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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3259166 No.3259166 [Reply] [Original]

because last one is autosaged

>> No.3259176 west coast
Might be toying around with Yuyuko since I haven't been using her lately

>> No.3259216

Whoa yeah, I wasn't sure if we'd have lag again today but it looks like that's the case. Oh well, gg anyway Lurker.

Looks like I just can't have a lag-free match against you.

>> No.3259220

Yeahhh I think I'll need to practice with her some more.


>> No.3259221

From last thread:

GGs Dagger. You were saying you were having difficulties with 623s being read as 236s? I think I noticed. A lot of times you'd end up with the reflector when doing your Youmu corner combo when you obviously wanted the DP. What control method are you using? I find that keyboard is the easiest controller on which to perform a DP. 626 will get you one every single time unless you take an hour to execute it.

Speaking of DPs though, you really gotta calm down on the naked DPs. Block or whiff, they're ridiculously punishable unless your name is Sakuya. Aside from that, just keep playing. Nothing else really stood out meaning experience is what you need to work on obtaining.

>> No.3259287
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa, remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
Intermediate level, maybe.

In the future, just let the old thread naturally die off instead of deleting it, okay?

>> No.3259310


it doesn't work that way. i'll do as i please.

>> No.3259390


ggs jetm, it's pretty rare to see alice players, let alone alice players who know what they're doing.

It kinda felt like you were sandbagging me when you were playing as iku and patchouli, though.

>> No.3259403

Well, I like to play half the cast so I just naturally swap between all of them. I play Alice less in Soku after the beating she took from Tasofro's nerf bat, even though she' is still my best. Ggs Lurker. Nice Yukari you've got there.

>> No.3259416
File: 75 KB, 450x257, 1204187275296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259432

Testing to see if I can host

>> No.3259495

What's up with the lag? It was pretty much fine on the first match.

>> No.3259501


someone mustve been watching the game... because there is no one using the internet here

>> No.3259510

Spectating doesn't make it lag, might've just been an un-lucky lag spike.

>> No.3259572
File: 24 KB, 300x300, wrigglecute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it works. I'm in EC so we cant play due to obvious lag though.

>> No.3259580


Well, thank you anyway.

>> No.3259590

I'm EC and play the Japanese, I've got a bunch of freinds there, whats wrong with a bit of lag, it's a game, who cares, just play it.

>> No.3259599

...what's EC? Eastern Canada?

>> No.3259602
File: 74 KB, 590x742, chilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to know you can swallow some lag. It's just plain frustrating to some people though. No need to argue over such things, right?
Let's just have dessert and not fight.

>> No.3259603

Eastern Coast, so yes, that includes Canada.

>> No.3259671

Oh jeez... >_>;

>> No.3259674


Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

Why do netplay threads always attract newfags?

>> No.3259686

Excuse me for posting one smiley, jeez man, take it easy...

>> No.3259701


>> No.3259705

Whatever man... I don't want to ruin this for everyone else looking here.

>> No.3259708

Hey, Saje sorry I haven't been able to post. I had to go to a celebration for my family. I had trouble with the 623's because you were jumping over me and that kept confusing me.
I'm using keyboard though I might jam a Playstation controller in. Thank you for telling me 626.

>> No.3259710



>> No.3259726 [DELETED] 


>> No.3259716


Man, I am sick of the Sanae vs. Suika matchup, I've encountered it against 3 different people already. But there's no other way to improve (although I keep losing them on average).

>> No.3259727

Good lord man, I think your taking this too seriously, anyways, I've got hosting issues, someone mind posting an IP?

>> No.3259732

GGs, a.a.

Not the best flyswatter I've seen, but you hurt just as well. Also, defensive ass Suika/Sanae match were D-FENCE ONLY! I couldn't pressure for fear of Kanako, and you couldn't in fear of T-Hawk Slams. That was crazy! Other than that, I played like trash today.

Gotta eat something, otherwise, I'll continue playing like trash.

>> No.3259734

UNL netplay threads are for serious gamers only. If you aren't serious, then get the fuck out.

>> No.3259744

GGs www. People like you make me want to learn how to play this game.

>> No.3259746

>I think your taking this too seriously
Friend, it's you.

>> No.3259753

Guide & Download please.

>> No.3259764


>> No.3259820

I have to admit, your Cirno seemed a bit off. Last time I soundly lost the Cirno mirrors but this time I was doing OK even though I haven't played the ice fairy much recently.

Loliball pretty much stops me from advancing on the ground and I can't even take the initiative or punish the move after blocking it. So strong.

>> No.3259820,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] WC

I suck, 'k?

>> No.3260032


>> No.3260066

US East, noob tier

>> No.3260139


Good games, I need to take care of something but I'll be hosting again in a moment.

>> No.3260141

blarg I suck

>> No.3260160



>> No.3260160,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is it just me, or is there a disproportionately large amount of drooling idiots in fighting game threads?

>> No.3260160,2 [INTERNAL] 

I guess.

>> No.3260381


Good games, that's all for me tonight.

>> No.3260160,3 [INTERNAL] 

The fuck is your problem? All you do is talk shit, bitch, and make shitty posts. Why would you bump this thread just to say that?

>> No.3260389

good games

>> No.3260389,1 [INTERNAL] 

It was already bumped (>>3259820,1), who wasn't hosting when I saw the thread.
And I'm just making an observation. These threads seem to attract more immature, /v/ grade posters than even ZUN's /v/ threads.

>> No.3260420

Ggs, a.a.

>> No.3260427

Alright, GGs Jetm. Hope you didn't mind all the games when you were clearly way better.

Feels just like fighting Magister--helpless and spending all day trying to avoid being pinned down in the corner.

>> No.3260442

Bah, I can't corner pin with anyone other than Reisen nowadays. You're not that bad. Your Koma went pretty even with most of my characters.

>> No.3260442,1 [INTERNAL] 

Jones, I don't care if they somehow ruin SWR. The only thing that annoys me is when they leave the Threads where they gather, like this one. So, since they're not generally making /jp/ worse by miles, because they just play their fightan, I don't mind. If they want to violate irreversibly these Threads and make the unrecognizable as fun Thread, it's their problem, but if they overdo it, I guess you can bitch at them directly, not troll them in the ghost board.
I invite all observers, specially you, to do the same.

>> No.3260442,2 [INTERNAL] 

>>The fuck is your problem? All you do is talk shit, bitch, and make shitty posts. Why would you bump this thread just to say that?

Welcome to Anonymous Jones.

Also, he gets extremely mad when he gets beaten down in these games. Perhaps it happened to him again. It was completely hilarious the last time it happened; I recommend checking it out in the first UNL netplay threads.

And Fate/stay night and Umineko threads attract the kiddies from /a/. Your point? Also, I see you haven't been paying attention to the "Melting" netplay threads. This is nothing new.

>> No.3260442,3 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know. These threads do certainly rear up some people who have difficulty with capitalization, spelling, and other grammatical issues, not to mention smiley usage.

Like someone said, they seem to attrack IRC people, and it's funny how many of them don't meet /jp/ standards of writing.

>> No.3260785 west coast
Somewhere around mid tier

>> No.3261064

Hey guize, I was just wondering if anyone had a link to the update patch?

>> No.3261078


>> No.3261082 [DELETED] 

Look here.

>> No.3261115

Look here.

>> No.3261115,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, it just happened to be on ghost mode so I read it and made a comment.

I know this is nothing new, but since we've been having so many gloom and doom "that's it, /jp/ is finished" discussions lately, I thought it wouldn't hurt to pinpoint the source of bad users.

If you think that F/sn of all things attracts kiddies from /a/, you're further gone than I thought. It's certainly true that Umineko threads stopped being very good after around a month after the translation release, once everyone had read it already, though, so that's a valid point.

And I've always known Melty Blood threads were a source of shitty posters. See also: Sion. I'm just saying that all /v/ threads in general seem to attract /v/ posters, so you should stop making yours.

>> No.3261202

Wow, slow day today. Rehosting.

>> No.3261357

Bullshit, Yukari takes no skill, etc.

>> No.3261472


>> No.3262125

GGs "lol", solid Alice you have.

Would be a lot harder for me if I hadn't played Jetm earlier.

>> No.3262125,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol maybe i shouldnt have named my profile that haha


>> No.3262406

Whoa, this thread really doesn't seem to be doing so well.
Fortunately that means I can make like VanPri and go into hosting mode for a longass time while I get other shit done.

US East, play for hours and write paragraphs on one amusing thing that happened during the first few matches tier.

>> No.3262531 west average

>> No.3262568

Well this thread sure is active. west coast
Takes no skill tier

>> No.3262586
East coast. Loses 30 games in a row tier.

>> No.3262612

Ugh sorry, lag was really bad for me.

>> No.3262615 [DELETED] 


West Coast here. I'll join you if you don't mind playing against someone who hasn't played online yet.

>> No.3262614
Hostan North America
From bad to good tier

>> No.3262628

My bad, pad was disabled. Still hosting

>> No.3262700

GGs Lim. Maybe you should stop doing unsafe moves when I'm blocking.

>> No.3262707

weird, i dont seems to be myself today, and second, you play very differently than usual too. gg,

>> No.3262717

Is it just me or do the weather effects detract more from this game than they add to it?

>> No.3262732

you are playing way too defensively man.

>> No.3262738

mostly just you
there are so many ways to control the weather that removing it as a gameplay element is like removing grazing from the dashes

>> No.3262743

Hosting: West Coast

First time playing online, so bear with me if there's any trouble.

>> No.3262750 EC
tier collectan tier

>> No.3262753

That was pretty miserable lag...

>> No.3262754

Good games vv, you're pretty good but it's a shame we couldnt have matches to full potential due to the lag

>> No.3262755

I was surprised that you used an alt skill for Kanako. Seems pretty good for zoning actually, but Kanako Rushdown is just too good at catching people off-guard as well as a combo finisher.

>> No.3262764

are you guys beginner friendly? i want to play but i don't want to bore anyone

>> No.3262770

Yukari is so easy to use and overpowered!! Why don't you play a character that takes REAL skill??

Nah just kidding, ggs. Mirror matches are always pretty fun for me, even though I'm bad at fighting other Yukaris for some reason.

Might rehost in a bit.

>> No.3262771

Not the same guy, but I've always thought it should be an optional thing. If both players ignore it, as happens in 95% of matches, it just gives random advantages to one player or the other depending on the characters they picked. Random shit like that is just a bad idea in a fighting game, though the weather system has potential. I think if they made it only happen if someone used a weather card, it could be a lot better.

>> No.3262775

yea, for me, its my first time using it, see if its useful with snare too. its gonna require time to register with me.

>> No.3262784

Does this mean you're starting anew on the tier collection list? I'll miss reading "Nothing I did worked" tier.

>> No.3262793

People wouldn't bitch about her if one 66C, a safely spammable move, didn't result in 5500 damage.

>> No.3262814
⑨ tier

>> No.3262815

Train isn't really that bad if you pack lots of spellcards that grant invulnerability. Plus, not everyone uses it, and Spring Haze makes it grazeable (though relying on weather is a bad idea)

>> No.3262863
Hostan Canada West
Experimentan with Youmoe

>> No.3262887


>> No.3262905

Can't rely on having them at the time. I'll consider making an invulnerability SC deck just to fuck your Yukari next time we play, though.

>> No.3262925


>> No.3262931

Thanks for showin' up, I got my chance to lose to you legitimately and I'm satisfied. GGs.
First things first, as much as I hate to be apologizing on 4chan, I admit that last night I really was a little butthurt because your main has infinite means to devastate mine and if anything that's tasofro's fault, not yours. Sorry about that.

You definitely have a better understanding of the mechanics than I do so no matter who you used every single match was one where I had to be careful with every little thing I did else you'd punish it, no matter what. That was the whole reason I'd been asking for "tourneyfags" to play me for so long, because for me that's a huge learning experience. Even if I win I don't really care about that aspect so much as understanding what the fuck I'm doing, and right now I'm still at a point where crossup eats me alive.

Still, thanks a lot for the games, and I'll work on moving up the ladder.
I still don't like Yukari but "broken" really is a stretch; then again it makes sense she'd be able to crush all other Touhous with little effort.


>> No.3262943
File: 45 KB, 217x232, suikahelicopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3262952

I'm sure You'll main a better Hong than I ever will.

>> No.3262960


Actually yukari was my main before I felt i was doing better with cirno one day


>> No.3262964


Haha, thanks, I appreciate that. Though I suppose I should pick up another character so I don't bore my opponents. Only been playing for a couple days, so I've just been focusing on Mei Ling.

That was fun and a good learning experience though. Thanks for the matches, GGs.

>> No.3262965

GGs. Thanks for the matches. Seems like I need a lot more practice. Im still getting used to playing online. Sorry about the last match, my monitor likes to act up.. Ill play some more and verse you again sometime

>> No.3262967
File: 52 KB, 249x238, 1243819254870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3262971

It seemed to me that you were a lot better with Yukari actually

>> No.3262977

>I still don't like Yukari but "broken" really is a stretch; then again it makes sense she'd be able to crush all other Touhous with little effort.
That's Youmoe. Yukari is probably high tier with most of the other decent characters taking the nerf bat up the ass, but Youmu (and maybe Reisen) are the ones that I would really call broken.

>> No.3262981

>Yukari is so easy to use and overpowered!!
This is my fault, isn't it? ;_;

You missed my random matches with SYSTEM CARD ONLY decks yesterday, up for some Toohoos?

>> No.3262992

i'm spamming connect

>> No.3263003 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't happen to be the Alice player "lol", would you?

I mean, if that was the case I had no idea I was facing someone who could completely destroy me with just about any other character.

>> No.3263022 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_000771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting US west. Yuyuko-sama tier.

>> No.3263031 west coast
Be sure to bring reversal SC decks made just to "fuck my yukari"!

But seriously, somewhere around mid tier. Probably won't be here for that many matches.

>> No.3263037
File: 347 KB, 700x791, 6c68b64d1f16c35d7b9045450364052a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

Sorry about that image. No more random image picks for me. Still hosting at

>> No.3263089

Good games, you're too good for experimenting. GTFO and rehosting

>> No.3263113
File: 71 KB, 574x750, gyarados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can safely say that I have never seen a person other than me use Iku.

>> No.3263121 East Coast
Knows the mythical secret technique known as "blocking" tier.

P.S. Anyone here from Mizuumi: Is it me or did the server die?

>> No.3263137


Not just you, Icekin

Also, Fuck you because I can.

>> No.3263150

We are very much dead over there.

>> No.3263168

... WHAT


Goddamn, that has to be the most awesome thing I've done in my life. Uh, lemme go reopen the client...

>> No.3263170

gg, you are one tough cirno player i fought yet.

>> No.3263176

that's probably what happened

>> No.3263180

East Coast host:
"Holy crap! Who knew F/SN had such a long-ass prologue?" tier

I considered her my 3rd in SWR, but either my other characters have improved faster than her or something about her changed in Hisoutensoku (besides her speed) such that I'm not as confident in my ability with her. Now I'd put her somewhere around 4-7th on my list...

>> No.3263214

>"blocking" tier.

its been bugging me for awhile. How do you normally deal with someone who plays defensively at most of the match? do the same?

>> No.3263214,1 [INTERNAL] 

GGs! Sorry if it got boring. I kind of just picked this up recently.

I see you like to mess around lol.

>> No.3263233


GGs, Youmu is just too fast for Komachi ;_;

>> No.3263234

Then you can actually start running the stuff that most people dismiss as "nah, that won't work". Once you know they won't try to hit you out of what you do or will look for an opening after seeing a move, you can start charging bullets in their face for faster crush, or do something silly like 6A wait f.5A 6A if they're graze-happy. Whatever you think they'll do, you do what would probably beat it up.

>> No.3263240

Depends on their preferred form of defense. Heavy grazers are beat out by well placed melee or properly used counter-bullets. Heavy blockers are beat out by good blockstrings, mix-ups, unblockables/"grabs", and good prediction on when they'll try to bust out of the corner.

>> No.3263245

Good games, I learned a bit about Youmu there. If you'd like I can rehost and use other characters if you want.

>> No.3263259
File: 68 KB, 200x207, 124147437925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refugee from IRC. Reporting in.
WC and EC can only join.

>> No.3263267


Sure, I hope I don't get crushed again though

>> No.3263278

thanks, ive been encountering alot of those lately.

>> No.3263298

>>3262750 here
GGs to the Alice I was playing. Too good to beat you with my terribad grab deck :(

>> No.3263329

You need to groundtech more on wake-up, especially against someone running a grab skill card. Your offense is full of holes at the moment, but part of that might have just been the River Mist fucking shit up. Not much to say since you didn't stick around for a full match... I'd've changed afterwards to try and match your skill level, but que sera sera.


>> No.3263351


Welp, ggs horvath

yep icekin, the server seems to be dead for me too

>> No.3263353


GGs. You're fun to fight, though I don't really stand a chance against you. I'm going to let my controller recharge and take over on the keyboard in the mean.

Still hosting at

>> No.3263384

gg, definitely dangerous there. twice it happened that i used a wrong SC.

>> No.3263392

If you encounter a person content to sit all day in the corner and block when you have the initiative, you better start mixing up your corner blockstrings so that they are actually threatening--use projectiles that quickly drain spirit orbs on block, not to mention high/low mixups. Go for the guard crush into your typical corner combo.

>> No.3263414
File: 86 KB, 694x474, 1237952048880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Errm.. We meet again, Lim. GGs.. I think.

I don't think I unleashed my potential due to my shitty mood. I had a bunch of fail and oh u movements. Sorry for that. Oh, nice improvement with Sanae.


>> No.3263440


At least I won one :<

>> No.3263443

Good games Magicmicro! I'd love to play more but i'm off to get some sleep

>> No.3263455

lots of fun once again tree
that tenshi rock drill skill is probably my favorite skill card in 123

>> No.3263456

well fuck looks like the tourneyfags are back to shit on some scrubs

>> No.3263461


GGs! But I don't really know how to play any characters other than Komachi. Utsuho I was just doing 6c pretty much. And suika I just spammed balls. I guess ill start training with them later!

>> No.3263469

i think its important to post their tier status as accurately as possible to prevent massacre.

>> No.3263478

The IRC server is down. It happens.

>> No.3263486
File: 15 KB, 151x283, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gawd, GGs as always SDD. I thought my usual matches with you were goofy, but clearly I've never experienced the joy of giving EVERYONE a deck with 4 fish in it. Madness was madness.

Also, it looks like the random select finally inspired my first ragequit. Alice vs. Youmu? Yeah, let's not.

I'd play more but I have some shit to do, might come back sometime later today though. Thanks for the games brah.

>> No.3263510

yeah, the random number generator sure was being a dick to you tonight
i have a fish in a few decks, but since i'm not using the unlocker in addition to being too lazy to clear china's story mode 3 more times i only have one at a time~

invincibility's special effect sure is silly, it seemed more intimidating when you had to guess if it was over yet

>> No.3263538
File: 21 KB, 320x240, 1237380079899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying "tourneyfags" ever left /jp/ or weren't always /jp/ regulars

>> No.3263587

Thanks for the games, Govin...Giova...err...whoever it was.
I'm done for the night, unless Giant Tree wants some tourneyfagging up in his hostan.

>> No.3263590 EC

That-Youmu-Faggot:9999 smurf tier
(actually playing youmu tonight tier)

>> No.3263613

More like accidently had default controls tier. Rehosted.

>> No.3263621

ggs Saje. Also note that you don't have to switch when I switch.

>> No.3263624

Goddamnit, okay. When somebody uses my name in a post they'd better be ready for the consequences.

It's true that I don't want to miss out on this opportunity though, so how about I just play you in like 3 or so matches? Maybe 5.

>> No.3263632 [DELETED] 

GGs, GP. T'was annoying to perform so well for a little while, then have you figure out exactly what I would be doing when and counter it. But that just further emphasizes the points I need to work on. Now if only I could actually make some progress in addressing them... Only thing I can think to say is that your China needs more mix-ups. Though she may have been beating my Cirno towards the end, I feel your corner pressure with her could be much improved.

Have to switch? No, I just like to. I keep a wide range of characters I like to keep in practice and an opponent switch is a nice reminder that I ought not to concentrate too hard on any one character.

>> No.3263636

GGs, GP. T'was annoying to perform so well for a little while, then have you figure out exactly what I would be doing when and counter it. But that just further emphasizes the points I need to work on. Now if only I could actually make some progress in addressing them... Only thing I can think to say is that your China needs more mix-ups. Though she may have been beating my Cirno towards the end, I feel your corner pressure with her could be much improved.

Have to switch? No, I just like to. I have a wide range of characters I like to keep in practice and an opponent switch is a nice reminder that I ought not to concentrate too hard on any one character.

>> No.3263647
File: 118 KB, 850x852, 1231412566777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DC? Good riddance.
Anyway, GGs, Slime. Damn, that Reimu has a nice attack/defense gimmicks. Thumbs up.

>> No.3263726

Yeah, I'm quite aware of my failings with Meiling and every other character I use but I just can't put in the amount of time into this game as I did back when SWR first came out. I would practice everyday for hours on end to try nail down every blockstring and combo, not to mention playing several hours against fellow /jp/ers but life happens etc.

>> No.3263744

I'm sorry Giant Tree ;_;
I know you said in a few matches, but I was logging off for the night.
Going to bed now. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.3263747

Hoho, that's three. NOW you get to be done for the night.
Actually, I probably am too. But not likely, since I Toohoo too much.

GGs, looks like I still can't quite get through your defenses. If anything playing Dimglow taught me to play everyone like I played Kaede in VanPri and block CONSTANTLY whenever you're not moving forward, but eh, apparently that isn't good enough. I'll figure something out soon, but your strategy is a toughie to crack.
Someday, right?
Someday. ;_;

>> No.3263767

Oh nah, I was the one who hit ESC anyway, unless we had the great coincidence of doing it at the exact same time.

To be honest though, I never would've even thought to host again until like an hour from now if you hadn't mentioned it. You dork.

>> No.3263802

i'd like to see Slime plays Reimu, im curious about it.

>> No.3263979

ggs ZomB, going to sleep

>> No.3263981

ggs, night

>> No.3264130

Come play me you bastards.
US East, I think I've said it enough tier

>> No.3264180

any ausfags around?

>> No.3264697 [DELETED] 


>> No.3264689

Good games Tree.
In before a wall of text

>> No.3264691

Well, that's definitely enough for me today. GGs Duckator.
To tell the truth, from what I'd been hearing about you I was really expecting SUPER IRC TOURNEYFAG MASTER BLOCKSTRING GOD CRUSH ALL MY MAINS IN 5 SECONDS, but I actually had some really enjoyable matches with you.
Screamed at my monitor a lot, of course, and some of those mirrormatches invoked a shame I had never felt before. ;_;
Still, thanks for the matches an--

OH RIGHT, before I forget: Did I play you in SWR before? I swear your name sounds so familiar.

Anyway, I'm out bros. 'Night /jp/.

>> No.3264770

No, I'm not nearly that good, in fact, I've never been to IRC.
I'm not sure about SWR but I know I played you in Vanguard Princess a few times although I didn't use a name. I was the shield spamming Lilith player.

>> No.3264826

Ohh, that's probably why it sounds so familiar. You must've used a name at least once because I swear I remember having seen it before. Who knows, maybe it was SWR?

But goddamn, I really wish people would still play VanPri because suge responds to feedback and tasofro is more HURR DURR WE'LL MAKE EVERYTHING A REFERENCE TO FIST OF THE NORTH STAR AND OVERPOWER CHARACTERS WE LIKE. I didn't even bother upgrading to 1.02 because everyone had already stopped playing by then, which is a pity because I admit I had more fun with it than this or Meltan. ;_;

Oh and you're right by implying that I need to shut the fuck up sometimes, I agree with that myself. I guess it just bugs me when people say nothing but "GGs" because I was pretty quiet when I started netplaying IaMP, but enjoyed it more when better players would give me advice or say something to indicate a presence to make it feel more like somebody's actually there, because you have to admit it's pretty disappointing when you play someone for hours and all they have to say about it is one word.

.. Goddamnit, there I go again. I'm going to sleep.

>> No.3265958

ran ruu~

>> No.3266320 west coast
Half awake tier

>> No.3266588 west average

>> No.3266628
File: 113 KB, 372x1000, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting from EU
Low/Med tier

>> No.3266658

Ugggh, Suika is so overpowered. And if I even get a lead I have to put up with some weather bs like typhoon, heavy fog or sunshower or something. Fighting her while only half awake is suicide.

Sakuya matches were okay I guess but it's hard to appreciate anything in this game after losing to Suika for several matches.

Also is it just me or was Perfect Maid's time lengthened? I kept thinking it was about to end so I'd attack but then get countered anyway.

>> No.3266667

Good games, Lurker. You have to add more to your game besides dashing signs. Once I got around that, it was easier to keep you pinned down. It's better to just jump back and do 6c.

>> No.3266670

The C version lasts longer than the B version. It only catches melee attacks, so just throw a bullet at it if you see it coming.

>> No.3266676

Connection dropped? Oh well, GG Lim. Was trying a bit harder not to turtle too much.

>> No.3266680
File: 104 KB, 372x1000, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266683

oh well. gg. a.a. i guess im not used to fighting Sanae. the last good one I fought was sadsanae, its been awhile really.

>> No.3266704

Also, just wondering

Has anybody managed to create a no weather patch yet? I'm getting really tired of random typhoon in every other match.

>> No.3266717
File: 119 KB, 372x1000, 98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'll host sometime later i guess...

>> No.3266723

i dont think i can adjust to that 66c that quickly yet, gg lunker.

>> No.3266724

ggs Lim, sorry that I only stuck around for two matches. Might be back later.

>> No.3266730

The japanese community lynched the last guy who wanted a no weather hack, and no one in the english community cares to make one.

>> No.3266735

When was the last time you saw him? I last faced him on August 19.

First time I played Sanae against you was the 23rd.

>> No.3266740

is there a dat file with all the cards unlocked yet

>> No.3266743


yea, its been awhile. i started using her because of him.

>> No.3266747


is it really bad to have a no weather patch?

>> No.3266748

It's on the wiki, but the server's been down since last night. Expect a tourneyfag flood this evening.

>> No.3266759
File: 16 KB, 360x288, 1245201744847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugggh, Suika is so overpowered.
>Yukari player

>I'm getting really tired of random typhoon in every other match.
You can, uh, CONTROL the weather, you know. I know a bunch of times when I played Suika I'd purposely stall for Typhoon to come around, but if you score one knockdown you can keep it from happening, which isn't the toughest thing ever.

Playing without weather in this is like playing Smash Bros. without items.
Tourneyfaggotry can only go so far.

>> No.3266767

>but if you score one knockdown you can keep it from happening, which isn't the toughest thing ever.
additionally, you can activate a cheap spell card to get it to cycle too, just in case they're playing keep away

>> No.3266773

I still don't buy the whole "Yukari is overpowered" argument

And I know it's possible to control the weather, but there are a lot of times when you get knocked down at the last moment forcing it into Typhoon or something, meaning you can't really do anything to stop Typhoon from coming

>> No.3266779

New and aspiring Yukari player here. Why is she overpowered?

>> No.3266782

I always keep 4 weather cards in my deck for characters that struggle in typhoon.

At any rate, I'd rather there not be two different versions of 12.3 being played--cuts down on the number of players.

>> No.3266799

Really, only Youmu's overpowered. Yukari and Suika are just really good, but sometimes they're just TOO good. Both have plenty of options for blatantly outprioritizing the rest of the cast at nearly everything, and let's not even go into where Youmu stands in that department.
inb4 hurr no balance, fascinating etc.

Also, I don't think there are many of us who actually bother trying to predict what weather's going to come next and score a knockdown at the last second to make it happen; hell, I don't even know anybody who LOOKS at the weather timer until it's already changed.
Silly Lurker, there are no meteorologists on /jp/.

>> No.3266804

I thought the only imbalance worth crying about was Youmu

>> No.3266823

Not saying people do it intentionally to trigger Typhoon, it just happens.

>> No.3266830

>I don't even know anybody who LOOKS at the weather timer until it's already changed.
people that see fantasy heaven in either player's hand usually become aware of the upcoming weather

i'd try to be more observant if there weren't some projectiles that end the current weather almost instantly when dispersed

>> No.3266841

>> No.3266846


>> No.3266850

Yukari and Suika aren't as broken as Youmu, but they're easier to play. Youmu's god tier status comes a lot from her amazing pressure (and every other character with amazing pressure losing it in transition), which anything but tourneyfags can't take advantage of. Yukari and Suika have easily spammable graze attacks, high priority fast projectiles, and one hit wonder SCs. They're like the Jins of 12.3.

>> No.3266865

I don't understand how Yukari and Suika are easy to use, really.

This might just be because I'm bad at fightan games, but back when I first tried out Yukari in SWR it took me forever to get used to playing as her. I still can't play as Suika.

>> No.3266914

The fact that there are still people I can beat with Yukari using only the d-pad and C.

>> No.3266951 west coast
Easy to use tier

>> No.3266969

That's not quite true; while her pressure might be hard enough to utilize that, say, a first-time player wouldn't be able to use her to crush somebody who's been playing since release, she still has the advantage of being stupidly easy to use.
Even in low-level play she can do stuff like spam 6C until it hits or risk a rushdown into dial-A and spam SCs from there. If two people play this for the first time with no knowledge of any part of it whatsoever and one of them picks Youmu, I think we can be 99% sure that the Youmu player is going to win even if it's by spamming. If she was really good just at the tourneyfag level that would be fine and casuals would just avoid tourneyfaggotry more than they do now, but nooo, that's not enough -- she just HAD to be the easiest beginner character too. That's where broken complaints come from.

Yukari can fill the screen with bullets with very little to no effort, and once the opponent gets the genius idea to graze even once the match is over. 5C beats almost every projectile on top of that.
Suika isn't quite AS easy to use, though she hits pretty hard and is playable by beginners too. But treating her 5-cost SCs like things that are easy to pull off is pure bullshit; if you pull off Massacre at Mt. Ooe in high-level play, you're either in Typhoon or not actually playing a high-level player. Fuck, anyone who isn't a complete novice can avoid that thing with little effort, and more often than not the timing on it is pure luck. Her other 5-cost is a little less ridiculously hard to pull off, but it's not as good either. Yukari, on the other hand: One knockdown, ENJOY YOUR TRAIN. HALF YOUR LIFEBAR GONE BECAUSE YOU TOOK ONE HIT. Balance, none, etc.

>> No.3267008

gg, wav. dunno why is it laggy though. i think im getting there for my reimu, i think.

>> No.3267031

Can't you just counter train by rolling over to Yukari and using a bomb or some other reversal spellcard?

Anything that can be said about not being able to rely on spellcards since you won't only have them can also be said about the train, the difference being that bombs only cost one card while the train costs five

>> No.3267040

Train sucks, don't get hit by CH 66c (This is the only one guaranteed.) Learn how your character can stop other weak ass train attempts.

Also, why all the youmu hate? ;_; I'm like the only one who uses her.

>> No.3267052


GG. You managed to beat me with random every game. Makes me sad. Very sad.

>> No.3267054

Which probably is causing people to assume the average Youmu player plays like you since they don't have any other Youmus to go by.

>> No.3267055

>CH 66c

thats like Lunker's specialty.

>> No.3267058

And for the record, Youmu's "weakness" is grazing. A lot of Youmus can be beat just my flying around pressing the C button as Patchouli.

>> No.3267061

>> No.3267071

I'm one of /jp/'s worst Yukari players, though (not that that's saying much because nobody else really uses her)

>> No.3267073

GGs too. You are playing really defensive, movement-wise.(and thats not a bad thing at all)

>> No.3267078

Ugh, well I have yet to face a Yukari who ever used train after anything that WASN'T CH 66C. Guess I haven't faced any of the bad ones yet.

>I'm like the only one who uses her.
Oh bullshit. Everyone on /jp/ who doesn't play her just doesn't so they can complain about how broken she is, and every "tourneyfag"-level player is a monster with her whether they've played her often or not, because once you grasp the basics it's not very difficult to figure out how to mimic her pressure game.
If anything, you're just the only one who ANNOUNCES they main Youmu. Everybody else fears being called an abuser of broken or something, I guess.

>> No.3267089

>Youmu is the easiest character to play
No, that's Patchy. The difference is Patchy can be beaten with smart grazing because her melee is ass. Youmu is shit in a low level spam match, since her melee-oriented playstyle just results in her eating tons of point blank projectiles. I'd have agreed before, in SWR, but now her 6C has less than half the range and no more godlike goes through anything priority, her B bullets aren't as spammable (not sure how they changed it exactly, but run away 6B doesn't work anymore, regardless), and her damage on everything but her SC combos and her air combos, the two kinds of combos a newb wouldn't be using, was lowered. Youmu dominates in mid and high level play, but she does take at least a certain level of skill, unlike Patchy, Suika, Yukari, etc. The main difference is that they have a couple easily spammable move that work for both defense and offense. Youmu has no graze attacks and low priority projectiles.
>Massacre at Mt. Ooe
Crappy card, not worth 5 cards unless you're playing a turtle.
>Loliball grab SC
This was the single best SC in SWR. It completely dismantled any attempt at pressure as it's an instant startup graze/invulnerable attack that hits several character lengths in front of you for 5k damage. It's basically the same except you can't activate SCs while blocking anymore. It's still one of the most retardedly good SCs in the game.

>> No.3267093

No, I just don't play Yukari because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.3267099

The thing is that almost everyone can play Yukari to the extent of spamming C, parasol spin and 66C, and of course, win with it.

>> No.3267137

instead of complaining, how about beating it? and more hosting.

>> No.3267151

Is it a bad thing to ragequit before a match even starts?

Well okay whatever sure

>> No.3267153

You realize I was talking about Youmu, right?

There are 4 or 5 Yukari players on /jp/.
All of them are tourneyfags.

>Crappy card, not worth 5 cards unless you're playing a turtle.
In a tournament, maybe. That glorious feeling you get when you scream at your screen while watching your loli slam the shit out of your opponent's loli is something you can only fully experience on the Internet.

No words speak more truth than these.

>> No.3267168

Seems like someone spoke too soon.

>> No.3267187

Shit's exactly why we need to have separate threads for netplay and tourneyfag bitching.
We did it during the first week, so why the fuck aren't we doing it now? I'm about to just go make a tourneyfag bitch thread to get it out of here, but nobody would come even if I did. ;_;

>> No.3267190

I'm not a tourneyfag, really.

Unless disliking weather = instant tourneyfag or something

>> No.3267198

>All of them are tourneyfags.
I (beginner) fought a Yukari player (don't remember the name) on /jp/ a few days ago and won at least 50% of the time.
Not sure if that one was Lurker, but there were a lot of roadsigns involved.

>> No.3267210

I don't recall fighting anyone with your name, unless you go by something else ingame

>> No.3267213

>there were a lot of roadsigns involved.

>> No.3267247

profile1 (or something like that, standard, I was hosting).

Yukari, Yuyuko?
(If I were tasofro, I'd give all dash attacks full graze ability)

>> No.3267262

Lunker's playstyle is great. 66c is only use to stop opponents pressure. spamming it will kill him. i dont think its impossible to beat. its just hard...with my skill level anyways. i particularly use it too against China players with other chars.

>> No.3267284

Are you the same profile1p I fought earlier today? Suika/suwako/sakuya user and all that

>> No.3267303

No (played Reisen)
I was just saying that there are more Yukari players on /jp/ who aren't 'tourneyfags'.

>> No.3267314

I'm not looking forward to the consequences of actually responding to this, but uh, you realize it's Lurker, right? If that's a nickname though, it's a goddamn awesome one and you're a genius.

The problem with Yukari's 66C is that it's too good. It has twice the range of every other 66C, even Cirno's iceslide and Suika's loliball, and on CH it can lead into the deadliest SC there is.
If she were lacking in every other department then it'd be fine compensation, but she has some of the best projectiles to ON TOP OF being able to teleport anywhere on the screen whenever. Cirno was given her 66C just so she'd have a good punishment tool to make up for her terrible melee and okay-at-best bullets, but even that stands no chance against Yukari's bullshit roadsigns.
It's like tasofro didn't even try to balance this game.

>> No.3267323

Sandbaggan games.

ggs, I had fun even though I lost most of them. Getting out of here before I get Youmu raped, though. (Also, I haven't played Reimu much since SWR, so sorry if those mirror matches were an insult to your character or something. I need to get back in practice with her.)

I had some more stuff to say but I forgot it all bah

>> No.3267329

Hey, Lurker, rehost, I feel like raging again.

>> No.3267336

Anyway /jp/, I'm going to try to save you some grief from us tourneyfags. When talking about a character being "broken," try to specify whether you're talking about "Too good at high level play." or "Too easy to win with at a scrub level.

GGs lurker. And... not exactly sand bagging. But really all I did was stagger melee on your guard. "Oh, he 66c'd into me, combo time" or "oops I staggered too much at ate a 66c."

Think about mixing more highjumps etc into your escape game.

>> No.3267339


>> No.3267340


>> No.3267351
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I thought this was a netplay thread, not a useless discussion thread. EC

>> No.3267355

Sounds like a plan.
From now on "overpowered" refers to too easy to use in beginner play and "broken" refers to "tourneyfags always win with this character."

Can we all agree on this?

>> No.3267365

...You don't seem to be joining. I'm going to go see if I can join a person who's already hosting instead

>> No.3267430


Well, I'm another guy, but I'd like to play with you too. Though I'm not very good and probably won't be staying around much today.

>> No.3267455
I'm not bad but I'm not good at all. Below intermediate.

>> No.3267462


>> No.3267487

Either you're playing or can't host.

>> No.3267507

ggs, Aya's damage output is surprisingly high, but it's a lot better than the mansion foyer+library only I expected from your name, plus I enjoyed the matches anyway

I was pretty surprised I managed to beat your Komachi too (Were you sandbagging or something? You let yourself get guardcrushed a lot)

>> No.3267537
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Not sandbagging, I don't know why people are always so worried about that in this game. I just don't know anything better to do with Komachi anyways. Aya's damage is ok, but all the free damage you were giving me due to your one track offense was what really made the difference. You aren't that bad in the first place, you would have won plenty if you would just fix that.

>> No.3267547
File: 36 KB, 679x604, happycirno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
East Coast
Rookie-getting-better Tier

>> No.3267552

GGs to you too; didn't mean to forget that.

>> No.3267559
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Can't connect... are you sure everything's working?

>> No.3267575
File: 88 KB, 480x640, fbdf47bc8db1e09a3399497a0ebd1418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell, not again. I had this fixed just yesterday, too!

>> No.3267578


I just remembered how much i hate this game.

>> No.3267593

GGs. You should go back to IAMP or something.

>> No.3267600


Ouch. You should change your name. GG still.

Never played against Yukari before. Lots of things I've learned today.

>> No.3267603
File: 4 KB, 126x126, cirno102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use the 10800 port. I think it has to be open, regardless of what port you choose. Not sure, however. I couldn't get my home network forwarded either...

>> No.3267609

Yeah, i really should.

>> No.3267618


ggs AT-AT, thanks for putting up with my dpad+c only no skill required character

For some reason I think I'm being sandbagged every time I manage to beat a higher level player, probably because I can usually never get them to half health. So um, sorry about that.

>> No.3267629

Er, I meant below half health

>> No.3267630

Sorry, I ended up playing Saje. I'm too impatient, I guess.
GGs. Sorry for counterpicking against Okuu, but she's really no fun to play against. I was just trying to make you switch as soon as possible.

>> No.3267643


Huh, did you lag? I didn't notice anything wrong during the match, except, maybe, me getting my ass kicked without at taking at least half of your life bar.

>> No.3267648

I'm rehosting if you still want to try.

Also fixed my name.

>> No.3267649

GGs as always, vavv. Sorry to have cut them short, but I suddenly had to take care of something. God do I need to work on my counter-Suika shit... I know I say that every time we fight, but it becomes more and more apparent every time we fight. I laughed rather heartily during that one Yuyu match where you kiled me with the delayed fire wisp spell card. I thought it was the poison wisp and just continued as normal when all of a sudden, "SPELL BREAK"!

>> No.3267651
File: 73 KB, 640x480, thumb_up_cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both ports seems to be fowarded, but the 10800 was opened to the wrong IP. oops! Rehosting
crossing my fingers

>> No.3267659

lol. GGs I still suck it looks like.

>> No.3267681

Suika's my main, so that might be part of the problem.

>> No.3267684

Flying upwards and 2A is not a good tactic, I only fall for it because I'm terrible/not paying attention
And on wakeup, tech or block or block and tech, just don't mash!

>> No.3267720

ggs strongest

One question though, do you know how to tech-roll when knocked down? You never did that and got corner raped by Yuyuko a few times as a result.

>> No.3267722
File: 195 KB, 1280x800, cirno090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG's. You are just too good for me. I need to refrain from battling hosts on my clipboard until I can pose a decent threat to them.

>> No.3267732
File: 99 KB, 576x240, cirno119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly.... I'm pretty unpracticed when it comes to fighting games... I can air-tech, but that usually just sets me up into getting raped (more) by projectiles. Repeat ad infinitum until blue-ringed.

>> No.3267748
File: 3 KB, 106x126, cirno106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrmm... still doesn't work. You followed the set-up guide on mizuumi, right?

>> No.3267768
File: 101 KB, 400x517, 1222808492713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this working just fine yesterday and both ports check OK when tested.
Wonder what's wrong THIS time.

>> No.3267769

Make sure it's UDP, not TCP. Sounds like a common problem.

Hold D and move forward when you get knocked down to groundtech. Watch your airtechs though; only do it when they're not close enough to you to hit you when you tech. Believe me, I've had the experience of getting 75% of my lifebar raped from excessive airteching. Don't do it.
Personally, I've made a habit of not airteching until I'm near the ground so they can't start setting up for oki and any projectiles to hit on bounce end up whiffing. Sort of tough to time it right, though.

>> No.3267774
US Midwest

>> No.3267777 west coast
Nobody's hosting tier

>> No.3267789
File: 156 KB, 700x640, 1224505015227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. UDP'd and rehosted.

>> No.3267869
irc is down tier

>> No.3267877
US west
irc is down tier

>> No.3267900

ggs duckator

A bit confused on how you managed to beat my Yuyuko and then lose to my Suika (who I have no idea how to play), though

>> No.3267927

Good games.
I got in the habit of using 5a after 66b but Suika's 2b always got me before I could use it.

>> No.3267967
File: 165 KB, 640x960, cirno080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG's beatsstayflowin. I'm almost tempted to get an actual controller for this game, in lieu of using clunky laptop keyboard.

>> No.3267971

GGs atai. It was interesting doing a cirno mirror. I don't see many enemy cirnos where I usually play. US west
irc is down tier

>> No.3268003

ggs, still practicing with Suika. the ending of that last match was great, i was so scared that it wouldn't work and I'd get lasered to death

>> No.3268012
East Coast
Rookie-hoping-it-still-works Tier

>> No.3268017

is suwako even a candidate for a good (power wise) character, or is it just all about being unpredictable/deceptive enough to win?

>> No.3268112

GGs Giant tree. There sure are a lot of cirnos here on /jp/. It's refreshing :D

Is cirno your main, or do you tend to just switch around whenever you play? You used cirno most of the time, but you seemed to use Reisen quite a bit too.

>> No.3268138

... I think this is a sign that I need a break.

Yuck, sorry those first few matches were so misleading. I am REALLY out of it today.
I was spectating your matches and thought "I like the way this person plays Cirno, I'd like to have a mirrormatch sometime."
Apparently I'm playing like shit today though so, uh, sorry about that. Really, multiple perfects? That's just plain embarrassing.
I think I'll come back when I'm more up to it.

GGs by the way, I'm just pretty disappointed in myself at the moment. I think I'll blame the room temperature, that sounds like a good idea.

>> No.3268153

Cirno, Reisen, and Suika are all my mains, actually, but nerves have been doing some horrible things to me lately. It's like I'm not even noticing things coming anymore.
I'd love to play you again sometime though, I think we could have some pretty awesome matches if I could just manage to hold up my end of the deal more. Your Cirno IS pretty fantabulous.

>> No.3268188

There are quite a few people who play Cirno on /jp/: Giant Tree, E-MAN, Saje, Strongest, Nipah, Magister, etc.

Very interesting Cirno you play. I'd like a crack at it myself, although I doubt I'd be much of a challenge.

>> No.3268219

Add a.a. to that and you've nailed all of us.

I guess nobody in IRC wants to be THE STRONGEST?
