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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 210 KB, 683x1024, cp .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3308375 No.3308375 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3308381

That is a creepy doll.

>> No.3308382

Is that a robot?

>> No.3308385

Does it obey the 3 laws of robotics?

>> No.3308388
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>> No.3308389


Jesus put some meat into that kid. She's practually skin and bones.

>> No.3308390

It doesn't look like it could do much heavy lifting or physical labour. Useless for your housework.

>> No.3308395
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>> No.3308397

Why would I want a kid when I can't even support myself?

>> No.3308399

I'd put some meat into that kid.

>> No.3308401

She just won't eat, even if you put food right in front of her.

>> No.3308410
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>> No.3308419

Hey /jp/ I'm in a pretty fucking pissed off mood today. I'm using a friend's computer because the fucking FBI confiscated mine. I'm calling for a boycott of REAL DOLL.

Here's what happened. You can order custom Real Dolls so I specified that I wanted their smallest model with no pubic hairs and a perfectly flat chest. Two weeks later I notice the charge hasn't gone through on my Visa so I called to ask if there was a problem. The guy on the phone asks what my order number was and I tell him. I then hear him talking in the background to someone, maybe his manager and he comes back and says there is no problem that they're waiting for a custom part to be milled and won't bill my credit card until it's finished.

No problem. Well this morning the fucking FBI bust down my door with a warrent. They grab my fucking computer, they grab all my CDs and DVDs (even more store bought music CDs and DVDs) and all my videotapes and leave with them and take me in for questioning.

They tell me Real Doll called the FBI to register a complaint that I'm a pedo trying to buy illegal pedo products. WTF!?! There was nothing illegal about the Real Doll I was trying to buy. But the FBI said it was suspiscious enough that it gave them grounds to get a fucking search warrent to look through my shit for CP. WTF!?! What fucking country is this?

The most they'll find is maybe some legal softcore Loli hentai because I don't have any CP. Hell I don't even like porn of real people which is why I was buying a fucking Real Doll in the first place.

So now they've told me not to leave town until the investigation is over (which I don't think they can legally do anyways, until I'm charged I'm legally free to go wherever I want), I have to hire a fucking lawyer, and I've got no fucking computer or CDs or DVDs or even fucking video tapes until they're done searching through my shit.

I'm hungry.

>> No.3308422


Well what good is a kid who can't even feed herself? What, am i suppose to spoon feed her? Feed her with a milk bottle?

>> No.3308426

I'm surprised it didn't end in Bel Air.

Now it's just boring.

>> No.3308435



There's your problem. You don't order from Americans.

>> No.3308437

Fuck yeah, uncanny valley!

>> No.3308444

It's America, idiot.

>> No.3308453

Fuck Yeah Japan !

>> No.3308455

Can you actually fuck these dolls?

>> No.3308464

Well, duh.

>> No.3308470

the question is: do you want to ?

>> No.3308471

Wasn't there a guy that was convicted solely on loli? You're screwed.

>> No.3308476


Just how much does it cost to buy one of these? I'd take a loan if I have to.

>> No.3308481

That's because he didn't even bother to fight it.
And he had CP.

>> No.3308487


>> No.3308490

It still sets a precedent.

>> No.3308492

Why are you guys replying to a 4 year old copypasta?

>> No.3308503

neutral good my arse

>> No.3308523

Ah yes, the classic.

>> No.3308524

You can't fuck those, they're mostly anatomically correct but they're not sex dolls.

>> No.3308534

4 years already?

>> No.3308536

This is just really fucking creepy. I like loli but it will forever be drawings. Real children are pig disgusting.

>> No.3308538


>> No.3308541


>> No.3308544

>Real children are pig disgusting.

I wish I could think the same.

>> No.3308553

God I want one.

>> No.3308558

Eventually, we will have loli gynoids who will hug us and tell us they love us.

>> No.3308559


I've always wondered. How many of you guise are sexually repressive IRL?

>> No.3308564

Meaning what?

>> No.3308569
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>> No.3308571

Repressive as in we repress other peoples' sexualities?

>> No.3308574

FFFFFFF 50 year old virgin in that one.
Our future

>> No.3308576

Don't you mean sexually active? Sexual repression is more of a society thing.

>> No.3308584

Real children are pig disgusting.

>> No.3308588

How heavy is this and how hard is it to pose?

>> No.3308589
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>> No.3308592
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>> No.3308613


I fucking love that black guy.

>> No.3308618

inb4 somebody sneaks in some real CP and nobody notices

>> No.3308620


No, he didn't. He's going to get 20 years for having a few loli related manga out of thousands.

>> No.3308621


That sounds like a request.

>> No.3308624

What makes you think I already haven't?

>> No.3308642
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>> No.3308645

I think I can tell the difference between a doll and a child.

>> No.3308660

Owning something like this would consign you to a life of solitude for sure.

>> No.3308678

What If I already where, might make it a little more tolerable.

>> No.3308685
File: 134 KB, 936x704, WITH FIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is evil

>> No.3308689

In other words nothing would change.

>> No.3308694


I guess you have a point. I'm personally scared shitless of coming ever closer to a life of solitude. That fear is the only single thing preventing me from going totally ape shit and spending all my money on Dollfie, etc. It's not that I don't like it, on the contrary, I love it. I'm just scared of it at the same time.

>> No.3308698
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>> No.3308714

I used to think that way to an extent but then I realized it won't make a difference and started buying all the otaku merchandise I wanted.

>> No.3308716
File: 70 KB, 482x357, 1220887158645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this is a bit over the top...

>> No.3308718


I'm desperately hanging on to my last remaining vestiges of hope for a lover who understands me.

>> No.3308719


I imagine a person would have long since resigned to be completely alone for the rest of their life long before making the actual purchase.

>> No.3308755

Abandon such hopes and just buy what you like.

>> No.3308762
File: 57 KB, 355x536, SORA002_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your going to tell my waifu adoption is not an option ? HOW DARE YOU ?!

>> No.3308788

This is creepier than kigurumi. Just imagine having it turn its head at you all of a sudden 180 degrees

>> No.3308792


It's never going to happen. I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but really, it just isn't going to happen.

Do you think that any of us here right now, in this thread about a sex doll in the form of a prepubescent girl, are going to look back even briefly (even just to laugh) on this memory while having dinner with our girlfriends/wives, or going to a movie with them, or doing some other ordinary "normal" thing? No, because that simply won't ever happen. You're in it for the long haul...

>> No.3308818

It's not a sex doll.
Either way, I think a lot of people would prefer a sex doll to a human female. I can certainly respect a guy who's ready to admit he doesn't want to deal with all the bullshit that comes with having a girlfriend.

>> No.3308823

That's not true at all.

>> No.3308830


Come on, even though it can't be penetrated every single person here would fondle it on a daily basis.

>> No.3308838

the 4 years old here would probably see a beta model in their life time.

>> No.3308851

Or boyfriends, don't forget, some of us may turn out to be gay one day.

>> No.3308852

Since when was it such an admirable attribute to not want to commit? Just because he doesn't want to deal with "all the bullshit"? The man can have recovery time, but from the way you put it all I see is a man of cowardice and fear of getting hurt the same way he was hurt before. You should not always be closing your heart to people. Learn how to spot a mature person, not some 23 year old with a 13 year old mentality.

>> No.3308857

...touché. After all, this is /jpedo/.

>> No.3308861

He is committed to staying uncommitted.

>> No.3308868

even if it can't be penetrated,
I'd penetrate it, my dick is the dick that pierces the heavens!

>> No.3308869

Jam a knife into the cunt area, fuck the hole.

>> No.3308885

Don't forget stripping it naked and ejaculating onto it.

>> No.3308889

I just think the sex, while very good, isn't worth all the time and effort when, comparatively, a sex doll requires nearly no maintenance, doesn't get sick, doesn't get periods, doesn't age, etc. If I want to go to the restaurant, see a movie or whatever, I have guy friends.
Face it. The vast majority of men get with women because they want sex. Now that we can get sex from a superior source, choosing not to have girlfriends is the logical choice. Soon enough it'll be the guys who want human women who will be the weirdos.

>> No.3308892
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>> No.3308895


>> No.3308896

I've been saving for one of these for a while now. I just need a house/apartment now...

>> No.3308900


You might be right, but for now I remain slightly uncomfortable with the direction my life is taking. I'm not getting any younger you know.

>> No.3308903

Going to rewatch Chobits, be back later.

>> No.3308904

> superior source
lol, NO.

>> No.3308915

You know, I wish I was born like thirty years later than I actually was.

Then I can have all kinds of amazing stuff, sex dolls being at the top of the list.

>> No.3308917


Yeah, somehow I feel that warm flesh and a beating heart adds a lot. Also there's the nice smells and cute sounds while making love.

>> No.3308921

pics of her floating face down in pool please

>> No.3308923
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>> No.3308924


Or dress it in a shirt and a skirt, have her sit on your lap, lift the skirt up and pull the panties down just enough to slide your dick in and rub it against her little pussy until you cum in her panties and then pull them back up and rub your hot cum into her pussy. And then make her wear those dirty, sticky panties for the rest of the day. And make her promise not to tell mom and dad.

>> No.3308925

I want to strip a loli naked and ejaculate onto her

>> No.3308927


>pics of her sinking face down in pool please


>> No.3308929

While I agree that you try to find someone mature, and I would never buy one of these dolls myself, I understand the mentality. Wanting to cut through the crap and live your own life is fine, but so is wanting a shared, committed relationship, I think they both have their virtues and vices.

My problem isn't finding mature women, it's finding worthwhile women. I wouldn't settle and spend the rest of my life with someone unless I genuinely thought I loved them, they had a good personality and we got on well together. That's quite hard to find.

>> No.3308931

>making love

>> No.3308933

>Soon enough it'll be the guys who want human women who will be the weirdos.
Not going to happen, sorry.

>> No.3308936


If by mom and dad, you mean the factory, I don't think she'd say a word......ever.

>> No.3308937


forgot your sage bro.

>> No.3308967


I also forgot my ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3308968
File: 290 KB, 683x1024, 8816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3308976

full force

>> No.3308977

I would also buy a selection of primary school uniforms for her to wear.

>> No.3308993

apparently with a bit of a extra they could make them bleed

>> No.3309003


I see nothing wrong with this because at least it provides an outlet so no one really gets hurt.

>> No.3309015


It's disgusting. I would never make my loli imouto wear such slutty things.

She would look super cute in her white cotton panties and one of my old t-shirts though...

>> No.3309040
File: 73 KB, 1600x1200, raptor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure even he does not approve.
i think

>> No.3309064

>>white cotton panties and one of my old t-shirts

My fetish. Just throw in a pair of cute socks. I'm not too fond of barefeet.

>> No.3309280

t-shirts that are way too big for her? If so, I'm in.

>> No.3309303

Oversized tshirt,nice legs and cute songs.


>> No.3309314

Socks even.

>> No.3309346

OH GOD and bandaid on her knees!

>> No.3309501 [DELETED] 

Oversized shirts on dolls? Hello Chi

>> No.3309505

Oversized shirts on dolls? Hello Chii

>> No.3309637
File: 444 KB, 704x400, vlcsnap-64234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sets to this doll OP? I'd love to have a nice little folder of this doll!

>> No.3309750

thanks you /jp/, now I have to read chobitS again and again and again and again...

>> No.3309758

I give this thread a rating of 20 out of 100.

>> No.3309791
File: 421 KB, 800x533, mako1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dat some TROTTLA doll?

Everyone knows ayana is superior

>> No.3309797

Can't you just say 2 out of 10?

>> No.3309887
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>> No.3309905
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mai waifu

>> No.3309916
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>> No.3309940
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>> No.3310679
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>> No.3310704
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>> No.3310737
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>> No.3310929
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>> No.3310940


that ones perfect, I want this

>> No.3310946
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>> No.3310966

These dolls are fucking creepy.

>> No.3310987


Those eyes...
"But, I-I don't want to do those things anymore..."

>> No.3310989

Made for creepy people

>> No.3311007
File: 23 KB, 328x496, e7fec3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
