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323888 No.323888 [Reply] [Original]

New character in Little Busters Ex

>> No.323908

$5 says German or Russian background.

>> No.323921

Maeda is the one who wrote her story so you can expect something good.
Well he only did Rin and Refrain in the first version and they were by far the best thing about the game.

>> No.323951

it's not translated, i don't care.

>> No.323985

It has h-scenes.

>> No.323993

but i want to read them.
who plays a visual novel just to fap?

>> No.324003

Gee it sure is the same game released over and over again around here

>> No.324010

$10 says German and Russian background.

>> No.324044

Little Busters! doesn't get much discussion on /jp/.

Fuck I wish Key, Leaf and T-M would get out of their franchise circlejerking though.

>> No.324062
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>> No.324064
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>> No.324068
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>> No.324069
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>> No.324070
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>> No.324071

Two bets at the end of the animated After Story there's a preview for a Little Busters! animu.

>> No.324072
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>> No.324075
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>> No.324077
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>> No.324079

I can't wait for Sa-sa-sa-SASEGAWA SASAMI's route.

>> No.324110

let's talk about the little russian girl's backstory

i'll begin with: she watched her own mother executed on television.

>> No.324145

can't wait for the ex version and the english patch (well, maybe the 21 december 2012...)

>> No.324315
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>> No.324706

I thought Maeda stopped writting for Key (He still composes musics, but...)

>> No.324713

Little Busters is his last game.

>> No.324726

Probably because it hasn't been translated and is shitty

>> No.324741

What magazine was the reported in?

>> No.324779

but not shitty enough for kyoani not to pick it up mirite?

>> No.324812

Bricks were shat.
