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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3309844 No.3309844 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3309880


>> No.3309879

/jp/tan is a little polish girl who spends most of the time reading, drinking tea and playing videogames, she dresses in gothic lolita fashion.
She hates the other boards and will act dumb if any of them requests something from her, she will only talk seriously to /prog/nii.
She's a NEET and hates to be told what to do
/jp/tan also has a Meido that cleans her room and reorders her Novels and games (sometimes hiding them) and a Japanese bird who is eternally cooking spaghetti

>> No.3309886

Get out of /jp/, fucking annoying tripfag.

>> No.3309892

say "please" you unpolite piece of shit

>> No.3309897

What the fuck is "ronrey"?

>> No.3309907

How hard is it to understand that knowledge of something can make you hate it?

>> No.3309914


>> No.3309920

I just vomited a little in my mouth.

>> No.3309927

sage doesn't work that way
back to /b/ please

>> No.3309937



>> No.3309941


>back to /b/ please

>implying that those who use the "LOL BACK TO BEE" butthurt retort are newfags and Gaiafags

Oh, well played, sir. Well played!

>> No.3309964

it's correct.

>> No.3309979

It is sort of representative of /jp/ but at the same time you can tell it was written by someone who needs to lurk more since they got their info from the board rivalry threads.

sage for meta board rivalry

>> No.3309983

/jp/ - Just polish girls.

>> No.3309990

Impolite, you uneducated beast.

>> No.3310027
File: 1.95 MB, 1535x1181, 4476274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone's pissed about the boundaries of language shifting.

>> No.3310031


everyone on /jp/ is an uneducated NEET that dropped out of school. If you're not, you don't belong here and should gtfo back to /r9k/ or /b/.

>> No.3310044
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>> No.3310045

What happened to us being gypsies?

>> No.3310053

This guy is a true NEET xD

>> No.3310109

Why is /b/ Uncle Fester.

>> No.3310160

lol way to show them who rule dis board XD
