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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 432 KB, 1111x1600, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3254427 No.3254427 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3254429
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>> No.3254432

Proper scans? Excellent.

>> No.3254437

Or wait, the artist published these didn't he/she/it?

>> No.3254435
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>> No.3254446
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>> No.3254453
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>> No.3254455
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>> No.3254458

better be futa

>> No.3254459
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>> No.3254466

It's non-h, bro.

>> No.3254467

>Touhou doujin
>posted page-by-page
Is this entirely necessary?

>> No.3254471
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>> No.3254473

Do not want

>> No.3254476
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>> No.3254482

awesome doujin, awesome expressions
too bad its so short

>> No.3254483
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happy now?

>> No.3254499

There are 11 more pages left. But I don't feel like doing the rest right now.

>> No.3254500

nothing changed

>> No.3254510

look closer

>> No.3254511

First one says "Rinnsuke",
Second says "Rinnosuke".

>> No.3254517

In the bottom panel, I should've said.

>> No.3254524

So what's the name of this doujin, or any sownload links as well?

>> No.3254543


>> No.3254550

The amount that Rinnosuke probably masturbates is too great a number to exist.

>> No.3254551

Reimu's rape spree. It's on /rs/ the last 8 pages aren't translated though, the ones on here are the last 7 so i will go finish up the last one real quick.

>> No.3254575
File: 474 KB, 1111x1600, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all finished.

>> No.3254581

Thanks, anon.

>> No.3254586
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Thank you very much.

>> No.3254591

>Did Sakuya make a mistake and washed them?

Also, please, actually center the text in those bubbles.

>> No.3254593
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He's pretty much a master of the subject.

>> No.3254625

does the author have any more works?

>> No.3254631
File: 432 KB, 1111x1600, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the spelling correction. You can fix the rest of the centering in paint if it's that big of a problem for you.

>> No.3254642

I actually couldn't care less, since I read this on Danbooru.
But if you're going to do something, you should be able to take some pride in your work. Do it right.

>> No.3254647
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A bunch of typemoon doujins and two manga that will never be translated.

>> No.3254676

thanks anon, was delicious

>> No.3254724

It is Hiroyuki.

>> No.3254720


>> No.3254719

This reminds me heavily of Hiroyuki, but it's not his art style.

>> No.3254717

Amazing. The entire thread went without sauce.

>> No.3254753

DAMN. Let me live in my fantasy world, where no one asks, and everyone thanks.

>> No.3254765

Where's the horrendously angular chins and full-page reaction pictures?

>> No.3254766


Maybe he mellowed out after doujin work crashed and burned.

>> No.3254781

Poor Doujin Work. I really did like it.

>> No.3254785

>doujin work crashed and burned.

When did this happen? I read what was translated after the anime came out, but I haven't bothered to keep up at all.

>> No.3254816
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It didn't really crash and burn, pretty sure he just got tired of it and wanted to make something slightly different.

But that slightly different manga hasn't had a new chapter scanned in 6 months and it's pissing me off.

>> No.3256915

I recently bought a Doujin Work manga and thought it was good.

>> No.3256960
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>> No.3256994

I think anyone on /jp/ who doesn't know this author should be b&.

>> No.3257308

Can I get a link to this whole thing?

>> No.3257330

/r/ Sauce
