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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3241372 No.3241372 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Cross Channel, was wondering why the fuck this and Family Project have similar scores on EroGameScape, when Cross Channel is so much fucking better.

>> No.3241378

Because EGS has shitty taste. I didn't like Cross Channel too much, but it was definitely a lot better than KazoKei.

>> No.3241380

Family Project is way better than CC.
I cant even get pass the 1st week without falling asleep.

>> No.3241385

Family Project is a classic, and Japanese love everything that focus on family themes.
See how Clannad great scores and how it was in the first in EGS for a long time

Cross Channel is something that really came from nowhere and impressed a lot of people, even if it really doesn't have the global attraction that some other eroge can have.

>> No.3241386

not sure if a troll or not

Cross Channel doesn't really pick up until the twist in week 2.

>> No.3241388

Most people have shitty taste, that include most of /jp/ and probably you too.

>> No.3241390

My opinion > everyone else's opinion.

>> No.3241394

That's a fact.

>> No.3241407

Honestly I don't see one could get bored by this and enjoy other translated VNs.
I mean, compared the great majority of them, CC is actually pleasant to read.
It took me by surprise, first VN where I didn't have to wonder every five minutes how someone could write in such a bland and insipid way.

>> No.3241427
File: 8 KB, 372x251, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck this and Family Project have similar scores on EroGameScape?
Because they are both shit.

>> No.3241444

Touko was awesome

>> No.3241448

FLOWERS > Youko = Touko >>>>> Misato

Misato was the only kinda boring one though she wasn't terrible, Miki and Kiri are the best.

>> No.3241455

Miki > Kiri = Youko > Touko > Sakurabe >>>>>>>>>> Misato

>> No.3241463

Why is she a nonvirgin slut?

>> No.3241466

Did anyone else notice Usopp? He has a really strange voice. Not that that's a bad thing, though.

>> No.3241495

I wonder if trying to understand what the setting was is important after they served such moral conclusion ending.

Government conspiracy? Supernatural occurrence? Taichi's messed up head? After all those drama I don't know if I should care to theorize and shit. It's like how devout anti-fantasy ruining all the fun in Umineko.

Piano version of Diarize.

>> No.3241505

The ending is simply perfect. Romeo you bastard ;_;

>> No.3241507

The setting isn't important, it isn't a mystery.

>> No.3241522

In many VNs, there are prolific voice actors. You may have noticed Takehito Koyasu too.

>> No.3241525

Because she was fucked by the main character in the past, just like Youko

End game spoilers
At the end of the game, Miki, Youko, Touko [past], and Misato have memories of being fucked by the main character

>> No.3241540

>In many VNs, there are prolific voice actors.
I'm aware.
>You may have noticed Takehito Koyasu too.
Yeah, he was already mentioned in another CC thread, it's hard to miss his sexy voice.

>> No.3241550
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Only pure one.

>> No.3241551
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Piano version Crystal Clear

Crossing - Flower Mix (Jazz version of ED song)

Signal Crossing (CC end overlaid with Signal's acappella)

PS2 CROSS†CHANNEL ~To all people~ ED (plus some PS2 CGs and extra Miyuki sprite)

>> No.3241591

Wasn't she asking to become a love slave though?

>> No.3241629

As penance. Can't get more pure than that.

>> No.3241804

The only slut there is Misao, she even said it in her miniroute. I'd make a screencap of it but I don't want to open the game again because I'll cry. Anyway, Misao sucks.

>> No.3241817

It's Misato. And the only who's suck here is you.

>> No.3241826
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>> No.3241837

> The only slut there is Misao, she even said it in her miniroute. I'd make a screencap of it but I don't want to open the game again because I'll cry. Anyway, Misao sucks.

Touko was a slut, during both routes she complained at first about not having sex
Youko was a slut, I don't believe farther explanation is necessary.

>> No.3241853


It's fun how I managed to typo her name in the same way twice in a row. I guess I can start working for Mangagamer now! Also, she is the worst character in the game.

But I like them, so I won't complain about it.

>> No.3242182

LOL, what value do women have besides fuck value?

>> No.3242200

They can cook as well

>> No.3242212

Man, is there some site with CC sheets? Really liked the piano numbers.

>> No.3242216

I fucking hate you /jp/

Can't you go one thread without calling everyone a slut?

>> No.3242221

why so butthurt?

>> No.3242223
File: 39 KB, 640x480, I'm a slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying this character is not a slut?

>> No.3242231

slut overdose

>> No.3242232

If their are no females mentioned in said thread yes. As after all, all females are sluts by the very concept of their existence.

>> No.3242259

Unpossible. Sexually frustrated virgins are hopeless, like >>3242232.

>> No.3242524

I finished the game and ;_;

Someone please explain to me the ending cause I'm only seeing it as a depressing end. Youko should've stayed with him, but I guess he wouldn't realize himself if she's there.

His outcome is too sad, being left all alone.
It wasn't even his fault he became like that.
At least he realized he's still human.

Oh yeah what was Miki's problem? I dont remember the game mentioning it.

I'm very sad now, thank you very much.

>> No.3242537



>> No.3242685

Explain why Cross Channel is better.

>> No.3242698

Miki is a Narcissist sociopath, pretty dangerous actually

>> No.3242699

>Oh yeah what was Miki's problem? I dont remember the game mentioning it.


Did you miss the whole fucking she's a goddamn sociopath near-incapable of empathy?

>> No.3242707

What I liked the most about Cross Channel was the fact that it was really full of awesome dialogues.
Probably the most quotable VN available in english.
Kiri's speech about Taichi during her arc was especially awesome.

>> No.3242709

>Did you miss the whole fucking she's a goddamn sociopath near-incapable of empathy?
I don't remember this. But then again I read it in my stale moon runes. Does it implicitly say that? I'll have to read it again now that the translation is out.

>> No.3242714 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki is awesome, pic related (it's a spoiler image)

>> No.3242717

I thought that was due to her not resetting? She acted like a defenseless child after the reset.

>> No.3242726

Wait.... so cross channel is done now?

>> No.3242733

Yes. The translation was finished at the beginning of the week, and patch was done yesterday.

>> No.3242734

I just realized Taichi can't even die even if he wanted too, he'll just get reset to the first day. ;_;
This outcome is too cruel.

>> No.3242738

Because she didn't know if she was in danger or not after the reset, she was just scared that something could happen to her. The thing about her is that she is a complete narcissist, yeah she'll feel sad for herself but she has no empathy for other.

>> No.3242739

Wait wasn't Miki a virgin?

>> No.3242744

I'm having a hard time getting into this game. The protagonist is too much of a gigantic attention whoring asshole for me to relate to. Incidentally I thought Rance was quite endearing.

>> No.3242756

It's impossible to relate to Taichi.
And you don't have to, see him as an actual character in a story rather than the extension of the player like your average eroge.

>> No.3242762

Yes, Taichi's fate really sucks
Though the Drama CD epilogue helps take away a little of the pain

>> No.3242769

>missing the point of Taichi's character

>> No.3242782
File: 15 KB, 434x350, 1250640972241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck nice, gonna go grab that now.

>> No.3242787

Care to elaborate?

>> No.3242797

>Wait wasn't Miki a virgin?

The main character took it

>> No.3242812


Wait wasn't Miki a virgin?
The Miki who is sent back was fucked, and she was concerned that she might be pregnant

>> No.3242815

Yes. Miki is a virgin. Until week 4 sex scene. Then she returns to virgin until week 6 sex scene.

>> No.3242831
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>> No.3242841

Why couldn't it end like Ever17. ;_;

>> No.3242852

It only works in Ever17 because the entire game was just one big deus ex machina. It would feel far too fucking cheap and ruin the entire theme of the story if it happened in Cross Channel.

>> No.3242874

Due to him sending everyone back. There's a world where he isn't sent to Youko's house meaning he never gets raped.

>> No.3242882

Blick Winkel was here, this VN is small time.

>> No.3242891

So Nanaka isn't deus ex machina?
What's the theme anyway? In the end he was left all alone...

>> No.3242900


Hey guess what, Ever17 is shit. Just thought I'd let you know

>> No.3242901

>she was concerned that she might be pregnant

Personally I would have liked it if the epilogue showed that she had became pregnant, and her and Kira decided to raise the baby

>> No.3242910

Ever17 > Cross Channel

Japan agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.3242911

Nanaka isn't a Deus Ex Machina at all.
And the theme is found in the title, it's not called Cross Channel for nothing.

>> No.3242913

So now is every Cross Channel or Ever 17 thread going to turn into which one is better?

>> No.3242916

The theme was being able to live on your own

>> No.3242920

I don't understand. You mean he altered the past?
Or did he viewed one of the alternate past?

>> No.3242921

Pretty much

>> No.3242924

Ah, my game happens to lock up when an cinematic plays. Does anyone happen to know the necessary codecs or settings needed to get through it?

>> No.3242930

Read the readme.

>> No.3242938

I don't want to read all of this, could someone kindly write a summary of the story ?

>> No.3242940

Wasn't there a patch that takes out the videos? Just use that

>> No.3242949


>> No.3242957

That version only removes it from the package and is meant for people to upgrade with. The video sequences still try to play.

>> No.3242959

> I don't want to read all of this, could someone kindly write a summary of the story ?

Summary doesn't work well for this

>> No.3242960

Awesome ending song.

>> No.3242963
File: 45 KB, 454x358, p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have found a rip of the PS2 CG. I've almost gone to the trouble of downloading it and just taking screenshots. Some of the added CG look really nice.


>> No.3242964

Explain how Nanaka isn't, she practically told Taichi what to do. Her existence there isn't even explained. Figment of imagination?

>> No.3242976

Oh, obviously contains spoilers.

>> No.3242978

This one is better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG7qTylqM_E&feature=related

Or this one: http://tindeck.com/listen/tumk

>> No.3242981

As a reward he's able to view a alternate world

>> No.3242993

A Deus Ex Machina is something that come by the end of a story and resolve everything out of nowhere.
Nanaka didn't resolve anything and she was a constant factor.
CC isn't focused on "events" like Ever17 anyways, it's not a mystery, it's purely a human drama.

>> No.3243002

>purely human drama

Well I've just lost interest

I coulda swore one of the other threads compared this to Chaos;head.

>> No.3243003

She was a figment of Taichi's imagination

>> No.3243008

There's a shounen sword fight at the end and everything.

>> No.3243014

I hope whoever compared it to chaos;head dies an horrible death.

>> No.3243015

>>I coulda swore one of the other threads compared this to Chaos;head.
Thankfully it isn't really comparable to Chaos;Head.

>> No.3243024

So, given the choice between a tied-up Taichi and a tied-up Youko. Who would you rape first?

>> No.3243029


>> No.3243036

Youko because I am not a faggot

>> No.3243041

>a plot device in which a person or thing appears "out of the blue" to help a character to overcome a seemingly insolvable difficulty.
How is that not Nanaka?

>> No.3243051

Nanaka didn't really do any helping

>> No.3243068

What is the fucking point of that? Just play the game if you want to know the story, otherwise avoid these threads

>> No.3243075

Urging Taichi to go to hokora is not helping?

>> No.3243083

>appears "out of the blue"
>overcome a seemingly insolvable difficulty
Neither of these apply. If she snapped her fingers and fixed everything, then she would be a deus ex machina.

>> No.3243117

>Neither of these apply. If she snapped her fingers and fixed everything, then she would be a deus ex machina.

It would have been dues ex machina if Nanaka was able to somehow "observe" Taichi at the gate right after sending Youko home

I for one am glad that they didn't do something like this.

>> No.3243124

Anyone care elaborate?The ending was pretty open ended and i'm stuck here wanting more
Also is there a difference with the storyline of the ps2 version?

>> No.3243131

You are now imagining Youko as a cute hikki.

>> No.3243711


Haha, cool. Someone still have the link of that crappy remix I made. Really should go back and polish it up sometime.

Or maybe I should do some transcriptions of the piano stuff since they seem to be lacking.

>> No.3245975

To be honest I would prefer if they did something like that.

I want my good end dammit.
Hell a dead Taichi would be a better outcome for him. Let the guy rest, he already did alot.
As it is, he's been forced to repeat the week alone forever until that world collapsed.

>> No.3245983

Family Project is probably a bit more accessable to make up for it's more conventional storytelling. Honestly, I had a hard time following the first week when I started even in English, though as you read more you get more used to the style.

>> No.3246203


I would vastly prefer an ending like that.

The ending was pure and utter shit compared to the rest of the game. Fuck morals and stuff, I want an ending for the actual characters.

>> No.3246826

Me after finishing C+C: ;_;

>> No.3246866
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuffle is better than both. Cross Channel and Family Project are pieces of shit.

>> No.3246867

Oh you.

>> No.3246886 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3246949

Any hotdickings in this game ? I won't bother if there is none

>> No.3246993

Good question, I wish to know as well.

>> No.3247037

I thought the ending was fitting. Not every game needs to end happily, though I did feel bad for Taichi.

>> No.3247056

You guys are the cancer killing /jp/ and yes.

>> No.3247063

Where is the english translation patch for cross channel?

>> No.3247068


Oh, good. Dickings are fine but hot dickings are even better.

>> No.3247094

Just finished CC. I cried horribly. I started having hope when Taichi heard his friends talking about him when he was sleeping. "Maybe they'll find a way to bring him back! Or maybe they already did!" I though. But I was wrong...:_:
Please explain.

>> No.3247098

Shuffle >>> Both Cross Channel and Family Project because all the girls aren't nonvirgin sluts.

>> No.3247121

Everyone on /jp/ would probably have an adaptive coefficient of over 60%.

>> No.3247131

Doubt it, in the 20 maybe, no one here is really dangerous, just pathetic.

>> No.3247218

It doesn't necessarily have to do with how dangerous you are. Misato has a higher score than Miki. 60 is far too high though, 30 is already high as hell, Taichi's score was just fucking frightening.

>> No.3247228

>>3242916 I thought the theme of Cross Channel was that people need to connect with other people in some way or form to live?

Question: What was Nanaka's role in the whole story? Why was it important the she was Taichi's mother and that she was there every once in awhile to help? Why did she stop appearing after Taichi called her "mom"?

>> No.3247230

I feel you man. I was expecting them to 'observe' taichi during that scene to bring him back. The radio waves managed to pass through so the connection between the worlds isn't severed yet.

Someday he'll die and the world will reset him to the first day. Imagine suddenly finding out that you're all alone. ;_;

>> No.3247241

wat, I thought this was some kind of normal datan and kissan game, I didn't know there was alternative universes or whatever. Kind of makes me want to play it.

>> No.3247253

Shit, you just brought me to a depressing realization. :_:

>> No.3247265

Didn't mean to have that bit in green.

>> No.3247293

I feel really really bad for Taichi. Seriously he got no break.
Give the guy some fucking closure. I'm not sure how being stuck forever in a static repeating world is closure.
Someday he'll even forget everything he learned because he'll die, making him reset back to his previous state.

>> No.3247320

I have the feeling that dreg world he lives in won't last long maybe it will collapse in a 1-40 years has he said in the epilogue he said he'll continue until the sky falls

>> No.3247327

so this game has powerlevels ? Fucking bullshit man I'm not reading this shit

>> No.3247345

Please don't read it. =3

>> No.3247356
File: 138 KB, 635x671, 1251226218447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can write another notebook and stuff it in the hokora, since Youko didn't burn it. Within thousand of resets there must be one occurrence where level 0 Taichi finds out.

Still ;_; though.

Taichi is imaginative, so I could picture him creating fictional friends someday to maintain his sanity, similar to Tom Hanks' 3D movie Cast Away.

>> No.3247370

Week 7 was just soul-crushingly depressing, but it sounded like he was content in the end.
Also, maybe some week he'll encounter the crossing point again and be able to return through the gate....right? ;_;

>> No.3247371

Kind of laughed.

>> No.3247381

That could have been what happen in the epilogue since it was pretty open ended.

>> No.3247396

Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.3247417

Nope. The only way he can stay as human (as Taichi) as possible is to live in a world where there's no other living being. His wish is fulfilled for living in a world where he can't hurt anyone else.

To go back to society? You're asking him to be a mimicker once again.

>> No.3247434

Cross Channel's Gunjou Gakuen:
1. school for mentally disabled
2. located in boondocks
3. lolrandum perv Taichi

Katawa Shoujo's Yamaku Academy:
1. school for physically disabled
2. located in boondocks
3. lolrandum misogynist Kenji
4. ???!!!

>> No.3247438


>> No.3247499

That sort of Fatalism is really depressing though - it's as if there was no meaning through the story's events hardships at all if he couldn't change himself ultimately and remain static

>> No.3247529

Unless if you see the setting, plot and characters as an elaborate setup for the story's final speech intended for the readers. The rest of the characters' fates et cetera become irrelevant, as they only serves the theme--human connections to each other.

All those time loop, quantum, etc are good materials for fanfic, but I think such creations are useless if you stray away from the story's main theme/message.

>> No.3247837

Can he do that? I'm not sure if he can cross the worlds. He transported everyone by 'observing' them. Who will observe him? Nanaka?

>human connections
In the end he had none. Sure is a nice theme there.
To be honest this outcome is shitty for everyone involved.

Taichi - Stuck all alone in a repeating world.
Everyone - Will always be reminded that they left Taichi alone via the radio broadcast.

No one can move on. Think about it, if your friend saved you but in the process sacrificed himself can you move on? What if you know he's still alive there suffering all alone?

>> No.3247853

Wait what was the final speech? I guess I didn't get it.

>> No.3247880

The radio broadcasts were his form of connection with the outside world.
In the end it doesn't matter if it's a connection through talking directly, the net or even a radio broadcast, the fact is that for Taichi the connection wasn't completely severed.
The ending isn't as bleak as you think it was.

>> No.3247912

And you don't consider that bleak?

The broadcasting club members now have another wound in their hearts and will be constantly reminded that they left a friend behind. All alone. On a solitary world.

This is a painful connection.

>> No.3247938

It's been said that 40 is the threshold to being sent to Gunjou.

>> No.3248353

>No one can move on. Think about it, if your friend saved you but in the process sacrificed himself can you move on? What if you know he's still alive there suffering all alone?
1. Yes they can
2. Yes they can
3. Pray for him, wish him a good luck

The epilogue (Kurosu-chan sleeps) shows how everyone cheers for him aka moving on with their lives. And this is what Taichi wishes too; for everyone to live on. As long as they remember such connection existed, it's perfect.

>Wait what was the final speech? I guess I didn't get it.
A message ~To all people~ including the vn readers: http://privatepaste.com/7102iojBKZ

>This is a painful connection.
A connection is still a connection, no matter how painful or happy they are, you should always cherish that memory.

>> No.3248634
File: 347 KB, 1920x1200, 1251367509261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to assume that this is by so far a best recommendation you can give to vn newfags?

Considerable 10-15 hours length; great comedy; philosophical questions; great characters; nice music, light installation (2CDs).

For those who found themselves hating Taichi's pervert gags, it'll be a torture though. But as long as they get prompted to keep moving forward and reach week 2, I'm sure they'll do fine.

I'm confident CC have bigger ratio of hit than miss.

>> No.3249578

I don't think most new casual readers would find this readily acceptable due to the strange writing style (and protagonist), and it really is very unconventional compared to what one expects a normal VN. It might work as a bridge for open-minded and well-read readers of the traditional novel format though.

>> No.3249610

1. running Japanese and perverted gags: first half of the game, it's not for everyone so if it's a miss it'll be torture
2. sudden philosophical or drama moments: unsuspecting, but might catch the attention of dramafags
3. mystery parts: multifold trolling for those who enjoy mindfuck
4. hscenes: each scene are way too long
5. conclusion: can depress the shit outta you

Not for VN newfags, but fit for those who are looking for DEEP story.

>> No.3249686
File: 243 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone post a screencap of the title page please? I've got the game running but... yeah.

I'm not giving up yet.

>> No.3249701

The more you talk about a game, the less I want to play it.

>> No.3249706

That's nice. Now get out of this thread.

>> No.3249714

lol scores

lolol user based scores

>> No.3249769

link to original version of crystal clear please

>> No.3249853
File: 260 KB, 646x508, 2009-08-28_134940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.3249874

make me

>> No.3249936

Here's some C+C extras that I got off an old torrent:
Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?nwwjgkujydh
GBA ver. - http://www.mediafire.com/?mck3ztymyul
HCG - http://www.mediafire.com/?jzumnol2kom
Image Album - http://www.mediafire.com/?2jjt1rymnmy
OST - http://www.mediafire.com/?ymnjuxz3mnk

>> No.3249941

>GBA ver.

>> No.3250052

Whoops, actually the "HCG" is a complete cg rip. Also, It's kind of interesting though that the Hcg scenes in the Artbook is actually somewhat less censored than the game itself. Too bad it's all untranslated, was kind of interested in the interview part myself.
Yeah, I have no idea. Might have been some unofficial port someone made.

>> No.3250144

It's regression in wine that's causing it to not refresh. I've already played it entirely using wine 1.1.26 so try downgrading.

>> No.3250162

Ah, I'll try that, thanks.
And thanks for this.

>> No.3250276

So what was Nanaka's significance in the whole scheme of things?

>> No.3250320

Wait a sec. Latest stable wine is Wine 1.0.1. One I'm using at the moment. So I have to go into the dev versions...

>> No.3250443

Thanks for the artbook and OST.

>> No.3250448

You should playthrough to find out, its a spoiler BAWfest

>> No.3250500

I did already I know she's his mom. But what exactly is the significance of that? I understood everything else except that. It just seemed a bit random to me to have Nanaka there.

>> No.3250547

Probably the whole connections between people theme. Taichi being able to remember her even though she died when he was really young signifies that these connections, even if temporary, matter, or some shit like that.

>> No.3250563

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks. It's been bugging me for awhile.

>> No.3250596

Sakuraba is the best character. There should have been more content with him.

>> No.3250603

Was there any significance to that peanut persimmon rant he had? I didn't get it at all.

>> No.3250633

She also led him to the Hokora.
