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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 550x800, inganock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3260592 No.3260592 [Reply] [Original]

Final Poll Closed, Results:


Previous cocksucking thread: >>3256931

>> No.3260607

>Swan Song: 48 votes

>> No.3260609


Victory OP movie for /jp/.

>> No.3260610

Woo. Only 17 votes for Ima is a little sad, but oh well.

>> No.3260617

Didn't Ixrec say something about ignoring the games which got overwhelming landslide votes?

>> No.3260618


>> No.3260620

>Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-: 85 votes
I cried manly tears.

>> No.3260623

I'm very disappointed.

>> No.3260627


>> No.3260629

/m/ hates Baldr Sky

>> No.3260630

/jp/ - Furfag/General

>> No.3260631

good times ahead

>> No.3260633

Someone get my hyped over this game. I'm not very happy right now that Memoria lost...

>> No.3260637

Oh well, not a bad result I guess.
You guys shouldn't hype yourself too much about it though, it's good but it's not THAT good.

>> No.3260647

>The most visited board among voters was /jp/, followed by None.
Well duh.

Inganock was probably the only one I didn't care for, great job /jp/.

>> No.3260648

>Roughly 5% of the total votes were proxies and were not included in the final stats. Of those proxies, Hoshizora no Memoria had roughly 26% of its votes removed due to proxies and was also the most game voted for using a proxy.

Isn't it sad, Sir Romance :3

>> No.3260654

So what's good about this game besides the art? I haven't been following the other threads.

>> No.3260657


And for good reason.

>> No.3260658

Not our problem if you have shitty taste.

>> No.3260665

>Hoshizora no Memoria had roughly 26%

What a faggot Sir Romance. Even with proxies you still lose.

>> No.3260667

Read the review.

>> No.3260670

Get back to Furcadia.

>> No.3260671

It has a great setting and atmosphere, the story isn't bad at all too.
It's not perfect, especially the second half of the game but it's good.
Not very long too so the translation shouldn't be long.

>> No.3260674

>implying Inganock has good art.

>> No.3260679

It's got furries. So if you're into that shit you should love it.

>> No.3260681

It's not a review, he only played the first few chapters.
We will see what he will think about it after finishing it.

>> No.3260690 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 435x622, Fursuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who else here's going to wear their fursuit when they play the translation? I can't wait.

>> No.3260695

Sekien no Inganock (Partial Review)

I'm currently midway through the 5th of the 12 chapters the game is divided into.

Sekien has consistently impressed me with the heavy stylization of its backstory, setting, artwork, characters, creatures, subplots, and even the writing style to a certain degree. So far all the major characters have ranged from interesting to downright mysterious; none of them feel the least bit flat or archetypal to me.

The first chapter flat-out amazed me with the reveals and twists at the end. The other chapters have been building up on this base relatively slowly, and although one could fairly accuse it of repetition during certain scenes, there has been more than enough variation and sheer coolness to keep me glued to my screen each time, and the new characters and backstory elements that get regularly introduced each feel original and captivating.

The only real issue one could take from the game so far is that chapters 2-4 did not develop the main plot, but only added piecemeal hints. This does not bother me in the slightest, as what was in those chapters more than satisfied me.

I'm going to say it's been a 9/10 experience so far. I have faith it will jump to 10 once the main plot makes some major leaps.

>> No.3260699


>> No.3260701

Great. I hope this leads to other Liar Soft games being translated, such as Souten no Serenaria or Shikkoku no Sharnoth.

>> No.3260703

Don't blame him for that. It was me. I was that crazy for the game.

>> No.3260704

More like Forest and Kusari-hime

>> No.3260711

>Saihate no Ima: 17 votes

>> No.3260719

from the op video it looks like its all kemonomimi or whatever its called.

I was hoping for epic trolling but I got loli's with cat ears and tails vice versa.

>> No.3260722

Most of those votes are probably from those that can read the moon too.

>> No.3260724

So where can I get a decent speed download on this?

>> No.3260728

Sure is sore loser in here.
Enjoy your trolls and shitstorm guys.

>> No.3260730

uggg... effective troll is effective

>> No.3260735

>>When asked how to describe it, I usually say it's something like a combination of Shakespeare's elaborate descriptive flourishes and Hemingway's straightforward exposition.

I don't think his opinion is trustworthy anymore.

>> No.3260737

I'm sorry guys, I should have voted Baldr Sky instead of GSS. Then we would have only lost by 2 votes ;_;

>> No.3260738

Fuck yes, that'd be awesome. If those get done I can die happily.

>> No.3260747

Or rather can't.

>> No.3260750

One of the 3 games that I didn't want. I knew I should have went ahead and just voted Baldr. I even got three other people to vote for RuiTomo.;_; Fuck my life.

>> No.3260755

Being able to read moon != being able to read Saihate no Ima, just like being able to read English != being able to read Pynchon

>> No.3260756
File: 351 KB, 724x1000, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Shikkoku no Sharnoth translation would be awesome.

>> No.3260763

I think we should link a torrent of SNI to get ready.

What is the length of is this so call furfest? If it is short he can finish this and start translating BS maybe.

>> No.3260771

I never said so, but a lot of moonreaders posted in previous threads indicating that they would vote for it due to the apparently insane difficulty.

>> No.3260776



You need a study buddy for Japanese or something bro? We could use flash cards. Trust me, it's easy to learn and then you'll be able to read whatever you want.

You know where to find me.

>> No.3260778

Is this game voiced?

>> No.3260793

Anything is better than Baldr.

>> No.3260798

It better fucking be, or I'll have extra fuel added to my rage.

>> No.3260799

No I don't!

>> No.3260804

The only unvoiced game in the lineup is the best one.

himawari ;_;

>> No.3260810
File: 98 KB, 950x713, hm_cg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hoshizora no Memoria had roughly 26% of its votes removed due to proxies and was also the most game voted for using a proxy.

I'm sad. Not at the fact that Hoshizora didn't win (Inganock looks good), but at how shockingly dishonest my fellow fanbase is...

I myself didn't use proxies, neither did I encourage them.

>> No.3260813

It is.

>> No.3260818

Partially voiced.
Meaning that a only a few scenes are voiced, especially in the beginning of the game.

>> No.3260820

You guys are going to love Liar-soft's rage-inducing voicing decisions.

>> No.3260827

I used proxies to vote for Inganock, but they were private ones with no indication that they actually were proxies.

>> No.3260832
File: 21 KB, 385x256, 1251546725684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3260836

Cool troll bro.
Keep the butthurt.

>> No.3260838
File: 34 KB, 500x469, 1248854931316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3260841

Same person.

>> No.3260840 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 500x747, Blaidd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my thanks, sir.

Here, have a babyfur pic.

>> No.3260845

I hope you choke horribly on your own cock.

>> No.3260850

Sure is easy modo trolling in here.

>> No.3260857

It appears you are proud of it, announcing it here.

>> No.3260858

Fuck this furry shit. Fuck. Way to piss me off, Internet.

>> No.3260859

FUCK THIS FURRY SHIT. Wasn't Wanko enough for you guys?

>> No.3260871

Hahaha oh wow, fuckthisfurryshit mind.

>> No.3260874

Well to be fair, Wanko was shit.

>> No.3260881

Botnet voter here. I voted for both Baldr and Sekien equally just to make sure one of them won and not that other bullshit.

>> No.3260877 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 350x502, main_jade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated? We've been fursecuted for so long on this web site, at least let us have this one victory.

>> No.3260883

>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough
>Wasn't Wanko enough

>> No.3260886
File: 117 KB, 1440x900, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himawari will never be translated.

>> No.3260893


>> No.3260902

>Himawari: 20 votes

Feels fucking bad, man. Fucking bad. I should have guessed that Himawari wasn't going to win because it's completely unknown, and I should have given my vote to Baldr Sky.

>> No.3260907
File: 42 KB, 300x547, Kara_and_Furry_Neko_by_bbmbbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not furry enough

>> No.3260909

I know you trying to get them to deduct ignanock vote but I think the decision is final.

The devs at amaterasu probably probably overlook it and I believe they always wanted SNI to win.

>> No.3260913
File: 157 KB, 667x434, homeschooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this will reconcile my son with his English lessons!

>> No.3260916

Fuck, we should've formed some kind of baldr vote coalition.

>> No.3260919

Nice troll their furbro - SnI is much less furry than Wanko.

>> No.3260923

That has to be a troll.

>> No.3260924

Wish I knew about the pool. Though I don't think it would have been made diference. I would vote GSS wich would still lose.

How many days did the pool last?

>> No.3260934


Trolling Livejournal? That's like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.3260935

Poll. It's poll.

>> No.3260937
File: 51 KB, 675x567, aids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it helps you sleep at night.

>> No.3260940

Fuck it, we're doomed. Takajun isn't going to translate Baldr. Amaterasu isn't going to either. And Giga will never let Jast touch the Baldr seires either.

>> No.3260941

24 hours.

>> No.3260944
File: 218 KB, 839x830, o1170823t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was open the entire summer.

>> No.3260953
File: 549 KB, 960x1280, EPXkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat related.

>> No.3260956

It was open for about 24 hours.

>> No.3260959

Baldr voter here. I didn't expect this. I thought it was going to be a close race between Baldr, SS, and GSS. Never did I expect Inganock. I'm laughing and crying at the same time.

>> No.3260962

You are talking as if this is the last game that IXREC will translate.

>> No.3260966


Sorry, my bad. Mispelled.


Thanks anon.

>> No.3260968

They could at least have chosen Forest instead of Inganock.

>> No.3260970

No one asked for you guys go to /a/ to attract voters.

>> No.3260972
File: 17 KB, 274x258, sorelosers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thing.

>> No.3260974

Reading your image made me rage.

>> No.3260983

This is pretty much my reaction, though I voted for something completely different. When was Inganock even talked about? I've seen hardly any posts or hype for it at all compared to stuff like Baldr, SS and GSS.

>> No.3260984

It's over furryfags won

>> No.3260989

I'm not sure if mine was counted since my dorm uses a business line with a proxy. Not much difference since Hoshizora lost anyways.

>> No.3260991

ixrec probably fixed the results anyway. We know he reads /jp/ and knows which games we were trolling.

>> No.3260995

sucks that the polls ended in one day.

If I wasn't such a loser, I would've missed my chance.

>> No.3260997


>> No.3260998

Hiding the truth won't make it less true.

>> No.3261003
File: 126 KB, 600x800, f41c1a9b904c537aa03f25825602be03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3261008

i'm kinda ragin'

>> No.3261012

I almost wish that piece of shit GSS had won now.

>> No.3261013


>> No.3261030

Well, not that I mind much. I'd rather have this than Baldr Sky.

>> No.3261033

What the hell is this about furry? There's H-scenes for loli and dolljoint girl too.

>> No.3261037

At least it's not Never7

>> No.3261050

I'm waiting for the translation to be released, so I can troll it seemingly legitimately without actually reading that crap.

>> No.3261051

The damn game only has one h-scene.

>> No.3261055

Enjoy your 3 H-scenes. The H-CG zip of the game is only 7 Mb huge.

>> No.3261058

Though I would have prefered GSS, I'm more than happy something will be being translated.

>> No.3261059
File: 16 KB, 210x298, 581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<TakaJun> I'll translate Air next

>> No.3261062

votes are fake.
Balder Sky won.

>> No.3261065

People seriously read their VN for the H scenes? I can understand for eroges, but VN?

>> No.3261066

What is Balder Sky?

>> No.3261068

Great, first Inganock and now some fucking key shit. My weekend is ruined.

>> No.3261070

Oh you.

>> No.3261071
File: 22 KB, 300x413, Kawaii_Furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily much of the staff are fellow furs who will overlook those sort of shenanigans just this once.

>> No.3261072

I wouldn't mind. The group doing it now is slow as fuck.

>> No.3261074

You wish.

>> No.3261075

You just had to say it, didn't you?

>> No.3261081

Wait, what about Takajun and Baldr? This was a conversation in their IRC room. Of course, this is all implies that the poll actually has influence on the final decision.

[20:58] <!TakaJun> probably
(in reponse to a question about whether or not poll results will be given)

[20:59] * !TakaJun goes to look at poll
[21:00] <!TakaJun> the poll result is kinda what I expected
[21:00] <!TakaJun> with more people wanting gameply, as expected from people coming to yandere for Rance

>> No.3261086

>Baldr Sky
Oooh, now I see what made me subconsciously reinstall Baldur's Gate II.
At least that poll wasn't a complete waste of time.

>> No.3261088

<Alternity> mor h
<Alternity> less talk more boob
<!TakaJun> go watch porn
<Alternity> :(
<!TakaJun> I want less boobs on my woman
<%Dirkkun> But. when you wach porn you don't get a choice between 'cum inside/outside' :(
<!TakaJun> you dont either in lots of eroge
<!TakaJun> when did you get such a choice in Rance?
<@SupernaturalDream> lol yakitate croissant
<%Dirkkun> Rance is not a 'less talk more boob' game :P
<%Dirkkun> Inganock with 85 votes eh?
<!TakaJun> fine, you want boobs?
<!TakaJun> I'll translate Air next

>> No.3261089

>Luckily much of the staff are fellow furs
you fucking fuck.

>> No.3261090

>[21:00] <!TakaJun> with more people wanting gameply, as expected from people coming to yandere for Rance
Great, that means we can have more eroge with bad gameplay, awesome.

>> No.3261106

Personally I'm hoping he does Swan Song while waiting for release of Dive 2.

>> No.3261107

><!TakaJun> I'll translate Air next
Damn it. The only worth translating is already translated!

>> No.3261114

Oh come on, Rance isn't the game of the year, but it's certainly enjoyable.

>> No.3261118

Ixrec called himself a moefag not a furfag.

>> No.3261120

The only route* Damn it.

>> No.3261123

Holy shit, inganock won?
I'm glad a voted for it like...2 hours ago.

>> No.3261133

He's a closet furfag

>> No.3261137

Are you guys really that butthurt that Inganock won?

>> No.3261141

More like, BLADDER SKYDIVE amirite?

I'm glad WANK SONK lose.

After COCK CHANNEL we get SEXY-EN NO IN-DA-COCK. What do you feel?

>> No.3261148

We'll be all over it when it actually comes out. Right now we're just raging because there were so many VNs on there that were better.

>> No.3261155

.... Now I know how they won.... Fuck you furfags. It's only the h scene with the Furry not the whole game.

>> No.3261160


please kill yourself. now.

>> No.3261161
File: 155 KB, 1024x768, 48022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. ;-)

>> No.3261168

This title is rather fitting for Cross Channel.

>> No.3261170

Heh. Some fucker found out I posted about the poll on gurochan.net and didn't liked it, so he tried to bump the message off page 1 of their /g/. Although he did it very subtly.

>> No.3261171

I much prefer Inganock over Baldr Sky, GSS and Swan Song.

>> No.3261180

<Ixrec|SnI> I saw counts for people from /f/
<Ixrec|SnI> the number was in the general vicinity of "1"
<Ixrec|SnI> so yeah

>> No.3261181

I'm surprised no one think about rallying gurochan for GSS/Extravaganza.

>> No.3261190

I did, but it was too late.

>> No.3261192

I don't believe it.
Those fucking assholes furfags.
fuck they all need to die.

>> No.3261193

Reserving my judgement on that one.
Just kidding, no way I'm reading that furfaggotry.

>> No.3261199

because it's impossible to click "none" rite

>> No.3261200

Yea. I was hoping something I could read would be translated.

>> No.3261209
File: 16 KB, 301x262, crying_pct75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very nice.

>> No.3261210

What the hell. Seriously. What the hell. Tell me the game didn't get more than 4 votes because of that imageboard. Please.

>> No.3261224

If there is a mod on this board, please ban him already.

>> No.3261231

Didn't the question ask which 4chan board? Our /f/ is flash, not furry.

>> No.3261233

There were no replies, so you can pretend it didn't.

>> No.3261234

Ah, good old /jp/. After a democratic process where the majority wins by vote, everyone handles the situation with the utmost maturity and respect; by slinging shit, calling them cheaters, and resorting to basic name calling. I'm glad I voted Ingarock just to see how butthurt everyone is getting.

>> No.3261252

>>fursecution ;_;

>> No.3261258

There's no way he can know either way. People like me have the browsers httpreferer header blocked. So he could never know which website I came from.

>> No.3261261

I wish we had some.

>> No.3261268

I wish we had mods with superpowers that could change the results of a poll.


>> No.3261270

Ah, delicious baldrfag tears. And now the "get out ksdevs" people can start spamming "get out furfags" in inganock threads. But /jp/ is shit anyway so it doesn't matter. I'm just happy a good game is getting translated, even if /jp/ refuses to play it.

>> No.3261271

You're no better than them.

>> No.3261272
File: 71 KB, 690x656, 1250790611893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-: 85 votes
Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory": 82 votes
Gore Screaming Show: 49 votes
Swan Song: 48 votes
Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a shooting star-: 36 votes
Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu: 38 votes
Never7 -the end of infinity-: 32 votes
Himawari: 20 votes
Saihate no Ima: 17 votes
Extravaganza: 4 votes

>> No.3261276

Sounds like the democratic process anywhere in the real world. Not that I would know about that.

>> No.3261288

Stop being trolled.
Inganock isn't a furry eroge. It's probably much less furry than wanko.

>> No.3261293

Can you people do anything besides bitch and troll? Honestly, they were all good games, so you should just be happy that you got anything at all.

>> No.3261297

ITT trollercoster

>> No.3261298

Hey, guys! I have a great idea! Why don't we all just learn Japanese and play games without having to wait for translations. Not only that but we'll be able to play them ON RELEASE. What do you think?

>> No.3261304

>>Then residents of the city slowly changed into beings that are partially human and partially animal.

How is this not furry?

>> No.3261308

Probably just people upset over their choice not getting selected, and one with virtually no hype suddenly won out of no where. I was rooting for Memoria or GSS, but I guess I'll have to wait on that.

>> No.3261309

Regardless of whatever won I still would've played it. I have low standards anyway, 'sides, Sekien no Inganock isn't *terribly* furry.

>> No.3261313

Couldn't there be a runoff vote? The rules say they could if the leader leads by less than 5%.

Of course it won't happen, they would have done Inganock regardless of the poll results.

>> No.3261333

>Of course it won't happen, they would have done Inganock regardless of the poll results.

>> No.3261336

Baldr would be guaranteed to win if that happened, thanks to the "FUCK THIS FURRY SHIT" whining.

>> No.3261339

/jp/? More like /bandwagon/.

>> No.3261343

Sure is bawwww in here

>> No.3261359

We were tricked, there was no poll, Ixrec chose to translate the furry game on his own.

>> No.3261363

Better luck next time, GSS fans. Your rude, loud, obnoxious spamming of threads has paid off in the end, with GSS coming in 3rd place.

Be happy you got a higher score than us Hoshizora fans. At least you don't see me whining "BAAAW mai Hoshizora didn't win BAAAW."

And also, thank you a lot for bombing my Flyable Heart/Hoshizora threads with "GSS is da shit!". I appreciate it. I greatly look forward to your passionate hot-blooded screaming the next time a poll like this is created.

I'll be playing Inganock when it is released in English.

>> No.3261364

ITT Furfags vs Non-Furfags

>> No.3261367

I have not finished raging yet.

>> No.3261370
File: 163 KB, 500x474, o2185760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>When was Inganock even talked about? I've seen hardly any posts or hype for it at all compared to stuff like Baldr, SS and GSS.

This honestly is quite a mystery.

- Theory #1: A lot of /jp/ bros got interested in Liar-soft around when Shikkoku no Sharnoth was first released. We had a surprisingly decent amount of threads in /jp/ for that game.
- Theory #2: The KS devs are fans of Liar-soft and got their entire dev team and IRC crew to vote in the poll.
- Theory #3: /jp/ actually has good taste for once. Cool info: I voted Inganock as well.
- Theory #4: There is no theory #4!

>> No.3261376

>baldr/never7/gssfags vs liar-softfags

>> No.3261377

I cant belive it actually won, nobody ever discused it, i tought i was throwing my vote to the trash, but it actually won!

>> No.3261381

>Cool info: I voted Inganock as well.
Cool, another reason to hate you more.

>> No.3261382

>>/jp/? More like /bandwagon/.

I think you mean /bawwwagon/. Am I right?

>> No.3261386

Lots of people who wanted Inganock to win got their friends to vote for it too. For example, I asked five Touhoufags to vote for it.

>> No.3261389

No. Baldr would have won largely on a re-vote simply because far more people would have wanted it as a second choice.

>> No.3261391

I only cared about Shitcocks of Sharnoth because of the frilly dresses and yuri. I had no idea liar-soft did it until now.

>> No.3261394

Besides, what the fuck is wrong with kitty ears and a tail? It's fucking cute. And what the hell? Nobody here has problems with men dressing up as women, pissing and shitting on floors, and 9 year olds fucking but all of a sudden it's a big deal when someone who dresses their gender, goes to the bathroom, and is the appropriate age for sex has cat ears?

>> No.3261400

>>Theory #4: Poll was rigged

>> No.3261401


>> No.3261402
File: 21 KB, 367x451, FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3261408

>i tought i was throwing my vote to the trash,

I was actually thinking the same while voting for Himawari, except it turned out to be true.

If someone from Amaterasu reads me, please, take one vote from Himawari and give it to Baldr Sky.

>> No.3261409
File: 12 KB, 140x200, 1251443717706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3261418

I second this. Give my Memoria vote to Baldr.

>> No.3261420

Furries are faggots. Anything that can be obliquely connected to furries automatically receives hate.

>> No.3261428

and mine

>> No.3261429

Inganock is shit anyway, terrible art too.

>> No.3261430

Give my SS vote to Baldr, forum account name and ip address can be given if needed

>> No.3261431

I doubt they'll do it.

>> No.3261432

This is really surprising...I got alot of my normalfag friends to vote for baldr for me, and we still lost? All the explaining I have to do is a complete waste now.

Igna is really a dark horse I did not see this coming before the prelims. Oh well it looks good I'll accept this, I just pray I'm not disappointed.

>> No.3261435

You're a nice person, ZUN. I like you.

>> No.3261440

everyone report this guy for "illegal content". that will get the mods on him because they'll think cp is being posted or something.

>> No.3261444


It's worse than cp, I can't even fap to it.

>> No.3261447

>Mûrrãy thè Fûrry !!n3EXnji8TiG
Make this your last post in /jp/

>> No.3261448

Oh you. It sucks though.

>> No.3261450

Me too as well if it can save us from furfaggotry I voted for the other SnI ;-;

>> No.3261452

You better get used to this kind of user, we already have ZUN and now him, but furfags will soon run over the board.

>> No.3261453

SnI main heroine is loli, this pleases me.

Also, the designs seem more monstergirl type. monstergirls have a very polarized following, seems half think that they might as well be fursuiters, while the other seems that they are still acceptable levels of human features without being outright furries.

I say it really depends on the particular style of monstergirl before its furry or not, and hell at least monstergirls all have humanfaces. Shit gets way too out there with snouts, full body fur, and other shit, thats not acceptable.

>> No.3261454

I'm embarrassed to have voted for Baldr Sky after the way you faggots are acting. If anyone from Amaterasu is reading, take my vote from Baldr and add it to Inganock. You guys don't deserve it.

>> No.3261457

Fascinating troll, furfag

>> No.3261461

The 4 of us....We could have made the difference ;_;

>> No.3261462

This thread condensed:

75% of /jp/: I don't care, I'm (not) going to read it no matter what they chose
Zunbar: (I am going to say whatever will induce the most flaming in this thread)

>> No.3261465


Inganock torrent for anyone who wants it and for people that say they don't want it but will download and play it anyway.

>> No.3261466


Hey, you furry guys are all right. I now respect you guys more than the Bleach/stay night fans.

But you're still not as cool as the diaper bros though of course.

>> No.3261468

sage for future spaghetti bird

>> No.3261469

Hoshizora...so low ;_;

>> No.3261471

I saw the one character for Ignanock having a horse's body, not even like a centaur more like her head was cut and pasted onto a horse's neck. It was very do not want and kind of disturbing.

>> No.3261473
File: 120 KB, 600x800, ing_chara15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Sharnoth new tlfag is a unpredictable factor which throw the balance all into Inganock. Similar event would happen if a sudden tlfag appear for GSS/Extravaganza
2. My constant image-spamming, argument, and reverse psychology by bringing out the weakness along with persuasion
3. People vote for this furgame because potential troll to /jp/, which ITT quite true. /jp/ is very predictable afterall

>> No.3261474


>> No.3261477

<Neko> BS is a fine game. It looks cool, the gameplay is nice. There's nothing wrong with the game at all.
<Neko> It's just, not Inganock.
<Raide> we choose furgame to troll /jp/
<Raide> that's it
<TinFoil> I was sent into a bout of depression by BS losing by only 3 votes.
<Neko> Link to /jp/ thread?
<Vodka> The one where they whine about furry? >>3260592
<Ixrec|SnI> lol
<Ixrec|SnI> I'm still reading that one
<Thre3Pies> /jp/ is lulz inducing as always

>> No.3261479

You don't fuck it. Which is a good thing.

>> No.3261481

Holy shit there is a lot of samefag in here

>> No.3261482

Seems to be dead.

>> No.3261484

Obvious furfag. YIFF YIFF

>> No.3261489

>for anyone who wants it

HAHAHAHAHA enjoy your 3 downloader, the amount of furfags who will play this steaming pile of fur shit.

>> No.3261491

I know, right? But it still beat Himawari and Saihate, which is quite intriguing.

>> No.3261496

Out of three heroines with H-scenes, only one is catgirl in Inganock and you guys whine like this.
Wanko was released and you're like OH YES AWESOME.

>> No.3261498

Can we have fursona threads yet?

>> No.3261501


That had decent art. This is just bleh.

>> No.3261503

I really wish that Flyable Heart would have gotten more votes in the prelims. ;_;

>> No.3261505


surprising, flyable heart wasn't even an option so you moe-guys should have been banded together. But you still didn't get much votes, is it because of himawari also splitting you up?

>> No.3261506


3 people rooting for nigacock
80+ votes

yeah sure

>> No.3261511

Umineko has shitty art and everyone likes it.

>> No.3261515

I never liked Wanko so it's not like I'm a hypocrite.

>> No.3261519


Umineko isn't an h-game.

>> No.3261520

Me too, I really loved the art for it and have it pre-installed on my computer. I guess I can go through it with a dictionary and machine translation though.

It really seems like something a goth wannabe furry would make...

>> No.3261521


>> No.3261530


working inganock torrent

>> No.3261531

Riiiight. Definitely not rigged.

Oh well, if Ixrec cheated his way through that poll, that must mean he really likes that VN, which in turn means he'll translate it fairly quickly. Seems like a shitty choice, but it's still better than nothing.

>> No.3261532


no one care furfag
take your shitty game and leave

>> No.3261536

Kind of pointless to get the game now isn't it? Gonna be easily 1/4th a year before you see a patch, and probably not even a complete one

>> No.3261540

Actually, even though I prefer Flyable Heart, I'm glad it didn't make it to the final poll. We moelovers would have been divided between the 2 even after the agreement to vote for one.

Possibly. Himawari was what I wanted second-most to win, but of course I voted for Hoshizora.

>> No.3261544

I would do that, but I hate using machine translations. I hope someone will translate it. There's got to be someone, right? ;_;

>> No.3261545


>> No.3261555


>> No.3261557


>no seeds


>> No.3261567

I also hope FH would get translated. Make sure to browse other boards/wikis, maybe we will find a translator for it.

>> No.3261568


If only the person who posted those pages from that Baldr doujin earlier posted them before I voted. I'm not too into mecha, but god they were so cute.;_;

>> No.3261569

Look here >>3261530

>> No.3261574

More like samefag voting.

Enjoy your niggacock.

>> No.3261577

I always thought there is a lot of /d/fags around here.
I mean you guys wank over wanko. In case anyone accused me for being one, I have never play wanko even though I downloaded it to my PC. I just dont find fap game interesting.

>> No.3261578

Holy shit, 2 hours and this thread is almost at autosage.
Ixrec, 10/10.

>> No.3261586

Excuse me, it is autosaging.

>> No.3261587

Thanks, bro.

Go fuck yourself, kid.

>> No.3261594

Needs new thread for more trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.3261599

Will do. As I've said there's got to be someone who would translate it. Maybe we should look for people that really like Itou Noiji's art?

>> No.3261629

The 3 furries of /jp/ use noko anyway.

>> No.3261634
File: 230 KB, 521x900, fursona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You furhaters really need to lighten up. It's not good for your health to be so angry. Anyway, I'm going to bed, I have furchurch in the morning.

I'll be gone from /jp/ for a while, so I'll see my fellow Inganock fans when the patch comes out, hopefully we can have some quality troll-free discussions.

>> No.3261656

You guys realize this is some baldr fan trying to make inganock fans look bad, right?

Wait, of course you don't. This is /jp/ where they believe every troll.

>> No.3261664

Wasn't Inganock linear therefore only one heroine?

>> No.3261690

>make inganock fans look bad

HOLY SHIT, they certainly do not need help fro outside to look bad.


>> No.3261708

>Mûrrāy thë Fùrry !!kS1Vr/W3ikd

>> No.3261718

Butthurt furfag, yiff in hell.

>> No.3261722

Someone posted in one of the previous threads Inganock had only one route. Baldr Sky had three routes and you had to play in a certain order. GSS had 7 routes which unlock the 8th and true end. Swan Song had like 3, 4, or 5 I forget. Himawari I can't think of right now but definite heroines are Aqua and the other space girl.

>> No.3261735

Inganock has this tag on vndb:
>The game is mostly linear, but has a few branches depending on your choices, which are mostly short and doesn't effect the ending at all.

>> No.3261738

Inganock has 3 routes.

>> No.3261763

>which are mostly short and doesn't effect the ending at all.
Then what's the point of them!?

>> No.3261810

Inganock has only one H scene with the protagonist and that is with the furry all other images are merely nude pics of various characters.

>> No.3261865

Let's ask Ixrec to change it into this http://circus.nandemo.gr.jp/sakuhin/yaminabe/y_top.html!

>> No.3261974

Continue whining/trolling/celebrating here:

>> No.3261974,1 [INTERNAL] 

God damn, /jp/.

>> No.3261974,2 [INTERNAL] 

Look at this mess. The other 'troll' Thread was funny, but now I get to see this, and it's shit. Some 13 years old decided to fuck this Thread up for the rest that would enjoy it.

>> No.3261974,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Sekien no Inganock

Never heard of it.

>> No.3261974,4 [INTERNAL] 

Goddamn, you kids are new.

>> No.3261974,5 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry for not being a furfag.

>> No.3261974,6 [INTERNAL] 

Too bad this is actually good.

>> No.3261974,7 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like shit.

>> No.3261974,8 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when /jp/ was filled with good, quality posters?

>> No.3261974,9 [INTERNAL] 

looks like /a/v/

>> No.3261974,10 [INTERNAL] 

That's /jp/ for you

>> No.3261974,11 [INTERNAL] 

And Baldr Sky still isn't finished.

>> No.3261974,12 [INTERNAL] 

But in contrast with current /jp/, the shitposting here is actually on-topic and varied rather than just repeating the same unrelated phrases over and over again.

>> No.3261974,13 [INTERNAL] 

Like "YIFF YIFF YIFF", ";_;" reaction replies, "HA HA HA SUCK IT /m/FAGS", and various other catchphrases? And those are just in the first ten replies.

Take your nostalgia goggles off. /jp/ has always been good, and still is.

>> No.3261974,14 [INTERNAL] 

They were all on-topic (Inganock was a 'furry' VN and Baldr Sky and Muv-Luv lost), and other than ';_;' they didn't appear outside of Amaterasu threads at the time. Plus, the other replies are actually decent.

Contrast with, for example, >>9491896. The thread starts with a (/b/?) meme, the first reply is as useless (if not more so) than the ';_;' reply here, 'thank you anyway' is actually a relatively clever response, 'fuk dats moe man' is a completely uncalled for off-topic meme response, the same goes for 'fug u' and the only decent response to that thread is 'But I don't need luck! I have wits! Right...?'. (Those are the only replies as of writing this.)

The people here might not be making the most intelligent of posts, they are still having a discussion on VNs that might or might not be translated. But these days shitposters on /jp/ shitpost just for the sake of shitposting. Many of them don't even read VNs or play Touhou.

A low-quality discussion is infinitely better than no discussion at all.

>> No.3261974,15 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was always good, except for a couple of self-entitled shitposting 2D/Random warriors shitting up the board with the same crap over and over again.

>> No.3261974,16 [INTERNAL] 

So people are allowed to use dumb, stock replies, except when they use dumb, stock replies?
I don't get your criteria here.

>> No.3261974,17 [INTERNAL] 

People are allowed to use dumb, stock replies as long as these dumb, stock replies are on-topic and don't compose more than fifty percent of the thread.
