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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3284519 No.3284519 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe how easy I ended Bunbunmaru's any chance of growth. I also created my own personal minions to continue to spam and make /jp/ worse as I sleep. Bunbunmaru becomes to slow to be useable and /jp/ becomes too shitty.



You are all idiots who couldn't use the thread filter.

>> No.3284550 [DELETED] 

Do not listen to this troll, he wants to lead a astray.

>> No.3284545

cool story bro

>> No.3284551


will you cook this for me bunbunbunbun?

>> No.3284565 [DELETED] 

Yes, we have free pancakes on /bun/

>> No.3284582

can you cook it for me while on /jp/

>> No.3284592 [DELETED] 

I fear i left it over at /b/. If you may follow me please

>> No.3284611

sorry I cannot leave /jp/
my evil overlord will scold me and hit me with an axe on the head

>> No.3284631 [DELETED] 

We shall embrance him and show him the way, i am sure he will join us too.

>> No.3284665

What's the point of bunbunmaru anyways? It looks like a straight-up copy of /jp/ so far.

>> No.3284683 [DELETED] 

I am glad that you asked this question my friend!
Bun's goal is to give you what /jp/ failed to give you: A place where you can take it easy and not be bothered by spamers and botter, no dawson, no daily bird threads, everything horroble that plagues /jp/ is no more there.
With a full force of MODS and JANITORS, that got choosen on IRC, we can give you a whole new feeling of using an image board.
Please try it out yourself, you will NOT be disappointed!

>> No.3284692

That's what it is, a last resort created 4 days ago on a whim if /jp/ gets even shittier.
I like it so far, it has some nice features, but I still browse both boards.

>> No.3284693

According to what I read some time ago, it was meant to be some kind of backup /jp/. Another one. Its owner had gotten that domain, and he told us about it because he was bored.

Or something like that.

>> No.3284696

Just as planned

>> No.3284708 [DELETED] 

See my friends, we have another Friend that we could convince to join.
And it did not disappoint him at all!
What other reason could there be not to think about joining us.

>> No.3284729

some guy linked the domain with some quicktime shit on it and said he had unlimited hosting, anon said to make an imageboard on the site and he did

op post is truth the guy is trolling both boards

>> No.3284730

>you are all idiots
>i use external tools for 4chan
yeah ok

>> No.3284742

I hear what you say... but they way you are saying it, it makes it feeling like some cult thing. Do not know if want.

>> No.3284747

Oh, so you're Anonymous now?
Fuck off, stop pretending that your retarded spamming "recruited" me or anyone.

>> No.3284752

Good job.

>> No.3285185

I wipe my smelly NEET ass with Bunbunmaru. Fucking Egoist fuck bags /jp/ rules and will always rule.

I think they might need s DDoS or maybe not.

>> No.3285200
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I hate having to repost this.

>> No.3285272

I haven't been here in a month or so, wtf is this bunbun business? I'm assuming a joke on that namefag or something?

>> No.3285302


>> No.3285370

Its for wiping your ass with. Only for people who will accept imitations and are willing to suck tripfag cock.

>> No.3285389


So it's like the ghost board?

>> No.3285398

You're all the trolls.

>> No.3285460

It's like a broken toilet no one stopped using and it's running over with tripfag sand other egoist losers.

>> No.3285488

Bunbunmaru has forced anonymous implemented. This line of argument doesn't even make sense.

>> No.3285499

Bunbunmaru is shit.

>> No.3285510


>> No.3285522

It's a refuge for people who can't bear /jp/ any more. It's just /jp/, except with actual mods.

>> No.3285543

Which means its not like /jp/ at all.
Sounds like shit to me.

>> No.3285550

"Bunbunmaru Elite" = fail

>> No.3285560

/jp/ is overrun with retards these days. Having an alternate board might be a good idea.

>> No.3285567

I don't understand, why the mission accomplished post?

I still don't give a fuck about /bun/ or /jp/, one namefag troll isn't going to change that.

>> No.3285622

Thank you, OP.

For Bunbunmaru to be a pure experiment, it would be better off without a large influx of users, especially those who react negatively to your incredibly easy to filter spam. I really appreciate all you've done to help.
Well, I won't say I wasn't annoyed by the massive volume of spam, but the end justifies the means.

>> No.3285623

/jp/ was always over run with retards from day one. Several groups of people pulling in different directions. Just ask the Touhou folk they will tell you /jp/ is just for Touhou. Don't dare even actually mention Japan or life eor travel in Japan BTW.

This Bumfuckie board is a joke,

>> No.3285695

"Bunbunmaru Elite" promoting more fail.

>> No.3285843

over 9⑨⑨⑨

>> No.3285857

>Just ask the Touhou folk they will tell you /jp/ is just for Touhou.

Actually, Touhou folks seem to be perfectly fine to share this place in unison with

>Don't dare even actually mention Japan or life eor travel in Japan BTW.

I see, so you're just a troll, in the end?

>> No.3285873


lol, butthurt anon must not have been here when the board was created. To the original /jp/ers who migrated here from old /a/, YOU are the retard.

>> No.3285915

sorry dillhole I was here on day one. Don't get butthurt about trying to revise history. This was supposed to be a board for all the shit that didn't belong ion /a/ from day one.

>> No.3285940

Am I the only one who finds this word hilarious?

>> No.3285941

I love how any topic related to Japan = "OMG TROLL SAGE FUCK OFF" on a board called "Japan/General".

>> No.3285967


The board was kind of misnamed from the beginning. I think moot wanted it to be a "general Japanese culture" board, but he probably should have known it wouldn't turn out that way.

>> No.3285989


Well, it certainly didn't turn out that way thanks to a year's worth of board-policing, trolls and shitty tripfags.

>> No.3285991

Your not the only one.

>> No.3285995
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>> No.3286090

Bunbunmaru Elite LOLOL
