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33102995 No.33102995 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about Touhou fan projects you like. Music, art, games, novels, animu, abstract shit, whatever.

Have any of you /jp/ers ever tried to do your own fan project?

Pic related was from a dropped project I was working.

I wanted to make 'THE' definitive Touhou TRP. It was a cyberpunk/norse mythology/wrerstling/Touhou comedy tabletop game that purposefully tried to blend all of these things with a straight face. Taking place in the faux-reality of a cloned Zun cyborg fetuses head with the Norse cosmology imprinted into said fake world with it's own laws and rules and all of the Touhou shit I could possibly cram in.

I was having a lot of fun getting assets and researching shit to make the game, but I had to pull the plug in the end to work on a non-Touhou related dream project I'm currently working on.

Pic related was some goofy Photoshop stuff for the trailer.

>> No.33103111

Why did you drop it?

>> No.33103193
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I dropped it to work on a dream project of mine I had been ignoring(a 31+ book series).

I fucking loved working on it, but it was just too time consuming. I wanted to stay true to all the source material so I planned on researching Norse Mythology/Cyberpunk settings/Touhou extended works/History of US wrestling. I would pretty much just sit around reading, taking notes, and brainstorming.

Going out for a beer run brb.

>> No.33103862
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So yeah. Basically it was a full time job and I just had to choose one. Sucks. I honestly can't stop thinking about it y'know. I'll probably end up reviving it someday maybe.

>> No.33103899

Genso Wanderer is a good time.

>> No.33104045

I've yet to play Genso-though I should-yet. Shit looked rad.

Would you say it could be played casually? Like if I were doing some menial labor I could just dick around with it?

>> No.33104225

>Basically it was a full time job and I just had to choose one. Sucks.
Goes for just about any ambitious passion project unfortunately. Makes you appreciate time as a commodity. Hard to motivate yourself to keep working on something that needs a heavy time investment if you're not benefiting from it in some way after a while, even moreso if you have a new exciting idea that's feasibly accomplishable. Though hopping between projects can be problem too, it's a hard balance to strike.

>> No.33104398

31 books? Shouldn't you tone your expectations down a bit? How many pages will each book be?

>> No.33104689
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Amen to that. Like I said. Maybe one day I'll get back to it.

It sounds like you've been in this situation though. If so what were you working on?

It seems like a lot, but most of them are already outlined and nearly ready to be made(Like 20 or so). Just have to work out a satisfying ending and some technical bits at this point.

The books would vary in length with some being about Goosebumps length-so rather small-and some being about 200-400 pages depending on the content. I've also got a cowriter whose been working on it with me for nearly 2 years now so it won't nearly be as much work as it would have been going solo.

>> No.33105167

>It sounds like you've been in this situation though. If so what were you working on?
Several times actually. I've been a part of various modding teams in the past and have also done solo development work, both paid and other times simply because I liked the proposed concept.

The biggest killer of projects is both time and motivation. Spend too much time on something, people start questioning themselves whether it's really worth continuing as the weight of real-world responsibility continually grows. Other times people feel they don't get enough out of it - either too little enthusiasm from the people they're working for or the target audience is too niche, to keep themselves going. This is just what I've noticed from others anyways. It's why a lot of mods and stuff die prematurely, years go by and eventually people start thinking "oh man what am I doing". A lot of them are too ambitious for one or a few people to finish in a reasonably accomplishable time-frame.

More recently one of the guys that was part of the development of a long-term mod I was working on just dropped off the planet. Realized a bit too late my fondness of working with them was a huge driving factor for my continued part in it's development, since they've been gone I've just been in one big slog. Having trouble finding a reason to keep working on it. Motivation's a real double-edged sword, I'll tell you.

>> No.33105461
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Damnation. This is all too real. I feel like a lot of my own projects die with too much ambition behind them to be feasible. I find myself going overboard on research to the point where I end up losing a lot of steam over time.

Could I ask what mods you've worked on? I have a friend who's been recently taking the mod/dev dive(Nothing Touhou related though). Just interested in hearing more.

>> No.33105852

Well, it's good to be ambitious. Though you should ask yourself, whether what you're working on is simply because you want some form of recognition, profit, or whether it's truly what you find joy in doing. Ideally a project should have most or all of those things, though you can substitute pay with many forms of compensation, such as companionship for example. The moral is, if you yourself aren't getting anything out of it, you'll quickly find yourself burning out. What you get out of it can be anything - money, art, or even simply interest from people. To give an analogy, you can have a beautiful pile of all the gems in the world, but if you can't show them to anyone, sell them or share your excitement about it, then there's little point in keeping them right? That's a bit of a broad statement, but I think it gets the point across.

As for development itself, start small. Set reasonably attainable goals first before you focus on anything else, then build up from there is all I can really say. It's easier to keep yourself going when you have something you can actually use and interact with rather than just ideas and concepts, this also garners interest from people as well which can give you the push you need to keep working on it.

It invalidates the value of my word a bit, but I wouldn't go too much into stuff I've personally worked on since a name could probably be slapped on me from a few searches. Though I largely do freelance programming work for stuff I find interesting, I've also headed a few "ground-up" projects under different alias's. Solo projects are fun if it's something easily accomplishable on your own, though for more ambitious ideas it's not a terrible idea to employ some form of help to compartmentalize work, it really speeds things along faster than they'd otherwise take if you tried to shoulder every section of development yourself.

>> No.33106565

I feel you.

Really the reason why I'm taking a stab at all of this stuff is that I genuinely feel compelled to do it all as an artform. I don't really feel much of anything when I'm not creating something. Not to get too out there, but creating shit is more or less my reason of being. Not for money or anything, but to just make something whole.

I understand not giving deets btw. It's cool. I'd rather not give too much about myself either. I like the comfy anonymity I have here.
