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3325496 No.3325496 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread on Autosage: >>3306179

ParadigmShift Single (Thanks to the anon that uploaded it):
Baldr Sky Soundtrack (Also thanks to the anon that uploaded it):

>> No.3325502


>> No.3325509

20 days till Dive 2 OP single. And many more till the actual game release, GIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.3325511

Huh, Dive2 Op single been announced? when and proof?

>> No.3325517


>> No.3325529

Are there other armies in the city? I thought it's just GOAT and CDF. Anyway read between the lines, how do you supposed they'd go around 'liberating' women?

The people are already rioting way before Dominion threatened to release the assembler. Mostly because of GOAT's forceful attempt at eradicating the Dominion.

And no I don't remember the game mentioning that the majority of the world is Anti AI. The rioters you speak of happens in an Anti AI rally, ofcourse the people there would be composed of Anti AI.

I could see how you can see Isao as a sane person, but a moderate one? He's hardline Anti-AI no matter how you look at it.

And about Gungunir running out of control back then, it was hinted throughout the game. First, Isao has nightmares regarding evacuation. Chinatsu remarked that during Gray Christmas a singularity point appeared. Agent said Gungunir firing is crucial. Lastly I forgot which one, but someone said that Gungunir fired all over the place during Gray Christmas.

Anyway it makes sense, think about it. It's been said that the lab area is isolated far outside the city. If it was moderately near Sora could just have walked home. While Gungunir's ground zero is the academy.

Gray Christmas is a conspiracy, assembler outflow could be contained by firing directly to the lab.

>> No.3325531

Is the OP single ParadigmShift?

>> No.3325532

New song by KOTOKO, the name is still unknown.

>> No.3325542

If I'd have to gues, we probably will get the dive2 OP movie at same day. can't wait for it.

>> No.3325550

All this talk about virginity on the other thread reminded me.

Why does Nanoha think that Chinatsu is Kou's first time? I know Chinatsu challenged Kou to battle when he picked Sora but I think that was a private battle with no spectators.

Or did those two actually did it on the beach on the NET? But how did Nanoha knew that?

>> No.3325603

Okay, my memory is failing, but how did the all stuff with Chinatsu, Kou and Sora go? First the Chinatsu x Kou thing was bit of expiriment on Chinatsus department, but they later came an official couple? time passes and shit happaned, mainly that incident with Kuu of which we haven't been told that much yet. Sora falls for Kou. Some stuff? Kou dumbs chinatsu? that fight happens, what it was really about? what was the promise they made? after some time after that first date with Sora/gray christmas happens. I would be glad if someone could refersh bit of my memory, as I don't really have time to replay chinatsus route right now.

>> No.3325663

IIRC Kou never went with anyone except Sora.
I don't know the timeline but at the very least Sora went out with Kou after Kou gave her the pendant which was given to him by Rain. This should be near christmas. That and during one flashback with Sora remarking that their first time going out should be on Christmas eve yet she couldn't (she was planning to convince Isao during that day) leads me to believe that their confessions happened the day before. So Sora probably officially went out with Kou the day before Christmas.

About Chinatsu, well basically she can't consent that she lost to Sora so she challenged Kou to a simulcrum fight. If she lost Kou would take her virginity, if she wins she would give her virginity to Kou. Kou wins but promised that he would take her virginity after graduation, if she still choose to do so.

>> No.3325699

What's the best route for leveling up weapons?

>> No.3325876

Probably chinatsus, but it shouldn't really matter in which you play, it's not like any mission gives you bonus to weapon exp? Just level them any route you like, thats how I do it, go to route which you feel at that moment.

>> No.3325972

Let's keep this on the first page.

>> No.3326005

Chinatsu's route is hard though, I don't think I could clear that using only melee weapons.

>> No.3326211

yeah, that's a bit problematic. atleast in case if you try to level up weapons with bad damage and bad combo ability. so in the end Rain or Nanoha route might be best, because chinatsu route is harder, unless you try to level up some decent weapons. need to try melee only hard mode chinatsu route one of these days.

>> No.3326299

Further discussion with you semms impossible. Did you see my nice screenshot collage? You're ignoring evidence in front of your eyes and reading too far between lines.

Most arguments you're putting is refuted in those screenshots

Nagisa clearly says that it's the GU army. Top row, middle one. Isao has nothing to do with them.

Why stop Dominion? They're a dangerous cult with fucked up ideals and are supposed to be the ones who killed Yoneuchi. You saw people rioting because that assassination, you can't sit back and take it easy.

I remember Kou and Isao talking about it. Isao saying that Kou view's are not shared by the majority of the world. No screenshot sadly.

No matter how I look at it? I see what I posted in screenshots and there he looks like a rational man. First and last screenshot top row and others I posted in the last thread. Where the fuck does he say that he wants to destroy the AI?

I hope I'm not being trolled. If so, you did a fucking excellent job.

>> No.3326527

That GU Army isn't GOAT? My mistake then. I thought they're one and the same. I guess I should reread the game, I don't remember another government faction in the game besides the CDF and GOAT.

And about the Dominion, I never said they shouldn't stop those. Is that they went too extreme in doing so. There should've been a way of doing it without destroying the slums in the process.

Come to think of it, it wouldn't be weird for majority of the world to be Anti-AI. I mean Gray Christmas occured and all. I don't remember that Isao and Kou dialogue you're speaking of though.

The problem is that you're drinking the Isao kool-aid my friend. Just as you accused me of blindly believing AI you're doing the same with Isao. Isn't this the guy that used Kou and Chinatsu? Hell Kou and Chinatsu acknowledged the fact that they were used. You're blindly believing everything he says, didn't you think he was doing that to convince Kou? You already acknowledged that what he did on >>3315874 is pretty extreme. Also see his battle speech sometime, or his speech when tranquilizer goes out of control.

We're both cherry-picking arguments, this is normal in a debate. If we didn't we wouldn't have an argument in the first place. It's pretty sad that we had to resort to troll calling cause I'm pretty sure I'm not, and I hope you're not one too.

If you want to drop this argument now it's fine by me. I do not think I can convince you, nor can you convince me. Take a breather, I do not want a flamewar. Believe what you believe. Personally I do not trust Isao. He's driven mad crazy in search of his ideals. Also just so you know I do not trust anyone in this game, everyone has an ulterior motive, yes including the Agent.

>> No.3326781

Would anyone happen to have translated lyrics of the OP movie here?

>> No.3327421

I was wonderig few things about Kuu, there are several mentions about some kind of incident with Kuu, that we haven't been told yet. So I was wondering what kind of thing might have been happened then? Also Aki did say that Kuu was no more, in other references other than that Sora would have to be alive, didn't she? So it's most likely that Kuu did "die" during that incident, but what do you guys think that happened then? Did Kuu die protecting someone or did she get absorbed by Sora that could have caused Sora to fall in love with Kou properly? or did she do something that she shouldn't have and was killed by consequences? or something else or was there some hints about what might have happened that I missed?

>> No.3327499 [SPOILER] 
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I thought that incident was shown on Chinatsu's route? The one where Kuu stops Gilbert's simulcrum and tries to defend Chinatsu? Or is that a different matter?

>> No.3327535

What are you saying, I've cleared all routes on hard without dying even once. Well I'm baldr force/head player so I had some prior experience, but Sky is much easier compared to them.

>> No.3327552

nah, it wasn't that, atleast I that's how I understood it. It was too ignisificant compared to how secretive everyone was with it. and nothing really happened to Kuu in that moment, compared to how something big should have happened. unless then I completely mistook few things.

>> No.3327579

Well fuck you and your reflex then. I can't combo worth shit.
BTW is Baldr Force's story any good? I looked in EGS and it got higher score than Dive1 (both are 90+).

Weren't they just being secretive about it because they do not want Kou to suffer mental trauma by finding out that Sora died? At least that's what they were doing on Rain's route.

>> No.3327594

I find it a bit better due protag being more mature than Kou. Well I can't say anyhing about BS till I read dive 2.

>> No.3327613

But what's the story like? Does it deserve the 90+ score it has on EGS?

>> No.3327638

well, they were secretive with Sora, but in chinatsus route they were also extremely sensitive about mentioning things regarding Kuu.

about baldr fore, it's great. Personaly I like sky a bit more, but that's probably taking in account that dive2 wont betray my expectations, which I doubt it will, unless they fuck up the ending.

>> No.3327650

It is really good, but I wonder about 90/100. I don't trust egs ratings eitherways. Personally, I enjoyed it till the end.

>> No.3327720

Force was less balanced too, with the enemies being able to lock you and take your life bars quite frequently. Of course you could do the same. Also, infinite combos.

The light that is adorned black and white strikes my body
There's no time to even blink
Though wounded, you're still searching for the blue sky
Picking up a shard of our dream of the crumbling future

Lost emotions
Repeating anxiety
The reality we're subjected to
The assembly of fakes and imitations
The black rain we can't avoid
Even if we sought refuge through detours

Come find me
I'm here...
(Cries) a ragged soldier with a faint voice
The answer to
Our distant memories
Lies hidden in the shallow depths of time we had sadly forgotten
And is still watching over us
So even if we have to turn back, there is great courage in it
We firmly swear that
We'll paint this grey sky that rains us with a thousand sorrows blue
...our "restoration"

>> No.3327724

If even time itself is a powerless existence that can't reverse its flow
Then what are we, the ones that get passed along?
Illusions are inside our brains - millions of them piled up and tangled together
They erase each other out and then grow more after consoling with themselves

Affections that steal what they yearn for
Impulses that overflow
Bent morals that soon disappear
Reactions from personifications of ideals
Trying to find the sword that'll cut open this cycle that has no end in sight

But remember
We had always been
Flying soldiers who look towards tomorrow
If you're still perplexed by
Your distant memory and can't feel me when I touch you softly
Then I'll hold you tight
And tell you as many times as you want
The key to the sealed door is here inside
The night sky of that day
Along with its stars showering from the heavens
We'll someday restore them high above our heads

Search for
And try to recall
The reason why we're breathing
We're able to feel our distant memories
A piece of shining fragment drops
On the road we had wandered and fought along
And leads everything
So never avert your eyes from the reality
A thousand joys are dancing in the wind
Surely we are watching
The blue sky that's been in front of us all this time

To the countless eyes
That rise to your voice
Please unveil them this broad sky...

>> No.3327798
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Yeah I do not trust EGS ratings too.
Thanks, I guess I'll go play it then. Good way to kill time while waiting for Dive2.

About Kuu: Come to think of it, they were talking about an incident that caused a serious problem between Chinatsu and Sora. I never gave it any serious thought, I thought that incident was >>3327499. You mean their talking about a different one?

Speaking of which, we know very little about Kuu. We're only shown of the flashback where Sora first discovered Kuu, we don't know how the other members found out about her.

Anyway Kuu is love. I hope there's a threesome with Sora.

>> No.3327816

Hmm this is really really reeaallyyy screaming Sora.

Oh wait it fits with Chinatsu too.

>> No.3327833

How long is Baldr Force by the way? About the same as Dive1?

>> No.3327861

~1.5 times longer

>> No.3327906
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>> No.3327918

Yeah, it fits both of them, but a bit more Sora tough.

About Kuu, now that you mention it, I think it was referred so during the time that everyone found about Kuu there was also that incident that I was talking about. atleast that I how understood it was. .

>> No.3327922

What? No. Baldr Sky Dive 1 took me nearly 50 hours to complete while Baldr Force only too about 25. Baldr Sky is twice as long.

I preferred Force personally, since it ended a lot better.

>> No.3328016

Now that I think about it, I wonder if that will be in omake scenario or in story. If it's during story, Sora was the first person Kou fucked instead of Rain .

>> No.3328038

>>I preferred Force personally, since it ended a lot better.
Normal since Sky didn't end yet.
I prefer Sky myself, but Force is pretty great.

>> No.3328043

Yeah that really doesn't fit in the timeline. Unless they were fucking each other before they're going out.

What I am wondering is why Nanoha thinks that Chinatsu is Kou's first time.

>> No.3328078

So Force is good, what about Revellion?
The torrent I found also includes it. Worth downloading? It's larger than Force.

>> No.3328100

Force is shorter. Much shorter.

>> No.3328103

Dive1 Story was only 20~25 hours.
100% complete took like 90 hours but ymmv.

>> No.3328129

Only great ones are Sky and Force, haven't heard that much good things about Revellion.

Don't really know why Nanoha thinks so, maybe she just assumes so because they were "dating". oh, crazy idea how that pic might have happened popped in my head, maybe Kuu wanted to know what sex is and possessed Sora for some reason to try it out, chinatsu saw this and caused the rift between her and Sora, and something along that line. end of stupid idea that came out of nowhere.

>> No.3328163

The scenario writer of Baldr Sky only worked on Baldr Force, the other Baldr games were written by other people. Which might explain why these two are a lot more popular than the rest.

>> No.3328177

Baldr head is ok if you want gameplay. Baldr fist is broken.

>> No.3328214

Wait how many Baldr games are there? Can someone list those. And maybe a short info of what they are.

>> No.3328239

Yeah, its no coincidence that the titles with scenario by Murasaki Hiei are considered the best ones

>> No.3328248

sage for untranslated vn

>> No.3328257

You can read it fine under ATLAS.

>> No.3328346

I'm saying that all his actions are rational and justified, there is always some kind of backing for his actions, even if those actions are misguided. Some of his methods might not be clean but he is ultimately working for a good goal. Exitus acta probat, when the goal is to save the world, withholding some information to your subordinates to make them attack Ark is not a excessive price to pay. I recognize that we are stepping onto moral values here so there is no much to discuss.

Yes, I have to confess that I liked his kool-aid and would drink it again. He is the only one with a more or less a plan to get people out of that shithole that doesn't involve blind trust (Like believe in the AI, the goddess Sohpia, "Ark is doing the right thing, don't ask and everything will be all right", etc.). In a pseudo-post apocalyptic world where the only way to happiness seems to be lucky and live in the midspire or running from reality, he has a grand plan to put humanity back on track. Clean up the corrupt CDF, then the Army, and lastly the GU itself to resume the space program and give back hope to humanity. The price is the (partial) suppression of the AI. If I were a common citizen I'd support that idea over the assembler saving the world (remember Gray Christmas) or becoming a wired ghost (which is basically what Dominion/Ark is preaching).

It was nice to have this conversation with you anon. If we all had the same views there would be nothing to talk about.

From what I understood, Kuu is Sora's simulacra, which is like a mirror of her soul. If the original disappeared, the mirror can't function. So it's either that Sora is alive somewhere, the AI is fucking with all of us or some shit like Kuu becoming Sora's wired ghost (which is not very far fetched)

>> No.3328376

Did it end like in the animu? Tooru killing Ren/Leviathan.

>> No.3328450

Well, if I remember correctly, they ended rather similary, but the anime butchered and condensed many things and added more emoing into it than necessary, so altough the end result is basically the same, the journey is extremely different.

>> No.3328478

Ren dies/disappears in 2 of her 3 endings.

>> No.3328491

So the canon end is without Ren?. I hope a similar end for Sky, because the alternatives are all shitty.

>> No.3328508

No, anime end is not canon because they fucked up the storyline. Renn good end in Force EXE is the true end.

>> No.3328590

I love the little background conversations in this game, especially the one where Sora gives Chinatsu the shampoo.

>> No.3329709


>> No.3330246

>> No.3330394
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I like how Nanoha sucks at C like me. Damned pointers.

>> No.3330829
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80 days remaining till dive2. the first thread was made over 8 days ago, we can keep these threads alive till release of dive2, proabably, but lets try to go for it.

>> No.3330989

Can someone upload those newly translated 4komas? I forgot to save it.

>> No.3331262


>> No.3331575
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>> No.3331636

Total newbie. What am i supposed to do with the mediafire file?

>> No.3331641

Just save it as [something].rar . The fiename of the original file was too long, so mediafire fucked it up by losing the extension.

>> No.3331706
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>> No.3331715
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>> No.3331716

This game needs more H-scenes somewhere between act 1-5.

>> No.3331717
File: 298 KB, 330x1050, 1252362558039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all I got, were the rest ever translated?

>> No.3331735

Is this a reference to something? I don't get it.

>> No.3331740

I don't know about the amount, but at least the H-scenes that were there were (especially Rain's) were IMO a lot better than in story-oriented eroges in general.

>> No.3331749

Am I the only that didn't fap into any of the eroscenes? I found the random moaning in the background annoying. They should've at least muted those while a character is talking like in Black Cyc games.

>> No.3331825

The moaning makes sense because they are using that mind program to communicate during the sex.

Only fapped to two actual scenes, Nanoha one in the cyberspace and the Makoto omake one. Didnt fap while playing, obviously.

>> No.3331950

I only fapped to Nanoha's gangbang scene.
Does that make me a bad person?

>> No.3331998

fapped to Sora and Makoto scenes, why are Minaduki sisters so delicious? But been wondering are they blood related sisters or not? As we don't know that much their pasts.

>> No.3332009

God, Nanoha cries so much in her route.

I can't hate her though. ;_;

>> No.3332071


Question about the Omake H-scenes. I bought the Noi one for 1000(I assume that's what the plug-in was about), how do I access it?

>> No.3332090

Replay Rain's route, there is a point where you get a new choice, that leads to Noi scene

>> No.3332177

Any way to get more of them translated?

>> No.3332234

yea, the're great alright. I guess that's to make up for all the shit you have to go through. Hm... so if kou regains all his memories, he'll be pumped with hate against everyone he knew and loved, and becomes some kind of crazy batshit insane avenger against all of mankind?

>> No.3332673

Rain route I think in chapter 6/7 there was addititional choice wiht Noi which leads to delicious and rather funny H-scene

>> No.3332673,1 [INTERNAL] 

New Thread: >>3334176

>> No.3332673,2 [INTERNAL] 

How do i play the plug in criminal records with noi after unlocking it? Do I have to clear the entire game and all routes and only then replay rain route?
