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32426592 No.32426592 [Reply] [Original]

What's worse? Clipfags with clickbait thumbnails and titles that get 1 million views and makes vtubing look bad? Or Doxxfags who talks shit about vtubers?

>> No.32426710

Doxxniggers always get the rope.

>> No.32426745
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>> No.32426831

Couldn't agree more

>> No.32426927

Is this even comparable, no matter what you want to believe, clipfags are the ones bringing most newcomers in

>> No.32431524
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>> No.32432214


>> No.32432527

Honestly I haven't seen both yet but I would say the numberfags are the scum of them all

>> No.32432572

JP clippers who flanderize our girls like we flanderize JP girls can suck my cock.

>> No.32434793 [SPOILER] 
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imo these kind of "people" do more harm than doxxers themselves.

>> No.32435569

holy fucking shit why

>> No.32435890

JESAS no wonder she's paranoid about everything little thing. These fuckers are stalkers one step away from kidnapping her.

>> No.32436011

I guess that’s what you get with 2M subscribes

>> No.32436041

Vtuber secondaries on /jp/.

>> No.32436181

2hu secondaries who call out vtuber fans on /jp/, and cower in fear at the slightest mention of gameplay

>> No.32441132

Since when was she paranoid?

>> No.32441270

Dropping """subtle""" hints like this is just being a lite doxxfag though. Both are just fags looking for validation from random people on the internet by flaunting their sekrit club insider knowledge.

>> No.32441533

In her Skyrim stream she was too scared of saving because she didn’t know if it would show her time zone or some other personal information. She needs to buy a gun before some schizo shows up at her home.

>> No.32443171

>Nice Narrative

>> No.32443993

At first I was gonna say this
But this is a fair point.

What it comes down to is that clipfags/translatorfags basically twist the community, because they do have their own narrative that they try to impose by sharing selective information about Vtubers (there are no clips in the English community about 66 minutes, and for Astel from Holostars, a translator intentionally omits any mention of shota), while doxniggers cause stress directly to the Vtubers and have less self-awareness or consideration for others than Kiara.

>> No.32444060
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>> No.32444252

That's still a doxxfag, but in reverse.

>> No.32445581

Schizos have already doxxed her family.

>> No.32445767

Doxxniggers. I thought everyone saying they were SEAniggers was a joke but I learned they are all ackshually fucking SEAniggers.

>> No.32445805

this thread

>> No.32445861
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Everyone in the comments sections of this and roommate archives is aids.
>*nods knowingly*
>keep this sacred information quiet
>shoutouts to X fanbase
It's not a middle school secret club

>> No.32445873

Doxxfags ez, at least with clips you get spoonfed something and potentially can get new people into vtubers.

>> No.32445932

Thank god Reine is gonna have their heads cut off.

>> No.32452109

>what is worse
Surprise option three!
It's shitty 4chan threads made by (you) that are the worst.

>> No.32452465

I fear for humanity when I see such things.

>> No.32453469

Goddamn I hope Reine holocausts all the doxniggers

>> No.32461836

>Cumbuds are doxxers themselves
And you fags shit on doxxbeats.

>> No.32461885

Is she actually pregnant though?

>> No.32462044

lmao is this how fucked up this situation is?

>> No.32462115

i legitimately hope these vermin choke on their spit in their sleep

>> No.32463261


SEAnig here. It’s the Indonesia and Philippines fags, I swear.

>> No.32473467

Fucking this, knowledgefags are as bad if not worse than doxxniggers. At least doxxfags do it with the full intent of aggravating the streamer, meanwhile knowledgefags do it for attention and act like they are making the streamer a favor for "only" dropping hints on top of that.
