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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 535x650, nanoha-sicp.1251901574629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3322056 No.3322056 [Reply] [Original]


>Amid this trend toward fewer children, when asked whether they would prefer a boy or girl as an only child, fully three-quarters of couples opted for a daughter. This preference for girls shows a marked increase from 15 years ago, when the numbers were more or less equal.

>Previously the common consensus was that a daughter would be lost to marriage; but the recent conventional wisdom sees strong ties as continuing between parents and a daughter even after the latter gets married. A son, on the other hand, is now seen as facing the prospect of transfer to a distant work location.

>> No.3322073

With all the moeshit going on there, I'm not surprised.

>> No.3322075

harems confirmed

>> No.3322088

All good.

>> No.3322086

The linked article is from 11 tears ago. If that trend played out, there should now be many more little girls than little boys among only children.

>> No.3322109

Only if most Jap parents actually did gender selection for their fetuses.

>> No.3322132

There is a parasitic protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii, that increases the likelihood of having a male child (to about 60% of births being male. )

There's also limited evidence that it causes aggression and is linked with schizophrenia. If we find a way to turn those male births the other way around, the world can be a massive yandere harem.

Such relations with parasitic organisms isn't without precedent, certain mosquito species are so tightly bonded with their intracellular parasite (something from Wolbachia I think) that they cannot mate if the parasites of the male and female don't match.

>> No.3322145

>Toxoplasma gondii
This is the reason why I don't go near cats anymore. Shit scared me for life.

>> No.3322151

This can only end badly.

>> No.3322160

You can actually do this for less than $1000 bucks
Zygote mapping is pretty damn cheap.

>> No.3322191

There are parasitic barnacles specifically grow on the abdomens of female crabs. If they land on a male crab, they fuck with their hormones and turn them into trap crabs, so that they'll grow a more hospitable abdomen.

>> No.3322238

Fuck you. I didn't want to know that.

>> No.3322246

That's not all there is to it. How do you think those barnacles breed?

You see, sometimes a Sacculina larva grows not on a healthy crab, but locates another Sacculina and lands on it. This larva then discards most of its body mass as if entering a crab... except this mass differentiates itself into sperm and enters the seminal receptacles of the first Sacculina, therefore archieving copulation.

To give a human analogue... Well, first your girlfriend turns into a fleshy glob and enters your body from your ass, spreading inside you and turning you into the little girl, then her sister becomes a gigantic disembodied dick and anally rapes you, cumming herself into you and impregnating the now-parasitic girlfriend. Something like that.

Also, Sacculina castrates crabs, there are organisms like Nosema granulosis that turn male shrimps into functional females because it can only spread using a female's eggs. Not only does it turn you into a girl, it turns you into a slut so you can actually have offspring for it to pass on (though to my knowledge sexual behavior doesnt change)

Mosquitos also have their equilavent which turns males into breeding females, I think.

>> No.3322263

>In the cat, the reproductive form of T. gondii lives in the intestine and the oocysts (egg-like immature forms) exit the body in the feces. The oocysts must be in the environment 1-5 days before they are infective.
clean your cat's litter box every day and you'll be fine.

>> No.3322276


>> No.3322948

I've read some of that stuff in various doujin, but not all together at once. I feel somehow uncultured.

>> No.3323022

Fact is sometimes stranger than fiction. Hell, I nearly shit myself the first time I read about that one genderchanging fish.

>> No.3323044

Okay, now we need people doing research on how to develop a drug based on these bacteria that causes men to turn into girls. Once that's done, we can sell them in Thailand and become rich as fuck. Oh, and we can use them for ourselves, and come together to form our own loli/trap orgy group of millionaires.

>> No.3323060

>>fully three-quarters of couples opted for a daughter

Lesbian harems,lesbian incest among siblings and the number of lesbian AV stars will increase.

Thank you Japan!

>> No.3323067

Those fish have special hardware to allow such a change to occur at all. A version that works on adult humans seems infeasible.

>> No.3323085

My apologies, it appears my source is a bit old. Sacculina indeed has males, except they don't seem to develop much beyond the larval stage, content with injecting themselves into a female and becoming a lump of sperm. I believe we can add straight shota to that mix.

As far as weird animal reproduction goes, my personal favorite is Cycliophora. I should have something rather long written on them, but I cannot seem to find it, so let me summarize them simply: Adult individuals vomit out their entire internal organs, including neutral system out of their mouths on a regular basis, larvae "hatch" by ripping their way out of their still-living mothers, males cluster around individuals about to "give birth" so they can fuck the newborn female. Those males are also essentially massive, swimming penises covered in armor.

>> No.3323114

>swimming penises covered in armor
That sounds fucking awesome.

>> No.3323126

Japan prefers little girls -> Genderswapping fish.

This board is the best on the 4chons.

>> No.3323238

Speaking of armored swimmers, this bunch is so awesome that even Wikipedia can't help but make them sound cool.

>The Acanthothoraci ("Spine Chests") were a group of chimaera-like placoderms who were closely related to the rhenanid placoderms. They were distinguished from chimaeras by the presence of large scales and plates, a pair of large spines that emanate from their chests (thus, the order's name), tooth-like beak plates, and the typical bone-enhanced placoderm eyeball.

This is the rhinoceros of the sea, fully armored in plate, with two spine-horns and most importantly eyeballs laced with bone.

>> No.3324069

Tentacled eyenocerous, you say? I should locate some porn of it.

>> No.3324490


Makes sense- if its REALLY your countries biggest problem...

>> No.3324507

/jp/ - Biology

>> No.3324520

Now that hormones, lazer hair removal, etc are so readily available, everyone should just become the little girls. Along with the fetal gender selection of course. Why half ass it?

>> No.3324531
File: 661 KB, 600x600, satorisicps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3324536

There should be two genders: Little girls with penises and little girls with vaginas.

>> No.3324551

I'm really hoping the future turns out like this

>> No.3324561

There is that one doujin where they all have both.

>> No.3324562

There are animals where males imitate female behavior and appearance so that other males do not attack them and they may copulate with the females in peace.

There are also animals where males imitate infantile behavior and appearance so that other males do not attack them and they may copulate with the females in peace.

>> No.3324578

I never made it past Chapter 2.

>> No.3324629

>There are animals where males imitate female behavior and appearance so that other males do not attack them and they may copulate with the females in peace.

Sounds like ladymen in Thailand.

>> No.3324912
File: 160 KB, 622x800, cirno-flan-sicp.1237877292309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan prefers daughters to sons in response to falling birth rate -> armoured penis torpedoes -> ladymen of Thailand.

I love you /jp/.

>> No.3324977

How many shitty SICP shops do you fags have? /prog/ is a text board for christ's sake, why do you even have them?

>> No.3325044
File: 157 KB, 1280x1024, sicp-unscientific-meme.1231631757565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new to 4chan. Don't worry, you sound like you'll get used to it in time.

>> No.3325077

I want to see the original message that was sent.

>> No.3325083

seconded. newfag wants to hear the story behind this.

>> No.3325085

"I am a member of Galileo fan club, but I disapprove of my own club. "

>> No.3325096

/jprog/ - SICP/General

>> No.3325103

I have drawn Sussman as a magical girl wearing revealing clothes. I masturbate exclusively to this image.

>> No.3325110

You can't just say something like that without posting an example.

>> No.3325111

I cannot bear the thought of someone else dirtying my Sussman.

>> No.3325133

Would you rather let someone else draw what we see, or maintain creative control so that he remains the man you love?

>> No.3325140

If I read SICP does that mean I will be able to make Touhou games?

>> No.3325141

I'd rather have many different interpretations of his Sussman, so I could dirty each one.

>> No.3325181

Actually, yes.

>> No.3325192

No. Scheme is not an appropriate language for a touhou game.

>> No.3325206

I'm asking why a text board generated so many shops. You cannot post images on a text board; it makes no sense.

>> No.3325236

For use on /jp/, man.

Are you serious?

>> No.3325238

Of course I'm serious. Why would I not be?

>> No.3325248


1. The images cannot be posted on /prog/.
2. The images are posted here.
3. Images regarding memes are made to be posted.

Therefore, it is plain to see that the images were made for posting in the place where they are solely posted.

Here. In /jp/.

This obvious truth leads me to believe that your question cannot be serious.

>> No.3325256

It's great that you're a logic master and all, but not everyone is as capable of reasoning as you.

>> No.3325294

>I'm asking why a text board generated so many shops.

That's like asking why 2ch generates so many images of it's memes.

>> No.3325300

That'd help their population if they became a little more promiscuous.

>> No.3325306

basic problem is that salarymen would rather fuck a hooker and drink with his coworkers than fuck his wife.

>> No.3325311

It would teach her the basics. If she can handle scheme, she can learn to code shmups using a standard engine.

>> No.3327015

If he doesn't share his work, then there won't be any more interpretations. A fetish community has to form in order for other drawfags to be inspired.

>> No.3328859

So what was actually sent?

>> No.3329516

Beats me. Someone from /prog/ most likely sent it.

>> No.3329536

I don't remember if it was ever posted, but you can find this thread with Google. /prog/ threads don't fall off.

>> No.3329769
File: 285 KB, 1280x1024, Sussman.screenshotmh3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330796

'-._ ___.....___
`.__ ,-' ,-.`-, HAVE YOU READ
`''-------' ( p ) `._ YOUR SICP TODAY ?
`-' (
. \
................._ --...--,
`-.._ _.-'

>> No.3330852

Cool, thanks.

>> No.3330957

Am I the only one that thinks that this doesn't warrant the high sounding reply it got?

>> No.3331571
File: 45 KB, 500x375, cat-hng.1234975546648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a professor at MIT. Explaining the principles of science very clearly to talented but ignorant kids is something he has down to an art form. He's probably had to give more complex answers to less intelligible inquiries off the cuff to an audience of hundreds. I'll bet it seemed like a really brief and casual answer to him.
