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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 301 KB, 574x530, PFHair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
325446 No.325446 [Reply] [Original]

hour and 20 minutes left, which premium hair style are you going to buy?

>> No.325462

drillhair motherfucker

>> No.325463

Have fun playing dress-up with your doll.

>> No.325472

Thanks, you too.

>> No.325503

I wish to be the little girl

>> No.325516

They should just make an MMO entirely about dressing up your doll. No killing rats or farming or shit, you grind by dressing up your doll.

>> No.325528
File: 422 KB, 622x362, 1206633751602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I even fucking play this game. They improved on, like, everything iRO did wrong, but fucked up all the things they did right.

>> No.325550

That's how all MMOs seem to be. They'll come up with a bunch of great new ideas and yet screw up some of the most basic things other games have gotten right.

It probably has something to do with those "differing opinion" things.

>> No.325552

So Shadow Hearts MMO?

>> No.325566

I thought you were asleep.

>> No.325588

so is rebirthing today and who is rebirthing on saturday?

>> No.325592
File: 92 KB, 550x401, 1206634248148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I only started playing a week or two ago, but for some reason, I get the feeling that the people that designed the fucking game never played an MMO in their collective lives.

Pic related. I'm on my third character (yes, in only a week or two of playing) because of poor choices in AP usage

>> No.325603

I have rank a sharp mind and don't regret it and you shouldn't either, it gives like +12 hp

>> No.325607

I heard you get to meet Nao again when you rebirth and also get a title, correct? I also heard there is a special training grounds for rebirthers like there were for new players after Nao teleports you

>> No.325609

12HP for what, 5 AP? No thanks.

>> No.325610

1 hour to fucking go

>> No.325615

I'm just saying though it's nothing to startover about if you can just rebirth like I am going to do

>> No.325612

6 AP, actually.

>> No.325619

5 AP, faggot. F is free.

>> No.325623

Yeah, you get to go to the area that was originally off limits in the Young Raccoons and chicken areas.

>> No.325625

I want more Music Theory books. Three books, ~10k gold total - 15 INT, sweet.

>> No.325636

title gives like +6 to all stats

>> No.325641

You can test out the new hairstyles on the Mabinogi Character simulator if you haven't already:


>> No.325648


>> No.325652

Shit doesn't load.

>> No.325655

all it says is now loading

>> No.325663

can't be done in firefox

>> No.325669

No Mozilla?

>> No.325671

Use IE. Doesn't work in FireRan.

>> No.325677


>> No.325679

FF is for fags anyhow

>> No.325697

Plugins for all sorts of useful things, like Japanese dictionary, saving entire pages as images, saving all the pics in a 4chan thread, or stopping sites from loading Java ads sure are gay.

>> No.325696

ummm, just in case you guys wanted to know... all our characters were created using the free card. Only basic and premium card characters can be rebirthed, free card characters can NOT be rebirthed. What does that mean? It means you'll have to start a new character anyway if you want to rebirth.

>> No.325705

Lol, are you serious?

>> No.325714

Yep. Like I said, it's for fags.

>> No.325710

no it doesn't,faggot it means that you have to buy a card just like everyone else and rebirth it onto that card just like everybody else that has ever fucking rebirthed

>> No.325722

This game seems even more pathetic than WoW etc.

>> No.325726

FFXI is better than the both because the anime faggots don't reveal themselves in there.

>> No.325723

premium cards you have to buy and like most of us here we want to not look like fucking ugly lolis

>> No.325730


Shit's not working in IE either

>> No.325729
File: 140 KB, 976x834, 1206635523402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear God, Pete, what is this shit?

>> No.325735

Maybe you should actually read more before calling someone else a faggot, you fucking retard.

>> No.325750

You act as though spending hundreds of hours custom tailoring/PAYING FOR a fictional you when you could be doing something meaningful isn't pathetic.

>> No.325785

17 minutes. Anyone else think that they're going to delay it?

>> No.325794

I think the Koreans and Japanese also have Lorna and Pan. Just not as badly dubbed.

>> No.325798

nah this isn't FFXI maintenance where they just spring another 2-3 hours during a long maintenance

>> No.325802

No I'm saying it is...

>> No.325803
File: 214 KB, 375x414, 1206636333206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for more Mabinogi faggotry and my huge thighs and ass

>> No.325808
File: 298 KB, 1152x858, 1206636391292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hueg thighs, small arms.

>> No.325810

starting to see why windmill is good, I'll rank it up once I get enchant

>> No.325811


>> No.325817
File: 58 KB, 596x418, 1206636549672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this city is coming out today?

>> No.325820

I'm witnessing enough faggotry with the link at

>> No.325827
File: 57 KB, 620x628, 1206636668763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the dude you replied to, but..."Subject to change" so it's possible...

>> No.325828

It has to be unsealed first before any of us can actually go there

>> No.325832

yeah but nexon isn't playonline

>> No.325838


>> No.325840

No, its not.
It's Gen 2.

>> No.325842

in before everyone rebirths

>> No.325854

I'm waiting until after Saturday.
M-m-m-m-m-monster AP, yes?

>> No.325857

Can i be good in this game even if i dont spend money on rebirth?

>> No.325860

FUCK MAYBE THEY'LL ADD IT THOUGH since they added some other gen stuff in it, like one thing was from like G7 and some from G4

>> No.325868
File: 303 KB, 287x482, 1206637048138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my friend (who's probably still in this thread) showed it to me and I had to share my pain with the others here.

God, this has to be the first MMO I've ever played where I can be as fat as my irl self

>> No.325869
File: 114 KB, 547x787, 1206637049148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Generation do we get Elves in?

>> No.325870

Being an eurofag, I have no way to enjoy all the premium goodness. I'm afraid my loli will be stuck with ordinary looks and no rebirth.

>> No.325871


>> No.325872

5? i'm not sure

>> No.325876

You can still buy nexon golds via paypal.

>> No.325877

well, you only get 5 AP per age from 10 to 11 and 11 to 12. Then it's 4 AP from 12 to 13 and 13 to 14. Then it's 3 from 14 to 15, etc...

>> No.325880


unless you get an amerifag friend to buy stuff for you

>> No.325887

If you focus on ONE thing, maybe two? Yeah. You can get ability points by leveling and aging, so if you start at 10 you can probably master one or two skills.

Rebirthing is mostly for people who fucked up or if you're trying to master a bunch of stuff (Every magic, all combat, whatever).

Also for people who want to stay lolis forever and change their appearance.

>> No.325890



Follow the instructions, after it's done, make sure you go to the HOME then choose the simulator from there.

>> No.325895

The only thing that could make this series good is if Ferghus gets owned in some way.

>> No.325896

have i missed something or why everyone keeps talking about cards and stuff? afaik shop is still closed too

>> No.325898

You forget that the older you get, the less stats you get from leveling. After the age of 25, leveling does NOT give you any stats at all. The only point of leveling after the age of 25 is for the one AP you get per level. That's why some people want to rebirth.

>> No.325899

>unless you get an amerifag friend to buy stuff for you


Yeah, right.

>> No.325901


>> No.325906

Cash shop page found, though it's not open yet:


>> No.325907

>You are not authorized to view this page
The Web server you are attempting to reach has a list of IP addresses that are not allowed to access the Web site, and the IP address of your browsing computer is on this list.

what the fuck I'm trying to go to cash shop but it says I can't? I live in NA with NA ip though

>> No.325909



>> No.325912

It's not open yet. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.325914

What the fuck nexon, you had 17 hours. Let us play the game already.

>> No.325920

Mastering skills seems to be the big deal though, since thats where you get most of your stats from anyway even if you rebirth.

>> No.325924

why is it not open yet if it says it is?

>> No.325933

Try to go to the main website.

Those newsposts do not appear.


>> No.325941

Yeah, it seems that nowadays even if the MMO is free to DL and play, the poor bastards still get screwed and screwed again.

>> No.325946

It's called economics.
No free lunch, you know.

>> No.325961
File: 8 KB, 160x225, 1206637970851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.325963


>> No.325964

Its open~

>> No.325972

Games are now patching. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

>> No.325984

Come on, I need to unseal that crap.

>> No.325992

God I want drillhair but I don't want to rebirth just yet. I want to wait till my character hits 17 or something... or maybe 20 for the present Nao will give.

>> No.325993


>> No.325996

Unseal Emain Macha? Which entrance?

>> No.326001

you don't know that
nao present is a paid service

>> No.326016

Nao service and Item service for a week free? Nice.

>> No.326022

Think its Orna Seal or something like that.

>> No.326027

that's if you pay for premium service which would mean you would already be paying for those

>> No.326028

I got a bouqet. It wasn't worth it. Just rebirth

>> No.326131


>> No.326137

why is the shop not up yet

>> No.326206

It is, just in game.

>> No.326226

With a premium card you can change your character's appearance without rebirthing.

>> No.326289

lolwut you have to be age 20 to rebirth?

>> No.326299
File: 149 KB, 1272x934, 1206640982809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically you'll still rebirth, just one age younger.
Personally I'm going for the "high" look.

>> No.326310

If we buy one of those premium cards, does that mean our beta char is upgraded to premium?

>> No.326325

Yes, but the advanced play/Fantasy Life combos where we can start the main quest are seperate, so I'll just complete it then rebirth.

If I'm going to make my White Knight loli, I might as well get AP afterwards rather than waste it out of MMO reflex.

>> No.326335

Stupid Anon here. Do we have to buy a premium card to get the premium hair and looks when we rebirth?

>> No.326339
File: 106 KB, 1016x678, 1206641406956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainstream quests are free for a week atleast I think since they are doing nao service trial for one week along with the item thing

>> No.326342

I wish I saved my Nexon cash from their other GRINDAN trap.

>> No.326361

little confused, can we change our appearance and still change our level back to 1 and stuff if we rebirth?

>> No.326363

Nice upskirt

>> No.326377

What about male hair asshole?

>> No.326391

Eurofag here, Is the cash shop not open yet, or is .aspx superior at proxy detecting?

>> No.326408

Disregard that, I suck cocks, etc.

suddenly started working

>> No.326445

I heard rebirth zone has light gargoyles and one kill gives 3 levels lol

>> No.326592
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>> No.326615
File: 244 KB, 1016x694, 1206644044228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da da da, time to cap some bitches.

>> No.326621

So I was just doing Ciar Normal, and I picked up a Fiodh Intermediate Pass for One. It sounds rapetastic.

Also, I picked up a Fountain enchant, but I'm unable to see what it does. It just has boxes, as if I didn't have the proper language installed.

>> No.326683

Fountain adds like, 4~7 MP.

>> No.326739
File: 3 KB, 89x89, 1206644957349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Skill Reset Capsule
>>When used, it will reset a skill of your >>choice by one level (Rank F is the lowest) and >>return the Ability Points used to learn that >>skill. NOTE: This item cannot be traded with >>other players.

holy shit yes :D

>> No.326748
File: 30 KB, 184x184, 1206645026622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash shop works fine for eurofags. Just make sure you don't do what I did and try and use paypal while still connecting through a proxy.

>> No.326928

The fuck, scrolls are outta whack.

Nexon, I don't know if you know, but we can't read tiny boxes.

>> No.326934

Fuckers keep rejecting my paypal, so no buying anything for me unless it magically works later ಠ3ಠ

>> No.326980
File: 103 KB, 800x600, 1206646775467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about Nao.

>> No.327027


I ran it on IE, too.

>> No.327157

I just got one in Ciar Beginner. I'll try it out later. I don't mind the rape.

>> No.327176


>> No.327213

I wont beat around the bush, so;
Are wands in?
Are guilds fixed?
Is Ferghus dead yet?
Anything else awesome?

>> No.327231

After taking quests down to Dunbarton and Bangor, I'm wondering if there's anyway to travel that's less annoying than walking.

>> No.327277


>> No.327281

enjoy your roughly 12$ a month just to enjoy a "free" MMO not to mention another 9$ or so if you want to rebirth with more than the standard crap or make a new character with a decent amount of options for appearance

>> No.327346

you only have to use premium once if you want the options then you can keep that look with basic cards

>> No.327370

whose spending $12 a month? I'm spending a total of $0.00

Very pricey, if you ask me. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.327383

Those stupid wing things let you warp to whatever city you want. But i'm not sure where you can buy them, I know they drop sometimes in Alby though, rarely.

>> No.327391

its to the last city you want and they are sold in only the magic shops I think

>> No.327449

How much longer until I can get my composition above D?

>> No.327462

Useless for city-to-city travel, then.

Do moongates change every real day or game day?

>> No.327467

Every 6pm in-game.

>> No.327480

6pm every game day, and if you mouse over your in-game clock you will see where the next one is going.

>> No.327530
File: 62 KB, 749x541, 1206650584423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An hour later, patcher's still at 2%.


>> No.327622

let me guess you're a eurofag using proxies?

if not what the hell nexon ;_;

>> No.327644

East Coast USA

I also tried reinstalling, but to no avail.

>> No.327669

East coast USA here, had no significant problems.

>> No.327895

How do I quit a guild?

>> No.327988


>>Here is the list of known bugs so far:

1. Disbanding a guild is not working at the moment.

>> No.327994


>>Here is the list of known bugs so far:
>>1. Disbanding a guild is not working at the moment.

>> No.328002

open guild window
go to members
there will be "LEAVE" in red text next to your name

>> No.328004

Im a eurofag, but you dont need a proxy to update, just to play.

Unless they fixed it, you cant. Else it should be under your guild menu (press G or press F and click guild).

>> No.328019

guilds are supposed to work now

>> No.328236

While my game is patching I had a troubling revelation, my two characters are on two accounts. This seems like it will bring unfortunate consequence in my purchasing power for my characters' premium service options.

>> No.328755

Warning to anyone else fucking around with multiple installs of Mabinogi:
Patching the game may fuck up any other Mabinogi.exes you have in your computer

>> No.328848

how the fuck do you get the damn book from Aeira in the mainstream quests? I just have a wait for teh publishers thing...

>> No.328901

I was wondering WTF this game was. It was on the back of my PCGamer magazine I got today.

Is it any good? You said they fucked up everything iRO got right? What did they do wrong?

I'd like to start an MMO early so I'm a high level character before the flood of new people comes.

Also how was that Lunia game?

>> No.328931

>Also how was that Lunia game?
absolute shit, haxors ruined it

>> No.329214

Guilds do indeed work, we have a 20 member cap already.

>> No.329271


I remember seeing Remilia and Suika.

>> No.329658


Someone ninja'd patchouli within the first 2 minutes of open beta, hence why I'm Caerula in-game.

>> No.329660
File: 9 KB, 290x117, 1206663365006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How difficult compared to Ciar Basic is Ciar Intermediate?

>> No.329708

>for one
That part is a little intimidating for something ranked above basic.

>> No.329802

Where the fuck is my Ragnarok Online 2?

Is this game worth playing


>> No.329894

Anyone know if we rebirth our existing characters, we get to keep our items and equipment?

>> No.329929

No, you lose everything.

>> No.329931

its rapetastic

>> No.329995

Shit. Will need another character as well, then.

>> No.330022

Did Ciar Intermediate. Blue Rat Men, Black Snakes and such. It wasn't much harder, but everything is EXTREMELY aggro and has ultra-vision. Got to the second floor before giving up.

Tried Alby Intermediate just now, too. It was MUCH more rapetastic. Rooms of wisps, TWO BOSS GIANT SPIDERS IN A ROOM(which was piss easy, actually), and Blue Dire Wolves (which had the ultra-aggro and vision). We got to the Wolves before giving up.

>> No.330045

Ragnarok Online 2 sucks.

It took everything good in RO and threw it away to make a generic grindan MMO.

>> No.330054

Which server is everyone on, and are there any websites we have that have /jp/inogi-relevant information?

>> No.330086
File: 228 KB, 1024x761, 1206666137490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I hope I can play as her again.

>> No.330098

>if you think that's big

A trap?

>> No.330108


mari or ruairi, and youre on it.

>> No.330115

Fucking bear ate five mana herbs, nothing. Now I have to try to buy more of them, fucking gay.

>> No.330131

How do you start the generation 1 quests?

>> No.330151
File: 190 KB, 1024x761, 1206666574012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word of advice when doing Fiodh Intermediate. The monsters multi aggro. The rats gangbanged my loli to death. The monsters aren't that strong hp wise it's just they attack you at the same time.

>> No.330171

Is it just me or is this not open to Ausfags?

I get a message about it not being open to my region, or something.

>> No.330198

And after reading the forums, even after release it's NA only.

For fuck's sake, Nexon.

>> No.330227

licensing, my friend

>> No.330282

weird. I had 20 just in case since I didn't know how much it wanted and I only had to feed it two before it gave me the keyword.

>> No.330305

Fuck yeah, manual patch's up


>> No.330933

>>329660 Here

Doing Intermediate now, and wow, it's about as easy as basic, but the new mobs give 500+ exp per kill.

>> No.331371

do the intermediate passes drop from anything?

>> No.332133


Rebirth is superior

>> No.332197

I was roped into doing that quest and was kinda bummed to be the little girl in the middle of two other dudes, but FUCK is she AWESOME.

And her bow and damage are fucking ridiulous too. Jesus fuck, 116 max attack or something. I'm fucking eight years ahead and five levels behind yet she blows my goddamn damage out of the water.

I wish to the the little girl again.

>> No.332202

She's even more awesome when you find out who she is now.

>> No.332383

I'm trying to find two other losers to do that with right now!

>> No.332394
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, 1206683948356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone on ruairi up for some ciar intermediate? havent been able to do this shit yet.

>> No.332534

I have an account on ruiari, but I think I'm gonna restart the character so I can keep it all on one account.

>> No.333013

Lucki on Ruari here, no monies for rebirth yet. Not to mention i can't anyway until saturday.
