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File: 24 KB, 280x354, ashley_judd-feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3246786 No.3246786 [Reply] [Original]

So 家内 means "Inside the house", and 奥さん just means "hole" and that's supposed to be the respectful form...something tells me Japan hates women as much as /b/ does.

>> No.3246791

Goddamn, her neck. Is she going to rip and tear?

>> No.3246808

奥さん refers to a edo period belief where women are meant to be remain deep in the recesses of the house (家の奥). watch atsuhime for more info.

>> No.3246809

Oh, americans.

>> No.3246831

Only if you derail it.
家内 can refer to any family member or domestic affair. It's entirely neutral compared to the English occupational description of "Wyfe" from "weave".

>> No.3246833

Uh, I've seen that pic about a million times on 4chan. Why are you guys acting as if you've never seen it before?

>> No.3246854

Well maybe, but the principal meaning is "The woman who stays in the house and cooks for/fucks me" right?

>> No.3246915

I don't frequent /b/.

>> No.3246917


家内 itself doesn't really imply that as I see it.
But people see what they like.

>> No.3247633

You seriously have been trolled.
奥さん is in the same regards as "My better half". The 奥 being referred to is commonly understood as a metaphorical "within".
This you'll have to swallow with a big ass spoon of sugar since it's obviously bullshit put up "after-the-fact".
女将 -> 大将
okami female store management - Taishou male store management.

>> No.3247653

feminists bitching at incorrect usage of a language they know nothing about.

>> No.3247658
File: 21 KB, 300x400, loli_buri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

女 = woman, female
姦 = wicked, mischief, seduce, rape, noisy

>> No.3247667

姦 doesn't mean rape by itself, does it?
It needs the 強 from 強い to become 強姦.

>> No.3247673

In Chinese the word for woman and slave is the same.
jk lol
A "feminist" author did try to push that though.

>> No.3247730

My way of memorizing 婚 (marriage) is that there's a woman and the sun is under a pile of something.
So after marriage the sunny days are over. Funny but effective ways to memorize kanji.

Single kanji have meanings even though they don't become the word before using it with another one sometimes.

>> No.3247747
File: 47 KB, 578x568, RIPANDMOTHERFUCKINGTEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I lol'd.
