305190

if i wanted to i could easily cosplay as mittermeyer from lotgh

>> No.33305198

someone convince me to drop kemono jihen because its shit even though i like the fox

>> No.33305203

boys should be pretty with long and and girls should be spunky and short haired

>> No.33305209

it's not like people are different and look better with different hairstyles

>> No.33305214

absolutely patrician taste

>> No.33305217


>> No.33305234

>only studying two hours a day
not going to make it

>> No.33305242

this but emphatically
