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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 672x626, thumbs up meiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33169223 No.33169223 [Reply] [Original]

1. Download 4chan X
2. Open the settings
3. Click on "Filter" and select "General"
4. Paste this into the blank box:
5. Done

>> No.33169469

Meiling smells

>> No.33169472


>> No.33169511


>> No.33170023
File: 516 KB, 676x884, 4bc9872f1f57dc180257b33f8cb05621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's a good thing!

>> No.33170045
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1603282380487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf this is so mean

>> No.33170058

i prefer to change the name of all posts containing "hololive" to "simp"

>> No.33170079

Get fucked!

>> No.33170101

you forgot Gravure

>> No.33170210 [DELETED] 


>> No.33170330
File: 32 KB, 400x400, get_in_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use dollchan
(yes, I'm retarded, I don't know how to make is tidier)

>> No.33170382

This one doesn't have the monster girl thread
Also forgot the ona thread

>> No.33170779 [DELETED] 


>> No.33171089


>> No.33171173 [DELETED] 


>> No.33171639

you can’t keep running away from the future

>> No.33171703

that wont stop me from coming here to laugh at you

>> No.33171841

Wanting to keep your catalog page tidy is apparently a bad thing now…
Seriously, fuck off!

>> No.33171885

oh so i can see more of the same 2hu threads that you guys keep drooling over? cut me a break

>> No.33171901
File: 920 KB, 1896x811, Screenshot-02_13_21_154202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed! I've got filters in place for the same reason. It really does improve this board

>> No.33171908

This is the filter for people who are only intrested in Touhou content on /jp/. Why is it so hard to understand?
If you're not a Touhou fan, just ignore this thread.

>> No.33171924

Good for you.

>> No.33171944
File: 377 KB, 510x557, 1589637725590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i came to /jp/ for touhou then i went to /mu/ for serious music discussion

>> No.33171967 [DELETED] 

There are many people who came to /jp/ for Touhou, and this filter is for them.
Also don't post niggers, we don't like it here.

>> No.33172003 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 774x1032, 1540478590705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, we like at least one nigger.

>> No.33172005

Over a half of threads on /jp/ right now are about Touhou, so yes, you can come to /jp/ for Touhou content.

>> No.33172042

If your filters reduce the board to ten threads, that maybe it's time to find another board.

>> No.33172063

Filter works fine, no need to.

>> No.33172109 [DELETED] 

It's a shame those filters won't help bring /jp/'s speed back to how it used to be before last December, much less before the vtuber invasion happened. But thanks anyway, it hurts how mods are okay with letting them still have more than 10 generals in here just because they insist /vt/ isn't a containment board.

>> No.33172167 [DELETED] 

People also see to like Demoman.

>> No.33172231 [DELETED] 

Evading spam/posting filters is against the rules

This thread is filled with rule-breaking posts (posting filters) and shitposting. Mods won't delete this particular post unless they're really autistic to come and delete what they don't like in a whim while leaving said shitposting untouched, thus proving what a cancerous bunch of trannie they are
80% of this thread is reported. Gotta wait for mods to actually follow the rules, ot wait for them to act like retards

>> No.33172286 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, there was a thread with him and Suika some time ago.

>> No.33172296 [DELETED] 

Seethe harder

>> No.33172340 [DELETED] 

What spam filters has he evaded? Also announcing reports is a ban-able offence. See: GR7
All that said, posting filters isn't against the rules, but the thread will probably still be deleted for being 'off-topic'.

>> No.33172344 [DELETED] 

You don't like certain threads? seethe harder
All your seething complaint threads and posts have and will be reported

>> No.33172372 [DELETED] 

Evading spam/posting filters is against the rules

This thread is filled with rule-breaking posts (posting filters) and shitposting. Mods won't delete this particular post unless they're really autistic to come and delete what they don't like in a whim while leaving said shitposting untouched, thus proving what a cancerous bunch of trannie they are
80% of this thread is reported. Gotta wait for mods to actually follow the rules, ot wait for them to act like retards

>> No.33172391 [DELETED] 

Seethe even harder

>> No.33172418 [DELETED] 

>right click
>report type:
>"This post violates a rule:"
>"Intentionally evading spams/posting filters."
>posting filters

>> No.33172441 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.33172451 [DELETED] 

No, it's intentionally evading spam or post filters, you dumb ESL.

>> No.33172456 [DELETED] 

Wrong, posting filters isn't against the rules at all. The rules you aren't supposed to evade are 4chan's wordfilters - things like "baka", "desu" and so on.
Please, lurk at least 2 years before posting, and at least 10 if you want to be an armchair mod.

>> No.33172494 [DELETED] 

Read carefully, esl-kun. 'Filters' refers to the spam filters when you try to post literal spam, or suspicious links. 'posting' here is used as a noun rather than the verb you're reading it as.

>> No.33172519 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this new

>> No.33172526 [DELETED] 

Why do people try to act like authorities on the rules of a website that operates in a language they don't even understand?

>> No.33172568 [DELETED] 

It's just a bitter holofag

>> No.33172667 [DELETED] 

Holofags can't deal with the fact that /jp/ hates them

>> No.33172692

I know but I can filter out the ironic weeb trash that I don't need

>> No.33172695 [DELETED] 

Evading spam/posting filters is against the rules

This thread is filled with rule-breaking posts (posting filters) and shitposting. Mods won't delete this particular post unless they're really autistic to come and delete what they don't like in a whim while leaving said shitposting untouched, thus proving what a cancerous bunch of trannie they are
80% of this thread is reported. Gotta wait for mods to actually follow the rules, ot wait for them to act like retards

>> No.33172704 [DELETED] 

They still post their hololive threads here even though they have their own dedicated board. Why? What do they gain?

>> No.33172724 [DELETED] 

I thought your filters worked, why are you being so bitter over something you shouldn't even be seeing?

>> No.33172743 [DELETED] 

It isn't. I know reading isn't your forte, but please put some effort into reading all the posts calling your shit out, even if you have Google Translate them.

>> No.33172751 [DELETED] 

Not the same anon but I like ruining the fun of ironic weeb holofags

>> No.33172761 [DELETED] 

Not seeing something doesn't change the fact that it's still there, taking permanent space on the board. /jp/ is already plagued with generals as it is, we don't need 11 more of them especially if they have a board better suited to them.

>> No.33172814

I made it to filter out the cancer. Stuff like VNs and other niche threads are unfiltered.

>> No.33172826 [DELETED] 

>read carefully
>best filters" >>33169223

>posting filters is an option in the report function tab

Maybe you're the one who needs to learn how to read

>> No.33172857 [DELETED] 

Do you know why it says "evading spam/post filters" instead of "evading spam, post filters"? Come on, try using your brain a bit, however small it may be. What do you think you're gaining by doubling down on your stupidity?

>> No.33172868 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 345x370, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This says 'post filters' not 'posting filters'. I can't help you because you are being wilfully stupid at this point.

>> No.33172916 [DELETED] 

Why are /vt/umors so dumb?

>> No.33172956

You should filter the idolmaster threads too since they're allies with 2hufriends.

>> No.33172968


>> No.33172989 [DELETED] 

They hate holoshitters too, ya know?

>> No.33172991 [DELETED] 

>intentionally post filters
You all need to learn English

You're posting in a "hey /jp/, go to this page, follow these steps, and post filters you made" while being literally titled "best filers". Here, quoting OP for you >>33169223

Not only you need to read English, you need to learn reading comprehension in the first place
Not only your convenient and denial wording is going to change the fact this is a shitposting thread, with filters INCLUDED

Now keep seething

>> No.33173018 [DELETED] 

Learn English, holofaggot. Keep bumping my thread.

>> No.33173047 [DELETED] 

Why would I talk about Hololive in an im@s thread? It is possible to like more than one thing and not be sperg about it.

>> No.33173055 [DELETED] 

Please address why you keep avoiding any arguments that point out the entire sentence, why a slash is used instead of anything else, and why that exact grammar is used.

>> No.33173061 [DELETED] 

>It is possible to like more than one thing and not be sperg about it
sharthus are completely incapable of doing this please forgive them

>> No.33173079 [DELETED] 

And now you're going back to the retarded argument that anything that isn't Hololive is Touhou?

>> No.33173085 [DELETED] 

Because it's The Annoying Orange and George Floyd Gaming board. It's a /qa/ colony. I'm staying here until you fags complain so hard you'll pop vessels in the process. Now fuck off.

>> No.33173094 [DELETED] 

>It is possible to like more than one thing and not be sperg about it.
You don't have to tell me. I enjoy most niche topics here expect /vt/rash and 3DPD generals.

>> No.33173095 [DELETED] 

Much like you've been backing the argument that anything that isn't Touhou is Hololive. Why isn't the other side allowed the same fallacy?

>> No.33173107 [DELETED] 

I'm sending feedback daily telling mods to get rid of that thinly-veiled off-topic garbage on /vt/. Are you doing your part?

>> No.33173126 [DELETED] 

now he's going to pretend he's only here for the kigu or train otaku general

>> No.33173138 [DELETED] 

>thinking mods care about the quality of boards post-2014
That's cute.

>> No.33173139 [DELETED] 

Last I checked, I saw two AO threads. You're just making excuses at this point.

>> No.33173151 [DELETED] 

I come here for /jp/. Not for ironic weeb e-whore culture.

>> No.33173160 [DELETED] 

How the fuck did you get that from my post? Touhou is still the smallest of my concerns because of how many threads it gets, the board is still fast as fuck so discussion of actual niche things without contentless bumps every few hours is impossible. /vt/ didn't improve anything because mods didn't enforce it.
By doing that you automatically fall into >>33173079's point, you know.

>> No.33173164 [DELETED] 

Touhou niggers try to defend their shitposting thread. They just keep showing how pathetic and retarded they are

If I ever tell them this is a meta off-topic thread that discusses nothing but personal hatred against things they don't like they're gonna wet their pants. I'm just being nice here
Man, Touhou niggers

>> No.33173165 [DELETED] 

They break their own containment thread and shit everything up with wojaks and oranges. Try posting there for once.

>> No.33173177 [DELETED] 

This isn't a competition on who can be the most annoying butthurt faggot on this board. I'm simply asking why you hololivers continue to stay on this board when the mods made an entire board dedicated to your internet personas anyways. It's almost as if you're deliberately trying to annoy the rest of the users on here. Is that what you're trying to do? If that is the case, you won young man.


>> No.33173182 [DELETED] 

Remember why they got kicked off /a/ 13 years ago? Now they're repeating history and acting proud of doing so.

>> No.33173183 [DELETED] 

Nic response, you really defended your position
Because they don't know English, dumbo. Filters are filters, this thread is literally called "filters: the thread". Seriously, go buy a brain or semething.
I was going to request you to address how this thread isn't pure shitposting, but seeing your lack of neurons and evident shitposting nature, seeing how you defend shitposting, then I expect nothing. As I said, I was just being nice

>> No.33173185 [DELETED] 

And what else are you going to do if you want to see garbage out of your board? Complain to the people who post that garbage themselves? As you can see from your own post at >>33173085, all that does is encourage them to keep posting more garbage. If you aren't interested in telling the mods how to do their job, I have to ask you, are you even capable of enjoying anything that isn't at the expense of other people? Any actual, honest hobby?

>> No.33173197 [DELETED] 

>Touhou is still the smallest of my concerns because of how many threads it gets, the board is still fast as fuck so discussion of actual niche things without contentless bumps every few hours is impossible
You sure the 20 "I want to sniff Patchy's hat" threads made every hour aren't equally to blame?

>> No.33173199 [DELETED] 

Because Chuubas are otaku culture, old man

>> No.33173205 [DELETED] 

Being retarded doesn't make you nice, holofag

>> No.33173220 [DELETED] 

e-whore streamers leeching on otaku culture to make money from ironic weeb simps is not otaku culture

>> No.33173252 [DELETED] 

ALSO Touhou niggers have a well-known nature of complaining and seething about anything they don't like, even when they are on-topic, while autistically protecting their imaginary discord-like board, while using VPNs and publicily evading bans on the way

There is no brain or sense in your reasoning, there is only "ree kick things i don't like reeeeee" behaviour

Seriously, time to stop being nice

>> No.33173258 [DELETED] 

At this point it MUST be a deliberate toll. Just ignore him, anons.

>> No.33173260 [DELETED] 

If you tell the mods to do their job
1). They'll ignore it no matter how you put it
2). Driveby tourists will spam wojaks at you
It's beating a dead horse at this point. This website died 7 years ago. Nowadays you can't go anywhere without people who came from other corners of the Internet just screaming, yelling, and not being civil anymore, all with an intention to ruin the interests for everyone else as their main objective and hope those interests crumble in the process. Admittedly you may be new so I don't think you remember 4chan post-m00t

>> No.33173262 [DELETED] 

We got our board, and you got your board. Do like us and use it.

>> No.33173267 [DELETED] 

>No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
The sentence is structured so that "post filters" is part of what you aren't supposed to evade. Since you insist that this thread is about "post filters", the fact that you're evading them means you're the one who's breaking rules here.
It isn't.
4chan's spam and post filters include things like "go back to a certain website you're faimiliar with" and "onions", as you'd know if you actually lurked. The content in OP's post is a completely different kind of filters, and OP wasn't "post filters", no matter how much your lack of understanding of grammar fails to see how that sentence is wrong. You're a disingenuous idiot.

>> No.33173273 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 460x347, reimu ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou board, anon. We post in the niche threads too if you didn't know already.

>> No.33173278 [DELETED] 

>H-He's a troll! i-ignore him g-guys!
Literal cancel behaviour, found in social media platfforms like Discord or Twitter

>> No.33173285 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.33173286 [DELETED] 

Are you Japanese, anon? Tell me, what are the top interests of contemporary otaku culture? And are all Japanese fans of Hololive, Nijisanji, VOMS, PPP etc. all "ironic weebs?"
Point proven. You're just a victim looking to re-enact why you were bullied off another board in the first place. At this point you're probably in your mid-late 30s. Absolutely repulsive.

>> No.33173294 [DELETED] 

You're forgetting the points that:
1. Mods accept feedback occasionally. /vt/ and /pw/ are proof of this.
2. Mods ASKED for feedback in this case. Why would you rather keep shitposting than giving them feedback if you're genuinely interested in the better of both boards?
3. What kind of retard goes to /qa/?

>> No.33173310 [DELETED] 

>time to stop being nice
Wow, anon. That sounded so scary. You really showed us!
Ha ha ha ha, whay a fucking faggot!

>> No.33173315 [DELETED] 

There is no
>1. Spamming or flooding
>2. Posting filters
in the rules pages

But I tell you what there is in the report function
>1. spamming/flooding
>2. intentionally (...) post filters

That's right, they are separated. Why? cuz
1. Report function doesn't follow rules page structure
2. They are two different things

Now keep seething

>> No.33173328 [DELETED] 


>> No.33173331 [DELETED] 

>i-ignore him!!
Wow I'm so devasted right now, I can see it in the way you don't (You) me haha

>> No.33173340 [DELETED] 

>1. Mods accept feedback occasionally. /vt/ and /pw/ are proof of this.
To consistently fracture interests discussed on the website and kill off boards entirely respectively?
>2. Mods ASKED for feedback in this case. Why would you rather keep shitposting than giving them feedback if you're genuinely interested in the better of both boards?
Do you honestly expect them to read or better yet, listen to people who actually care about the quality of this website? Or do you think they're just following orders from Hiro because he just wants more ad revenue from ever-growing traffic of newcomers who don't even bother lurking not even a week?
>3. What kind of retard goes to /qa/?
It's basically the new /b/. Lurk moar.

>> No.33173341 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 531x868, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you blind, retarded, or a combination of both?
>intentionally post filters
>intentionally posting filters
Do you know what's the difference between both of these sentences?

>> No.33173343 [DELETED] 

Nooo please nooo! Not the simp army!!

>> No.33173349 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.33173348 [DELETED] 

Fantastic, they do nothing but meme response now >>33173328

Looks like Touhou niggers lost it haha. It was to be expected, since what they defend has no logic or makes any sense

>> No.33173357 [DELETED] 

Go pay another donation to your e-whore

>> No.33173361 [DELETED] 

You can't read. That's the problem.

>> No.33173364 [DELETED] 

>told you that just as "spamming/flloding" and "filters" are separated in the report function, then "spamming or flooding of any kind" is one thing, and "post filers and evading spams" is another thing, in the related picture

Brains are free anon, everybody has them

>> No.33173370 [DELETED] 

>To consistently fracture interests discussed on the website and kill off boards entirely respectively?
Or maybe because they were suffocating their boards by being way more numerous than anything else? And before you go "but 2hu had a lot more threads", I urge you to recall how many posters hololive threads get, and how many posts they have per day.
>Do you honestly expect them to read or better yet, listen to people who actually care about the quality of this website?
Yes, because I'd rather still have hope.
>Or do you think they're just following orders from Hiro because he just wants more ad revenue from ever-growing traffic of newcomers who don't even bother lurking not even a week?
No, because Hiro doesn't do shit anymore. Mods are in total control.
>It's basically the new /b/. Lurk moar.
Yes, and it's just as useless. Especially for matters that have to do with the site.

>> No.33173378 [DELETED] 

Meidos' already deleted posts from anons wanting to report this thread. You are in the wrong here.

>> No.33173389 [DELETED] 

The holoteen is just here for (You)s. They can't use logic after all.

>> No.33173394 [DELETED] 

Once again.
>post filters
>posting filters
Do you have enough experience with English to understand the difference between both of these sentences? Because if you don't, that explains why you're doubling down so hard on your failed argument.
Also, why are you ignoring the global rules page, which is the basis for the report function?

>> No.33173420 [DELETED] 

Why are "spamming/flooding" and the "post filters" options separated, while being together here? >>33173341
Could that mean they ARE, indeed, TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!?

Touhou nigger won't be able to sleep tonight trying to resolve this kinder question

>> No.33173434 [DELETED] 

You're trying to hard at this point, holofag.

>> No.33173442 [DELETED] 

What is your native language?

>> No.33173457 [DELETED] 

Another thread full of embarrassing holoshitters

>> No.33173469 [DELETED] 

If they're two different rules, why are they grouped up? Why do the rules say that "post filters" is a bannable offense, but not "posting filters"? How do you accidentally post filters, and why is that not against the rules while doing it intentionally is? What's the purpose of a slash in the middle of a sentence?
Are you really this stupid?

>> No.33173496 [DELETED] 

>Or maybe because they were suffocating their boards by being way more numerous than anything else? And before you go "but 2hu had a lot more threads", I urge you to recall how many posters hololive threads get, and how many posts they have per day.
Contrary to your own beliefs, most of the Hololive posters here actually respected the fact that this was mainly a 2hu board. Instead, your incessant complaining followed by a coordinated raid to get Hololive pushed off /jp/ made the entire fandom here look bad. None of us raided your threads, you did it yourselves. Vindicative behavior doesn't suit well with me and I don't know why the 2hu fandom or at the very least, the ancientfags and originalfags, embrace this.

>> No.33173530 [DELETED] 

>None of us raided your threads
On warsou archive there are so many evidences to the contrary

>> No.33173548 [DELETED] 

Meidos already keep Holos thread. Clearly you are in the wrong here, and no amount of meta complaining (this thread) will change that

>> No.33173551 [DELETED] 

>None of us raided your threads
stopped reading there
You're slowly becoming /jp/'s sworn enemy

>> No.33173559 [DELETED] 

all the hololive generals on /jp/ need to be moved out

>> No.33173573 [DELETED] 

Not the same anon but /jp/sies always had problems with shitty mods.

>> No.33173575 [DELETED] 

>what is a coordinated raid by /qa/ and /s4s/ schizos designed to make an entire fandom look bad
Old man, I know this is a foreign concept to you, but this website became infested with vindicative clout-chasing teenagers who actually hate things that become interests here. Been this way for around 3 years now.

>> No.33173583 [DELETED] 

>read carefully
>best filters" >>33169223 (OP)

>posting filters is an option in the report function tab

Maybe you're the one who needs to learn how to read

>> No.33173592 [DELETED] 

And when your wish is granted, will you be content living a life of dormancy?

>> No.33173595 [DELETED] 

Making the same post doesn't suddenly make it correct.

>> No.33173604 [DELETED] 

>intentionally post filters
You all need to learn English

You're posting in a "hey /jp/, go to this page, follow these steps, and post filters you made" while being literally titled "best filers". Here, quoting OP for you >>33169223 (OP)

Not only you need to read English, you need to learn reading comprehension in the first place
Not only your convenient and denial wording is going to change the fact this is a shitposting thread, with filters INCLUDED

Now keep seething

>> No.33173616 [DELETED] 

Nic response, you really defended your position
Because they don't know English, dumbo. Filters are filters, this thread is literally called "filters: the thread". Seriously, go buy a brain or semething.
I was going to request you to address how this thread isn't pure shitposting, but seeing your lack of neurons and evident shitposting nature, seeing how you defend shitposting, then I expect nothing. As I said, I was just being nice

>> No.33173625 [DELETED] 

the report page talks about post filters that 4chan uses to filter out certain words, not filters that are used by various extensions.

>> No.33173636 [DELETED] 

No this is just another 2hufag complaining that people dare have other interests besides 2hu and that this is a 2hu board only. And anything a decade later that receives a large following akin to 2hu must be pushed off entirely because it's a 2hu board and they're the policemen and gatekeepers of otaku culture. Despite Japanese Hololive and 2hu fandoms not having fucking battles and metathreads about this every goddamn day.

>> No.33173638 [DELETED] 

There is no
>1. Spamming or flooding
>2. Posting filters
in the rules pages

But I tell you what there is in the report function
>1. spamming/flooding
>2. intentionally (...) post filters

That's right, they are separated. Why? cuz
1. Report function doesn't follow rules page structure
2. They are two different things

Now keep seething

>> No.33173640 [DELETED] 

>everyone that spammed the 2hu threads was from /qa/
ok retard

>> No.33173644 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 1349x353, hororaibu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know fully well that Hololive threads coexisted mostly peacefully with the rest of the board before somewhere around last Christmas, but then a mod made /qa/ raid the board the sent everything to shit. And now that things SHOULD have gotten peaceful again thanks to /vt/'s creation attracting a good portion of the people who spammed threads, I'm still seeing way more vtuber generals than there used to be before that mod fucked everything up. For some reason there were two separate HoloJP threads at 1k+ posts earlier today. Holostars got split off for some other reason too. Indies are apparently too big for the general vtuber general as well. HoloEN moved entirely to /vt/, EXCEPT for a few persistent people who would rather have a snail-paced thread in here. There are even 4 different generals dedicated to specific characters (Towa, Luna, Noel and Ahoge, whoever that may be) which get remade as soon as they're archived. And you're telling me that you people still respect the board? I know that mod ruined everything, but you had a chance to rebuild your trust with the rest of the board by starting to behave again - and yet you people chose to splinter all over the board instead, despite /vt/ existing. I do wish things could go back to how they were, but at this point I don't see how that's possible anymore. You got your own board, now please let us finally be able to take it easy again. I'll even help you drive out the orange spammers in there, but please, let things go back to how they were.

>> No.33173659 [DELETED] 

Don't be nice to pushing 40s neckbeards that can't see the irony of why they were told to fuck off /a/ a decade ago.

>> No.33173667 [DELETED] 

The fact that your posts continue getting deleted is proof that you're wrong here. Too bad.

>> No.33173682 [DELETED] 

>No this is just another 2hufag complaining that people dare have other interests besides 2hu
We post in VN, vocaloid, idolmaster and other niche threads too to ya know?

>> No.33173700 [DELETED] 

Neither is deleting post, mod. I'm talking to you, since my words trigger you so hard you delete my posts when they break no rule
What, you think this post is complaining about modertaion??? get in line

You have "complaining about 4chan moderation" posts there
Deleting my posts only speaks for youself, mod

Exactly. You can see the circus that this thread is. I wonder why mods select and delete my posts

>> No.33173709 [DELETED] 

Oh hey, you're breaking the rule against spamming. Quite ironic, don't you think?

>> No.33173713 [DELETED] 

what's a neckbeard?

>> No.33173715 [DELETED] 

You're asking for it. You really, really asking for it.

>> No.33173724 [DELETED] 

That only proves that my words hurt mod or janny's feelings. It shows exactly what I say: this is Discord

Your deleted meta anti-holo threads in warosu speak for themselves

>> No.33173728 [DELETED] 

I actually agree HoloEN and HoloID (that one is debatable to say the least as many here consider HoloID part of the main branch) should be pushed to /vt/ entirely as a fair compromise. But I can't expect the 2hufags to get this because they think Chuubas are innately a Western phenomena because of how trend-hopping grifters have co-opted it. Anyways, you're always going to be dealing with people who don't listen to helpful advice so as long as you're still here. So I've just learned to accept the fact that nothing will actually happen to make the quality of this website better, and the day the /jp/sies get their wish and all Hololive/Chuuba content is pushed off /jp/, it's just another example of how everyone's at fault in the end.

>> No.33173743 [DELETED] 

It proves that:
1. You're wrong
2. You don't understand English
3. You're a shitposter
4. You're a spammer
5. You're retarded because you think that reposting your shitposts will do anything other than prove you're a persistent shitposter
Please shut the fuck up and take your loss.

>> No.33173744 [DELETED] 

You're breaking the rule against off-topic rule, Quite ironic, don't you think?

>> No.33173753 [DELETED] 

Are you really so desperate that you're going "no u" now?

>> No.33173758 [DELETED] 

>N-no you
Monkey brain

>> No.33173760 [DELETED] 

Mods do delete posts telling Chuuba discussion to fuck off their new board, but it's a matter of time before they reverse course.

>> No.33173767 [DELETED] 

How? The jannies/mods are holofaggots too.
A holoshitter

>> No.33173770 [DELETED] 

>Calling someone out is off-topic
Anon, please. Stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.33173776 [DELETED] 

Isn't it ironic the 2hufags complain about Discord yet I'm in one right now with people who actively post on /jp/? Kinda strange how oldfags work. They really need a hugbox despite telling others to go back to them.

>> No.33173782 [DELETED] 

>You're wrong
By deleting posts? kek
>You don't understand English
I understand every word you say to me. Do you, anon?
>You're a shitposter
>creates meta threads whining about things you don't like while ignoring all the shitposting in the first posts
>You're a spammer
I do not spam threads. I just voice my arguments.

>> No.33173790 [DELETED] 

>Everything I don't like is literaly discord

>> No.33173795 [DELETED] 

I'm actually perfectly fine with occasional small threads about random vtubers being made. >>33047961 for example is perfectly ogey. The issue is when you abuse the hospitality mods forced the board to give you by having that fucking many generals that never stop being remade, even for characters, when /vt/ is right there for you to have them where they're best suited.
Seriously, getting your own fucking board is a miracle. You should be thankful for it instead of staying behind despite how most people want you to move there in order to go back to their usual routine.

>> No.33173797 [DELETED] 

>it's only OK if I use it

>> No.33173799 [DELETED] 

I don't mean to be hateful or anything but why are the vtubers still allowed here? They have an entire board now.

Why do the mods simply allow them here still? Did they give any official reasoning or are they still just deleting any posts that mention it? A whole board is pretty worthless if they're still allowed here. Sure they aren't spamming here anymore as much as they used to, but now theres an entire board for them. What's the point if its still here? Pokemon may be videogames but mods still move Pokemon threads from /v/ to /vp/ all the time.

Please dont delete my post I want answers.

>> No.33173805 [DELETED] 

Mod deleted my post even tho it broke no rule wtf?


>> No.33173806 [DELETED] 

I have other intrests too but it doesn't change the fact that I hate holoshit

>> No.33173814 [DELETED] 

Mods are the main problems of this entire conflict.

>> No.33173815 [DELETED] 

Oh you're also a "generals killed the soul of 4chan" type? Interesting. That's me on some other boards less to an extent /jp/. 5ch tends to and always has had more individual threads for Holos/2hus so I can get behind that.

>> No.33173819 [DELETED] 

No, Mods are based. Holoshiters are the root of everything wrong with /jp/

>> No.33173830 [DELETED] 

This is childish at this point. Why are mods deleting everything?

>> No.33173832 [DELETED] 

Same. Odd.

>> No.33173838 [DELETED] 

Mods are the main problem of this entire conflict

>> No.33173846 [DELETED] 

Neither is deleting post, mod. I'm talking to you, since my words trigger you so hard you delete my posts when they break no rule
What, you think this post is complaining about modertaion??? get in line

You have "complaining about 4chan moderation" posts there
Deleting my posts only speaks for youself, mod

Exactly. You can see the circus that this thread is. I wonder why mods select and delete my posts

what the fuck >>33173636, deleted? why?

because >>33173667
It shows how wrong the shitposter 2huniggers are

>> No.33173852


>> No.33173856

Can we stop digressing and go back to the topic?
Ok, thanks.

So, what other filters do you recommend, anons?

>> No.33173858
File: 86 KB, 495x521, 1522792593048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for keeping my thread alive, mods.

>> No.33173859 [DELETED] 

Touhou niggers got btfo'd.
Job is done. They were proven wrong by mods themselves kek

So pathetic

>> No.33173867 [DELETED] 

I keep wondering why mods who allow holosomething don't go to >>>/vt/ ?
Can anyone even answer that or are they just the same people who say "based" and do redditspacing and everything green?
If it's the case then make a new touhou board. Do the efffort instead of ruining one board completely.

I am also really sad about how the community of this board distances itself from one another and has to to always suspect their own friends as those crossies.

>> No.33173875

see here >>33169223

>> No.33173884 [DELETED] 

>what OTHER filters

>> No.33173904 [DELETED] 

Now that mods cleaned the place up, I just want to mention a post that summarizes the whole vtuber situation well enough which got wiped along with everything else too quickly for most people to notice it: >>33173795
And with that, I'm done talking about this. Especially if that one shitposter is going to keep repeatedly reposting his garbage on his own.

>> No.33173905

>what OTHER filters

>> No.33173908 [DELETED] 

thx for cleaning the holoshit spam

>> No.33173924 [DELETED] 

ay this meido is actually alright.

>> No.33173925 [DELETED] 

That wasn't nice and absolutely for no reason at all.

>> No.33173930 [DELETED] 

Literaly the exact opposite happened. Are you of sound mind, holofag?

>> No.33173941 [DELETED] 

>Are you of sound mind, holofag
Do we even still need to ask something like that? I think probably 95% of the former residents know the answer.

>> No.33173943 [DELETED] 

You win this time.

>> No.33173945 [DELETED] 

Can the mods PLEASE finally talk to us about this problem

>> No.33173953 [DELETED] 

Shhh, kiddo. Everything is OKAY!

>> No.33173961 [DELETED] 

What problem? They just made a new board and slowly but surely all of the Chuuba community is migrating there. Give it time this won't take weeks, more like months.

>> No.33173965 [DELETED] 

There is no problem, anon, just filter them…
Speaking of which, are there any other, more precise filters for /jp/?

>> No.33173966

You don't need other filters. This one is perfect.

>> No.33173972

At least the Gravure/Idolfags stick to their own generals, unlike holoshitters

>> No.33173990 [DELETED] 

The threads have been at the same speed for the past week. Nothing is changing, it just got stale.

>> No.33174008 [DELETED] 

Like I said. It will take time and perhaps more than this place may want before it's fully moved there.

>> No.33174015 [DELETED] 

Are you sure? Most jannies/mods here are holoshitters.

>> No.33174022 [DELETED] 

Not the one who just deleted 3/4 of the thread.

>> No.33174036 [DELETED] 

You never know. NEVER trust the mods.

>> No.33174048 [DELETED] 

All they need to do is move the generals to /vt/, the small character image dump and discussion threads can stay. That's exactly how the relation between /v/ and /vp/ (the example they gave on IRC) works.

>> No.33174050
File: 155 KB, 572x800, 1597803012729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has always upkept its quality by being exclusive, it's nothing new. Even the banner tells people to stay away, so when we tell you to go away, try not to take it too personally.

Relatively recently, an entirely new group of character spammers have intruded with new types of those characters being created every week rather then every 6 or 7 years as is the case with touhou, I can see how board quality would quickly deteriorate.

One of the best qualities of this place is how long it takes a thread to die, you could rest assured that your thread will remain a few days at least but if those new character spammers spam character threads on top of our character thread spam it won't leave much room to take it easy.

I know, I know, you want to spam your character threads here as well, holopeople, why should we have all the fun, right? However, this is a simple case of we were here first, but there was an attempt to come to a compromise with the new board. An entire board for you, not even us 2hupeople can lay claim to that.

However, spam is still here and it seems every post here is being deleted for little reason so it seems our vaunted meidos have no real answer for us either. It's just frustrated shitflinging from both sides with our mediators closing their eyes, putting their hands over their ears and trying their best to pretend no one is complaining or that if they are, they won't complain for long. Which is not working. Taking it easy here is a last comfort for a lot of us. Please try to protect that, meidos. Please remember that.

Delete my post to prove me right.

>> No.33174087 [DELETED] 

Fair enough. I hope your post doesn't get deleted.

>> No.33174145
File: 166 KB, 944x332, quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33174148
File: 353 KB, 444x859, Filtered Thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread (pic rel) got filtred with OP's filter, despite being a Touhou thread. Why?

>> No.33174151
File: 109 KB, 934x717, 744f621eea7fe4823db330b0d96779018898b2a797dec344c1875965789f6684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post r gone!~

>> No.33174160

Thank you basement dweller!

>> No.33174202

Dunno, happens sometimes. I wish 4chan x had a feature telling us which filter got a post filtered.

>> No.33174223 [DELETED] 

It's like they're forcing us to like holoshit

>> No.33174297
File: 71 KB, 788x935, 1609454602677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start by halving your rules till you find the culprit. Pic related is just an example. I didn't test OP rules because I use my own

>> No.33174319


foward, foward, into the abyss
go ahead, maybe I'll join you later

>> No.33174722

Bumping this hilarious thread

>> No.33174842

im@s fag here, 2hufriends are infinitely better than holoshitters

>> No.33176363
File: 63 KB, 181x179, 1610436985897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank you flan-chan!!

>> No.33176930


>> No.33180946

>At least the Gravure/Idolfags stick to their own generals, unlike holoshitters
None of them belong in /jp/ . Gravuretards belong in /s/ and idoltards belong in /mu/

>> No.33181053

Given how this batch of new boards seems to be taking care of necessary board splits (even though the vtuber situation was handled in a very poor way so far), I want to have at least some hope that we'll finally get /idol/ this time.
Unless mods fuck up yet again and let them continue having 40 generals in here.

>> No.33181490


>> No.33181721

>and idoltards belong in /mu/
The don't talk about music. They can stay on /trash/ with the k-pop stalkers.

>> No.33182120

>The don't talk about music. They can stay on /trash/ with the k-pop stalkers.
An /idol/ board would really solve that, I had forgotten about the k-pop stalkers. I remember when these k-pop spammers were a plague everywhere around 2013.

>> No.33182837
File: 152 KB, 850x602, meiling smelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the foot toxin cloud spreads

>> No.33185313

thanks homie

>> No.33190526


>> No.33190593

Was it worth a bump?

>> No.33191845

The OP literaly posted a filter that lets us do it.

>> No.33196893


>> No.33197617

A lady that paints her nails surely must take care of her foot hygiene too?

>> No.33198513
File: 409 KB, 850x1202, meilingfeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's chinese so the plague that causes breathing problems and lung pain was caused because she took off her flats. It is still spreading.

>> No.33198692

Why didn't the filter include "idol" and most of the various idol splinter generals?

>> No.33206477

im@s fag here, holofriends are infinitely better than 2hushitters

>> No.33208174
File: 63 KB, 392x459, AQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should filter the idolmaster threads too
That's a shit attempt at sarcasm if that's what you're going for.
