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File: 52 KB, 617x426, reimu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3296303 No.3296303 [Reply] [Original]

I've played PCB only 6-7 time during 2 month with Reimu only (pursuit type/normal mode) and managed to not get killed before i meet Youmu, in the end i tried to save many lives and bombs as i can for the end, the first time i was against Yuyuko she raped my ass so hard i didn't played for a month, today i played PCB and i was against Yuyuko again, this time after many lives and bombs used (everything used against Youmu and Yuyuko) i thought i've finally won, suddenly the music change and i was like "WHAT the FUCK ?" she used a sort of suicidal attack, tell me there isn't a second appearance i must kill or something like that, what should i do after beating Yuyuko, only dodging bullets or i should expect more ? i want to play PCB again but i must know what happen next after beating Yuyuko.

>> No.3296312

It's a simple timeout spellcard that is pretty simple to dodge. It loses its effect after the first time you see it.

>> No.3296332

haha I remember when that happened to me

after you time out that last attack you will reach the ending

>> No.3296359
File: 21 KB, 225x266, Reimu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously ? fuck this shit, going to play again

>> No.3296369
File: 198 KB, 700x559, 01ac99c00d1a2a72bc8cf2151d358a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better luck next time frenchy

>> No.3296424

>It loses its effect after the first time you see it.
No it doesn't. Playing PCB is like fapping. Yuyuko's final attack is an orgasm.

>> No.3296451


I meant the "Well that was awesome, I barely survived with no lives and 1 bomb left... WAIT WHAT THE FUCK NO NO NO NO" effect. It still remains an awesome attack and is one of my favourite final attacks.

>> No.3296812
File: 279 KB, 1020x765, 9d34fa0ef37f5b5398c44c1de11784e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i finished the game and managed to have a bad ending but at least i can train now, how many ending a touhou game have ? it have good and bad but i don't know how many

>> No.3296820


>> No.3296822

Yuyuko's last 20 seconds. No lifes no bombs. Final destination.

>> No.3296843

It looks cool, but it's something of a disappointing final card. Dodge red shit, sit still while blue and purple shit goes either side of you, dodge red shit, rinse and repeat.

>> No.3296869

>sit still while blue and purple shit goes either side of you
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.3296884

Everyone hates Resurrection Butterfly. No exceptions.

>> No.3296950
File: 177 KB, 560x746, d68563d21c970475881a497bcb95fa21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i didn't moved when blue and pink butterfly appareared, i only moved for the red one

>> No.3296960


>> No.3296971

I'd rather fight it than any other last card. It gets hard on Lunatic, but on anything lower than that, it's an easy capture.

>> No.3297420

>pursuit type
you are more man than I who chooses to spend half the time you do on spell cards

>> No.3297540

Resurrection Butterfly is a pretty simply-designed attack, but damn if it doesn't leave an impression on you.

You think you beat her, but then some very ominous, quick piano music comes up and the FUCKING TREE wants to kill you now. Kinda looks like it's killing itself, draining itself of all the accumulated spring in order to beat you, as shown by the falling cherry petal items in between each wave.

>> No.3297634


If it's that boring for you, you need to see it on lunatic. It's incredible.

>> No.3297640

I got the same feeling with Kaguya's Five impossible tasks. Honestly, Final attacks like this are supposed to leave this lasting final impression on you. I've seen it in plenty of shooters.

>> No.3297684

Loosing your last life on Resurrection Butterfly.

With the timer at 00.

No continue used.


Lass seems to like me, as she's obviously trying to make move over to her place permanently ASAP.

>> No.3297691

Going from the ones I know...

PCB: See >>3297540
MoF: Bomb...oh fuck. It didn't seem so epic to me. It just had so many card-bullets to dodge, that's all. Reminded me of Reimu's Duplex Barrier(the last one I think) in IN.
SA: I love difficulty-raising cards. It's as if there's really going to be a gigantic fucking explosion if you don't beat her in time or something. Of course, it's Touhou and nothing really happens, so yeah.
UFO: Unless I'm missing something(only beat it on Easy) it's pretty damn underwhelming. Byakuren's Shinki-spell was a lot more memorable, even though I haven't played any of the PC-98 games yet.

>> No.3297699

I gave up on PCB after I failed the final survival card with one life and two bombs.
And I gave up on UFO after I failed the final survival card with one life.

FUCK survival shit.

>> No.3297773

>>3297699 And I gave up on UFO after I failed the final survival card with one life.

That is not a survival card. The simple fact that you can't spam bombs until you win does not a survival card make.

>> No.3297776
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 1251200799676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that i've played and somewat finished PoFV, IN and PCB i tried MoF but it was too quick compared to PCB, bullet was too fast for me, it's beautiful but too colorful i can't compare between bullet and upgrade item and the bomb system is kinda meh, boss aren't really difficult but i can't see shit due to colorful level, should i stay on PCB and train or try something else ?

>> No.3297800

I didn't have much problem at all with the colors in MoF. Is there something wrong with your eyes?

Or, alternatively, you could try playing it while inebriated (I'm being serious, I actually cleared PCB, IN, and MoF while in such a state).

>> No.3297798

I love 4chan! It rocks!
> Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3297865

>failed with one life and two bombs
but you're almost there... and if you're in a situation like that you should just be a bitch and bomb through every set of red bullets. your score is lower but you WIN THE GAME

>> No.3297870
File: 623 KB, 800x1106, 8da5f246fff02fde3da85bdceaac7c31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't see far but i don't think it's a problem, i have no problem with other game, i don't know how to react in MoF because of the bomb system and the speed compared to other game, when i play MoF it's shift button during all the game (except for fast bullet) and no bombs, i don't have the reaction to use a bomb in MoF like in PCB,
fuck you Aya by the way i'm stuck against her

>> No.3297874

He meant Shoot the Bullet

>> No.3297916

Yeah, that. But failing so hard an easy spell card (because, compared to everything else they throw at you, it was easy) was painful. And embarrassing.

>> No.3298294

which doujin is this image taken from?

>> No.3300261

doujin from Happy flame time, not sure of the name so look at touhou wikia

>> No.3300637

God dammit, I had that once, too. Didn't touch the game for at least a week after that.
