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3325794 No.3325794 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3325807

What a yandere.

>> No.3325816

>what a FAT BITCH

>> No.3325826

She is a tsundere who is actually a yandere.

>> No.3325849

Next step is tsunyan. She'd act like she dislikes you, only to randomly go crazy, kill everyone you know and force herself on you.

>> No.3325853


Sounds hot.

>> No.3325860


She gets rid of the competition so I don't have to choose? Sounds good.

>> No.3325864

"I-it's not like I killed your girlfriend because I like you or anything! She was j-just an annoying bitch! Jeez, you should get a better girlfriend! "

>> No.3325912

what a slut.

>> No.3325930


We need more of this.

>> No.3325976

I want a eroge full of yandere heroines attempting to kill each other.

>> No.3325981

Already done and it was shit.

>> No.3326010

I want a game full of lesbian yanderes killing eachother for the protagonist, who is varying degrees of tsundere based off your choices in the game.

>> No.3326012

Cross Channel translation is pretentiousness incarnate.
I wonder how many weeks they spend in front of a thesaurus to make the writing so needlessly verbose and pseudo-intellectual?

>> No.3326020

I'm not sure a tsundere protagonist would be very good for a yandere girl.

>> No.3326021

Maybe they took lessons from Umineko.

>> No.3326029

A pretentious translation for a pretentious VN. Seems fitting.

>> No.3326033

"I-idiot, it's not like I like that you killed that girl for me or anything... I just thought she was kind of annoying. Jeez, you didn't even cut her throat the right way, can you do anything?"

>> No.3326034
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it's very fine

>> No.3326042

God dammit Rance this isn't even an Alicesoft game, what are you doing.

>> No.3326039

Considering the fact that it only took like 3 months for it to be translated, I'm guessing not many.

>> No.3326044

Given that a tsundere acts cold and harsh towards the person, I'm not sure that is how you would want to act to a yandere girl.

>> No.3326058

I want an eroge full of yandere heroines attempting to kill each other for the protagonist. After repeated battles, the yanderes notice that their rivals' love for the protagonist is as pure as their own, but being psychotic, they refuse to give him up to another woman.

They gather and decide on a solution, wherein a large magic circle is drawn and all the yanderes located on its sides ritually commit suicide at the same moment. The magic circle emits a brilliant flash, and when things clear up there is a single woman, more beautiful, more devoted and more psychotic than any of the yanderes, showing personality traits of them all and physically/mentally tailored to fit the protagonist's tastes (gained from input during the game) . This way, each yandere gets the protagonist to her own without sharing him, because now they are all the same individual.

>> No.3326067

>Implying that everyone of them are jealous of them so the woman'll actually kill herself.

>> No.3326076

No. I want them killing each other, Battle Royale style. No bullshit 'let's all get along'.

>> No.3326081

It's like this in the original.
Also you are a retard, it's like this because that's how Taichi is, he just has a way with words.
Actual well written proses aren't a bad thing you know.

>> No.3326086

They are when the previous few paragraphs were almost literally LOL I TOUCH TEH BOOBZ.
Seriously, the direction of this game is absolutely appalling.

>> No.3326087

Verbose writing does not mean well written.

>> No.3326090

Yeah yeah, enjoy your pretentious writing.
I bet you like the LOLDEEP ending too right?
There's unresolved plot points but oh wait those aren't important, the story is already finished there's no need to resolve those. Right?

>> No.3326102

If you're playing it for the plot, you've failed somewhere. It's a character game.

>> No.3326110

Alright, what about this:

Around the world, certain women abruptly cease aging in the prime of their lives, growing increasingly more insane and obsessed with what they refer to as "the Prize" within months. Those are attracted to the presence of each other and this Prize, and seek to kill each other so they may claim it as their own. Being biologically immortal and very resilient, the only known way of killing such a woman is beheading, and once this is done the victor can absorb the loser's knowledge and skills. The Prize is none other than an average high school boy with no clue about the change he somehow caused.

Now you can have yanderes of every ethnicity trying to kill and eat each other. There can only be one.

>> No.3326126

Taichi is such a goddamn faggot. I liked him until the romance routes started and he turned into a horny jackass of unseen proportions.

All the women also seem to be sluts from what I can tell. Touko apparently wasn't even a virgin.

>> No.3326133

It helps though.
Also, once again, it helps build up Taichi's character.
Yeah even these big paragraphs about him being a huge pervert.
That's just how he is, that's called characterization.
Cross Channel is a character driven eroge.
And Cross Channel is very well written, with a real cohesion in its direction, a real and well developed thematic and great characterization for all its protagonists.

You can dislike it if you want but saying that it's shit because it's "pretentious" just sound an insult an underage illiterate faggot from /a/ would say.

>> No.3326144

>>very well written

You don't seem to understand what this means. You can say you like Cross Channel sure, and I won't say it's an awful VN, but I think you're a bit mixed up if you actually think it's well written.

>> No.3326160

Good writing:
-Cohesion in its script, meaning a clear purpose for everything that happen, even if it doesn't seem to be that way at first.
-Must be effective and driven by a clear thematic(s)

Well written proses are a plus but aren't necessary.
The Road for example is exceedingly well written but the writing is composed of small concise phrases.
But it actually help in setting the mood making it even more impactful.

Anyways CC compared to every VNs translated in english?
Yeah it's the best written VN.

>> No.3326174

>-Cohesion in its script, meaning a clear purpose for everything that happen, even if it doesn't seem to be that way at first.
>-Must be effective and driven by a clear thematic(s)

Fate/Stay night is Shakespearean.

>> No.3326184

I'm half way through the first week that humanity has disappeared and I only know that they are some sort of special kids because I read the synopsis on Wikipedia. They have gone into no detail at all about what the fuck this 'Aptitude Exam' they've mentioned a couple of times is.
Shit writing is shit.

>> No.3326179

FSN has a lot of problem in its focus and development that even a monkey could recognize.

>> No.3326182

>>Anyways CC compared to every VNs translated >>in english?
>>Yeah it's the best written VN.

Well that doesn't sound opinionated at all.

>> No.3326186

So does Cross Channel, you cunt. That's my point.

>> No.3326190

Of course, it's an opinion, I'm not a fucking robot.

That's called build-up and foreshadowing, may be new for you.

>> No.3326191

Isn't CC supposed to be well-written (or at least interestingly written) in the original Jap? The translation is pretty utilitarian.

>> No.3326198

Then it's my opinion that X-change 2 is the best written VN in english.

>> No.3326200

You don't make any points though, faggot.

So, what is the bad writing in CC you speak of?
At least make some real arguments.

For FSN, it's the fact that it's meaninglessly dragged out in some parts with lots of needless repetitions and characters who aren't as well developed as they could have been.
It also has a tendency to spoonfeed its readers, though it's not unusual for a VN.
Still a good VN but these are flaws that anyone who isn't a fucking retard could realize.

So, your turn?

>> No.3326201

Since when is "I got X on the aptitude exam!" foreshadowing?

>> No.3326206

And why?
And opinion should be supported with some basis, otherwise it doesn't have any weight.
That's how the world works, that's what make an opinion relevant.

>> No.3326208

It is the best written VN because the protagonist gets raped a lot.

>> No.3326214

The best translated VN in English is Desire. Remember Desire? I actually laughed at some of the jokes; they must have been altered significantly in translation, since the Japanese are incapable of being intentionally funny.

>> No.3326218

The writing in CC is not the problem, it's the woefully awful pacing and directing that ruin it.

>> No.3326216

Your opinion doesn't have basis. You're claiming that Cross Channel is written great without actually showing any examples. You just say the writing is awesome without actually going into depth. And regardless of what you think an opinion is always irrelevant.

>> No.3326213

Are you a retard?
Or is it the only thing you picked up?
The personalities of the characters and their problems, their interpersonal relationships, that's what is build up in the beginning.
So that it can explode in your face later.
That's how build-up in novels work.

>> No.3326219
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>> No.3326222

That's ridiculous, I laughed plenty of times when reading Little Busters.

>> No.3326225

I'm repeating myself, but:
Great characterization for all the protagonists without any needless spoonfeeding.
Clear thematic from the beginning to the end that is extremely well developed, it's not called Cross Channel for nothing.
The build-up/climax pacing is great, no part in the story seem to be meaningless.
And the proses are great, probably one of the most quotable VN I've read.

A true character driven VN, no wonder it was considered legendary.

>> No.3326226

You changed yourself into a Japanese with Japanese humor.

>> No.3326232


Are you implying this is supposed to be funny?

>> No.3326233

Just because you say all those things doesn't actually make it true.

>> No.3326235
File: 285 KB, 486x558, Gene 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Hand is also japanese and funny.

>> No.3326244

Finally, my hard work is starting to pay off.

>> No.3326249

Yeah but at least I'm trying to prove my point unlike you.

>> No.3326258

What games do the people who hate this game like?

>> No.3326263

School Days.

>> No.3326272

What point? The things you're saying are completely objective.

>> No.3326279

I don't like it when they get weirdness in my choose-which-schoolgirl-you-want-to-fuck adventure.

>> No.3326280

But you don't choose.

>> No.3326281

Saya no Uta.

>> No.3326287

They can be validated by most people who read this.
There are technically no problems in the writing, you may just not like the content.

>> No.3326297

Nothing wrong with Saya, stop trolling.

>> No.3326302

There is nothing to say about this.
I had a hunch about it, but I didn’t expect it to be this good.


I’ll make this my family heirloom.
It’s both my good fortune and bad luck that I would meet this work which now reigns as an absolute and insurmountable wall.

Anyway the game is too amazing so everybody please play it! Oh man, I know saying all this is like I’m strangling my own neck, but I can’t stop myself from recommending it!


>> No.3326308

>It’s both my good fortune and bad luck that I would meet this work which now reigns as an absolute and insurmountable wall.

So Nasu doesn't write like that just for VNs, he literally always types like that? I wonder what it's like to have an IM conversation with him.

>> No.3326310

I can tell from that one statement that you haven't played Majikoi yet.

>> No.3326321

It's really no special writing.
You have become too accustomed to the informality of the web and the dry and to the point news and information presentation.

>> No.3326340

The writing isn't what's special about Cross Channel. Yes, it's above average, but anyone that's read Setoguchi knows there's still a way to go. That said, the game is fairly old now and Tanaka has definitely improved since then - Saihate and Masshigura prove that.

>> No.3326343


>> No.3326351

Hey, whatever you have to say about the thing's somewhat retarded story or shitty gameplay, the writing is damn brilliant. Could potentially surpass Takahiro if Tanaka was actually, you know, FUNNY.
