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32957908 No.32957908 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>32798478

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.32957948

Is シルヴァリオ ヴェンデッタ worth a read?

>> No.32958446

No, read ポチタマ

>> No.32958832

What am I looking at?

>> No.32960192

God those sprites are horrible.

>> No.32960260


>> No.32960299

How is the 2nd Wagahime trial?

>> No.32960338


>> No.32962378

Very short
Yeah, it's pretty good

>> No.32963192

Somewhat curious about it since I rather enjoyed Dies Irae (haven't read Masada's other works yet) and wonder how that stacks up

>> No.32963262

Finally Clarias month

>> No.32963341

Just so you know Masada was not involved with Silverio.

End of the month is more like next month. It's gonna get delayed again anyway. I say another 2 months.

>> No.32963429

Silverio is definitely up your ally if you enjoyed Dies Irae, and Vendetta at it's peak is really really good. Definitely recommend it in that case.

>> No.32963819

Good to know I'll give that a download
Is the same true for Trinity and Ragnarok?

>> No.32963831

Trinity is overall a lot more balanced and does fantastic work as a sequel. Ragnarok isn't as good as the first two but if you do end up enjoying the series, it's worth a read.

>> No.32965853

Clarias and Lupercalia month, what a time to be alive.

>> No.32965895

Another month of disappointment. Only newfags get their hopes up for modern VNs before even playing them.

>> No.32965971

poor jaded oldfag, lmao

>> No.32967122

Ah yes the quintessential Niijima. Looking forward to him spewing horseshit plot all over my face yet again. Jesus, how can you even

>> No.32967211

How is the Glass Hime by Giga? I heard some girl with big boobs pretending to be a boy, geez

>> No.32967256

still only in the common but its decent. I welcome the rare sarashi wearing reverse trap.

>> No.32967863

2 kamige in one month, truly we are in the golden age of eroge

>> No.32971526
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Had been thinking about giving it a reread lately too.

>> No.32971611
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>> No.32972601

What is best game from Clochete if all I want a lot of ichaicha with well endowed girls?

>> No.32972680

Now that the dust has settled what was your VNOTY last year?

>> No.32972758


>> No.32972829


>> No.32972887 [SPOILER] 
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Same. Second place is 9-nine-

>> No.32973151
File: 442 KB, 656x902, P024-025_ランキング210212anke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hulotte is like 10 years old, how is it a 若手 brand?

>> No.32973213

if you weren't around in the early 2000s, you're still young

>> No.32973235

I've just come back from reading Vns after a year or so: is it me or there has been very few releases last year? has Corona-chan hit the VN market this hard?

>> No.32973961

is that shuffle 2?

>> No.32973996

No it's Tsuriotsu 3

>> No.32974007

This >>32972758

Kamipani because not everyone has basketball tits, the art is good for Clochette and it's got a good cast.

>> No.32974068

my bad. almost thought it was Berry's

>> No.32974632

That art looks like shit compared to their newer games.

>> No.32974662

How good was Einstein? It was good r-right?

>> No.32975189
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For me it's the opposite. Kamipani had soul and detail compared to Clochette's new balloony trash.

>> No.32975247

Now this is SOUL.

>> No.32975364
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I liked the art in Haruru Minamo ni

>> No.32975377

I don't care for the cowtits but I like that artist with the coloring they used for Haruru Minamo ni! more.
That does look better that anything Oshiki Hitoshi has done though.

>> No.32978607

Yonagi, 9nine 4 2nd

>> No.32979039

>Yonagi GOTY
lol. At least no one's named that shit Amakano 2.

>> No.32979349
File: 113 KB, 640x480, knife_discipline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ever hold your knife like this.

>> No.32979482

I knew a guy who lost a finger doing that, back when I worked in a kitchen.

>> No.32979684

is there a proper PC version for this or only PS2? vndb lists a Korean PC version so maybe there's a text port?

>> No.32980149

To my knowledge, it's PS2 only. No big deal though, just use PCSX2.

>> No.32980173

Cutting towards yourself gives you more control. The real problem is how she's holding the radish with her thumb like that and the fact that she's doing it in midair level with her shoulders instead of lower and close to a cutting board.

>> No.32980254

>Cutting towards yourself
There's no excuse for doing this. Safety first.

>> No.32980296

When you peel like in that picture, you move the vegetable more than the knife. Pointing the edge away from you would just be awkward. You wouldn't be able to see what you were doing and roll the vegetable as well.

>> No.32980318

It being easier is exactly the kind of trap people who cut themselves doing it fall into. You just become proficient at doing it away from you, if you cook regularly it takes no time at all.

>> No.32981265

What if I prefer having a higher chance of accidentally killing myself

>> No.32981382

Man Oniikiss really turns into a nukige once you enter a route. The first 2 scenes of Asahi had a regular length scene in-between, then the third H scene started after a tiny 1 minute regular scene. And just when I think the H scene is over it goes into round 2. If that's still part of scene 3 then there's another 4 to come. fuck just give me more SoL cuteness.Don't get me wrong I like the game but the balance is really off. Common route is filled with so much of the kissing minigame that it's too much, but the SoL is good and the girls are cute. Then the route starts with nice confession and H, shows some promise at continuing SoL just to go full nukige.

>> No.32981628

On a side note, I'm really enjoying the chuuni fights in this (wasn't really expecting any actually). Maybe I'm a dork but I like all the obscure Japanese/Chinese myth shit that I have to look up to understand since I never heard of any of this shit before.

>> No.32982093

Hell just 17 lines of mostly nothing after that marathon fuck incl. anal and the next H scene starts.I read the female POV after the normal one so this is now 4 back to back H-scenes. I hate nukige and I hate when H gets in the way of just reading. 2-3 scenes per heroine are sufficient.

>> No.32983901

What game is this?

>> No.32984012


>> No.32984382

I wouldn't call it complete shit but overall it comes of as a weaker Summer Pockets with padded on sex scenes/jokes and a sci-fi twist that doesn't add anything of substance to the (side)-heroine routes.

The production value and Chitose save it from being complete shit. It's not the GOTY, but it's still a decent read if you like sweet SOL and don't force yourself to sit through all of the routes.


>> No.32984465
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>> No.32984616

I like chuuni lolis.

>> No.32985109

I like chuuni sluts

>> No.32985222
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VNs without choices should be the norm, desu. It's just a big fucking headache to deal with dead ends, backtracking and long ass common routes to actually get to unseen content.

>> No.32985231
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Also, while I post, currently going through koikari, having just done the 2 routes of the worst girls (as far as I'm concerned at least), and it's hands down the best asa pro I've read so far.
The teacher route was just generally good, though I personally am not into student teacher stuff, and the twins route was... well. Crazy. It wasn't really great, but at least it didn't have dumb drama on top of it. The characters were too weird and crazy for the relationship to ever feel genuine, and their weirdness also gets old eventually. When at the end the sister asks MC why he's even with them, his answer is very fitting: "I have no idea". The writer probably didn't want to do any more given the problem all three character relationships have, which I can agree with.

Game feels a lot less about just being crazy (the twins are the one exception), which helps the game enormously. Compared to karigurashi, where most of the girls had 1 supposedly funny gimmick and that was that (i.e. look, she has a dirty room, haha), the cast feels much better this time. The game also doesn't forget the common route the moment you enter a route, nor the rest of the cast, which really helps. The general staircase route system also made me read the routes I'd normally not do. So now the better girls of the cast are left, and while it could obviously still get a lot worse, I kinda doubt it.

>> No.32985370

Nothing. It was truly garbage year.

>> No.32985500

How do you deal with the empty void feeling in your stomach after you finish a VN?
Immediately start another vn?

>> No.32985543

I almost never finish a VN.

>> No.32985581

The feeling you get when its a really good VN but its over? Take a week off then start a new one.

>> No.32986632

Tsui no Sora Remake.

>> No.32986747


>> No.32986920

Look for similar things. Well, I would've done that if I didn't have a backlog of similar things already.
Also, I don't have time to read VNs back to back, so there's no such thing as reading too much too quickly for me.

>> No.32987056

I try to indulge in something different.
LN, Manga, Anime, continue going through with my album backlog etc.
Playing a VN in a different genre works as well. Doing similar stuff in a row makes me appreciate both of them less. Unless its a sequel.

>> No.32987341

Is Konno Asta a good writer?

>> No.32987736

Man, Koinoha was top SoL. No plot whatsoever. And that's a good thing.

>> No.32987752

Nah, mull over nothings for a day or two. That's what I do when I finish a game. Normal game I mean. Haven't played a VN for years by now.

>> No.32987765
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>> No.32987825

>and it's hands down the best asa pro I've read so far
That's because it's the best one overall. Only two things left and it would have been 10/10. Imouto route and proper Emi + Hasumi 3P route in the FD.

>> No.32988637

>Immediately start another vn?

>> No.32988746

>Immediately start another vn?
Yeah that's what I do.

>> No.32988812

Choices are fine, but I agree that having a million different dead ends is a pain.

>> No.32989355 [SPOILER] 
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This legitimately hurts to read, knowing I will never serve ojou-sama who's just entering puberty, hold her hands on dates, wash her in the bath, and pat her head until she falls asleep.

>> No.32990134

Too bad she will grow old.

>> No.32990420

can't even find a link for this, everything is dead

>> No.32990622

I tend to let it sit for a day or 2, feels kinda wrong to immediately start playing a different visual novel

>> No.32990889

You never know with youkai.

>> No.32991517

>It's just a big fucking headache to deal with dead ends, backtracking and long ass common routes to actually get to unseen content.
That's easily fixable by having a scenario flowchart that shows unread scenes and let's you read them directly. Kinetic or minimal choice novels can die in a fire. It's fucking boring to not have choices and be railroaded. Read a book or watch a movie if you want that crap. Eroge are all about choices, branches and routes.

>> No.32991544

>Haven't played a VN for years by now.
then fuck off you don't belong here

>> No.32991610

I usually start getting kind of bored halfway through reading most titles, so by the time I'm done I'm already looking forward starting on the next one either way. The first few hours of a new VN are the most exciting part anyway.
If a VN has been especially good I might still think about it or listen to the soundtrack after finishing it but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy something new.

>> No.32991911

More than you, schizospammer.

>> No.32991955

>Kinetic or minimal choice novels can die in a fire. It's fucking boring to not have choices and be railroaded.
found a fucking retard
die, retard and fuck off

>> No.32992188

Agreed on all accounts except for
>That's easily fixable by having a scenario flowchart that shows unread scenes and let's you read them directly.
There are 100% save files for that (which are generally uploaded mere hours after the release). Some companies even go as far as adding "unlock full gallery" button in the CG viewer.
The choices separate VNs from hentai, they are a must have for any VN which wants to keep reader's attention. Removing them kills any sense of involvement in the story because you can't change anything, you can't express yourself, and your opinion doesn't matter at all.
You can only see but never touch, what kind of a fucking braindead faggot wants that? Other than the writer of the shitpost above, I mean.

>> No.32992295

go play a fucking life is strange or some other crap
vast majority of vn choices are either stupid or doesn't really matters
i don't want to waste my time on constant alt-tabbing and looking into guide or save-load and skip shit over and over again to experiment with choices
> are a must have for any VN which wants to keep reader's attention
not really, you just read shit with bad story probably or you're fucking retard, if you need fucking choices to keep your attention
> Removing them kills any sense of involvement in the story because you can't change anything
why would you need to change anything, retard? go play fucking evn with 1000 choices
> you can't express yourself, and your opinion doesn't matter at all
why should it matter? go play fucking heavy rain, retard
implying your choice where to cum matters that much, lmfao
what are you, fucking 14 yo girl or something?
> You can only see but never touch
bet you're fucking incel and purityfag as well
lol at you and your life, hope choices gonna die completely from vns

>> No.32992485

you make no sense. I read an eroge within the last 4 hours and you didn't for years. fuck off

>> No.32992718

I wasn't talking about unlocking CGs or H-scenes. I meant a scenario list of every normal scene. So when there's a choice "Eat melonpan / Eat anpan / Eat ichigo daifuku" each one leads to a slightly different event and a scenario chart shows these. So when you've read the first and third the second still shows as "???". What I would do to make a very branchy game more accessible is to let you click on the "???" in the scenario list so you can read it without having to backtrack in a New Game. Additionally I would get rid of shit like unlockable choices/routes. If there's something like a true route or bonus scenarios then make them accessible in the main menu.

You must have brain cancer and I don't even feel bad for you. Go kys already or troll somewhere else, retard.

>> No.32992791

>hope choices gonna die completely from vns
The way things are going they will, once every game turns into a single heroine moege.

>> No.32992969

Those can have routes too, you know.

>> No.32992984

just make heroine route choice or something, like sagaplanets does it
no need for retarded text choices
>You must have brain cancer and I don't even feel bad for you. Go kys already or troll somewhere else, retard.
no you, fucking retard
if my opinion different from your (shitty) opinion, this doesn't mean i'm trolling
> So when there's a choice "Eat melonpan / Eat anpan / Eat ichigo daifuku"
choices we deserved
> If there's something like a true route or bonus scenarios then make them accessible in the main menu.
so cucks like you would read true route right away and then complain about every other route being boring? lol no

>> No.32993064

The last time I finished a lengthy VN was Root Double, took me around 66 hours. I usually take a 1 day break and start another or restart one from my backlog.

>> No.32993205

Shizocuck, fix your keyboard at least. Your drivel offends my eyes.

Unlockable choices and, God forbid, enforced playing order need to go.
As for the flowchart, I wouldn't use it because it interrupts the natural flow of the story. Autosaves, jump to next/previous scene/choice and "already taken" marks on choices do the same thing, and much cheaper at that, programming-wise.

A pipe dream of mine is tuning the MC's personality via the choices, and have future choices affected by that, even if simply cosmetic. Not just good guy/bad guy routes, but a calm/hot-blooded or intellectual/forceful actions or responses. Most MCs are already self-inserts, adding extra depth to that would give a game much better replayablility than just extra heroines.

>> No.32993250

you totally should fuck off and play some fucking interactive movie or rpg, not eroge
have you play disco elysium, bro? so fucking good

>> No.32994055
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>> No.32994077
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Is できない私が、くり返す worth a read?

>> No.32994195

>so cucks like you would read true route right away and then complain about every other route being boring? lol no
No? Nice reading comprehension, retard. You'd still have to unlock that true route shit but you select it in the menu instead of during the run. I don't give a shit about true routes because ALL routes are true routes so I wouldn't read it first. Unlike you I finish as in read every route my games. Which you'd have picked up on by me talking abuot scenario flowcharts to read every minor event in a game. Dumbfuck.
>this doesn't mean i'm trolling
Except you are obviously a troll or just so braindead you believe your opinions are worth anything.
>choices we deserved
I never claimed those choices were "meaningful." Again, read what I wrote, retard. I was talking about games with complexity in choices, something like Clannad which is rife with meaningless choices that lead to minor sub events. Also it's funny how you complain about my random selection of choices when in your world choices shouldn't even exist lol. I bet you get your food presented by mommy or the prison cafeteria so you can't choose anything either.
>just make heroine route choice or something, like sagaplanets does it
>no need for retarded text choices
You really are a boring braindead person. Selecting the heroine directly is fucking boring. Why not go a step further and get rid of that selection as well and just force a kinetic harem route. Or even better, you open the game and have already completed everything automatically and look at a slideshow of CGs before the game auto-closes and uninstalls for you? Not that it matters to some little shit like you who hasn't even read anything in years and knows nothing about the medium. Again, go kys.

>> No.32994216

No one wants to hear a 40 year old making blowjob noises as a high-schooler.

>> No.32994474

Why is somebody asking this every thread is it some new DJT meme because of the name?

>> No.32994496

>Unlockable choices and, God forbid, enforced playing order need to go.
I agree with that. My previous game had both and while I still liked it, it felt forced. What I just started has all routes available right away and my first run is the classic "my own choices." No idea who I'm gonna end up with but I can't wait. Unlockable choices/routes kill that completely. Take Yuzusoft, the mini routes can only be read after 1 completed route. I hate that.
>As for the flowchart, I wouldn't use it because it interrupts the natural flow of the story
I mean you don't have to use it, it's just an option. Some older games are so complex that it's easy to never get some events. That's what my idea was meant to prevent. No idea about being cheaper, but programming-wise it's not really hard. Newer Yuzusoft games have flowcharts, all Circus games have scenario lists, even some Whirlpool games have those lists separated into H-scenes and non-H-scenes. Programming is more work, but nothing too hard. For games with numerous subevents through choices you could simplify to just having the overarching scene in which you then select the choices for the subevents. Would prevent clutter in the scenario list. But it would require that no earlier flags influence later events.
>pipe dream
That it is. Too complex to do and modern games aim to be cheap and simple so no one would bother. The best you can get is stat raising sims or older games with tons of meaningless choices that lead to different branches and maybe Bad Ends. Developing the MC's personality would be a huge undertaking for any writer. Maybe doable for a shorter game, but not a medium to long one. Unless you simplify it enough that it's just "be good -> Route A; be bad -> Route B; be lazy -> Route C; etc." and then write the protagonist differently in those routes. What you're looking for sounds more like Western RPGs.

>> No.32994519

>No one
You don't speak for everyone.

>> No.32994681

Last game I read with her was Rance 03 and she was great.

>> No.32994874

How do people like her make money at that point?

>> No.32994890

Becoming, forgive me for saying the word, v*ubers

>> No.32994943

She's still doing fine as a singer.
Otherwise they can just become streamers and get simp money, like Kazane and Aji Sanma, they don't even need to do >>32994890.

>> No.32995008

Maybe she can start something on fiver. I’m sure lots of people would pay for custom messages and shit

>> No.32995035
File: 94 KB, 593x421, 榊原ゆいさん_(@YuiSakakibara).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clear, she doesn't only make a living doing things for eroge. She does a lot of other stuff too, like songs for anime. She just enjoys doing eroge, I think she got her start from them too.
Your average eroge seiyuu that aren't as popular as her will probably have to take sidejobs though.

>> No.32995142

I hate all that "bishoujo game" stuff, just say eroge.

>> No.32995230

excited for her debut in rpg maker games since they are technically "eroge" as well

>> No.32995309

They can become my wife and I will financially support them. Who am I kidding, I'm a fucking NEET...

>> No.32995732

she still looks great for a 40 year old unlike asakawa yu

>> No.32995771

>unlike asakawa yu
Come on bro go easy on her....

>> No.32995860

I saw her stream yesterday and she looked fine. She goes a bit easy on makeup, not that that's a bad thing.

>> No.32996875

I would do unspeakable things to Asakawa Yu

>> No.32996951

You can't even type her name.

>> No.32996964


Are you satisfied now fag?

>> No.32997284

is that a threat?

>> No.32999311

Idolfags like you are the worst kind of human being, totally repulsive even more than vtuber simps, instead of judging someone by their voice acting proficiency.

>> No.33000822

>I usually start getting kind of bored halfway through reading most titles, so by the time I'm done I'm already looking forward starting on the next one either way. The first few hours of a new VN are the most exciting part anyway.
Oh god, so relatable, but about 2/3 into vn. Funny thing is, i wasn't this way when i just started reading in jp and had much much slower speed. I have decent speed now, but i can relate so much to your post.

>> No.33003403

I always had this problem with moege. I read the routes of the girls I like and then burn out

>> No.33004109
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, koikari_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It not having an imouto route and her being the way she is, is one reason I quite like the game. People really undervalue the idea of family and what a "normal" sibling relationship can mean. I say this for who knows how long now, but a little sister can be so much more than just another heroine, that calls MC onii chan, and this one is a good example.
The relationship between MC and his sister would only be devalued with a route of her, provided we consider route=romance=sex. Having a route focusing on their non romantic relationship and little struggles would be fine, but given how she's in basically every route, you kinda get that in bits and pieces anyway.

>> No.33004182

I rarely read moege nowadays. Trapge still good tho.

>> No.33004241

There's maybe one trapge released a year, at most.

>> No.33004569
File: 54 KB, 289x360, fuuraiki3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most unique VN I have tried so far

>40 minute hot spring scene alone with a loli

>> No.33004982

She's a central character in every route and MC straight up tells heroines that they'll never be more important than imouto, at best they'll share #1. A small FD route is all I asked for.

>> No.33005110

Sisters are meant for sex though.

>> No.33005571

I'll follow up. Have you read Hamidashi? Their relationship was quite similar and she also plays a big role in every route, yet they pulled off making her into a heroine spectacularly.

>> No.33005669

You really should play 1 and 2 as well, before 4 is released on April

>> No.33005865

Why does everyone seem to like big sex scenes so much?
The idea of pulling your dick out to have a wank in the middle of enjoying a story just seems bizarre to me.
It would seem much more sensible to keep porn as a separate thing entirely.

>> No.33005912

(I) am having sex with the heroine.

>> No.33005987

Why don't people also have purely platonic romantic relationships and just go to the brothel for sex as a separate thing?

>> No.33006029

that's what i do
friendzoned by my gf, i still love her, but going to brothel

>> No.33006183

You mean she friendzoned you.

>> No.33006200


>> No.33006838

Once it's separate from the story it feels fake.

>> No.33006922

because it's fake

>> No.33007319


>> No.33007813

They're porn games and the story is secondary.

>> No.33007981

not really, coomer

>> No.33008054

If they don't want to be called porn games they shouldn't include porn.

>> No.33008067

they have to because of retards like >>33007813

>> No.33008147

truly retarded how one believes everything with porn in it = porno game
just lol
imagine reading dies irae for porn
or little busters for fap
or wasting your time on common route in moege just to get 3 h scene in heroine route hours later
or aokana for porn
or eustia for porn

>> No.33008165

That's me.
And nobody is making them do anything, the eroge audience is tiny, if they are still including h-scenes it's because they want their games to be porn.

>> No.33008182

Misaki route's H scenes in Aokana are kami though

>> No.33008196

shit audience, i feel bad for writers in this industry
i think h in aokana is kinda too short in general

>> No.33008267

The porn in pornhub and H-scenes are the same thing for you?

>> No.33008306

The writers should be happy people buy their shitty porn, they wouldn't be able to write anything good enough for any other industry.

>> No.33008574

>little busters for fap
I can fap to about half of the H in ex though.

>> No.33008668

but did you read it for h?

>> No.33008700

Yeah. I really wanted to fuck Rin badly.

>> No.33008733


>> No.33009098

>porn in it = porno game
How is that wrong? The porn is a part of the game and it's only purpose is to make you masturbate, if the h-scens are story relevant then they could show that without making it porn, like KnS3.
If there was a movie with 30 minutes of full penetration sex scenes only there to make the audience sexually aroused and masturbate you think it wouldn't get called a porn movie?

>> No.33009234

because it's fucking different when you have 30 minutes of porn in 4 hours long movie vs 3 hours 30 mins long port scenes in 4 hour long movie
no one gonna watch 4 hours of shit just to fap
they can fap, but it's not a goal
just like you can fap to all age vn with fully clothed girls if you try hard enough
doesn't mean it's porno

>> No.33009434

I don't read a non-nukige for porn, but the porn makes it better

>> No.33009725
File: 96 KB, 600x600, tokuten_for_light_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people could be buying them for the porn, why are like half the sample CGs always H-CGs? Why do they sell the games together with erotic posters? The same posters that make some people buy multiple copies of the same game at that.
The erotic part is half the advertisement for the games.

>> No.33009772

porn is a good addition and works well as whole package, but just for the sake of jerk off it's easier to open a nukige and fap
or just read few doujins desu

>> No.33009916

Dies Irae has the best translation I have ever seen. The vocabulary truly extends the limits of the human mind. Conjueror was a genius and I am sad we lost him.

>> No.33010169
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not, fuck off.

>> No.33010286

this is perfect English besides the missing "to" after dared.

>> No.33010562

come on lads, don't start this again
last time someone brought up the dies irae translation the thread derailed into posting a bunch of screenshots of shitty translations and blatant mistakes

>> No.33010600

It was pretty funny at the time desu. Just search the archives for it though. No need to repeat it.

>> No.33010653

This should happen again. Dies Irae is so fucking good. Any translation mistakes you find are probably just nitpicks or missing honorifics or some shit.

>> No.33010668

My foreknowledge tells me it will happen again once TL autist-chan is triggered enough.

>> No.33010711

When over half of the CG are HCG, the samples are the same. They also sell non porn games with erotic posters. (i.e. Summer Pockets) Same goes for relatively tame anime.

That's just Japan and has little to do with the product, perhaps a little surprisingly so.

>> No.33010798

i feel like you're just baiting for people to post screenshots for you to save so then you can shitpost later on

>> No.33010817

Is this what your sense of foreknowledge is telling you?

>> No.33010830

You're right, imoutos can be so much more, like my oyome-san becoming a mama-san.

>> No.33010925
File: 198 KB, 519x800, 1608921509777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titillating underwear and swimsuit posters are not the same as naked posters with wet dripping pussies, only eroge, and other porn products like h-manga, get these.
And if half the CGs are porn how is not a porn game?

>> No.33010983

But I wanted to sex Kud, Mashiro and the 3 prostitutes.

>come on lads, don't start this again
Then why did you start it?

>> No.33011195

>and it's only purpose is to make you masturbate
Wrong. Also, learn English.

>> No.33011203

I mean, nowadays most VNs are basically nukige, so there's not much of a surprise. That wasn't always the case though.

>> No.33011296

My stance on it is this too. I don't necessarily read it for the porn, but having it is better than not.

That and it helps shrinks a potential play list better.

>> No.33011310

What are they for then?

>> No.33011348

Romantic development. Bonding with the heroine.

>> No.33011421

Is really necessary to have multiple 15+ minute long scenes fully showing genitals and penetration while 80% of the lines are moans and graphic descriptions of a sexual act for that? How come other media can have romantic developments without resorting to stuff like that?

>> No.33011440

Because sex good you incel trash.

>> No.33011448

>80% of the lines are moans and graphic descriptions of a sexual ac
I really hate it when an H scene has too much description and not enough moans. It's important to get the balance right.

>> No.33011525

>How come other media can have romantic developments without resorting to stuff like that
They can't. VNs are the single best medium for romance.

>> No.33011604

>Is really necessary to have multiple 15+ minute long scenes fully showing genitals and penetration while 80% of the lines are moans and graphic descriptions of a sexual act for that?

>> No.33011801

Why can't you fuck mercurius? Trash VN.

>> No.33012571

The beauty of eroge is that they offer both romantic development and sex. Or more generally (when also considering non pure love games): sex is present, but not immediate. Anticipation of H scenes is a form of mental edging to me, and it makes cooming much more pleasurable.

>> No.33012601

You can have sex without it being detailed porno tier shit primarily meant to be fapped rather than as a piece in the narrative.

>> No.33012696

I've heard this praised several times. Guess I'll pick it up soon, it must be a high quality moege.

>> No.33012709
File: 148 KB, 1282x707, Cattura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called Scaccia, you unculterd eleven.

>> No.33012716

Romance in VNs is about self-inserting. Thus masturbation is the way of having sex with the heroine.

>> No.33012729

Imagine getting triggered by visible genitals, penetration and moaning. H-scenes are a form of porn, they're meant to portray the raw deal, prude. You may think that H-scenes full of fucking and moaning are pointless but even that is part of the bonding process between (You) and the heroine. You also learn how a heroine likes it and how she behaves when intimate. H-scenes are necessary!

I hate reading H-scenes during my first playthrough because they get in the way when I just wanna read not fap. But I also love coming back to the scenes again and again when I want to fap to my girlfriend. H-scenes.. it's complicated.

>> No.33012732

I find often the h-scenes lack any sentimental/emotional value which is ironic considering you're supposed to fall in love with the heroines. It's like they take all the soulless 3dpd porn tropes and roll it up into a shitty drawn out h-scene. That's why I avoid 3dpd porn in the first place, there's no intimacy. Coating it with 2D paint doesn't make it better.

>> No.33012828

How does that even work? You read eroge and form a relationship with the heroine. Ideally you fall in love with her. So it's impossible for the H-scenes to lack intimacy like in 3DPD porn. The latter lacks it because it's a random person and you don't know anything about her. It's just sex you view, not consummating with your partner like in eroge. Consider the following: a random person on the street gets decapitated. What do you feel? At most disgust and fear for your own life, not really sympathy. Now imagine your eroge heroine getting decapitated. In addition to those feelings you also feel sadness because you loved her. Your saying that eroge porn lacks intimacy is equal to you saying you feel nothing about your 2D girl getting killed in front of you. That's a (You) issue. Maybe you just don't love the heroines so the H "lacks intimacy" for you.

>> No.33012863

>Sicilian cuisine
No one other than you pastas knows that lol

>> No.33013031

I'm not triggered, I like porn.
And a game having h-scenes with all that stuff makes it a porn game.

>> No.33013115

>makes it a porn game
Nothing wrong with that. Only Western retards look down on bishoujo games as "porn games."

>> No.33013459
File: 117 KB, 830x455, 1587221178060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? vndb tagged it as NBR but I can't find any indication that it's NBR in the official site.
Unless they pull a we weren't related after all in the end, which is bullshit.

>> No.33013572

Not the end, they tell you near the beginning before you even get the first h-scene.
It's bullshit that they didn't put it in the website.

>> No.33013582

Nah, I love the heroines so it makes the h-scenes stand out even more. Most of the time they're low effort and lazy, rehashing the same tropes instead of writing scenes personalized to the characters. I can't count how many times heroines lost their personalities in the h-scenes, while the MC becomes a callous jerk who treats them like an onahole. And 3dpd porn doesn't just suck because it's a random person, but also it's clearly fake bullshit and you know the actors are being paid and not enjoying themselves. H-scenes should emulate natural intimacy, but it almost always feels like the writers put no effort into them and the girls are just there to be an onahole. Maybe because they are just continuously copying every other low effort h-scene, and the cycle continues.

>> No.33013585

What the heck. They should be sued for false advertising.

>> No.33013614
File: 98 KB, 857x643, Fuyu 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1 too. It's good but sadly not full voice, not even the PS2 rerelease.

>> No.33013635

That's bullshit. Why even bother making this low quality trash if they didn't even have the spine to make it blood related

>> No.33013677

Where do you even get that? Nothing in DMM or EGS reviews.

>> No.33013684

The trial.

>> No.33013695

Well, you'd think people would mention that in the reviews. I guess it's obvious imoutofags didn't play it.

>> No.33013776

Ah. I was just searching for proxies to go look at EGS reviews. Guess there is no need. Thanks

>> No.33013906

You know how often the writer of a route is also the writer of the ero? And how often the writer of common is also the writer of the route and the writer of the ero?

The industry has literally ero writers, who do little else than writing ero. That's also why so very commonly characters break during ero, and it's always the same tropes.
I'll be honest, if all goes out of one hand it can actually be pretty nice. Usually it doesn't though, and the ero is on the same level as a mediocre 18+ doujin to whatever gacha is currently popular.

>> No.33013987

do your homework.
also Ravioli>Lasagna, but Lasagna is still God-tier.

>> No.33014065

This nigga doesn't even understand the meaning behind interactions

>> No.33014103

>the MC becomes a callous jerk who treats them like an onahole
It's actually heroine who treats him like a walking dildo

>> No.33015085

She doesn't look like an imouto in the first place so wouldn't be surprising she's a NBR faker.

>> No.33015209

Your best food is still pineapple pizza

>> No.33015314

How does an imouto look like?
btw I downloaded the game and checked it out, it goes like "oh I found our family register and I'm adopted. So let's fuck"

>> No.33015347

Somewhat short, flat to medium breasts, a girl who tickles your protection instincts.

>> No.33015479

Why can't we have a 25yo OL imouto heroin in our nukige?

>> No.33015502

You can have as much heroin as you want.

>> No.33015512

I want more 25+yo OL heroines in general.

>> No.33015520

As long as they're virgins, whatever.

>> No.33015548
File: 238 KB, 1280x720, imo love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the other anon said. Bonus points if she wears the right clothing

>> No.33015577

Worst type of girl

>> No.33015581

Kohaku's truly lovely, but her Onii-chan can't protect anything.

>> No.33015598

>25yo OL imouto
So how old is onii-chan?

>> No.33015605

Do I need to read Dies Irae and KKK to read 相州戦神館學園 八命陣? I've read Dies Irae but not KKK.

>> No.33015646

Just realized that aunt heroines are pretty rare at least outside of nukige trash.

>> No.33015670

Aunt is kind of an obscure target for the incest fetish. I guess maybe some people have a hot aunt they see once in a while, but usually sisters and moms are way more relatable.

>> No.33015680

if you've read dies irae, you'd be able to pick up on most of the references except for the kkk ones
but that's generally the extent, they don't talk place in the same universe

>> No.33015702

28 maybe?

>> No.33015723

For me it's less about the sexy aunt type and more the lonely mature woman that forgot to smile and gasp in pleasure type.

>> No.33015739

>lonely mature woman that forgot to smile and gasp in pleasure type
That's usually done as a mom with a dead/missing husband.

>> No.33015802

Sure. But I like the scenario where you move to the countryside to live with your aunt and likely female cousin who you're supposed to go after but pick the aunt instead because she forgot the pleasure of wakai ochinchin. So overcome her loneliness and have the daughter accept you as her new dad who she maybe gets to suck with her mom's approval.

>> No.33016033

If only more artists would put as much effort into nude sprites as norizane. It's so rare to find really good ones.

>> No.33016279

VN with racism against blacks or Jews?

>> No.33016428


>> No.33016594

>starting a family and learning how to be a responsible father

>> No.33016602

You should try 美少女花札紀行 if you haven't yet. It's what inspired series like 風雨来記.
Maybe I should try 3 someday.

>> No.33016736

Delinquency = fuck the jews
Too bad Tomoya starts working for them tiny hats and when life throws him a curveball he nogs on his family. Clannad is a prime example for the deconstruction of what's wrong with society. It teaches the reader how both approaches to life can work out for you so you can make your own choice. It's kamige.

>> No.33018565 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 370x51, 1609185393449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this thread is dead but they'll just make fun of me if I want to talk about eroge anywhere.

>> No.33018592
File: 4 KB, 370x51, 1581707205304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this thread is dead but they'll just make fun of me if I want to talk about eroge anywhere else.

>> No.33018655


>> No.33018694

dies irae

>> No.33019557

Do you mean みちのく秘湯恋物語?
Yeah, that one is also good
Though it's almost gravure photo session game with wicked hanafuda game
I remember that I stock max amount of session the first time so I don't have to play it over and over again
And the 2vs1 hanafuda is cheating, the last boss is easier than that

>> No.33019644

Where were you trying to communicate with them?

>> No.33019865
File: 14 KB, 499x141, 1609726447312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't actually me but it makes me not want to post anything, I don't even know what's wrong with what he said.

>> No.33019966

good, that's how every elitist prick from this thread looks in the eyes of japanese
fucking pathetic, that's how
can't be elitist anymore, when even fucking japs mocking you? ahaha oh wow

>> No.33019970

Not that anon and I'm a JP noob but this looks really awkward and gives away that a gaijin wrote it. The reply wasn't even bad so no idea what your problem is. If you feel insecure about your JP skills then don't chat natives up. Or just accept the stigma of being a gaijin. Just cause they make fun of gaijins doesn't mean you can't talk to them. It's like being called a newfag on 4ch lol

>> No.33020100

Don't japs think that gaijins that play eroge are mostly pirates?

>> No.33020117

a lot of jap erogamers are also pirates if twitter is anything to go by

>> No.33020134

They wouldn't be wrong though.

>> No.33020135

This, most of the peers in my eroge torrents are jap IPs.

>> No.33020140

Waffle is doing another release of Hajimete no Kanojo. I hope the reason they are doing this is because they are going to come out with a similar game to it soon. I really want to read another game written by that same team.

>> No.33020525

Supporting the status quo is pretty NPC tier. Where are my VNs with anarchists organizing direct action?

>> No.33020786

Asahi route done. The drama was dumb but at least it gave a pause to the porn spam and let the other sisters shine again. That scene with the little kids was funny. So in the end Asahi basically wants Onii-chan to go family harem, meh.
I liked how her final H-scene wasn't 2 rounds of fucking but 1 round of fucking followed by deepthroat. It's rare to have a reversed order on H-scenes. It's always foreplay -> fuck.
Overall the route was decent. Good common and early route, then too much porn spam. Would've preferred a longer route with more SoL between the H. One time instead of fucking all day long in the empty house they should've gone on a date instead (and maybe fucked after). It really lacked a date scene.

>> No.33021287

How am I supposed to keep up with the mc cumming four times per H scene in amakano holy shit

>> No.33021340

Yet another reason to never read Amakano.

>> No.33021356

That's pretty normal irl too bro

>> No.33021414

It was for me when I was half my age = protagonist's age.

>> No.33021754

Don't cum with the MC, that's pretty gay.

>> No.33021853

I haven’t been here in a long time, but are plotfags still screwed?

Also, where do people usually discuss untranslated (regular) novels or LNs nowadays? I wanna talk to weeabs, not /lit/.

>> No.33021974

Working out unironically.

>> No.33022005

Try changing up your posting style, schizo. Though I guess you can't. You're mentally ill and everyone who knows Japanese lives in your head, rent free.


>> No.33022129

>are plotfags still screwed?
More like dead/suicidal. For discussion you don't have many options. There's this place, but it's mostly dead and has some annoying schizo trolls. You could try starting a discussion on vndb or fuwa but you won't get much out of that most likely. Or you take to discord, yuck. From what I know most discussion happens on darakuen but good luck getting in their elitist shithole. Kastelcord aka trannycord. hapacord full of nazis and room temperature retards who MTL and regurgitate kastel/moogy.
If you ask me better give up on having discussions lol.

Don't give him any ideas...

>> No.33022160

>Also, where do people usually discuss untranslated (regular) novels or LNs nowadays?
/a/, maybe a discord server somewhere. It's not a large market.

>> No.33022186

>It's not a large market.
Lol what? It's pretty huge compared to fucking eroge.

>> No.33022196

I mean in terms of western discussion.

>> No.33022226

>where do people usually discuss untranslated (regular) novels or LNs nowadays? I
Nowhere. /a/ only has normalfags who only read LNs with anime adaptation or that which is on top selling list. I tried to create LN general on /jp/ but no one seem to care about them in English speaking communities. There are a couple of EOP discords tho.

>> No.33022258

They get more discussion than VNs because a lot of anime are adapted from LNs these days. They just don't have a dedicated separate community for some reason. All the discussion just takes place under the pertaining anime.

>> No.33022273

Thats true for translated LNs, not untranslated ones. Untranslated LNs, even ones with anime adaptions, don't get much discussion. Just either begging for translations, or spoiler summaries.

>> No.33022317

You should petition to change this general to untranslated novels generals. Otherwise I don't think you'll find a community big enough for LN general in 4chan

>> No.33022339

good thing ln communities hate elitists like you lol

>> No.33022343


>> No.33022524

That doesn't sound ok to me. No one caught me yet on that site even though people on 4chan can easily pinpoint that I'm an ESL. My brain feels more comfortable with Japanese sentence structures and their way of expressing things because of the extreme similarity with my native language.

>> No.33022595

The problem starts earlier
Does this really sound like a natural, normal thing someone would post on a message board?

>> No.33022609

That won't help. This general doesn't discuss visual novels either, it's just here because it was a thing in the past.
In all honesty, nobody needs this place anymore. Either you go to the hentai games thread for nukige, or you go to the translated VN general thread. There's barely anything released anymore, that doesn't fit into one of these two. Most moege are basically nukige nowadays, and the things that aren't nukige and worthwhile are usually getting translated sooner or later.

Yes it sucks should you actually read something that doesn't fit into one of these two threads, but you see how little people talk about what they read here. It's really rare.

>> No.33022622

Yeah. But that last part was even more unnatural. Sounds like some gaijin from jidaigeki shit.

>> No.33022725

Where is this?

>> No.33022786

I never mention anything I read because I don't people to laugh at how slow I read

>> No.33022848

Just lurk more and imitate their speak. Don't show your creativity in language usage from the beginning. Only mimic what you read.

>> No.33022857

>Either you go to the hentai games thread for nukige,
/hgg/ is barely alive at this point.

>> No.33022907
File: 375 KB, 2560x978, 817Qiy0iKiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, where do people usually discuss untranslated (regular) novels or LNs nowadays? I wanna talk to weeabs, not /lit/
5ch with a VPN. Authors especially if they're somewhat popular and have multiple works published under them have their own threads.
I mostly follow narou stuff though it's easier to find discussions about various WNs there and there are good recommendation threads and also threads where people introduce new stories they found interesting.

>> No.33022913

Probably 5ch

>> No.33022914

Oh, that too? You'd think with how much porn there's in VNs nowadays, and DLsite games, there's enough. In the end I guess there's not much to say about nukige other than "I have this fetish, recommend me.." in a thread like that.

>> No.33022938

/hgg/'s problems are more complicated than that, the past while being slow with not a ton of big-name nukige, switching boards twice, etc. It's a shame, it used to be a good spot to discuss nukige but now it seems barely chugging along.

>> No.33023081

> but you see how little people talk about what they read here
Well, I also post on Discord. If I talked about what I read or reading here as well, people would find out I post on 4Chan.

>> No.33023096

Lol I feel you bro. I reply to others but I don't post about what I'm reading right now.

>> No.33023125

Which discord?

>> No.33023255

/r/visualnovels/ #general2.

>> No.33023314

fuck off dinuz

>> No.33023418

Lol that new himari video where she is talking about the appeal of NTR

>> No.33023654

Listen here you fucking retard. Himari refers to the eroge seiyuu. Go to >>>/vt/ if you want to talk about v*uber """Himari"""

>> No.33023670

Combining 2 small communities to create a medium sized one might actually benefit both. I dont read LNs but might be encouraged to read some if I see people discussing them for example

>> No.33023729

That's an EOP zone

>> No.33024915
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, Dies_irae_~Amantes_amentes~_HD_2021-02-05_15-89-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh, men are disgusting.

>> No.33025230

Mochizuki Himari is literally saving eroge, you can't ignore her in an eroge thread.

>> No.33025300

And what do you think you are?
Yes, you can. Because it has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.33025721
File: 608 KB, 1500x1857, 1581667183616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's someone watching an eroge-focused japanese youtuber that never gets any translations, anymore.
She's more relevant to this thread that all that LN shit earlier, I didn't see anyone complaining about them.

>> No.33025738

Why are you playing the cropped version?

>> No.33026030

because he is a faggot

>> No.33026057

I'm going to play KKK cropped too.

>> No.33026074

your brain is fucking cropped, faggot

>> No.33026081

Jesus, this thread is full of Discord groomer pedos too?

>> No.33026332

Happoubi Jin isn't a virgin.

>> No.33026360

Finished Uchiaru. Some people expected it to be a nukige, but it's a moege to its core. Its HCG to CG ratio is even way lower than other recent moege, because it uses 1 HCG per H-scene instead of standard 2.
It's an unrelenting stream of ichaicha until the foreshadowed and quickly-resolved drama.
It was fucking good.

>> No.33026484

>1 HCG per H-scene

>> No.33026503

I came to the realization that I only like reading moege. if I want plot I just read Manga/Lns. Vns fill a niche that no other genre can.

>> No.33026529
File: 35 KB, 933x226, 1604853104990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art for the loli is fucking ugly.
And what did they mean by this "ただお預けされるだけではない"? I'm curious but I don't care enough to play it.

>> No.33026684

Is this good depiction of trans human being? https://vndb.org/v27452

>> No.33026693
File: 863 KB, 1920x1080, うちの主は妖怪の常識を知らない_2021-02-05_15-11-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are ultra gay. I think they meant that you progress to H gradually instead of jumping on it right away. First start taking baths together, then every night 添い寝, then kiss, and only after sufficient time has passed, the H starts.

>> No.33026698

Today I learned that men love cocks.

>> No.33026717

Why people read generic samey moege instead of something actually creative and original?

>> No.33026747

They're not short by any means, and there's 5 of them in a route. I thought they handled it well.

>> No.33026762

And what noteworthy eroge has come out recently with a good story, anyways? The last one in my radar was Musicus and nothing else has released since, unless you consider the Tsui no Sora remake.

>> No.33026772


>> No.33026783

Because it's harder for an established formula to miss. And cute girls.

>> No.33026802

Is that really it? The おあずけ mode from Amakano 2 is to skip the h-scenes in the actual routes and leave them for later, I think.
Did you try it with that on? I thought maybe they added replacement scenes for the skipped h-scenes or something.

>> No.33026857

But you still have cute girls in nearly every eroge even if there is actual story. Isn't it enough to cope with loneliness?
> And what noteworthy eroge has come out recently with a good story, anyways?
Didn't read much stuff from 2020, 9-nine and TnS aside.

>> No.33026872

>Didn't read much stuff from 2020
Then why are you asking? People reading new releases read moege because it's the only stuff releasing.

>> No.33026908

Oh. I haven't played Amakano 2, that's the problem. Now that you say it, there's a setting for it in the options. I tried it just now for the first H in the route, and it simply skipped the scene it seems. I didn't notice anything new.

>> No.33026934

Honestly, just reading the description without knowing that it was an all-ages game, I thought it was just another trap protagonist game which would include a lot of fucking.

>> No.33026942

Because i'm fucking newfag and even with decent pace i have too much good stuff left in backlog.

>> No.33026971

Something with actual story can come with a lot of other not so pleasing baggage. Some people don't like that and just want to focus on moe.

>> No.33026975

>trap game without sexual content
The fuck? Who would read this shit?

>> No.33026993


>> No.33027055

Just because it has cute girls doesn't mean you get the same experience, if anything it's more annoying to read something that clearly just wants to focus on it's story but still feels the need to shoehorn romance and h-scenes, I'd rather read something where that stuff is the actual focus and has a reason for being there.

>> No.33027078

I hate h-scene in plot-focused Vns exactly because they feel out of place.

>> No.33027081

One last thing, I think if the sales are good enough for Uchiaru, they will release the other heroines. The side girls have naked sprites in the files. I know it's not really an indicated, but I can not handle the thought that I'd not be able to land a bokukko oppai loli voiced by Amekawa Shino, and I believe many others feel the same.

>> No.33027229

This month's upcoming releases look so good.

>> No.33027249

That's a gross generalization that comes nowhere close to the truth. Stories like Katahane, Cross Channel, White Album 2 or SubaHibi lose a lot of their impact with their sex scenes removed, even if the porn itself isn't anywhere near being fappable regardless.

>> No.33027431

Holy fug, that's an actual good selling point. Wish more games did this.

>> No.33027493

I believe Clarias's score will be in the 60s

>> No.33027564

I wish all the kamige didn't come out at once, no matter which one I play first I'll have to see other people playing the other one before me and spoiling it

>> No.33027997

Don't you have 2 monitors?

>> No.33028153

I'm just going to leave this place come release day until I finish everything.

>> No.33028569

Why are people hyping 冥契のルペルカリア? Was the trial good?

>> No.33028893

>wake up to 83 new posts

>> No.33028940

Who are you quoting?

>> No.33028958
File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, 冥契のルペルカリア_―_体験版_―_2020-11-19_09-49-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it.

>> No.33029060

Lol subahibi can do it away with most of the porn. Even if the porn in it serves plot purpose in some way they could be rewritten in a way that doesn't feel like the writer is just whipping up badly written unnecessarily long porn scenes to satisfy his fetishes.

>> No.33029078

Okay brainlet.

>> No.33029134

Okay sca-jizz guzzling faggot

>> No.33029158

>the loli is fucking ugly.
Nah she's adorable. The maid is fucking ugly, looks like she has Down's.

>> No.33029209
File: 2.74 MB, 1600x900, 1584448954308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loli is cute but some of the CGs just look weird.

>> No.33029224

>some of the CGs just look weird
I don't think I've played a game that doesn't have at least 1 weird CG.

>> No.33029228

>All-ages trapge with no-name seiyuu and without voiced MC

>> No.33029291

They'll definitely make a second game with the other two. They always plan it this way from the start.

>> No.33029351


>> No.33029370

>some of the CGs just look weird
If you mean that CG then problem's on you. My guess is because you see her body and legs from a distance you realize that she has a loli body and you are ironic lolicon who doesn't like lolis but just young-looking girls so this CG disgusts you.
Only 'flaw' with that CG is the bellybutton being a bit too high.

>> No.33029393

Not him but in that CG the loli looks too big compared to MC's size.

>> No.33029401

>following kasteltranny
>using twitter
Crossdressing is the opposite of trans though. What a retard.

>> No.33029424

lol I didn't look at the guy even once. Yeah his body looks shortish even though he's kneeling.

>> No.33029515
File: 100 KB, 500x500, 1553505011289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to /hgg/? I haven't been on /jp/ in a while and I can't find it in the catalog.

>> No.33029534

They moved back to /vg/.

>> No.33029566

Sorry for the harsh language, but you are extremely retarded. I'm 193cm tall, and when I kneel like that with his posture, my mouth is around 90cm.
Let's say she's around 140cm tall. That would mean her navel is cca 90cm from the ground. That means he's fucking tall.

>> No.33029571

That's bizarre. Didn't they leave in the first place because there was too much traffic in /vg/ to keep a thread going? I guessed they just fused with this thread or something.

>> No.33029699

I'm retarded too it seems. Double checked and 140cm height would mean the place he's kissing is around 70cm from the ground, not 90. Having mouth at that height while kneeling still means he's around 170cm, so a standard height for a jap.

>> No.33029718
File: 233 KB, 1600x900, afnpwfapa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a 193cm giant you sure know your way around 140cm girls. Excuse my harsh language, but you are extremely pedo.

>> No.33029738

I will take that as a compliment. Now take a ruler and kneel on the ground instead of drawing lines in paint.

>> No.33029899

Where can I get the untranslated version of ChuSinGura? Been searching for it years ago and just popped out in my mind today.

>> No.33029987

/vg/ is much slower now because of other boards being made. With the Vtuber menace still plaguing /jp/ even with /vt/, its natural for them to move back to their old habitat.

>> No.33029991

Sadly true.

>> No.33030294

Can't wait to play Doukyuusei remake and piss off boomers by praising it.

>> No.33030948

you won't piss off anyone, it looks like a pretty good remake. the only thing that's a head scratcher is why they're charging 10,000 yen for it

>> No.33031891

Honestly, having never played the game and never will, it could be about being trans for all I know. If it's just the standard "crossdressing and then acting girly because can't be found out and somehow that makes me more feminine than actual girls" cliche, then it's just stupid.

>> No.33033181

Was there a game about MC losing his sense of taste or am I mixing it up with Sanoba Witch MC tasting emotions?

>> No.33033216


>> No.33033223

And spoiler, I guess.

>> No.33033227

I never got that far. Such a bad game.

>> No.33033261

It has a pretty bad common route, but overall the game is good. Unfortunately, the best part are the extended routes, which are only available after you conquer the heroine on her normal route.

>> No.33033321

The common route is usually the best part. Guess it filtered many in SukiSuki. How are other Chuablesoft games, like https://vndb.org/v252 ?

>> No.33033345

Man, that HCG screenshot is hot. I guess I'll add it.

>> No.33033505

can't read a moege if it only features the heroines and no side characters
feels too lifeless

>> No.33033600

Do they need to have sprites?

>> No.33033657

ideally yeah, i'm not saying that there should be a massive cast with all sprites but there should be a decent amount

>> No.33033665

Fuck you then. If there's a girl with a sprite, I need to sleep with her.

>> No.33033680

I don't need side characters but I'd love if artists bothered with adding characters in the backgrounds like they used to. Modern eroge all have empty worlds.
