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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3303916 No.3303916 [Reply] [Original]

Your brethren at /a/, /b/, and /v/ ask your help.

Master Chief can NEVER win! Specially not against Bub & Bob.

GO! http://www.gamespot.com/greatest-video-game-hero/vote/index.html?battle_id=17

Take part in a unified 4chan. Right now the 3 biggest boards are one force. Make it 4.

>> No.3303922


>> No.3303918

>/a/, /b/, and /v/

Oh hell no.

>> No.3303925

Ask /bun/. Those bros are your brethren.

>> No.3303929

Hey look, 3 of the 4 boards I hate the most asking ME for help. Get the fuck out

>> No.3303930
File: 40 KB, 188x197, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad idea brah

>> No.3303934

I helped, but only because I hate Halo.

>> No.3303935

What's the 4th?

>> No.3303938

Just to spite you, I voted for Master Chief. Have a good day now!

>> No.3303940


/cgl/ , nothing but underaged broads.

>> No.3303942

I'll only help since /m/ is also slightly helping out.

>> No.3303941



>> No.3303956

Wait, this makes no sense. Everyone at /v/ loves the Brolo series along with Team Brotress 2 and World of Brocraft.

>> No.3303958

Suspected as much.

I played Bubble Bobble when I was a kid; that's worth less than 5 seconds of my time.

>> No.3303962

Why would you make a post on a board with 12 spiteful people who are so lazy they piss on the floor?

>> No.3303968

/v/ recently has developed... halo issues.

>> No.3303974

I always knew you were a terrible poster, but I thought you were above board wars.

>> No.3303975

I hate all three of you, but I do love Bubble Bobble. I'm doing this for Bubble Bobble, not you.

>> No.3303982

I'm fairly certain that this is some kind of attempt at reverse-psychology, so I'm just going to report this thread and ignore it.

>> No.3303987


Thanks, Zeratul.

>> No.3303985


dere dere

>> No.3303984
File: 289 KB, 1108x1600, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so mean? ;_;

We all like GLORIOUS NIPPON here, right?

>> No.3303981

I'll do it for the dragons. My childhood allows for that much.

>> No.3303989

En Taro Adun.

>> No.3303992

Come on /jp/, it's a Japanese game vs. American game.

>> No.3303995

holy shit bubble bobble is one of my favorite games ever.


>> No.3303997

It's because /jp/ is full of fat men angry that their lives didn't turn out the way they are they wanted.

>> No.3304001
File: 41 KB, 480x480, 1249929593314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the reason why everyone hates /jp/

PS: you have just proven that /b/ is far superior too you, once again congrats.

>> No.3304002


As repetitive as the music is, I love it. This might be why I like the Touhou themes so much.

>> No.3304005

I guess that you people are ready to take up the fight against scientology, right ?
Not /jp/ related; reported.

>> No.3304007

u mad?

>> No.3304015
File: 20 KB, 500x406, 1251342624006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone actually wants to talk about japan

>> No.3304018


>Implying being hated by the current generation of /b/tards is a bad thing.


>> No.3304019

take your shit back to /v/

>> No.3304031

/m/ would not vote against a badass with a robot suit, you fucktoads.

>> No.3304028



>> No.3304026

>implying that responding to a troll thread about a troll topic made by a troll trying to troll other trolls isn't trolling

>> No.3304024

judging by the sage you are quite bumsore that you have proven /b/ is of a higher quality

prove me wrong.

>> No.3304025

I didn't say japan related, I said /jp/.
Rigging internet polls with /b/, /a/ and /v/ isn't /jp/ related; it's retarded.

>> No.3304023

I have no idea who Bub & Bob is. Voting for MC just to spite, even though I generally dislike Halo.

>> No.3304036

I voted because i hate halo, but your boards can still go to hell.

>> No.3304040


>> No.3304041

You guys actually care about a shitty Gamespot competition?

>> No.3304042

i am so very bored

>> No.3304044

>why everyone hates /jp/
All boards hate each-other while /co/ jerks off at how nice and unique they are. That's a tradition.

>> No.3304047

    , ^   `ヽ Why does it smell like pee?
   イ fノノリ)ハ 
    リ(l|゚ -゚ノlリ
     /   il 旦~~

>> No.3304053


>> No.3304054

And /tg/. You forgot /tg/.

>> No.3304058

lulz this is epic win u guise rofl xd

>> No.3304065


We have a nice thing going with /g/ too

>> No.3304059

You guys have underagefags right? Vote for B&B just to troll them, you don't have to like /a/ or /v/ to do it. Do it for your hatred on children.

>> No.3304071

Anyone who votes in this out of anything other than a pure, unsullied love for Bubble Bobble is a massive faggot.

>> No.3304073

Voted for B&B because they are FUCKING DRAGONS.
Also nostalgia.

>> No.3304079

I voted for B&B because only faggots play Halo.

>> No.3304081

As a matter of fact, no, we don't.
Only boards like /b/, /a/ and /v/ have those.

>> No.3304087


>> No.3304100 [DELETED] 

JP is the most tsundere board on 4chan.

>> No.3304102

>You guys have underagefags right?
Hardly. At least they are not noticeable the same way they are on other boards. We do have our share of horrible trolls and retards, but I don't think they really gives a fuck.

>> No.3304130
File: 442 KB, 640x480, waterfall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so mean.

>> No.3304131

oh cmon

>> No.3304132

Anyone that gives a shit about character polls is 12.

>> No.3304124

Reported. Enjoy your ban.

Also voting for Bubble Bobbles.
One of the best game ever and it is ZUN company.

>> No.3304145
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 006200_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Grumpy Old Men/General

>> No.3304148

>>Anyone that gives a shit about character polls is 12.

Even further proof that /v/ is the GameFAQs image board.

>> No.3304158

It's not about the poll. It's about giving my love for Bubble Bobble tangible form.

>> No.3304163

Go buy the game if you like it so much.

>> No.3304165

Already have. I think I'll go play it now.

>> No.3304170

Lol, OP is being trolled.

>> No.3304175

Do that.
Buy an Arcade version, too.

>> No.3304184

>/a/, /b/, and /v/

As much as I hate all those boards, I hate Halo even more. voted for bobble.

>> No.3304200

Don't have a facebook account, but vote bub and bob.

>> No.3304206

Go away.

>> No.3304221

Nah, I'm not that hardcore. I'll just stick with my Wii version.

>> No.3304223
File: 15 KB, 404x363, 1250993388631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voted for bobble just cause I felt like it.

>> No.3304250

Where the hell did all these tripfags come from?

>> No.3304256

I voted BB just because of the hours and hours I spent playing with them on my calculator during classes.

>> No.3304447

You can't be fucking serious.
