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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3317043 No.3317043 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/,
I'm thinking of making the transition into being a mac fag and getting a macbook. I have sadly come to realize that the thing I'll be saddest about having to leave behind are eroges. Please, by some miracle of the universe tell me that I'll be able to continue to enjoy all my VNs on the OS. Or at least Sengoku Rance or some shit like that.

Pic related, it's what I'm playing now and what I'd like to move to my portable. (I mean come on, you don't even have to right-click for anything!)

>> No.3317065

>>pretending to actually want a mac.


>> No.3317158

Yeah... I know. Bear with me. My cousin can just get me a really good deal or something because he works for Apple nowadays.

>> No.3317184


>> No.3317188

No such thing as a "good deal" with macs. Anyone with half a brain will only accept a mac if it's free, and even then only to sell it and make a proper computer with plenty of money to spare from Mac's "Superior Prices".

>> No.3318042

Get BootCamp and/or VMFusion/Parallels. Most VNs should work in the latter. Also, you can run some VNs with Crossover/Wine, which is less instrusive than other virtualization software.

>> No.3318245

Enjoy your loud fans!

And I'll enjoy my large warm heatsink

>> No.3318358

Crossover games will run anything that's English patched, if you're installing/running Japanese versions, Parallels will do them flawlessly.

>> No.3318393

How does one decide that switching to mac is a good idea? I mean, if you don't like Windows, there are a lot of other Unix based OS that are free and don't require you to buy new expensive hardware.

>> No.3318486

Get the hardware but get rid of OS X and install Windows on it. Problem solved.

>> No.3318498 [DELETED] 

Pretty much all VNs I've tried will run fine under vmware or parallels, and most under crossover (I've had some issues with videos though.) No main Touhou will work under vmware or parallels (I think StB does?) but some will work under crossover. I just reboot to windows for Touhou fun though.

Edit ~/Library/Application Support/Bottles/<insert bottle name>/cxbottle.conf and add the line

"LANG" = "ja_JP"

Probably there's a way to do this from a GUI but I forget.

>> No.3318503 [DELETED] 

Pretty much all VNs I've tried will run fine under vmware or parallels, and most under crossover (I've had some issues with videos though.) No main Touhou will work under vmware or parallels (I think StB does?) but some will work under crossover. I just reboot to windows for Touhou fun though.

Edit ~/Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games/Bottles/<insert bottle name>/cxbottle.conf and add the line

"LANG" = "ja_JP"

Probably there's a way to do this from a GUI but I forget.

>> No.3318507

Pretty much all VNs I've tried will run fine under vmware or parallels, and most under crossover (I've had some issues with videos though.) No main Touhou will work under vmware or parallels (I think StB does?) but some will work under crossover. I just reboot to windows for Touhou fun though.

Edit ~/Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games/Bottles/<insert bottle name>/cxbottle.conf and under [EnvironmentVariables] add the line

"LANG" = "ja_JP"

Probably there's a way to do this from a GUI but I forget.

>> No.3318515

install windows on your macbook

>> No.3319414

I would suggest what everyone else is suggesting, except buy at least 4gigs of memory. Also, Paralellels is your best choice for running Virtual Machine. And, best thing about it is, it can run your Boot Camp partition.
