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3304451 No.3304451 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't you let me have the harem end, Ein? Why?!

>> No.3304459

There can only be one.

>> No.3304472

yuri end

>> No.3304475

Scythe Master end...

>> No.3304482

>There can only be ein.

>> No.3304499

which show is this?
is it good?

>> No.3304514
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I like Ein but Cal s superior, bro.

>> No.3304515

There's a harem end in the VN?

When are we going to get the actual game instead of that god awful power DVD shit.

Also I wouldn't be surprised by harem end anyways, even with Ein saying this.

>> No.3304535

When it came I raged not on the fact that Cal became Drei, but the fact that THEY PUT TITS ON MY LOLI (╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.3304542
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Nah, Mongolia End is almost a given. Fuckers should make two endings so I could have my delicious Cal cowboy end...

>> No.3304546

The closest thing to a harem end is the one with you fucking killing everyone.

>> No.3304548

I like how six months can turn a DFC loli into a twenty-something bombshell.

>> No.3304564

Mongolia end?

>> No.3304568

Two years.

>> No.3304563

Wasn't it three years? Although even so I thought that was pushing it.

>> No.3304581

Ein and Zwei trace Ein's history to try to find her family/home. The closest the get is her homeland, Mongolia.
Pan to the sky.

>> No.3304583

You mean when he kills 20 (highly trained) men?

>> No.3304594

Oh, that's cool. I used to dislike Ein and was praying for a non Ein end, but with Claudia apparently dead and Cal such a huge disappointment after the time skip, I guess that's good enough for me.

>> No.3304600

Anyone watch the OVA? Is it worth downloading, or is it just the completely same thing in a shitty condensed format?

>> No.3304606

Cal End is cowboy bandito end.

>> No.3304609
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If we get a Cal end, I'll seriously buy the DVDs, beetrain.

>> No.3304628

What happens in the Cal end, since the odds of it actually happening are terrible and the odds of me ever playing the game are even less?

>> No.3304635

It is good if you are a masochist. Watch the anime, it is a truly good adaptation even with the slow pacing.

>> No.3304632

It covers only parts of chapter 1.

>> No.3304641

Whats the source, bro?

>> No.3304651

Nothing could troll me more than a Mio end. Cal or Ein are completely acceptable but Mio, fuck no.

>> No.3304660

Is there a Mio route in the game?

>> No.3304665

Blame Scythe Master: ruining waifus with class.

>> No.3304666

I like Mio end because it was just a one night stand that left Mio hopeful(hopeless).

>> No.3304694

I don't even know what the fuck Death Scythes motivation is anymore.

At first it was to take over Inferno, but it seems like he stopped caring about that as soon as Claudia had him thrown out of the organization. I really think he's just trolling everyone and cares about his life less than Zwei/Cal/Ein.

>> No.3304698

Ein end was obvious from the beginning.

>> No.3304705

I guess he just wants to create the perfect assassin by trolling Reiji to the point of despair.

>> No.3304727
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>> No.3304735

Some people just want to see the world burn.
Scythe just wants to do that while making killer loli harems.

>> No.3304744


He's basically just a crazy-ass scientist. If anything, think of him as a sports car designer.

He wants to create the best cars, try out different techniques, and let them race at the best stages, showing their quality and his own skill at creating them.

>> No.3304745
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There is a sort of Harem end, but it comes at the end of the chapter two Claudia route....

>> No.3304757

And then he crashes the cars into each other when he gets bored of them.

>> No.3304765


An extra episode each for the last 3 DVDs would be fuckwin.

One 'original' Claudia is a fucking bitch route episode.
2 episodes of Cal's Desert Route.

But doubtful, since Phantom is apparently a flop. Shit ratings and weak sales.

>> No.3304779
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Maybe he over-tunned Cal?

>> No.3304789
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>> No.3304797


If anything, he purposely didn't tune Cal enough.

>> No.3304790

Meanwhile, Haruhi is selling one episode by the price of eight...

>> No.3304805
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>> No.3304815

His calm composture manages to be more irritating than King Hamdo's batshit insanity.

>> No.3304819



>> No.3304822
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Scythe was responsible for LeMU.

>> No.3304832


I'll enjoy it immensely when Ein goes lol no I'm Elen and pump lead into that smug bastard.

>> No.3304846

He's Size Master.

>> No.3304858

When are the Zahlen Schwestern showing up to fight?

>> No.3304891


Probably 2 more episodes.

Next week is Mio gun rape, Gohdo Group talk, and Reiji angst, probably making up his route choice for good.

So the last 2 episodes should be the gun-balling one.

>> No.3304896

Everything awesome happens one after another.
Ein vs. Drei
Phantoms vs Yakuza
Holy Fuck Chinese Bootleg Mass Produced Eins
Knife Fights
Exploding Cars
Zap Traps
Jumping out of Exploding Windows
Scythe Dies

>> No.3304910

Would it be more satisfying if:

a) Ein shoots Scythe until she runs out of ammo
b) Ein kills Scythe with one shot between the eyes

>> No.3304916


Ein vs Drei only happens in Cal route, bro.

That being said, I expect it to happen, only for Reiji to DYNAMIC ENTRY ( Mio optional ), and settle a shoot-out with Cal.

Then motherfucking Yakuzas. ( which the optional may get a pointed gun in the head. )

>> No.3304923


The first would be more satisfying, but it won't happen.

That's the whole point of why Elen was able to shoot Scythe to begin with.

>> No.3304937

>b) Ein kills Scythe with one shot between the eyes

Because we all know that Scythe HAS to have a death's-door monologue.

>> No.3304947

No, Ein vs Drei happens in all Chapter 3 routes.
In the Cal route, Reiji blocks Ein's thrown knife.
Otherwise he shoots a deliberate miss to warn her about the throw.

>> No.3304962

Being a Calfag is hard. This is probably the last piece of media that they will produce for Phantom and my preferred conclusion will not happen...

>> No.3304982

They included a Claudia end, sorta.
And the three other ends are all pretty similar to each other, so it's not implausible to get an amalgamated end.

Foursome with Mio.
Phantoms go to Mongolia
Phantoms become cowboys.

Could work out.

>> No.3304994

Heh, I could imagine something like Ciel's Good End, with Cal and Ein friendly competing for Reijis cock. It would ruin the mood of the series but it would feel fucking heartwarming...

>> No.3304993

>Phantoms become cowboys in Mongolia

That would be so fucking cash.

>> No.3304999
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>> No.3305004

Everytime there's a Phantom thread, I shed a tear for the thought that Integration will never be translationed.


>> No.3305007


Claudia end was all about Claudia being a god-tier husband-killing ambitious bitch.

>> No.3305019
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>> No.3305023

What if there was a Lizzie end?

>> No.3305026


So Mio would be like give me your seeds and your son will succeed Gohdo group, Shiga can die in a fire.

Then Cal, Elen and Reiji becomes cowboys-mercs-for-hire in Mongolia, every now and going out on missions to wipe away outlaws?

Shit would be so cash.

>> No.3305032


Good news for you.

Lizzie just got killed by Cal, bro. Episode 23.

>> No.3305029

Does she still get shot?
And are we talking anime Lizzie or zombie VN Lizzie?

>> No.3305028

Claudia not spreading her legs? Now that's new!

>> No.3305043

Good new for you.
Lizzie survives.
Bullets can't kill niggers.

>> No.3305045
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>> No.3305046



>> No.3305050

What the hell is Mistah Godoh doing in Resort Boin?

>> No.3305054

Why aren't you?

>> No.3305059


Either way, Lizzie was Reiji's bro. A route for her would be awkwardly unnecessary.

The series never gave her skills any credit after all. Just like how Mr.McGwire, despite all his jazz and dandy... DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL.

>> No.3305064

Yeah, I hope they explain him a bit more before the series concludes in for episodes.

>> No.3305071

He does shit his pants in the KILL EVERYONE ending.

>> No.3305073

Four*, my bad.
