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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 60 KB, 474x364, p2162r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3307564 No.3307564 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care if Marisa's house is canonically depicted, this is her house.

>> No.3307569

>I don't care....about canon

I'm starting to grow rather worried about this trend.

>> No.3307574
File: 50 KB, 787x523, sdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay well fine but this is SDM.

>> No.3307576

>I'm starting to grow rather worried about this trend.
I'm starting to not care about you growing rather worried.

>> No.3307588

The Touhou fightin games are not canon

>> No.3307592

Marisa lives in a trailer.

>> No.3307598


They've never been. It's only this new upswing in secondaryfans who insist that Tasofro's games actually mean anything[because CIRNO is in them, naturally!]

>> No.3307635

I'd go as far as to call them semi-canon, since ZUN made some of the tracks and the new characters, but Hisoutensoku is 100% virgin-pure bullshit made for the fans.

>> No.3307644

I thought that's a metapod

>> No.3307652



That's absurd and ridiculous. It's either canonical, or it is isn't. There is no in-between - it's like a road. You have one lane and you have another. No one drives in the center.

Make up your mind.

>> No.3307654


They're canon.

>> No.3307656

OK, then, canon for me.
But only IaMP and SWR

>> No.3307660


>it is isn't

I'm surprised no-one picked up on this grievous error.

All right, the Tasofro games are canon.

>> No.3307661


I hate to break it to you, but UNL is ZUN canon. Although it is unarguably full of fanservice.

>> No.3307688

>ololololol the tirpfog maed a mistaek Xds

But, I don't get it. Why wouldn't they be canon? ZUN has plastered his name all over them.

>> No.3307886

IaMP and SWR are canon, how desperate can you get? >>3307598
Only one of them
