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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3270901 No.3270901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tripfag thread.

If you could get a tripfag banned forever, who would you pick?

>> No.3270910


>> No.3270908

Whatever for?

>> No.3270920

Arc Tripfag or ZUN

>> No.3270919

Arcueid Brunestud!ARCIkc4cG6

I filter him already, but invisible posts are annoying.

>> No.3270926

I'm pretty sure you're the guy who just posted in that other thread and only made this thread to get a ton of Pygmalion replies, but I agree with you. She needs to stop using a trip.

I didn't mind her, but the fact that she insists on using an identity while knowing that she'll derail every thread she posts into is making me dislike her. Really selfish.

>> No.3270931

nobody,the tripfriends of /jp/ are what make this place so unique.

>> No.3270936

I've already had my original name go on the banlist, being banned forever is small time

>> No.3270942

That's a patented flowchart?

>> No.3270948
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Oh, is she's posting frequently again?

>> No.3270952

Definitely Arc.

>> No.3270954

I don't see the need, since you can always just filter them.

Speaking of which, is there a way to filter in the archive?

>> No.3270965

Oh and also Arc and ZUN!bar are awesome so fuck you guys

>> No.3270966

I don't really find anyone here too offensive, and I have never filtered or wished the banhammer on any tripfriend ever.

Even ISM.

>> No.3270973

If by frequently posting you mean imagedumping and posting dumb one liners, yes.

The issue isn't her forgettable posts, it's the shitstorm that always ensues whenever she does.

I wish she'd stop.

>> No.3270974

Praise my name

>> No.3270978

Jones or ZUNbar

>> No.3270978,1 [INTERNAL] 

I have the ones that really annoy me, like ponpo and Arc filtered already.

Sadly, I can't filter idiots who reply to other idiots, so filtering Pyg would be useless.

>> No.3270978,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know who annoys me more, the retards that give her attention or her constant craving for attention.

>> No.3270978,3 [INTERNAL] 

If she cared about /jp/ in the least, she'd drop it. Walking proof of why reputations, no matter how innocent their justifications may be, are unhealthy for communities.

>> No.3270978,4 [INTERNAL] 

Tripfags I have filtered:

White Ren

I'm probably forgetting a couple.

>> No.3270978,5 [INTERNAL] 

But BOOF is funny! :(

>> No.3270978,6 [INTERNAL] 

I just wanted to make simple contributions to a community I cared a lot for.
It makes me really sad that I can't do that anymore.

I'm sorry, everyone. I give up.

>> No.3270978,7 [INTERNAL] 

>a community I cared a lot for
What a lie. You were never one of us. You're just like one of those annoying /v/ gamer girls.

I'd post the /v/ comic if I could.

>> No.3270978,8 [INTERNAL] 

Good riddance. Cry me a river.

In before I get banned by the white knight.

>> No.3270978,9 [INTERNAL] 

You'll be missed.

>> No.3270978,10 [INTERNAL] 

Attention whoring is not contributing.

I hope you don't come back.

>> No.3270978,11 [INTERNAL] 

inb4 100 posts.

>> No.3270978,12 [INTERNAL] 


You know, you can contribute without a tripcode, which you could've dropped at any time.

>> No.3270978,13 [INTERNAL] 

Guys, I know this isn't on topic, but >>3270974 does not cease to amaze me.

>> No.3270978,14 [INTERNAL] 

There was a thread about that before.

Ws were carried.

>> No.3270978,15 [INTERNAL] 

I will admit that you made quality posts in many threads, but you are aware that you can continue to "contribute" without a tripcode, no? I do it every day, and none of my fingers have turned blue and fallen off yet. I suppose that it is also the fault of /jp/'s community at large for reacting like they do to your posts, but I can't say I will miss the concept of "Pygmalion !rNk8s6TM.Q", only the content that it was associated with.

>> No.3270978,16 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm sorry, everyone.
There is no reason to be sorry. I really hope you will stay on /jp/ and the ghostboard.

>> No.3270978,17 [INTERNAL] 

If I could choose a tripfag to be banned forever, I'd choose Sion or Zun.

>> No.3270978,18 [INTERNAL] 

They all contribute to the personality of /jp/ whether you like it or not.
Filtering is for pussies.

>> No.3270978,19 [INTERNAL] 

weeabro or master sparks

>> No.3270978,20 [INTERNAL] 

>Filtering is for pussies.
agreed, i prefer bashing a tripfag i dislike to death over filtering

>> No.3270978,21 [INTERNAL] 

Sion, Arc, or Taiko. Whoever makes the most garbage posts anonymously.

>> No.3270978,22 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if you are actually Pygmalion, but there is nothing left of the community you cared for. Threads about the things that I originally came to /jp/ for don't last more than 50 posts these days and the front page is constantly covered in spam and troll threads. Just look at this retarded thread and the people posting in it. It's like a wapanese /v/ or something.

There's not really much I can discuss with /jp/ anymore and honestly I'm sick of posting in 3D threads and trolling trolls. But hey, it's not like there aren't any alternatives to this shitfest of a board.

>> No.3270978,23 [INTERNAL] 

And this is probably the realest realpost I have made in months.

>> No.3270978,24 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, friend.

>> No.3270978,25 [INTERNAL] 

It seems a bit hypocrite to complain about a problem when you yourself admit to being part of it.

>> No.3270978,26 [INTERNAL] 

Unfortunately, there's not a single enjoyable thread on /jp/ today.

I guess now is as good a time as any to try to quit again. I can count on someone ghostbumping all of the threads worth reading, anyway; there's no point in slogging through all of today's spam.

>> No.3270978,27 [INTERNAL] 

If a thread is ghost bumped it's more likely to be a terrible one than a good one. Just look at this thread or the camwhore ones.

>> No.3270978,28 [INTERNAL] 

The only thread on /jp/ currently that is worth reading (the c76 thread) has been ghost bumped.

>> No.3270978,29 [INTERNAL] 

I quit today as well, it's stressful just to look at now. Bunbun is looking to be pretty nice, just needs to be a bit more active, though.

>> No.3270978,30 [INTERNAL] 

Unfortunately, yes. Bad threads getting bumped to this side is starting to drive me away from the ghostboard too.

Although there seemed to be a post-C76 quality slide, it seems like now there's the Bunbunmaru board /jp/ has gone further down the gutter. But I still don't want to jump ship quite yet.

>> No.3270978,31 [INTERNAL] 

I mostly spammed /jp/ with Dawson to get my IP range ban in effect again, so I can stop visiting that piece of shit and stay at Bun.

It worked at least.

>> No.3270978,32 [INTERNAL] 


I'd prefer it if you'd stick around (because honestly, you are one of the few genuinely kind people we have here) but of course it's still your decision. It's already been established that all of this is caused by one person constantly samefriending and trolling you (this guy right here >>3270926 >>3270973 same writing style from before as well) so don't let his constant negativity affect you. Believe me, he is always here with his F5 key set to turbo. In before his denial.

I still can't see any major difference with /jp/ yet; I'm still posting about VNs/Japanese games, figs, and saving images just fine. I will admit that I stay far away from the vast majority of threads about Touhou, Type-moon, or 7th Expansion though. But that's only because I was never crazy about those things to begin with.

Not really liking Pooshlmer Version 2/Bunbun so far, but we'll see how it goes.

>> No.3270978,33 [INTERNAL] 

What an *!
I despise you Anonymous, I really do.

>> No.3270978,34 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see how you can compare it to Pooshlmer, though. It isn't anything like Pooshlmer.

>> No.3270978,35 [INTERNAL] 

It runs Wakaba and it has a more easygoing mentality. It's like Pooshlmer once was.

>> No.3270978,36 [INTERNAL] 

In my opinion, we can only pass judgment on /bun/ once the dust settles. For now I'm getting flashbacks of the first month in /jp/ and how great it was. And how fast it all went south.

At least I'm seeing that the general feeling there right now is take it easy; or else which can be a good thing if handled correctly.

>> No.3270978,37 [INTERNAL] 

At the very least, it won't be spammed too much with some competent mods. Getting away from 4chan is always a good thing as well.

>> No.3270978,38 [INTERNAL] 

There's one really dedicated shitposter that's been on /jp/ for a very long time. I imagine he's the same one behind the "Elite" postings. Even if everyone goes to this new place, which doesn't look any better than /jp/ from my own viewing of it, he's going to follow.

He has lots of compromised computers and IP ranges to use. He's not going to go away. And people are still going to give into his trolling. And he's still going to samefag his own posts and the RAAAAGEEEEE that follows them.

I'm almost completely disenchanted with the internet experience after seeing the kind of fakery that exists.

>> No.3270978,39 [INTERNAL] 

OP here. I just found a far superior board without morons so I'm leaving Retardchan forever now:

http://bunbunmarz.com/wakaba/ (z = u)


>> No.3270978,40 [INTERNAL] 

I love Dawson.

>> No.3270978,41 [INTERNAL] 

>Even if everyone goes to this new place

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of splitting?

>> No.3270978,42 [INTERNAL] 

No, because there's actually mods there. Shitty threads and posts would be deleted in 10 seconds.

>> No.3270978,43 [INTERNAL] 

Bunbun isn't too bad. Certainly feels like discussions are more worthwhile

>> No.3270978,44 [INTERNAL] 

Sion without a doubt.

Why isn't his IP range banned yet?

>> No.3270978,45 [INTERNAL] 

but i dont know how to script bots

>> No.3270978,46 [INTERNAL] 

It's because you're a monkey with a directory dumper, so you're considered harmless.
