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3235628 No.3235628 [Reply] [Original]

I was told that this was a good mystery VN.
I've been able to stand all the poorly crafted closed room scenarios (how can anyone be anti-mystery when there's so many possible human explanations for each murder?)
but this "test" scenario given to the children is just horrible. since the children know that they all have similar tests, there's only one good answer... but after reading george and jessica's reasons for their choice, i've concluded that the cast for umineko is incompetent. Why would anyone choose anything other than option 3?

>> No.3235633

Because they're all not terrible people.

>> No.3235632

Doesn't George choose #3?

>> No.3235636

George chose option KICK ASS.

>> No.3235635

his reasoning was poor
it was along the lines of
baww baww i love shannon screw the rest

>> No.3235641

it's not about being terrible, if the murderers play by the rules, it's actually the option with the least bloodshed...

>> No.3235643

I've seen this before.

>> No.3235650


I thought everyone chose option KICK ASS.

Except Maria.

>> No.3235655


George was fighting for furniture. No wonder why he lost.

Kinzo has a right to be disappoint in everyone except Battler.

>> No.3235657

Maria's epic fight against Goldsmith was just offscreened. It totally happened.

>> No.3235660

Option 1 is perfect fine, for the narcissistic martyr.

>> No.3235662

>how can anyone be anti-mystery when there's so many possible human explanations for each murder?

Yeah, instant drug and pifalls connected to Kuwadorian in the livingroom.

>> No.3235668

The boat bomb scene in the Dark Knight was just horrible.
Why would anyone choose anything but blow up the other ship?

>> No.3235669

That never happened.

>> No.3235671

Yeah, the events in episode 4 all happened and aren't total bullshit.

>> No.3235678

i meant plausible explanation.

think of it this way.
this is what they "know"
1) each of the 4 children has a similar test
2) there are 10 people that's included in the "everyone" (4 children + prisoners)

if each of the 4 children pick choice 3, they save 8 people in total, while 2 die.
if they choose option one or two 4 people die.

option 3 saves the most ppl and you get your lover to boot...

>> No.3235675

For battler magic can't exist, for beatrice magic make her dream come true...

magic is like the true, it's different for each person

Battler can't accept magic... and Beatrice can't open her heart

It's their struggling of understanding each other

in the end it's not about magic or mystery

it's about accepting

it's about LOVE

>> No.3235681


The entire Ushiromiya was nothing but a bunch of failures and two-faced liars. No wonder Kinzo was so bitter.

>> No.3235682


Everyone on the civilian boat were cowards.

Everyone in control on the police boat were cowards.

That black guy hates cowards.

>> No.3235685

They didn't know they all had the same test, I believe.

>> No.3235687


No, if they ALL chose #3 then EVERYONE dies.

>> No.3235696

But Shannon is great, she's just like GOATS only with upholstery.

>> No.3235700

I think that every one of them choosing the third option would make the world explode. The contradictions huge.

>> No.3235702


If you actually take ep4 at face value instead of just dismissing it as mostly bullshit due to being unverifiable, There's no red that doesn't say they weren't at Kuwadorian in the first place.

>> No.3235703

george was told that jessica had a similiar test.
that doesnt work.
it would veto the idea of free choice

>> No.3235707

Kyrie described what she saw to Battler. The serious, down to earth Kyrie. In before Kyrie is the culprit.

>> No.3235720


If you believe the "alternating crazy moms", then Kyrie is the last one, yeah.

>> No.3235725


George picked three, and Gaap herself told him to go kill Battler and Maria then. I don't think everyone picking three would work out as you think it would.

>> No.3235732

Kyrie can't be the culprit because she's Korean.

>> No.3235736

Look at the wording; in order to gain two, sacrifice one.
It does not say "save two, sacrifice the other one."

>> No.3235740

>Why would anyone choose anything other than option 3?
Because Kinzo already took that choice

>> No.3235767

You assume that the intentions of the opponent are obvious.

>> No.3235769

No, I'm pretty sure he stopped his kicks from hitting just inches away. He chose option, almost kick ass and waste your chance to win.

>> No.3235772

Oh, is this the thing anti-fantasy people are doing now? Saying that Seacats isn't good?

>> No.3235773

Kinzo probably sacrificed Beato in place of his family, which he thought would be the better deal. That might explain why he's so disgusted with his family not living up to his expectations.

>> No.3235782
File: 124 KB, 520x489, Kinzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It doesn't matter which option you pick so long as you pick immediately, without hesitation!"

>> No.3235787

I think I have a reasonable explaination for the closed room in ep 1's second twilight.

The slider for the chain may not be secured on the wall. The culprit could have secured a thin magnet to the wall which would then hold the slider in place. Then after the murders, as the culprit left the room, he could place the free chain and slider onto the magnet with the small space available as the door was closing. This would give the illusion of a closed room. There is nothing in red stating that the chain was not tampered with.

>> No.3235795

Mystery is the only option. Anything else is a troll.

You are a troll.

>> No.3235797


This was for the headship and the gold, supposedly, however.

It does seem to add up strangely in favor of three, if you assume that whole earthquakes death and him gaining the headship is related.

>> No.3235821

I'm sorry, but I think you misunderstand the meaning of the words "everyone else"

It means that if they all pic 3, we get a kickass battle royale where only 2 possibly survive at most.

>> No.3235823

i assume the opponent keeps their word.

>> No.3235830

that undermines the insurance of "gaining two"

>> No.3235841

Why "except Battler"? The only thing Battler did was, select the second option (and putting Beatrice's name in it)(that ended up being a null test), take him down at ep4's "tea party" and find the gold in EP5. Was it because of the latter?

>> No.3235886

Option Zero.

>> No.3235897


I don't know about him, but I interpreted the "two" to be the headship and the inheritance. So in reality, nothing was guaranteed. Maria supposedly passed and still ended up killed by Beatrice anyway.

>> No.3235966

Not only that, but the choice isn't "pick the two that you wish to protect and save" it's "pick who you're willing to throw under the fucking bus or else we'll throw everyone under the fucking bus." Two completely different questions.

>> No.3236011

Also, in case you don't get the difference, allow me to explain. Don't think of it in terms of who you will kill and who you will protect, think of it as who will you kill and who you will not kill. Just because you choose not to kill someone doesn't mean that someone else can't elect to kill them.

For instance, let's say that both Battler and Maria chose number 1, yet they had each others names written for number 2. Would they both be unable to die? The answer is no, they would both die.

>> No.3236079

that's a bad analogy.
option one is different from the other two in the sense that it's something you give as opposed to something you take.

>> No.3236822

Yep. If everyone picked three, then it'd be a four-way fight, while protecting the 'loved one'.

In other words, a victory for Team George. Kanon and Jessica would be able to put up a good fight, but George still wouldn't have any trouble skill-wise, and Shannon's barrier could repel the stakes for a while.

>> No.3236831

>I was told that this was a good mystery VN.
Who the hell told you that? I mean, it's good sure, and it has aspects of mystery, but it's far from being a good mystery.

>> No.3236858

1:Say you love Garsmith or Bronove
2: ????
3: Profit

>> No.3236887

Isn't option one the only choice?

>If you do not choose "one", all of the above will be lost

oh wordplay...

>> No.3236936

>If you do not choose "one", all of the above will be lost

Clever. If you interpret the problem in that manner then there is no way to avoid death. The only choice is will you have everyone else die as well.

>> No.3236939

Is it written the same way in japanese?

>> No.3236967


I'm too lazy to look it up in the script, but I don't think it could be ambiguous in Japanese (that "one" is probably 一つ, and I'm fairly certain you wouldn't be able to use that to reference the first option).
