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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 250x169, Japanese illustration depicting the raft on which the ancient Israelites crossed over to Japan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3320364 No.3320364 [Reply] [Original]

Daber: in Hebrew, to speak.
Daberu: Japanese for chatting.

Goi: a non-Hebrew or foreigner.
Gai'Jeen: prefix for a foreigner, a non-Japanese.

Kor: cold in Hebrew.
Koru: to freeze in Japanese.

Knesset: Parliament in Hebrew.
Kensei: Constitutional government in Japanese.

These are among the thousands of words and names of places with no real etymological meaning in Japanese. And they all correspond with Hebrew words. Even the Kings have similar names. The first known king of Japan, who was named Osee, ruled around 730 BC. This king has been identified with the last king of Israel, Hoshea, who died around the same time, at the time of the Assyrian exile of the ten tribes from Israel. The holy Japanese shinto temple strongly recalls the ancient holy Isrealite temple, which housed a holy of holies section and several gates. Several artifacts in Japan have been traced to Assyrian and Jewish sources, among them, a well in Koryugi with the words "well of Israel" inscribed on its side.

It has also been suggested that the carts of Otsu and Kyoto are of ancient biblical origin, as they are different from any others in Japan. Might the ancient Israelites and their wives and children have been conveyed to Japan in these carts? Among the Samurai sect, there is a tradition that their ancient ancestors came to Japan from western Asia around 660 BC.The name 'Samurai' recalls 'Samaria'. And to which tribe do the Japanese belong? There are those who claim that the Mikado, the Japanese emperor, is a descendant of the Hebrew tribe of Gad. 'Mikado' recalls the Hebrew word for 'his majesty the king,' 'Malchuto'.

>> No.3320371
File: 25 KB, 578x279, other evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photo below (left) is a statue of an ancient Japanese Samurai found in relics of the late 5th century C.E. in Nara, Japan. This statue shows realistically the ancient Japanese men's hair style called "mizura," which hair comes down under his cap and hangs in front of both ears with some curling. This hair style was widely seen among Japanese Samurais, and it was unique to Japan, not the one which came from the cultures of China or Korea.

Is it a mere coincidence that this resembles Jewish "peyot" (payot) very much, which is also a hair style of hanging the hair in front of the ears long with some curling (photo right)? "Peyot" is a unique hair style for Jews and the origin is very old. Leviticus 19:27 of the Bible mentions:
"'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head."
So, this custom originated from the ancient Israelites. The "peyot" custom of today's Hasidic Jews is a recovery of this ancient custom. Yemenite Jews have had this custom since ancient times. There is a statue from Syria, which is from the 8th or 9th century B.C.E.. It shows a Hebrew man with peyot and a fringed shawl.

>> No.3320376
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1251875003748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320384
File: 23 KB, 685x814, namifacinate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320385

Hitler should have sent them Japs to concentration camps.

>> No.3320390

Nüwa - Chinese goddess who saved the world from a global flood by repairing the Wall of Heaven

Noah - Man who saved mankind and world's species from a global flood by building a boat

Chinese are jews

>> No.3320391
File: 27 KB, 602x256, Similarity between the biblical genealogy and Japanese mythology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in the Japanese mythology, Yamasachi-hiko married a daughter of the sea god, and bore a child named Ugaya-fukiaezu. Ugaya-fukiaezu had 4 sons. But his second and third sons were gone to other places. The forth son is emperor Jinmu who conquers the land of Yamato. On this line is the Imperial House of Japan.
While, what is it in the Bible? Joseph married a daughter of a priest in Egypt, and bore Manasseh and Ephraim. Ephraim resembles Ugaya-fukiaezu in the sense that Ephraim had 4 sons, but his second and third sons were killed and died early (1 Chronicles 7:20-27), and a descendant from the forth son was Joshua who conquered the land of Canaan (the land of Israel). On the line of Ephraim is the Royal House of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
Thus we find a remarkable similarity between the biblical genealogy and Japanese mythology - between Ninigi and Jacob, Yamasachi-hiko and Joseph, and the Imperial family of Japan and the tribe of Ephraim.

>> No.3320397
File: 40 KB, 400x536, der-untermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese pretending to be of Jewish origin and being proud of it too.

Oh, what is the world coming to?

>> No.3320418
File: 25 KB, 164x250, The Scottish missionary Rev. Thomas Torrance in China, 1920s. Torrance claimed the Chiang-Min of West Szechuan were descendants of the ancient Israelites..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese are jews

That is also possible! It would be an explanation for the high evolved ancient culture of China.

>"Behold, These are coming from afar. These from the north and the west and these from the land of Sinim." This prophecy, spoken by Isaiah, promised the return of Lost Israelites from all corners of the Earth and from Sinim. Interestingly, Sinim is the Hebrew word for China. In fort-like villages in the high mountain ranges on the Chinese-Tibetan border live the Chiang-Min of West Szechuan. It has been claimed that the Chiang-Min are descendants of the ancient Israelites who arrived in China several hundred years before Christ. The missionary Torrance, who visited Cheng-du in the early party of this century, insisted that the Chiang-Min strongly resemble the Israelite branch of the Semitic race. He observed that several of their customs were reminiscent of ancient Israelite tradition. Said Torrance: "The plough the Chiang use is similar to the ancient Israelite plough and is drawn by two oxen, never by an ox and an ass. This in accordance with the Biblical stipulation: 'You shall not plough with an ox and ass together.'" The Chaing-Min believe in one God. During "times of calamity or acute distress," writes Torrance, "they issue a moan or cry which sounds like 'Yawei', suggestive of the biblical name of God. The Scottish missionary also claims that the Chinese conception of Sacrifice came from the ancient Israelites. Finally, Chiang-Min priests, like the ancient Israelite priests, wear girdles to bind their robes, and bear a sacred rod shaped like a serpent, reminiscent of the brass serpent fashioned by Moses in the wilderness.

>The Scottish missionary Rev. Thomas Torrance in China, 1920s. Torrance claimed the Chiang-Min of West Szechuan were descendants of the ancient Israelites.

>> No.3320422

You are a racist and I'm not japanese.

I have reported your post!

>> No.3320432

Suddenly, everyone is a jew in disguise!

>> No.3320433

But how do you explain the Japanese shamanic-like religion, contrary to the Israeli God-worshiping one.

>> No.3320451

>But how do you explain the Japanese shamanic-like religion, contrary to the Israeli God-worshiping one.

Japan wasn't inhabitated and the lower people always cling longer to their older cults.

>> No.3320468

Wait, this shit is actually on pbs? I mean, some seedy conspiracy website, sure, but PBS?

>> No.3320469

Every civilization with cultural importance descended from Israelites. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3320488

That may sound a bit arrogant but it's actually true.

>> No.3320489

Filthy Kike and samefag.

>> No.3320497


Racists like you should just shut up and die along with your nazifriends!!

>> No.3320499

Jews? On MY /jp/?

>> No.3320503

I don't know, Calling the nips jews sounds pretty racist to me.

>> No.3320506
File: 147 KB, 176x144, 123118942838656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3320507


Arabs too?

>> No.3320515

>I don't know, Calling the nips jews sounds pretty racist to me.

How is that racist!?!

>Arabs too?

Arabs and Jews share the same roots. That is widley accepted. Dumbass!!

>> No.3320521

There are only certain cultures that can claim such strong evidence of mixed Jewish heritage.

Funny you should mention that, there are a number of things from pre Buddhist Japanese religion that are amazingly similar in all down to the small details.

>>3320418 There is only a small part of China where the people could claim something like this, not the Chinese as a whole. If someone wants to look up the name of that group of people, the evidence for them is pretty amazing as well.

It really isn't surprising to see Jewish roots in people all over the globe if we look at ancient history from the Bible. According to the Bible, the Jews lost segments of their population due to immigration 3 times. Once the twelve northern tribes disappeared, another time before that when Ismael was exiled, and also once more in Abraham's life when part of his tribe was lost traveling and never showed back up. I can't remember details on the last one off the top of my head.

>> No.3320523

Putting a japanese person on the same level as a greedy jew?

Or almost anyone for that matter, That is an insult.

>> No.3320525

Legend of the Blue Wolves?

>> No.3320527

Yeah, but Jews have gotten out of Arab since........

3,000 BC? Most of their cultures are made by copying from the Egyptians.

Arabs, on the other hands, are proud proto-semitic.

>> No.3320538

I should mention that I am HARDLY pro Jew, lol Muslim, more like just interested in the change change and influence of culture and heritage throughout history.

>> No.3320539

I don't want to discuss with nazis!

>> No.3320540

oH my god.

To find that the semites = Japs.

I wonder if Austronesians are also semitic?

>> No.3320544

Israelites =/= Jews.

>> No.3320550

Heh, I still like the research about Indonesians being direct descendants of the Atlanteans better. Living in volcanic islands? Check. Plenty of elephants? Check. Grains growing twice per year? Check? Summer all year? Check. Best sailors in the world? Check (that was centuries ago, though).

>> No.3320552

Did you ever wonder why ONLY Japanese out of all the far east Asians could grow full beards? This is clearly the influence of something other than Asian in their gene pool. Now to say it was Jews on that alone wouldn't be right, but it sure points some sort of outside influence.

>> No.3320553

>Yeah, but Jews have gotten out of Arab since........ 3,000 BC? Most of their cultures are made by copying from the Egyptians. Arabs, on the other hands, are proud proto-semitic.

You mean to say the arabs have left the Israelites some 5000 years ago.

>> No.3320556


No. The Arabic archipelago is the home of the Semites.

Jews were the one who left it. (All etymologists theorizes that Arabs were those who decided to keep being in their hell-hole, not to expand to the haven that is Mesopotamia or the Nile river)

>> No.3320559

>It really isn't surprising to see Jewish roots in people all over the globe if we look at ancient history from the Bible. According to the Bible, the Jews lost segments of their population due to immigration 3 times. Once the twelve northern tribes disappeared, another time before that when Ismael was exiled, and also once more in Abraham's life when part of his tribe was lost traveling and never showed back up. I can't remember details on the last one off the top of my head.

Most european royal families can trace back their roots to israelites. That's also a reason why christianity has always been so prominet in Europe.

>> No.3320565

Do you faggots actually believe this?
seriously? damn /jp/, you dumb.

>> No.3320567

>Heh, I still like the research about Indonesians being direct descendants of the Atlanteans better.

The israelites(as a whole) are descendants of the atlanteans as are most royals in the world.

>> No.3320579

But the jews themselves are no more than descendants of the COREANS.

>> No.3320589

Jewish conspirators are on every website on the internet.

>> No.3320598

You won't be laughing when jews socialize your house with poor alien families and force you to pilot chemtrail planes.

>> No.3320615
File: 559 KB, 948x1100, Y-Haplogroups-1500AD-World-Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- They aren't



>> No.3320617

The worst thing is someone actually believes this

>> No.3320634

That doesn't say anything about the imperial family. Did the also test them!?!


Ask why they didn't test them!!

>> No.3320645

Also judaism is inherited from the mother not from the father.

Y<--- is the male chromosome!

>> No.3320654

With so many thousands of words in every language, statistically speaking it's just normal to expect at least a dozen coincidences.
And it's just not the language. If you look at the entire culture, all leaders in its history, etc... it'd be impossible *not* to find similarities.
It's a theory, but that's it. It'd actually look more plausible if you omitted some of the weaker resemblances. Mikado and Malchuto? Come on. Those don't sound alike at all.
I doubt this theory proves to be correct. It's not impossible, but highly improbable.

>> No.3320666
File: 486 KB, 1072x740, dna_map[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320669

>It's not impossible, but highly improbable.
The Jews are getting to you. First they make you believe that it could be possible (instead of knowing that it's a blatant lie) and then they feed more and more lies until you're a believer.

>> No.3320674
File: 4 KB, 195x160, grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mikado and Malchuto?

both start with a M and end with an O and have an A in them... rofl

isn't that evidence enough!?!

>> No.3320690

The siberian thing would explain the beardgrowth.

What's with Alaska?

>> No.3320908

Jesus wanted to save you stupid goyim and now see what you have become ...

>> No.3320931

The english word name and the Japanese word namae also meaning name are very similar so they languages must be related!

No, it's purely coincidental.

>> No.3320934

who ever listens to rock metal music is gay

>> No.3321332

Israelites have always been the ones to rule all the other people.

>> No.3321377

Any chance that it was just the Silk Road spreading culture and shit around, and all of this bullshit was just a product of said spreading and shit?

>> No.3321414


>> No.3321504

Jews made touhou, Jews made umineko, its that simple people, face it, if Hitler would make it you wouldn't have touhou, and thus no /jp/

>> No.3321813

What ship is that?

>> No.3321984


English: Computer
Nippongo: Konpyutaaaaa

OMG the Angles and the Nipps must be the same tribe

>> No.3322002

Mormons, on my /jp/ ?
