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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3322034 No.3322034 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of my current life. All I want is to move to Japan, rent a small apartment in the city and get a job working night shift at some convenience store. Hell, it doesn't have to be Japan, it could be Hong Kong, Seoul or any other big asian city. My dream life is to go to work at night when it's quiet in an asian city and come home to my apartment where I can sleep/play games/watch anime all day.

I don't want to do this in the west because there's too much crime making the night shift dangerous and I just prefer asian cities. I've been to Hong Kong and I really liked it, it's get a completely different feel to that of western cities.

The only problem is I'm a high school drop-out only speak English. How feasible is my dream? I have some money saved up, enough to get me a plane ticket over to asia and to survive for a couple months. Can /jp/ offer up any help and advice to make my dream come true?

>> No.3322041


>> No.3322051 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3322047

>there's too much crime making the night shift dangerous
Move to Scandinavia instead, then.

>> No.3322059

>The only problem is I'm a high school drop-out only speak English.
buy that plane ticket to Japan and a length of rope, I hear there's some popular wooded places you'll fit right in

>> No.3322063

>I'm a high school drop-out only speak English.
Because of this, your dream has absolutely no chance of becoming reality in Japan. I'm not sure about Hong Kong or other cities because I don't know about their immigration laws, but I know for a fact that in Japan, you won't be able to legally work there without a specific kind of visa. You could always get into the country on a tourist visa and take your chances evading immigration, but with your illegal status and educational background, you're going to spend the rest of your life mopping floors and cleaning toilets, and I guarantee that those jobs don't pay anywhere near enough for even a small apartment in Tokyo.

>> No.3322067

Weren't we supposed to go LARP over there, anyway ?

>> No.3322064

>I'm a high school drop-out only speak English
Wait a minute here. You are a failure in your own country and you hope to succeed in a country where you can't even speak the language? BRO, Go back to school and get some sort of direction in your life.

>> No.3322080

Didn't you read his post? He wants to go to another country to be a failure, not a success.

>> No.3322099

Then let's not stop him from doing it.

>> No.3322117

Except that this is infinitely harder in a country where you can't speak the language.

>> No.3322120

How can it be hard to fail ?

>> No.3322122

1 Get back in school, get your exam
2 Learn the language you need.
3 seriously, learn that language.
4 move to that country, legally with migration service shit.
5 get your shitty job. Enjoy your miserable life.

>> No.3322128
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>> No.3322131

In another thread about this subject some Anon told that you can make a pretty decent living off sucking dicks if you go to the right clubs in Tokyo.

>> No.3322134

In order to fail in a country you need to step foot in a country first... OP is never going to do that.

>> No.3322139

I moved to Japan, and it sucked. If you want to get by not having a degree, then just pirchase one from the internet and remove the fake sticker from the back. I did that and nobody was the wiser.

>> No.3322142

OP here, apologies for the poor English in my first post. I am at least competent in English but I was distracted finishing off an anime episode while writing the post.

So it seems my dream (as it relates to Japan at least) is simply unrealistic? How do hikkikomori and the like get by in Japan? It was my understanding that if they do go out and get a job usually it's just a night shift in a shop where there's minimal social contact and the rest of the time they spend in their apartment. That sounds like the perfect life for me.

If I set out and succeeded in learning Japanese including gaining qualifications to prove I can speak it, would my dream become any more feasible?

>> No.3322150

Rich pa(y)rents.

>> No.3322152

Yes, that would put you on a fast track to getting a work visa and becoming a failure in the country of your choice.

>> No.3322158

just impossible

>> No.3322166

You could probably make it in Hong Kong with just english. They have it everywhere. Though you'll probably need to work in the city proper and not the suburban places because those guys don't speak a word of it.

>> No.3322172

>I don't want to do this in the west because there's too much crime making the night shift dangerous and I just prefer asian cities. I've been to Hong Kong and I really liked it, it's get a completely different feel to that of western cities.

1) You will get bored of the Asian city if you ever go there after a few years
2) There are many safe cities where you can work at night in the West

>> No.3322177

Learning the language is kind of a necessity to obtain a work visa (not to mention citizenship) in your target country. Either way I would guess it would be somewhat difficult even with a high school education (when it comes to Japan it'd be just about impossible).
If that's really what you want, inform yourself about the various requirements for each country you're interested in, then get your basic high school education and learn the language before making an attempt.
I would think hard on it though. There's always a hell of a lot of bad things you don't know about your "new life" until they happen to you.

>> No.3322299


What sort of 'bad things'?

>> No.3322368

Like, it might not be as fabulous as you might think right now. Hell, you may end up missing your current life. This shit happens when you pursue dreams of a better life without thinking it through through properly. Do some research, I'd start looking on the possibilities in Hong Kong. Give it your all if your serious about it.

>> No.3322406

Every country has its quirks. Sometimes it's high taxes, horrible medical services, no legal recourse to deal with something that's been done to you, or worse. In some countries (such as China, I believe) they very heavily monitor what sites ISPs can give you access to and as far as you're concerned it's like most of the internet vanished.
Around here it's not uncommon to smoke pot; I'm not a user and obviously don't actively look for sellers, but I still occasionally get offered some randomly on the street. Well in some Asian countries, if you are found owning any amount of it, they just plain execute you. Recently some guy was killed for that while back and he wasn't even visiting the country, he was just waiting for his plane to finish refueling.
Gives "culture shock" a whole new meaning.

>> No.3322417


Culture shock is a big one. All of a sudden you'll realize that all the little shit you ignored when you first arrived will be so goddamn annoying and infuriating, and all the shit you hated about your life back home will seem trivial.

>> No.3322424

Jesus, that guy must have landed in North Korea or something...

>> No.3322428

If you are thinking about Japan you actually have to have a college degree to stay there. You can only stay there a few months or so then you have to return.

>> No.3322430

Malaysia and Singapore do so.
They hang gay people, too.

>> No.3322447

Yes. When I visited China there was no access to youtube or mediafire. 4chan still worked though.

>> No.3322452

I just looked it up, and here's what I got.
A surprisingly high number of countries will either kill you or send you to prison for years just for owning a bit of pot.
Again I'm not a user myself, I tend to greatly dislike any intoxicants (I never drink alcohol either), and even I think that's a little bit severe.

>> No.3322466

Since when has Nipaa been to yonder land of chinks?

>> No.3322476

Since this August.

>> No.3322491

There is no way you can stay in Japan or basicly any other Asian country with your current "specs".
You don't have any education and you don't even know the language. You would prob hate it there too when you don't know the language or anything about the country at all.

I would recommend to study Japanese or any other language for that matter while you finish high school. Then go study in language you want to live in and see if you like the country first.

It's really handy to have a degree in todays society.

>> No.3322534

If you're serious, try to get a job in Waikiki if you can't speak anything other than english. It's not as expensive as people make it out to be. There's tons of convenience stores and many other part time jobs available here.

>> No.3324043

New and Exciting!

>> No.3324242

That actually sounds like an attainable goal for me. I have a BA I'm not using, but no knowledge of Japanese beyond the kana and kawaiidesuyo. Maybe I should take a class in my spare time.

>> No.3324294

How what. Dude go get a high school degree and go to a community college.

>> No.3324335

Go home fun boy, we no need no mor
e white dragons.

>> No.3324350

>All I want is to move to Japan, rent a small apartment in the city and get a job working night shift at some convenience store. Come home to sleep/play games/watch anime all day.
Woah, I can't believe I didn't think about that! Sounds fucking awesome. I was going for the job of "overnight database administrator" myself, but in Tokyo ehh.....

>> No.3324351


>> No.3324374



>> No.3324377

Hey OP if I clean out all the niggers will you be happy?

>> No.3324386

>too much crime

tl;rd: You want to live where they are no black people?

>> No.3324395

Live in Honk Kong, awesome food and alot of HK-otaku so plenty of geeky shit still around.

>> No.3324410


Only if you're white though.
If you're a nigger, sand-nigger, dirty southeast asian or paki, enjoy getting spat on.

>> No.3326129

Ex-Hong Kongfag here. If you do pursue your dream in Hong Kong, prepare to be looked down upon and spat on by absolutely everyone. Everybody over there wants to me the next millionaire and money is everything. A person working such a lowly job as a convenience shop clerk is seen as a failure and will be laughed at by all.

Also working the night shift won't bring solitude as it's really only from 6am-12pm that Hong Kong shuts down.

>> No.3326151

I live in an urban area and I'd rather live in your big city, even with the crime

>> No.3326193

Finish your school. Seriously, I'm kinda sad since I don't have much school anymore. It's maybe the best place in your life to get friends and such. Also it would make your goal make seem more realistic.

>> No.3326199

That actually sound pretty good to me too.
If you want to pursue your dream, you should either go back studying and/or get a job while learning japanese (or some other asian language)..
I dont know about the laws in japan, but it shouldnt be impossible to move there, right?
Also there is the possibility to move to a less violent country in europe..

>> No.3326230

Ask this question tommorow,
it will be a more suitable time.

>> No.3326309

>Also working the night shift won't bring solitude as it's really only from 6am-12pm that Hong Kong shuts down.
true, there's people around even at the early hours of the morning. no doubt after a night of drinking.

>> No.3326324
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Come to Taiwan and visit me, we got 7-11s here at almost every corner. Plenty of english only speakers here already. All the road signs are in english and all you need to actually know is how to tell prices.

>> No.3326331

Why not move to Singapore? They all speak English there. Sort of.

>> No.3326335

>> english

that's not english it's like really really fucked up ennnnggggrrrrriiiiisssssshhhh

>> No.3326346

7-11's are everywhere

>> No.3326348

OP, The West is not America. Europe doesn't have that kind of crime problem either.

>> No.3326352

good heavens, are the shuffle uniforms the new trendy trap clothing?

>> No.3326355

as far as I know I'm the only one here with them.

>> No.3326361

The problem is not America, the problem are niggers and mexicans, you see they weren't successful in deporting the niggers back to africa at the end of the war, while the europeans were.

>> No.3326372

It doesnt really matter who causes the problems as long as the problem is in America.

>> No.3326386

>while the europeans were.
Not really.

>> No.3326387

No, Alice Margatroid!DoLLFaGGers has one too.

>> No.3326392

oh well don't see that trip that often here

>> No.3326393

Hey retards!
If you ignored my first post, dont ignore this one.
You can get your Specialist in Humanities permit with just a fake degree and a job oppertunity. I sold everything then left off to Japan under a visitor visa, but was able to sucker someone into hiring me while I was there.

Teaching English is retarded easy, since they cant speak above a 1st grade level anyway.

>> No.3326399

Well, at least the niggers in europe arent that violent. Just lazy fucks.

>> No.3326396

I thought about doing that once, but then they said "but you're not white"


>> No.3326400
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>You can get your Specialist in Humanities permit with just a fake degree and a job oppertunity.

>Someone with a fake degree misspelling a word

>> No.3326408

Why does every country have convenience stores except for Germany?

It fucking sucks not being able to do shopping past 10pm and on sundays.

>> No.3326417

I dont know if there are that many in Finland either. Theres one place near me that is open when night but the prices are just ridiculous.

>> No.3326424

lol niggers

>> No.3326448

I'm not a nigger either, I just look too much like japanese that they'ld rather hire the russian faggot who can barely speak english because he looks good

>> No.3326737

If you're English or American you will have no problem at all finding a job teaching English in asia. Every parent wants their kid to speak English and they will always pick an English/American (white) native over anyone else, even if they have a qualification in teaching English and you don't.

>> No.3326772

try living in Israel with crazy religious fucks closing all your fukken stores on Friday and Saturday!

>> No.3326773

Maybe it'd be easier to teach English to a Japanese person if you know at least some basic Japanese.

>> No.3326860


That's why you only take up jobs where the class/kid already has a basic enough grasp of English that they can understand lessons taught in English.

>> No.3326888

It's definitely easier. I mean, if you don't know the student's language you'll even need to check a freaking dictionary every time the kid asks you what "this word there" means in Japanese. How sad is that?
Plus it's kinda hard to expect someone to study a new language when you yourself have never even bothered learning the language of the country you want to live in.
Learning Japanese takes time and some effort, but if you're serious about it, I just don't see how you can justify not doing it.

>> No.3326943


I'm currently teaching English classes in South Korea and I didn't speak a word of Korean when I first moved out here. Granted I have a qualification in TEFL so it's not like you can just move to Asia and expect a job but you don't need to know the language to get by. I signed on as part of an agency which worked out accommodation for me and all my colleagues where I work know English.

I've picked up some Korean in the time I've been staying here but I got by fine not speaking a word. As long as you have a place to stay and a job you'll be fine, it's not like you need to speak the language to buy groceries or sightsee or whatever.

>> No.3327024


hey OP that actually sounds pretty nice, the big cities are sooo much different than urban areas, the night never ends, there will always be people

but before you do this you gotta ask yourself if you are really serious about this, you are going for a new life without knowing the risks, youre leaving your parent, family and friends behind and if something goes wrong or you fuk up, youre fuked

if you want to do it make sure youre committed, learning the language is a must, you need some money once u get there and make sure you have a plan to stay there, research up

good luck, hope you achieve your dream

>> No.3327206

This anon speaks the truth. I went there on vacation and there are 7-11's right in front of each other, I kid you not.

>> No.3328405

All of you fags who want to move to japan should pay a visit to this guys blog http://www.gaijinsmash.net/
Fairly hilarious and some good insight on what to expect if you read through most/all of it

>> No.3328445

You fuckers told me to study James Heisig,
well i did
and i still can't speak japanese worth a shit

so now i is mad as hell
and my dick is hard

i put my dick in ur anal so i can feel wats inside
word up!

>> No.3328756

put my penis in ur anal so we can see what's inside

>> No.3328763

why not try to achieve something more with your life

>> No.3328768

Japan is a xenophobic country. They don't care to much for foreigners and shy away from those that cannon speak the language. They wouldn't want you in retail dealing with potential customers that may not buy from you because of your nationality.
Also its as likely as being a Mexican thats speaks no English trying to get a job running a convenience store. Its easier to just hire a japanese person.

>> No.3329803

dude, in my city they have a really hot Euro girl working in 7-11, can't speak Japanese well but who gives a shit. A Russian girl also works at a popular Izakaya too, she is a magnet for the drunk salarymen. Many of the foreign hostesses can't speak great Japanese and pretend they can't even if they can, again guys prefer it. So if your a woman it doesn't matter. Since women don't exist here please disregard my post...thank you.

>> No.3329820
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>Making the implication that heisig will teach you how to speak Japanese

>> No.3329824

By your logic he'll have the easiest time.
Fucking spics and sandniggers running all the grocery stores in my area.
