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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3285793 No.3285793 [Reply] [Original]

Yukari just issued a 1 million dollar bond at 10% stated interest rate with maturity due in 10 years, interest due semiannually. The market rate is 12%. At the end of the year it is discovered that the market rate has changed to 15%. Should Yukari report her liability at fair market value or at the price derived from her amortization schedule?
She should get her answer from the historical cost. Yukari follows GAAP not IFRS

>> No.3285815

That was amazing.

>> No.3285806

I was told there would be no math.

>> No.3285821

The answer is zero, because there are no accountants in Gensokyo!

>> No.3285825
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Ran is a mathematical savant, she should be able to handle this.

>> No.3285830

Yukari just gaps stuff. Your stuff, to whereever she needs your stuff to be.

She'll never gap you, though.

>> No.3285831

sugoi homework aniki

>> No.3285848

0. Gensokyo uses Yen.

>> No.3285924

Isn't FASB going to make the US use IFRS standards and report basically everything at fmv?

>> No.3285951

is this funny

I don't know

>> No.3285960

I don't get it....

>> No.3285983


Accounting joke.

GAAP is Generally Accepted Accounting Principals, basically what the US uses in terms of accounting practices. IFRS is International Financial Reporting Standards, what the rest of the world uses. GAAP is a play on gap....you know...yukari?

>> No.3286025

Accounting jokes? In my /jp/?

Talk to Keine about historical volatility.

>> No.3286043
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>> No.3286046


Just watch out for when Remilia buys futures options.

>> No.3286057
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Is an entity owned by Shanghai considered a subsidiary of the company owned by Alice? Since Alice owns Shanghai, whatever Shanghai owns would be added under Alice's balance sheet.

>> No.3286111
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You should be able to solve this.

>> No.3286127

I fucking love you guys.

>> No.3286131

That problem is unsolvable.

>> No.3286143

The solution is a limit to plus or minus infinity.
So yeah, it doesn't exist.

>> No.3286373

Why are there so many accounting people on /jp/? All the SICP jokes and these accounting threads that pop up from time to time lead me to think /jp/ is populated by NEETs, Accountants and CS majors.

>> No.3286385


If these are the kinds of accountants we have then it's no wonder the economy is in the toilet.

>> No.3286386

It is.

Why that's the case, I have no idea.

>> No.3286398


Accountants can be employed shut ins. They can just be in their little own department without talking to anyone. Same with computer programmers. They can work from home.

>> No.3286410


But you can't shit on the floor if you work in an office.

>> No.3286411


Blame finance majors for that one.

>> No.3286412

Accountants don't have much to do with it, from my understanding.

>> No.3286425


I do have my Gwendolyn fig in my cubicle. This other guy listens to touhou remixes while he prepares 10-Q's and 10-K's.

>> No.3286450


I would be expecting Japanese majors to be the majority here.

>> No.3286456

Pretty sure most people learning moon here don't bother with classes.

>> No.3286460

More introverted/above average intelligence people take accounting or computer science?

Also there's a quite a few engineers on here too

also before
>above average intelligence

>> No.3286478

Plenty of science majors here too.

>> No.3286492

Curious though... Any art majors on here?

>> No.3286496


Of course /jp/ is above-average intelligence. Here's how to tell.

1. Go to a site like Gaia Online or Youtube. Look at the posts/comments. Now, remember that on average, these people are already above average intelligence, though not by much (Internet access acts as a bit of a selector).

2. Now, go look at /b/. Look at the posts. It's a cesspool of stupidity, like old /b/ without anything that made it interesting. These people are much more intelligent than Youtube commentors.

3. Now, go look at /a/. Look at the posts. It's far worse than /jp/, and yet those people are still mostly smarter than modern /b/tards.

4. Now, look at /jp/...

>> No.3286497


I think we have a couple people doing premed here.

>> No.3286499

Judging from drawfag threads, I'd assume no.

>> No.3286507


Also, people who are of above-average intelligence and are introverts are much more likely to be high-level weeaboos, aka /jp/ material.

>> No.3286520
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We also seem to have a rather large number of DBAs given the content here, although we're still in the minority.

>> No.3286515

Anyone can do premed though, it's a club that you pay to get in.
Art major =/= artist

>> No.3286528
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>> No.3286534

So from what I gather in this thread, college going /jp/ anons are majoring in shut in majors?

>> No.3286588


>> No.3286612
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>> No.3286637

-Stay away from actual people all day
-Always being able to wake up, stay inside, go to work where they will stay inside, never talking or making eye contact to anyone
-Receive plenty of money to buy humanoid-shaped Japanese plastic bi-weekly.

I say it's the perfect situation for /jp/

>> No.3286672



>> No.3286751

Computer Science here, which is basically the same thing.

Also, age for Touhou Economics.

>> No.3286783

I leave the internet for a month and return and find this? Why the hell do I even go out and enjoy life, you guys are GREAT!

>> No.3286784

Gensokyite, a mineral found in the valleys of East Gensokyo, comprises the chief export of Gensokyo and contributes to 73% of the nation's GDP. Used in the manufacture of bullets and other danmaku-related consumer goods, the nigritude aquamarine substance has three principal allotropes; these include the crystalline, amorphous, and touhous forms, the latter being in most demand.

>> No.3286806
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(Everyone seems to forget that I know a lot about such things as well... Alas, I guess /jp/'s going to ignore me once again..)

>> No.3286814

Accounting major here.

>> No.3286851


GAAP is being abandoned anyways. FASB is releasing more and more statements conforming to IFRS. Goodbye LIFO...

>> No.3286853


Yes, that's all very well, but is it a safe investment on the GSE[Gensokyo Stock Exchange]? Will the prices go up as demand rises?

>> No.3286859

I'm glad this shit is thriving in our world, I'd hate to see accountants and lawyers and such show up in gensokyo.

ZUN'd probably do it too.

>> No.3286866


Danmaku would cease to exist. Too much liability.

>> No.3286877

Anyone remember that Ren economics rape thread? Something about how equilibrium of how many rapes Ren is dealt and how many rapes people are willing to give to ren?

>> No.3286891

>Yes, that's all very well, but is it a safe investment on the GSE[Gensokyo Stock Exchange]? Will the prices go up as demand rises?

Gensokyou Stock Exchange does not depend on supply and demand. It is entirely reliant on the investors dodging skill.

>> No.3286902

You'd be allowed as much danmaku as you like, as long as you stick to the ground and stay focused at all times.

>> No.3286908


I'm guessing waiver forms will have to be signed and notarized before any danmkuing will take place. Also SDM will probably have to be inspected and marked for zoning regulations.

>> No.3286915

Bio major here, economics is boring.

>> No.3286927

CS major here with an interest in econ.

>> No.3286929




>> No.3286938


Also, laser-squids.

>> No.3286955


Hahaha oh wow. I remember this.

>> No.3286963

The sad thing is this is the most intelligent thread on /jp/ and it's barely on topic.

>> No.3287199


It's about NEETs, how can it not be on topic?

>> No.3287228

I know that there is at least one other music major besides myself in /jp/...

>> No.3288474

spice and touhou

>> No.3288494

>The sad thing is this is the most intelligent thread on /jp/ and it's greatly erotic.

>> No.3288514

>GAAP is being abandoned anyways.

Which makes its use in Gensokyo is perfectly understandable.

>> No.3289399

This thread makes me feel better about /jp/.

(Accounting major reporting in)

>> No.3289673

Enjoy your boring "math lite" major with no career opportunities.
