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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 490x378, sitting-to-pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3305343 No.3305343 [Reply] [Original]

The TV Tokyo program that introduced the foreigner learning traditional Japanese manliness from an ouendan also contained a brief segment on how Japanese men sit down at toilets to urinate instead of peeing from a standing position. In 1999, only 15% of Japanese men claimed they sit down to urinate. By 2007, almost half of the male population were answering that they sit down to pee!



The pussification of the Japanese man continues to increase at an alarming rate. Pretty soon body hair will be illegal and boys will be shunned for having a penis.

>> No.3305351

I sit down to pee in my home. I stand up to pee when I go in public.

>> No.3305350

I sit down when I pee.

>> No.3305361


Please leave you dicks by the door. You don't use them to plow women and you don't use it to pee standing up - one of the greatest advantages men have over women.

>> No.3305392
File: 143 KB, 559x367, 1250602272662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are weak.

True men piss with all their might while standing.

>> No.3305395


There's lots of things you COULD do standing up, but prefer to sit down while doing. Like posting on image boards for example. Why is taking a piss any different?

>> No.3305394

Real men pee standing up.

>> No.3305393

I only sit to pee if I have to shit as well.
Why the hell would I sit down to piss otherwise?

>> No.3305398

And finger their assholes which are lubed with fluoride toothpaste.

>> No.3305403

This. If I pee standing up I need to lift the pail before doing it. Then I had to put the pail back down to do business. So much hassle.

>> No.3305404

Because peeing while standing is manly.
standing in front of the PC is not.

>> No.3305409

what if you type with your dick

>> No.3305413

I sit down when I piss on the floor.

>> No.3305416
File: 23 KB, 417x331, 1245866576112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've yet to see anyone do that.

>> No.3305422

I occasionally pee sitting down, like if i'm too sleepy to aim straight or too drunk. I don't want my bathroom smelling of piss.

>> No.3305429

I need to try this.

>> No.3305430

depends on the scenario, if I'm living by myself (means I clean the bathroom) I usually sit down, to avoid splashback. If I am not living alone and can make someone else do it, I will stand.

>> No.3305436

Jesus, man, how hard do you shoot your piss?

>> No.3305437

i piss sitting down whn i am extremely sick and feel light headed just from standing up

othre than that, why would you want you're bare ass on something that cold. fuck that noise

>> No.3305449
File: 171 KB, 610x600, 1246432199084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Japanese women pee standing up.

>> No.3305453

I only sit down to pee when I have to take a shit as well.

Its called multi-tasking.

>> No.3305454

When I sit down my dick always goes in the water. When I shit I have to piss standing first and then flop my dick onto the toilet seat when I sit down.

>> No.3305459

what the fuck

>> No.3305461

How about getting a toilet that isn't just a bucket of water?

>> No.3305463

/jp/ - Piss and Shit/General

>> No.3305478

I've never pissed sitting down. If I shit standing up as well does that make me more manly?

>> No.3305498

Why do you guys care so much about what's "manly"? It's not like someone's watching what you're doing in toilet. People who piss by standing often miss their target, it's disgusting.

>> No.3305513

Disregard that.

>> No.3305683

>People who piss by standing often miss their target, it's disgusting

This, if you like the place clean and don't like cleaning toilet, you'll sit down.

I do all three, stand and piss normally, sit down to piss for higher precision, and during the middle of night when I don't want to wake up fully but need to piss, I'll do it standing up in the dark using only sound as my guide

>> No.3305725

>I'll do it standing up in the dark using only sound as my guide

i pissed in my boiler room once because of that

>> No.3305738


Sitting is good in your own home to eliminate splashback; we tall bros with powerful hyper weapons (which is a result from intense fapping sessions) get a lot of it. The splashback literally lands everywhere: the floor, the toilet bowl rim, the walls, etc. Most of the time you miss seeing the tiny droplets of piss on the floor or bowl rim, but trust me it's there.

tl;dr sit down at home to promote cleanliness and stand up and piss everywhere in a public bathroom (and use your foot/shoe to flush the toilet). Extra points if you're one of the cool bros (like me) who actually washes his hands each time after he uses the bathroom.

>> No.3305750

Japanese men sit down to pee because their dicks are too small.

>> No.3305758

I pee sitting down because I like to take it easy.

>> No.3305761

The only reason I piss standing up is because of boredom. Whenever I take a somewhat long piss, I gyrate my hips and experiment with different piss trajectories.

Hell Mode: See how close you can piss to the edge of the bowl without splashing

>> No.3305776

There have been medical proof that standing to pee increases your changes of prostate cancer.
Hence why many people pee sitting down.

>> No.3305789

What actually happens when you stand up that leads to the formation of tumors in the prostrate?

>> No.3305810

read somewhere on this british journal
its because some people use their prostate alot to "push" the urine out.
this, over long periods of time is harmful to the prostate
but if you let your urine flow naturally, doesnt really matter how you do it.

>> No.3305833

>>People who piss by standing often miss their target

Really? I don't think I've ever missed.

>> No.3305834

It's the European water.

>> No.3305849

6'5" with a relatively small penis. I don't recall if I ever 'learnt' to pee standing up (mother + sister family) but I've been sitting from as long as I can remember (from 13yo+).

Occasionally I do go standing, but I have trouble completely emptying my bladder without the last few drops ending up on the rim (splashage) or the floor due to roughly a 40cm difference in destination from standard flow to weak stream.

tl;dr: Sitting is easier.

>> No.3305869

I like to piss standing up while grabbing onto the pipe next to the toilet and leaning back.

>> No.3305884

Isn't that Jun Maeda in OP pic?


>> No.3305887

Sitting down is for faggots. If peeing standing up sometimes causes it to bounce off the water on a bad angle, sitting down will splash the pee all over your ass. Not to mention if you've just woken up and have a boner.

>> No.3305886

I sit down to pee when I have time

Feels good man

>> No.3305913


You just position your penis properly in the boner situation.

>> No.3305931

i piss sitting when im at home. if im in a public bathroom though i stand up.

>> No.3305936

Pissing while sitting sometimes make you feel like shit is coming out your ass and you can't help but wipe even if nothing is there. You just gotta make sure.

>> No.3305939

In the morning, my erection goes away by the time I am fully awake and reach the toilet. Then I sit down because I'm tired.

>> No.3305951

and by fully awake, I meant being able to get out of bed, but still tired as hell.

>> No.3305965
File: 188 KB, 550x550, 1251548609072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never sit to pee
Pic related

>> No.3305989

So what the fuck. Your dick basically deflates in a matter of seconds? Mine usually takes an hour to go away if I wake up with it. Something interesting is if I leave somewhere right when I wake up, I get it about 20 minutes after I woke up.

>> No.3306001

Not that poster but mine goes away in well under 3 minutes.

>> No.3306008


I've had delayed morning wood before too, sometimes I'll get them right at the start of a morning class.

>> No.3306018

I used to always get mine on the way to school. But since I don't go to school anymore I usually sleep in everyday and end up rubbing it against my body pillow in the dazed stupor. Sleep is always the best right before you wake up.

>> No.3306028

If you masturbate enough you stop getting morning wood/popping erections in public. Whether that's good or bad is up to you to decide however.

>> No.3306037

What the fuck you guys.

>> No.3306042

It's bad. Not like I go out in public anyway.

>> No.3306047

I've found positioning the pelvis in a sitting position eases tension in the penis, and allows me to liberate more liquid than when I am standing, something that holds a lot of the urine back and stores it. Ever wonder why a small stain appears on your pants when you sit down a while after standing up peeing?

>> No.3306059
File: 26 KB, 350x263, dean_venture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever wonder why a small stain appears on your pants when you sit down a while after standing up peeing?

Did you forget to dab?

>> No.3306066

The topic is japan relevant. We are discussing how japan is full of sit-down fags and we are superior gaijin.

>> No.3306069

shaking > dabbing.

>> No.3306079

Real men stand up to pee EVER!

>> No.3306095

Real Japanese men don't use western toilets.
The part of manliness was squatting over a hole and being able to piss without getting it on your pants. Japanese men were fucking skilled. I can't even bring myself to attempt this shit.

>> No.3306098

Real men sit down. Fuck standing up.

House toilet wise.

>> No.3306099

real men piss in the sink

>> No.3306101

I masturbate about 3-4 times a day and I still get morning wood. Is it bad that I want to get an erection in public in hopes someone will notice it and make fun of me?

>> No.3306117


>> No.3306121


Fuck yeah

>> No.3306136

Real men piss on trees.

>> No.3306134

That's not really that weird.

>> No.3306145

I almost always pee sitting down.

>> No.3306166

welcome to 4chan.

>> No.3306167

Fuck pissing, REAL men cut open their bladder and pour it out when they need to take a leak. This "peeing" is why everyone is becoming pussy faggots.

>> No.3306174

I pee sitting down when I'm taking a shit.

Otherwise, I pee while doing hand stand push-ups.

>> No.3306176

Only reason I don't sit is because my dad sprays on the seat and doesn't clean it. I don't want his geezer diseases.

>> No.3306184

I hope you don't use the same bar of soap then.

>> No.3306185

Liquid soap

>> No.3306219

I always pee while standing if I have the chance, because whistling while sitting on the toilet just doesn't feel the same.
