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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 322 KB, 800x627, 1768890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3321270 No.3321270 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3321286
File: 305 KB, 600x740, 1220176300737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not get a maid to help you Flan?

>> No.3321284

what exactly is going on here am confused

>> No.3321292
File: 213 KB, 1000x780, 1202934400781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a ridiculous rendering, Anonymous. Cleaning one's ears is a matter of basic hygiene. It is neither pleasant nor painful, and certainly would not produce such an exaggerated response.

>> No.3321294

I fucked you're ears.

>> No.3321313

If she's about to climax from ear cleaning, she'd be the easiest to satisfy in actual relations. Anon would simply have to show her the fun of a new game.

>> No.3321316

liar it hurts when i clean my ears

>> No.3321321

What's with japan and orgasms during the ear cleaning? This isn't the first picture like that I see.

>> No.3321322

What if they've been swollen recently and are hyper-sensitive? Just sliding a damp swab in and out as it picks up earwax, slightly scraping along the walls, would feel soooo good and refreshing. Or better yet, one of those cute tiny ear-shovels with the large fluffy white piece of cotton at the end slowly and gently scraping the earwax off, making you feel as relieved and refreshed as finally scratching an annoying itch, making you sigh happily as her warm hands gently cradle your head in her lap. And then when she's done, the same warm soft hands who've been cleaning your ears would gently stroke your cheeks indicating that it's time for the other side, a signal which you would automatically follow up by rolling your head on her thighs and snuggling your face into her abdomen while she giggles at your prickly hair tickling her thighs and then the cycle starts all over again.

Please tell me you've experienced this at least once in your life.

>> No.3321323


It's because you're jamming it into your god damned tympanic membrane. Ear swabs are to be used in the ear canal only. If you lack the manual dexterity to avoid going any deeper, use a gentle solvent and an ear bulb to flush it with warm water instead.

>> No.3321324


>> No.3321327
File: 24 KB, 638x423, 1252073407421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels awesome for me, but only in my right ear most of the time. It's like scratching an amazing itch. Sucks for you if you don't feel anything.

>> No.3321328 [DELETED] 


>> No.3321330

... why do you do this? ;_;

>> No.3321333

If it hurts when you clean your ears, you're going too far and could seriously fuck up your ears (and with them, your sense of balance and equilibrium).

>> No.3321343

Cleaning my ears feels better than fapping sometimes.

>> No.3321346
File: 43 KB, 597x396, flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great photo, huh?

>> No.3321360


Don't lie to the nice people, Anon. The ear contains a membrane not unlike the hymen. If pierced, there will be some momentary discomfort, but then you will be able to reach deeper into the ear, and frankly, the sensation is amazing. I suggest you all try it.

>> No.3321367

no i cant even get close to my ear drum just touching the ear canal with a q tip hurts and as i get closer to the ear drum i get nauseous once i accidentally brushed my ear drum and then i threw up.

>> No.3321368
File: 146 KB, 533x461, 121675772270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3321372

Ear feel so good

>> No.3321374

My god this made me cringe.

>> No.3321379

last time i did this I ended up half deaf for a full weekend

>> No.3321383


>The ear contains a membrane not unlike the hymen

You mean your eardrum? Enjoy your deafness.

>> No.3321384


In before some poor sap does it.

>> No.3321385


>> No.3322952
File: 92 KB, 800x533, 1199703609457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3322971

you know, it says right on the fucking box not to put them in your ears.

my sister found that out the hard way.

>> No.3322998


That's not entirely true, it says to limit use to the outer canal.

>> No.3323020

I do have one sweet spot in my right ear that when hit just right by a swab makes my knees go weak. No pain, no discomfort. Hell my ears are almost spotless because of it.

But if I do it too much it makes my ear overly sensitive and it swells up like I'm getting an infection. Its damn annoying.

>> No.3323056

Doing this feels awesome. I highly recommend you try it.

>> No.3323063

I have something like that, but instead of my knees going weak etc, it causes me to burst into an almost uncontrollable coughing fit.

>> No.3323068

>Object that's only used for cleaning ears
>says right on the fucking box not to put them in your ears.


>> No.3323077


Easy way to test: If you rupture your eardrum, that's too deep.

>> No.3323075

How deep are you suppose to clean your ears anyway

>> No.3323076

I wonder how the fuck the people who don't clean their ears regularly (because of a crippling irrational fear their hand slips and they ram the swab all the way into their brain, it seems) hear any damn thing.

>> No.3323082

You're only supposed to clean the ridges outside your ear, and maybe swab the rim inside.
Anything more causes the wax to be pushed back and form a plug, making you go pseudo-deaf until you wash it out.

>> No.3323090

>Anything more causes the wax to be pushed back and form a plug

Oh jesus, you believe that bullshit? Fuck.

>> No.3323094

By the way, when I was younger my ear got clogged with earwax. I used an empty mechanical pencil to fix this and got chewed out by my parents.

>> No.3323102


Protip: if you have that much wax inside your ear canal for it to do that, it's because you haven't cleaned you damn ears often enough and deep enough.

Either that, or your cleaning technique is comically horrible and amounts to ramming the swab in and out like plunging a toilet.

>> No.3323104

Earwax keeps away ear infections.
Why would you clean it out?

>> No.3323105

I do, since it happened to me.

>> No.3323113


For a good reason. Using anything other than clean sterile swabs has a real chance of causing an infection.

>> No.3323116


Sounds like you have so much shit in your ears that you can't even clean them properly anymore. Go see a doctor.

>> No.3323121

I've never had to do this but my friend had to go to the doctor to get his ears cleaned out. They shot a jet of water through his ear and it came out the other side with all the wax into a brown dish.

I wanna do that.

>> No.3323125


It's filthy, stinks and obstructs your hearing.

>> No.3323135


The ears are self-cleaning, dumbfuck.

>> No.3323136

>>They shot a jet of water through his ear and it came out the other side

Cartoon anatomy.

>> No.3323142

Ears don't work that way!

>> No.3323168

/jp/ - ear hygiene/general

>> No.3323170


Yeah, and their method of "cleaning" is flowing a torrent of stinky, sticky yellow shit out of them. Which may keep the bugs out but does not quite match what we think of when we think "clean".

Noses are self-cleaning too, what with all the fucking snot and all.

>> No.3323176


More related than the usual rubbish we talk about in here, what with the way Japan fetishizes ear cleaning for some bizarre reason.

>> No.3323191

Dude, it happened to me. I even went to the doctor and had her flush my ears into a bowl and, while my left ear's plug disintegrated with the water, my right ear's plug stayed pretty much intact.

>> No.3323201


how the fuck are you guys so bad at cleaning

it's not fucking complicated

i've done it every second day since i was seven and had no problems ever

>> No.3323200


Or do they?

>> No.3323219

Not all ears are mad equal, bro. Some are easy to clean, and others are so fucking twisted, it'd be easier (albeit, more awkward feeling) to just flush it out in the shower or something, and even then you'd have water dribbling out of your ear hours later.

>> No.3323220

My mother had this done, and the amount removed is massive.

PS: Its not the other side, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3323222

When someone else plays with my ears its arousing. Doing it myself has no effect though. Its like being ticklish. Its hard to tickle yourself, but when someone else does it...

>> No.3323223
File: 357 KB, 700x990, 1252006989405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what's more important is how many people are now going to have a dream about cleaning Remi's ears, and giving her a loli vampire eargasm because of OP's pic.

>> No.3323237

>loli vampire eargasm

New fetish acquired.

>> No.3323250

There are actually tears in my eyes. So ronery

>> No.3323249

in-ear earphones.

>> No.3323319


collect them all!

>> No.3323349

I wonder what the odds of Flandre keeping her hearing are after the contractions from an orgasm cause her hands to jerk, possibly impaling her eardrum.

>> No.3323352

>deafening orgasm
oh god.

>> No.3323378

She's a fucking vampire. She'll get better.

>> No.3323590


This is why you get Sakuya-san to pin her arms down while you straddle her and gently clean her ears. She doesn't put up a fuss but she just can't help squirming when you stimulate her that way.

fap fap fap fap

>> No.3323649

I want a chick big enough I can fuck her ears. She'd be huge, but not super giant sized.

Like a human, scaled up 4 or 5 times there normal size.

>> No.3323659

This is where I draw the line.

>> No.3324102

