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3283467 No.3283467 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this last night.

I'm not sure what to think... which one is the "true" ending?

>> No.3283478


Kouji end.

>> No.3283473

Shotgun, axe, insanity is the true end.

>> No.3283479


Bottom of plotline

>> No.3283482

I like to think the one where Saya blooms is the true end, but it's up to you.

>> No.3283491

It is up to you.
If you hate Saya
- Shotgun, axe, insanity

If you love Saya
-Saya blooms

She die in both ending though.

>> No.3283492

Saya no Uta's endings are really up to the interpretation to the reader. How you view them and rank them is really up to you.

>> No.3283521

Most badass ending, or at least the battle before the end.

Also, can any of them be considered "good"?

I think I'm more on the insanity side here.

>> No.3283551

Bloom end is the true end because Nitro+ said so(different ending theme), don't bother them about it.

>> No.3283557

Huh, to me the "bad" ending is actually sort of good in my opinion. Or at least not as tragic as the "true" ending.

>> No.3283558

face it guys
World of White is the true end

>> No.3283574


>> No.3283575

Well, it's the "true" ending alright, but not the good ending.

>> No.3283592

>different ending theme
That doesn't mean anything. I played an eroge that had a different ending theme for the one sort-of-bad end, that doesn't make it the true end.

>> No.3283604

This thread sure is http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/3275312

>> No.3283615


OP here, I didn't know such thread even existed.

>> No.3283628

Well, according to this thread, I'm a normalfag.


>> No.3283636

which ending is World of White?

>> No.3283650

Play again and you'll find out.

>> No.3283661

the white room at the hospital

>> No.3283662

Sure is zergs around here

>> No.3283666


>> No.3283672

Oh right, I forgot about that. Well, that's definetly the "good" end, since neither of them die and humanity is saved, but probably not the true end.

>> No.3283685
File: 83 KB, 800x600, Zerg Cerebrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3283695

If they ever make a sequel, it has to be from that end.
The story ends in the other two endings.

>> No.3283716

True enough, but I seriously think the whole thing just ends there.
If they do make a sequel, then I suppose the World of White will be considered the true ending, but if not I suppose the blooming ending is the true ending. The other one is Badass ending.

>> No.3283753


What part of "Fuminori and Saya never see each other ever again" didn't you get? ;_;

>> No.3283765

Badass ending was badass. I loved the Lovecraftien quotes from Kouji at the end. I'm still pissed for uninstalling because I want to see that part again.

>> No.3283769

That's what you get for not keeping your save file, silly anon.

>> No.3283796

How screens would that be? I don't mind taking screenshots and posting them.

>> No.3283828
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The "true end" is probably Saya's end.

However, the most satisfying end to me was Kouji's. There was so much emotion in it, so much anger and sadness that I genuinely felt depressed for Kouji. However, he somehow gathered the strength to live another day, and the one after that even though he's been through that hell.

>> No.3283866

I'm not sure, it was probably 3-4 screens near the end where he said a few lines about having salvation in the form of his one bullet contingency plan behind the mirror, and something about the abyss of reality.

>> No.3283873

That was to >>3283796

>> No.3283875

This. Also, the doctor was a badass.

>> No.3283872

I probably would have liked Kouji's end a lot better if I hadn't gotten bloom end first.

After the BAWWWWWW reaction I had reading it, when I got to Kouji's end all I could do was rage.

>> No.3283883

True end - Asylum
Good end - Saya
Bad end - Kouji

>> No.3283896

I got Kouji's ending first so even after watching the bloom ending I still ended up liking his end more.

>> No.3285140


I agree. Asylum end has Fuminori actually in a humane state and still loving Saya for who she is.

>> No.3285152

I disagree. Asylum end was Fuminori chickening out and deciding that his love for Saya wasn't worth going against the world for. How can you say you love someone if you won't be behind her 100%?
In my opinion,
True End - Saya
Good End - Kouji
Bad End - Asylum

>> No.3285169
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The doctor was mai waifu.

>> No.3285183

For the last fucking time there are no set good/bad/true ends.

>> No.3285184


Nazis weren't evil, they just loved the Furher and the pure Aryan race.

>> No.3285188

It's almost criminal that the doctor didn't get to have sex with anyone/anything.

>> No.3285191

Depressing End - All of them.
