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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3305908 No.3305908 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to ask the girl at my local B2 out after work. The only problem is that my Japanese is heta.

I'm planning on asking her if she has plans..
"Shigoto no ati ni yotei ga aru?"
And if she says no, then I'll say...
"Kissaten e ikitakunai?"

Or you can help me make that mo' betta.

Because that shit is FUCKED in babelfish.
"Is the coffee where I have been attached thought as nature?"

>> No.3305933

You could try asking in one sentence?
(Shigoto no ato de,yotei ga nai na
ra boku to issho ni kissaten ni i
lit. If you don't have any plans after work, would you like to go to the cafe with me?

>> No.3305946


if she doesnt like you, then you can both come out of the situation still friends

>> No.3305955

Also good luck OP.

>> No.3305985

itteminai? What form is that?

>> No.3305995

"Would you like to"

>> No.3305999


Thanks. Let's see what happens.

>> No.3306000
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You like pilots?

>> No.3306019

seriously though, what's a b2

>> No.3306022

Maybe she is a stewardess or something.

>> No.3306026

Stewardess on a B-2?

>> No.3306027
File: 112 KB, 298x403, = Waiting for OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's wait for OP to give us an explanation.

>> No.3306041

>"Is the coffee where I have been attached thought as nature?"

I'm going to use that line on a girl irl.

>> No.3306055

Well, why not? It is Japan, the land of our dreams. I want a stewardess on my B-2.

>> No.3306060


She gives the pilots coffee and the nuclear launch codes.

>> No.3306143

OP still. I'm going to the store later. LOL.
Thanks for all the support though. I will keep you updated.

B-2 is a drugstore chain in Japan.

>> No.3306149

Don't do it. I speak from experience.

>> No.3306759

It worked. We're going out tomorrow night after she's off work.


>> No.3306950

we always look out for other charisma men.

>> No.3306973

Thank you kind sir.

>> No.3307729


If shes under 30 I sure hope you got condoms? Also, most girls will expect a fuck on the first or second date - fact, ask any real Japanese.

Also why the fuck did you go to Japan but cant speak nhg foe shit?

Oh yeah, u a troll, of course...

>> No.3307766

I am frustrated.

>> No.3307790


Going to japan is like the new "in thing" for rich white folk. Really strange, a lot of private college kids I know who know jack shit about Japan or their language or their culture (save for having maybe watched a dubbed version of cowboy bebop once) are rolling over there to "see the incredible culture" aka have someone hand them a hand painted wall scroll that says "fucking idiot gaijin" and think its the coolest cultural experience evar. Look at the cherry blossoms, go EWWWW at anything other than the most plain ass sushi (I LOEV SUSHI OMG IM SO CULTURAL), and then get on a plane and go home.

OP is apparently an expat though, so one would hope he had a little better idea of wtf is going on there.

>> No.3307829


Tell me about it, Tokyodisneyland was well annoying due to random US Forces pestering me to translate for them, fuck that...

Personally, my wife taught me like 80% of the Japanese I know before we moved to Japan, its one place I would never consider going before learning the language.

Funnier still is other fucking foreigners giving me the gaijin fucking stare, mostly in Tokyo [where we go to see in-laws, about 6 stops from Shinjuku, nice...] but saw more staring from Japanese to the Chinese who are FUCKING EVERYWHERE

I much prefer Hokkaido, hope we can move back again soon.

Also, FUCKING JET PROGRAM./NOVA WANKERS fucking get a job YOURSELF rather than being a fucking mindless zombie then OMGOD Japan really needs to change xxxx etc.

French in Japan are 2nd worse though.Cunts!

>> No.3307853


Also, for people from Faggot Mexico [aka USA] I think the whole "culture trip" has been going on pretty much since they nuked Japan. Although selected Europeans have been doing it a good hundred years more earlier.

Thank god for that Faggot Mexican academic who saved Kyoto though [fucking snobbish people there...]

>> No.3307877

You don't need to place a hard return every fucking sentence.

>> No.3307894










>> No.3307911

speak for yourself. I live in Asakusa and say g'day or nod to most gaijin expats I come across and they usually have a quick word back. It's rare someone actually ignores you or death stares you and those people are usually the kind that have much older ugly Japanese wives they married as soon as possible and don't have any other friends.

>> No.3307904


Fuck off, teenager!

>> No.3307919


Kill yourself.

>> No.3307922

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3307923


Have spent quite a bit of time in Tokyo [though I don't really like it that much as the food is SHIT, air is disgusting, and the people, frankly awful] but have never had anything but stares, the younger fuckers are normally worse.

Hokkaido isn't very Japanese at all, but, apart from the economy, its 10000x better than being anywhere near Tokyo.

>> No.3307928

No, hungry.

>> No.3307929


No, the fucker is almost certainly a Faggot Mexican [USA wanker]

>> No.3307935

Stop responding to yourself. It makes you look crazy.

>> No.3307938
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>> No.3307942

If I go to Japan right now with no knowledge of the language and average looks what are the odds of me marrying a Japanese model?

>> No.3307943


Delusional too I see, how tragic.

>> No.3307946


Probably quite high.

>> No.3307948

How much money do you have?

>> No.3307949

u mad?

>> No.3307956


more than you

>> No.3307953

A lot.

>> No.3307959

Tokyo isn't for everyone I agree. I rarely go to the western area of Tokyo , I much prefer shitamach and the slower life I have here. I work out in the countryside 40 min away teaching for research institutes too so I'm not overloaded on Tokyo. But man, next time go out in Ueno Ameyokocho, awesome

>> No.3307971

That wouldn't be hard to do at the moment, considering I have student loans to pay off~

Also, why is it so many faggots in this thread? Get this REAL JAPAN shit out of /jp/.

>> No.3307996

I enjoyed his story. Reminded me when I was in love with one of the maids in Royal Milk Cafe and spent a fuck ton of money talking to her and gave her gifts but never asked her out....

>> No.3308002

I have been studying Japanese myself with the only hope of going to the Hello Kitty Amusement Park.

Will a single male get stared at like he's a pedophile if he goes in, or are there a lot of single men between the 21-40 age there?

>> No.3308014

>are there a lot of single men between the 21-40 age there?
Yes, there are. They are also all pedophiles.

>> No.3308020

>Get this REAL JAPAN shit out of /jp/.

Faggots like you are why Moot should delete /jp/ - its a waste of bw thanks to you kiddies.

>> No.3308031


You're the faggots from /b/, /v/, etc. who think this board is for your NIPPONESE FAKE ADVENTURES or for talking about how you want to bang ugly Japanese women.

>> No.3308042

>Faggots like you are why Moot should delete /jp/
Faggots like us is why /jp/ was made in the first place. Go back to /r9k/ if you want shitty 'halp 4chan how does I get girlfriend' threads.

>> No.3308057


>> No.3308073

dude your name is incredibly faggy. Seriously, you sound like a gay host in nichiome.

>> No.3308080


You fail at life so hard its untrue. An early death for you is the best the internets can hope for.

0/10 amerifag

>> No.3308115

Should't you be in school? Neglecting your highschool education to insult people on boards where you don't belong won't be good for your future.

>> No.3308160


samefag needs to go suck uncles cock...
