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327309 No.327309 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.327315

yes i will have sex with you

>> No.327366
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Hot sister tiem?

>> No.327447
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>> No.327460

not his sister.

Anyone else find it funny that had the Nanaya family not been eliminated Shiki would've ended up with someone who actually had blood relations with him?

>> No.327464
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>> No.327472

What's funny about that?

Also they never mentioned if the 4 demon-hunter clans inter-married as well so it's possible that he could have married into another clan.

>> No.327485


Yeah, but that would make sense really, seeing how those clans work.

>> No.327486

The only heroine I hate more than I hate you is Ciel.

>> No.327525

Only selfish people hate Akiha.

Good luck being alone for the rest of your life.

>> No.327541
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>> No.327554

Wouldn't happen. The Nanaya clan intermarried to preserve their genetics. Even if they married into the Ryougi family, it'd do nothing but smash everything they had been breeding for, since their jougan would most likely disappear with the first generation of intermarriage.

>> No.327556
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>> No.327558

only selfish people hate the selfish bitch?

>> No.327567

Who's the tall little girl?

>> No.327568

Who secretly wants to suck all the cum out of Shiki's dick? Yes.

>> No.327561

Hmm but don't they ALL have the same abilities?

>> No.327562

Ciel is good. Nasu just sucks at giving her adequate development.

>> No.327584

Who sacrificed more for her love than any other character, up to and including half her life?

>> No.327586
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Ciel is better than Akiha if nobody else.

>> No.327606


>> No.327612

>Ciel is better than Akiha for anal reasons.


>> No.327599

Incest. D:

>> No.327618
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>> No.327616

Who people like to claim gave half her life, when in fact she is just returning half of his since he gave the bitch his to save hers.

>> No.327626

No. The Nanayas breed for body capability and their psychic power in the form of pseudo mystic eyes. The Ryougis breed for their dualistic minds and exceptional bodies, which allow them to have two simultaneous yet distinct personalities at once.

The Asagamis had the potential to develop exceptional psychic abilities beyond the capability of the jougans that the Nanayas had. The Fujyohs were priestesses of a sort.

Hisui and Kohaku are distant Fujyoh relatives.

>> No.327631
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>> No.327641

Self-sacrifice doesn't work that way.

>> No.327667
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>> No.327671

On a related note, almost every important character in the series has a mirror image, now.

Tohno Shiki = Nanaya Shiki
Arcueid = Crimson Moon
Ciel = Dark Elesia
Akiha = Vermillion Akiha
Hisui = Mech Hisui (lol)
Ren = White Ren
Sion = Vampire Sion

Kohaku is just lovably evil to start with.

>> No.327681

What would the relationship between Kohaku and Magical Girl Amber be?

>> No.327683
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>> No.327690

Nor does it work your way, which is my exact point. If you save someone and then they save you through less sacrifice than you gave them, you owe them jack shit. Especially when their family killed yours and then treated you as a possession.

>> No.327705

The people who like Akiha don't give a shit if she was a bitch or not. She's fucking attractive, get over it Kohakufags.

>> No.327720

Magical Amber? What does Kohaku have to do with her?

That's like saying Kohaku is Mr. Chen.

It's positively absurd.

>> No.327721

I'm glad I asked!

Thank you, tripfriend!

>> No.327736

No problem.

There are more knowledgable people than I, though. Type-Moon fags drift in her like the wind, dispense wisdom, then air out.

>> No.327746

>>327721 tripfriend
Looks like gaia arrived

>> No.327774

First off, Akiha doesn't owe anything for anything her family's done.

Second, if someone saves your life and you save theirs, it's not equivalent exchange. It's not a transaction. Neither sacrifice is rendered irrelevant simply because it was reciprocated. Say what you will of marriage, but romance isn't a zero-sum game.

Third, Akiha giving half her life rather than all of it doesn't lessen the gift. If she had given all of it, she'd be dead, which would make Shiki's actions useless and would be BLOODY IDIOTIC on all fronts.

Fourth, it doesn't matter if Shiki owes her or not. That's not the point. The point is that she sacrificed a great deal for his sake, and showed greater devotion than any other heroine.

>> No.327775
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>> No.327778

hay be nice

>> No.327782

No faggot, get the fuck out.

>> No.327797
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>> No.327813

I mean, I know you guys like your characters a lot. But they're fictional man, fictional. You don't need to have huge arguments. The one guy will like the one girl, while the other guy will have a different taste and like some other girl.

>> No.327829

Ow, so in fate if Shirou saves some random person on the street and nearly gets killed in the process, that person automatically owes their undieing love to him?

Saving them doesn't automatically make you the one with greatest devotion, dipshit. Hisui spent her child hood trying to make Shiki happy, then is the only one to actually be of HELP to him and tries everything possible to help him, yet some bitch that bosses him around because she thinks he owes her is the most devoted to him??

>> No.327854
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Crazy selfish bitches who give their love all they want are not always the best for the person.

>> No.327864
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Crazy selfish bitches who give their love all they want because they think they own the person doesn't mean they are actually good to the person

>> No.327877
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Just because someone is a crazy selfish bitch who gives their love all they want because they think they own their love does not mean they are the best, even if they care the most.

>> No.327881
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What insanity is this?

>> No.327892
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>> No.327913
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Screw the bitch, Arc Hijack.

>> No.327933
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>> No.327942
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>> No.327949
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Hisui happens to be my favorite (so moe I'm BLAARRRGH), but I don't see where she's that devoted to him apart from her own route. Akiha's actions are there in every route, though they aren't mentioned generally (because, y'know... tsundere).

It's not just the act of saving a life. The motivation is also important. This is such an elementary concept that I don't see how you could possibly fail to understand it without it being mentioned.

Akiha isn't totally batshit insane, apart from inversion. Just like Shiki.

>> No.327950
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>> No.328006

Akiha is just as insane at all times as Kohaku, hence why they get along normally without Shiki.

Hisui doesn't seem devoted because Shiki's too busy not noticing her in every other route. Where as Akiha is imposing and wants to control him, so she will always get noticed.

>> No.328016
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>Akiha is just as insane at all times as Kohaku

Sorry, can't think up a reply due to uncontrollable laughter.

>> No.328023

It's only funny because it's so true.

>> No.328233
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My mail-order tsundere came in just in time for a Akiha thread!

>> No.328257


dear god

>> No.328281

Now in accordance with the Akiha thread, rip the tsundere's head off.

>> No.328278


Do Want

>> No.328369

Hmm I'd have to attach back on with hot glue afterwards...

>> No.328427
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>> No.328434

...is an eyepleasure?

>> No.328439

>Ciel is better than Akiha if nobody else.


>> No.328451
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Sorry, that's my role.

>> No.328453


>> No.328467
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I am eating...I am eating...curry. Om nom nom, fresh, straight from the cook. It's piping hot and the steam from it burns my eyes a little, the smell is strong, and the flavor intense. "Oh Ciel, please give me some more, i'm still hungry!". I don't think i've ever come across curry as rich as this before, the flavor takes over all my senses. I can't take it anymore, I want more of this spicy deliciousness. I find the place it's coming from, its a hole, and I notice Ciel is looking the other way. The whole isn't big enough for me to use the spoon, but around it is soft tissue. I pull it open and decide to just use my tongue to scoop out the curry. I notice another area near the curry hole, dripping with something, so I taste it. The flavor is that of salty milk and coins, I quickly return to the curry to remove the taste. While eating the curry, I hear a gurgling noise...suddenly a hot gust of air billows out of the hole and the curry begins flowing at an amazing pace. The smell, the taste, the heat, it all comes pouring out of the hole with such force...soon it's all over my face and the floor, I'm slathered in it, enjoying it, loving it. I begin lapping it off the floor. My hands are covered in it, i begin rubbing it into myself. The heat is so intense that it begins to make my penis erect...as the curry pours out, I get closer and closer to orgasm. In the background I can hear Ciel moaning in discomfort.

Making Curry must be hard work.

>> No.328472

Oh don't worry senpai, I've ordered you as well.


>> No.328515
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>> No.328525
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I find Ciel without glasses extremely hot.

>> No.328616

sounds deluscious.

>> No.328672
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>> No.328681
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>> No.328713

Only decent eroscene in all of Tsukihime.

>> No.328779

i fapped i ruse?

>> No.328829

No offense, but Ciel looks like a male trap and always seems more cross-eyed than the other girls. Hence why I won't ever play her route. Acrueid > all.

>> No.328841
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>> No.328862


Play it for the Good End if you like Arcueid.

On another note, Ciel is a bitch.

>> No.329586
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post moar!
