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329379 No.329379 [Reply] [Original]

Choice [x] NO confirmed. Going to secondary choice...
You scream for Patchouli, and Marisa huffs. "Get off of me! You irritating brute!" She struggles, but can't seem to be able to do anything without being able to move her arms. There is a sickly cough and a shuffle as Patchouli approaches.

"Hmph. Maybe you do have -some- use after all. I thank you for catching this little rat. Well done." She mutters a few words and waves her hands over the books, and near instantly they fly back to their original locations within the library. "So, it appears you have at last been caught. I knew I could smell a rodent in here, although my summon couldn't find you. Very irritating." She pauses to clear her throat. "I do believe I will be teleporting you out of here."

"Hey, wait, that's -mine- though!" Marisa reaches vainly for the mini-hakkero...

[ ] Keep her pinned

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

[ ] Take the mini-hakkero for yourself

[ ] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

[ ] Let her go

>> No.329389

[x] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329390

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329397

[ ] Keep her pinned

>> No.329399

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

Don't be a dick anon.

>> No.329400


>> No.329401


[x] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329407

[ ] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329408

[x] Keep her pinned

>> No.329409

[ ] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329411

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her
What's hers is hers, be a gentleman about it.

>> No.329413

[x] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

Gain Marisa + Patchouli points.

>> No.329414

[x] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329415

[X] Tear Marisa's arms off and take a steaming shit in her open, screaming mouth.

>> No.329416

[ ] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329417

[x ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329418

[ x ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

Help her out and she'll help you out

>> No.329419

[x] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329404


>> No.329405

[x] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329423

[x ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329424

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329426

[X] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329427

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329430

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329431

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329433

[x] Rub my dick in her ass.

>> No.329434

Who is her? Marisa?

>> No.329435

[ ] Take the mini-hakkero for yourself


>> No.329437

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329438

[X] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

>> No.329439

Screw you Anon! We could have had DFC, but no, you had to call for that bitch Patchy.

>> No.329440

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

Sorry, I'm such a moralfag

>> No.329442

[x] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

// time to show you're good-natured also

>> No.329422

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329444

Marisa, yeah.

>> No.329445

[X] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."

Go for delicious Patch ending !

>> No.329446

Just as pinned.

>> No.329447

[x] Ask Marisa if she wears pads.

>> No.329448

Uh, but if we stop to say anything without grabbing it ourselves, she'll probably get it. But keeping it ourselves is a bad idea. Hm.

And separating it from Marisa for any length of time probably won't work, anyway.

>> No.329450



>> No.329451

[x] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

No need to rub salt on the wound.

>> No.329452

Hey, what happened in 29 and 30?

>> No.329453

[X] Genuflect

>> No.329455

[x] Take the mini-hakkero for yourself

"If I let you get this you're going to blast me into ashes, nooo way."

>> No.329454
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Hey Mr. Dumbass! I think you'll be needing this soon!

>> No.329456

If we chose
[X] "Patchouli, I think you might find that object rather interesting..."
It would probably be a BAD END far in the future, when we meet Marisa again.

>> No.329443


That's what I assumed.

>> No.329458

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329464

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329466

>[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her
Wait, are we handing it to Marisa or Patchy? Because thats kind of vague.

>> No.329470

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329472

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329474

[X] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

>> No.329479

If Anon is serious about learning magic, then who better to learn from than the "Ordinary Black Magician?"

>> No.329481

Fuck, I thought I was the only one who would choose this option... you guys are such pathetic moralfags

>> No.329482

Don't give it back, this is Marisa we're talking about!

>> No.329483

It's obviously to Marisa, she was the last person referenced.

>> No.329486

Anon = Shirou, of course, it's Marisa

>> No.329476

Pronouns! My only weakness! ~ze

>> No.329477

Since there's another choice for handing it to Patchy, I'm assuming it's Marisa.

>> No.329491


>> No.329492

[ ] Cop a Feel

>> No.329493

No, we just want to fuck her.

>> No.329494

If they lead to getting laid or avoiding imminent death, then yes.

>> No.329487

W-wait, will she beamspan us when we give it back?

>> No.329488

whoa, anon has morals?

>> No.329498

giving it to Marisa will be bad, and giving it to Patchouli MIGHT lead to bad end, sometime in the future. You can't let her go, either, and keep her pin might mean some danger

So take it for yourself

[x] Take the mini-hakkero for yourself

>> No.329500
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Marisa snatches it as soon as you hand it to her. "Thanks." It's a bit trite, but it's a sign of gratitude, at least. "I'll be back! And I'll borrow those books, they're all I need to finish this one little thing. You'll pay too! Bwahahahahaaa~!" It's a bit lame for a villanous speech, even as Patchouli recites a teleportation spell. There's some time to get in the last word.

[ ] "Well, bye bye."

[ ] Remain silent

[ ] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

[ ] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

[ ] "You should have paid the fine."

[ ] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"

>> No.329503


No. We just apparently like Marisa more than Patchy.

>> No.329504

Need a drawfag to illustrate this scene: THIS IS WHAT ANONYMOUS ACTUALLY BELIEVES

>> No.329506


Hornestly, if Anon would wake up in Gensokyo and have the oportunity to attain eternal life through magic, he would consider going to Marisa first because she does not live in a house full of freaks, ~ze.

>> No.329508

[ ] Grab the mini-hakkero and hand it to her

And by her - Patchouli

>> No.329510

I admit, I'm a moralfag

>> No.329513

[ ] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"

>> No.329515

[X] Cop a feel

What can she do this time?

>> No.329516

[ ] "Well, bye bye."

>> No.329517

[x] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

>> No.329519

[X] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"

>> No.329520

[ ] Remain silent

>> No.329521

[x] "Well, bye bye."

>> No.329522

[ ] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"


>> No.329523

[x] lol

>> No.329524

[ ] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

>> No.329526

[X] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329527

[ x ] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329528

[ ] "You should have paid the fine."

>> No.329529

[x] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329531

[ ] "You should have paid the fine, Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol".


>> No.329533

[ ] "Well, bye bye."

>> No.329535


[X] "Well, bye."
I refuse to ever say bye bye.

>> No.329536

[X] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"


>> No.329537

[X] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329538

[x] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

>> No.329539

[ ] "You should have paid the fine."


>> No.329541

[X] Cop a feel

>> No.329542

[X] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"


>> No.329543

[ ] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"
They won't know what the fuck and think it's like our "ze~" or some shit.

>> No.329544

[ ] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

>> No.329545

[X] Laugh

That speech was a bit pathetic

>> No.329550

[x] Cop a feel

// tsundere, embarassed Marisa just needs that now

>> No.329551

humans do not become immortals threw magic. As far as i know the only way to achieve immortality is threw the Hourai Elixir. Thats only going to be achieved threw violence, eating someones liver, or cunning.

>> No.329552

[x] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329553

[X] Laugh

>> No.329555

[ x] Cop a feel

>> No.329559

[ ] "Well, bye bye."

"What a nice individual that lady was. Don't you think so, Pa--


"Why are you looking at me like that...?"

>> No.329546

[X] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"

>> No.329562

[X] "Well, bye bye."

>> No.329563

[ ] "You should have paid the fine."

>> No.329564


>> No.329566


> threw

You messed that up too many times.

>> No.329567

[X] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"

>> No.329568

[ ] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"

>> No.329569

[x] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329571

[ ] Cop a feel

>> No.329575

[X ] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"

>> No.329576

[ ] Cop a feel

>> No.329578

[X] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"

>> No.329580

wait, what if sakuya's already arrived anon?

>> No.329581

[ ] Cop a feel
Its the closest thing to a real breast anon will ever get, you better take it

>> No.329579
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hurr, lakes

>> No.329584

[X] "So, do you wear pads like the maid does?"


>> No.329585

fuck lol

>> No.329589

[X] "You should have paid the fine."

Only possible answer

>> No.329596


>> No.329597

[x] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"

>> No.329598

[ ] "Lol!" Yes, actually say "Lol"

>> No.329599

Oops, forgot to link to the 7th. One second.

>> No.329600

PAD end

>> No.329590

[X] Cop a feel

>> No.329591

[ ] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

Well on the plus side, this should pay for the "favor" we owe Patchi. She'd be much more incline to teach us now.

>> No.329592


>> No.329604

Then the more funnier it is.

>> No.329605

[ ] Cop a feel

>> No.329606

There we go. All 7. Cop a feel almost won, though.

>> No.329607

[X] Cop a feel

>> No.329608

[ ] "Well, bye bye."
Should avoid potential trouble later on.

>> No.329603

[x] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

>> No.329612
File: 91 KB, 400x600, 1206663005263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you turn around and...

>> No.329615

[X] "You should have paid the fine."

>> No.329617

can we fly then?

my body is continually reminded of our dear friend lake out there, I'd like to know how to fly as soon as I can.

>> No.329619

Unless physical contact means we get teleported with her.

And she's teleported directly above the lake.

>> No.329622

And there goes our last continue. Good game, Anonymous.


>> No.329623

[x] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

Now Anon needs a dog...


>> No.329624

anon has changed from cirno mode to keine mode to china mode finally to suicide mode

>> No.329630

I liked Cirno mode the most, to be honest.

>> No.329631

Not suicide, brave mode

Anon is the brravest in Gensokyo

>> No.329634


So did I but we don't have any continues.

>> No.329638

We've been on suicide mode since we woke up in Gensokyo.

>> No.329640

Wrong, anon is the moralfaggiest in all of Gensokyo.

I voted for all of the moralfag options though, ;_;

>> No.329643

bravery before a danmaku is nothing but targets

>> No.329647

[x] "And you would have gotten away with it if not for this meddling kid...?"

>> No.329648

Anon is the LUCKIEST
with luck you can win anything, just don't push it too much

>> No.329650

...thats an awesome idea! This would be a good point to have us join Marissa by being teleported with her.

>> No.329651
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Higan awaits

>> No.329652

Moralfag doesn't necessarily mean scared shitless.
We're the bravest moralfags.
We're the wimpy Kenshiro of Gensokyo.

>> No.329656
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>> No.329657

Tempting, but there's the Patchu route to consider

>> No.329665

unfortunately, we ignore luck all the time, that poor girl.

>> No.329666

And China is waiting for us.

>> No.329669

Patchu has asthma, I don't think you can sex her long enough.

>> No.329670

can we chose what sakuya is crying while she is killing us?

>> No.329678

I can't believe Anon traded in Marisa for some purple bitch.

In addition to being a bitch, Patchy isn't even human... and sexually repressed where Marisa is spontaneous.

>> No.329679


>> No.329680

Moralfag now for some hot and steamy JUDGMENT later

>> No.329684

The strongest is waiting for us as well. You can't forget The Strongest.

>> No.329685

That's fine, Anon won't last that long in bed either if it's Patchouli.

>> No.329686

I would *never* wildly fuck Patchu.
I'd tenderly love her, making sure she's okay throughout.

>> No.329694


"You so eager to buy the goddamn farm, suckah?"

>> No.329695

Just makes her more passive.

>> No.329698

Marisa has tons of touhous after her, getting with her means you need to at least defend yourself, let alone not DROWN.

>> No.329703


Given her weak constitution, it might be best to have her on top. For safety's sake.

>> No.329705

Hey, we just chose to say that. We can get saved by being teleported with Marissa if we manage to accidently touch her, and Pachy might prevent Sakuya from killing uss, maybe, and Flandre might want to play with uss at that moment, or

You get the idea. even if we say that, it doesn't mean certain death. In some situations, you need the balls to do stupid stuff.

>> No.329706

Humans can become Magician youkai if they train hard enough, like Alice did. So I don't see the problem here

>> No.329712

i think you are wrong about the whole alice thing

>> No.329713

[ ] Catch Marisa's broom (then persuade her to not kick you off).
[ ] Rescued by Cirno (good relations) or frozen to death before drowning (poor relations).
[ ] Fished up by Komachi (if the bizarreness factor is high enough).


[ ] Teleported back to safety (if Patchy likes you).

>> No.329714

You called?

>> No.329720

isn't that because of her mother, though?

though, let's not get into that.

[x] "Well, bye bye."

>> No.329722

Akyu is mistaken, every single windows description clearly says she's a natural born youkai magician.

>> No.329723


>> No.329729

> Perfect Memento states that Alice was once a human who became a youkai magician

>> No.329734


>> No.329736

Even if it is wrong about Alice, it doesn't mean that Anon can't become a magician youkai

>> No.329741

most humans dont come from hell

shinki is your new god

alice is a youkai
but i still love her

>> No.329730

Anon observes Patchouli's teleportation spell and can learn it instantly... Anon has secret Eagle Eye Skill Expert Level.

>> No.329731

[X] Lost in time and space and devoured by Yog-Sothoth

>> No.329743
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You rang?

>> No.329744


Way to supplant his faggotry with your own.

>> No.329745

>Imperishable Night - The greatest difference between Alice and Marisa is that Marisa was born human and trained to be a magician whereas Alice was born a magician.
>Immaterial and Missing Power - A natural born magician. While her appearance is almost identical to humans, she is not one.

>> No.329748

PC-98 games don't exist

>> No.329753

PMiSS and IN contradicts eachother in terms of whether Alice is a natural born magician (youkai) or became one after training

>> No.329750


Assssleep... on the sssside of the road!

>> No.329758
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Marisa's face turns red. "Well, I never-" She doesn't get to finish her sentence before she disappears out from under you. Outside, you hear a splash and some yelling.

"Very... Interesting... Insult." The librarian raises an eyebrow at you. "I assume you did not come here merely to evict other intruders. What do you want?"

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

[ ] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

[ ] "When did Sakuya come here?"

[ ] "Where did you meet Remilia?"

[ ] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329761

[X] "You know, you should prepare your speeches in advance, they'll sound better that way..."

Come on, guys, we had the chance to be a badass and make fun of Marisa before she left, but you go and make fun of the Maid instead.

And we should have taken the Hakkero for Ourselves, and possibly shown it to Patches later.

>> No.329765

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329767

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329768

Alice's entire history is a mess: she calls Reimu "old friend" in dialouge despite supposedly being retconned.

>> No.329769

[x] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329770

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329771

[ ] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329772

[ ] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

It is our quest to find the answer.

>> No.329775

[x] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329776

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329777

[x] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329778

[x] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

// fuck you GM

>> No.329779

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329780

[x] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329781

[ x ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329785

PMiSS is written from Akyu's perspective. She's just mistaken, like how she doesn't realize Kaguya and Eirin are from the fucking moon.

>> No.329786

[x] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329787

[ ] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329788

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329789

We are saved in the nick of time by Yukari summoning her favorite beanbag chair.
The damage is already done however, we are nothing more than a vegetable now, as we have laid eyes upon the Outer God, and no mortal mind can survive such a thing.

Flandre has finally got her stuffed animal.

>> No.329790

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329792

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329793

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329773

[X] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329795

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329796


>> No.329799

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329800

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"
all the way

>> No.329801

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329803

No u

>> No.329804

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329806

>Marisa's face turns red. "Well, I never-" She doesn't get to finish her sentence before she disappears out from under you. Outside, you hear a splash and some yelling.

ha ha owned

>> No.329807

... and enjoy your BAD END -ze. Marisa never holds back.

>> No.329812

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329814

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329818

[x] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329819

[x] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329808

[X] "When did Sakuya come here?"

>> No.329809

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329810

[x] "Can you teach me to fly?"
out of the two choices that I like, I like this one better

>> No.329823

[x] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"
Hopefully, if we can make Sakuya insecure enough, she'll go dere dere for us!

>> No.329821

would have liked this option
[x] So you wear pads too?

>> No.329827

and chain kill us with infinite knives?

THAT will be a change.

>> No.329831

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"
That bitch won't be so smug now!

>> No.329841

[ ] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329848

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329852

Oh no, Are you going to Spark Me?

Oh, wait, you can't because I took your Hakkero.

Besides, Marisa's Pretty pissed at us now, Calling Patches on her Thievery and asking if she pads just before she gets a LAKE END. At this rate, we're going to get Sparked.

And don't think giving her Hakkero back is going to prevent that, either. She's not the type of person to say "Well, he did do something nice for me, even though he completely insulted me."

>> No.329853

[ ] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329854

[X] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329856
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this thread is now about pads

>> No.329857

[x] jam it in

>> No.329868

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

>> No.329873

[ ] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"

I'm just waiting for a PAD END to happen

>> No.329883


>> No.329887

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329891

>Outside, you hear a splash and some yelling.
so marisa got laked

>> No.329892

Dammit, Sakuya isn't even here. We're just making anon look creepy.

>> No.329904

At least we can relate to Marisa about that when we encounter her again.

>> No.329908

[X] "Does Sakuya really wear pads?"
Once we embarrasses Sakuya enough for her to show us her cute, submissive side, her delicious meido pussy will be ours!

>> No.329900

Anon IS creepy.

>> No.329902

If she survives then we may have an ally against that evil bastard.

>> No.329919

Well yeah, but it doesn't mean we should make him LOOK creepy in front of the person we want to teach us magic/flying.

>> No.329927
File: 80 KB, 639x481, 1206664961821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did someone say maido pussy?

>> No.329930

>Once we embarrasses Sakuya enough for her to show us her demented, serial killer side, her delicious meido knives to the head will be ours!

Oh hey, fixed some glaring errors for you.

>> No.329923

[ ] "Did you come to a decision?"

>> No.329934

i like this idea of insulting people so much, that they fall in love with you

>> No.329935


"Hay that lake's cold isn't it"
"Yes, it is. Now you die, ze!"

>> No.329936

Right up to the point where she blasts us.

>> No.329951

Guess what just kicked in

It sure isn't vtec

>> No.329952

>i like this idea of insulting people so much, that they jam a knife in your skull

blah blah accuracy blah.

>> No.329953
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>> No.329959

[x] "Can you teach me to fly?"

>> No.329960

I don't see what use there was in giving the mini-hakkero back; Marisa is going to be pissed off either way, giving it back just gives her the means to Master Spark us and misses out on a chance to score more points with Patchy.

Trying to keep every girl happy instead of focusing on one just = ronery end

>> No.329969


And it would give Marisa a reason to find us again...


>> No.329970

Ronery end is how it really should end anyway.
Remember, this is Anonymous.

>> No.329975

I'll never invite you guys over to play an eroge
You dont know shit about making the right choices

Wait. That would be creepy.

>> No.329981

As long as we don't completely piss her off, there'll be less drama when we go for Alice. Right?.....rIght??

>> No.329990

Then why are you in your house? You are Anon, after all.

>> No.329994

You mean when we go for Cirno.

>> No.330002


Maybe we can get her to Master Spark it in revenge.

>> No.330003

Anyone else think of Genshiken after reading this?

>> No.330007
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posting some Sakuya while we wait for GM to pick his words nicely. No need to rush.

>> No.330013
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what he said

>> No.330016

there are only 2 girls in gensokyo, who could live together with anon
1) cirno cause she would be amazed by anons stupid actions
2) flandre cause she wouldn't care what anons does

>> No.330019

Speaking of genshiken, maybe japanese people play eroge like we play mario kart

The more the merrier

>> No.330021

And only one wouldn't kill us out of bordom.

>> No.330028
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hm, I thought I had more Sakuya than this.

>> No.330025

true, though I was under the impression that people play VN's for the fantasy of scoring with girls, rather than to obtain RL-accurate endings

>> No.330031

Why did I picture a bunch of sumo wrestlers all crampet in a small room, wanking eachother off while starring at a small computer screen?

>> No.330036

If only Sakuya's face weren't fucked. This would probably be the best picture ever.

>> No.330037

Patchy, Cirno, Meiling, Keine, Alice

Those are our targets, good Anons. Keep your eyes on the prize and they will be ours. Our goal is not every girl, but to amass a very sexy harem.

+ points if we can score Sakuya somehow. This will take some diplomatic finesse and charismatic forethought. If we as an Anonymous can come together to get the gentle Maid of Knives we'll have incredible eggs every morning. Think of it.

Side mission: Acquire a Mystia. Delicious eggs are delicious.

>> No.330040


Anonymous plays VN for lulz, bricks, and bawww. Every end should be BAD END.

>> No.330042

If we die any time soon, I hope we have a Fate-esque scene where eggs pierce our body from the inside out.

>> No.330044



It's still creepy.

>> No.330047

Unless Marisa goes to Alice and tells her about what happened.

>> No.330048

You forgot Mokou.

>> No.330058


>> No.330062

trailer park story

>> No.330072
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>> No.330083

Rumia because Anon is tasty

>> No.330094

I'm only here for the characterization and plot!

Seriously. It's A++ material, in my sexy opinion.

>> No.330119

Nah. If you make her go tsun-tsun enough, she'll tip into dere-dere. Think of it as going west to get to the east.

>> No.330124

Continuously implying that Sakuya wears pads isn't the quickest way to her heart.

>> No.330129

where is thread 30 oh FUCK

>> No.330137

Gensokyo does not respect manliness.

>> No.330157
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>> No.330164

Sakuya will probably only forgive us if we're polite to her from now on. If we do something like offer to help with the chores as an apology, she may see that we're not all bad

>> No.330177


You're a fucking idiot. Sure we've been a jerk, but we've been a manly jerk. Her panties must have been soaked after she found out we were able to escape from her, survive Flandre, and get Remilia's permission to stay in the mansion. Offering to do housework to apologize well show her that we're nothing but pussy whipped bitches, and make her lose all respect. DO THINGS THE MANLY WAY

>> No.330181

A metastable harem end could work.

Keep living at Keine's--cooking bitchin' frittatas (among other high-level egg dishes) and merely helping Keine out will net Mokou eventually. After doing morning housework, Cirno comes by; you both eat a delicious lunch while Keine is busy teaching, then go freezing frogs in the afternoon. You bring China dinner in the evening, and then study magic under Patchy for the rest of the night.

Shit would be SO cash.

>> No.330194

Well, that's it for today, GM is gone. Dammit, I wish he would give some kind of warning.

>> No.330215

You are bitter enemies you must now fight to the death.

>> No.330263

welp, we got through three threads so it's all right

>> No.330279

I like the way you think.

>> No.330281

>ah. If you make her go tsun-tsun enough, she'll stick one of her knives into our head. Think of it as going west, and then getting lost and starving to death

>> No.330312


The thing is that Sakuya hates normal humans. Her dialog with Siki in PoFV reflects this: "...the only thing I touch humans with would be my cold steel." Merely being polite, like the humans in the village, doesn't mean she'll see you as anything other than a tool or emergency blood supply.

>> No.330318

anonymous, you, sir, are a PLAYA

>> No.330344

