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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.25 MB, 1268x970, p5v4GRc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32323740 No.32323740 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did we get archived early? Edition
Previous Thread: >> 31960858

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.32323849

Excuse my retard posting. Previous thread: >>31960858

>> No.32326989
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>> No.32327063
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>> No.32328221

>Why the fuck did we get archived early? Edition
You know why. Because Holofags and Touhoufags are still fighting over thread spam and threads like this are left to die in the crossfire. It only took 4 hours for us to go from the top of the list to being purged.

>> No.32329967
File: 2.67 MB, 2220x1080, 20210117_064421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i ever wanted was a nice comfy thread where we could relax and talk about these cute sluts and their uncontrollable sluttish urges in peace. was that too much, /jp/? was it?

>> No.32338730
File: 13 KB, 98x98, Domalde Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes according to >>32328221

>> No.32341353

I hate aigis for having a male ban.

>> No.32346885

what a chad

>> No.32347281

Holoniggers are currently sieging /jp/, if we don't get a containment board for them, we will keep dying.

>> No.32352116

Does anyone ever make it to Sabbath Gold in MGCM without whaling? How am I supposed to deal with these level 80 Succubus Aka fuckers?

>> No.32353264

I came close once but didn't make it past silver 3. Didn't really bother after that. It's less about me being able to win fights and more about not being able to defend myself at all.

>> No.32353963

I lucked into it once, but it doesn't help that I'm usually asleep for the last few hours of the week before reset. Immunity gimps everything Succubus Aka can do, and you should have an AoE dispeller stacked with accuracy to get rid of immunity on the other side. The real problem is the coke whore speedfags, as none of that even matters 90% of the time if you don't manage to boost your team to go first.

>> No.32357465

Will Shiropro ever have a collab or a collab rerun ever again?

>> No.32358894

any new collabs or anything for 2021 announced? any freebies?

>> No.32364679

If Konosuba S3 doesn't do it, nothing will. There's a bit of an "once bitten twice shy" situation going on, people were calling for blood after they ran all their collabs in a row.

>> No.32370497

>Newest otogi girl from the candy shop is only villager stuff
I know Otogi isn't always the vanilla game but what's the point of human now, It seems he's slowly getting replaced.

>> No.32370686
File: 1.50 MB, 2500x1766, Aigis Events Years 1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another one of these eventually. Hopefully for the 8th Anniversary.

>> No.32373601
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>> No.32374331
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>> No.32377776
File: 1.87 MB, 1453x1981, __prince_katie_soma_carrie_kaguya_and_1_more_sennen_sensou_aigis_drawn_by_katou_itsuwa__2da245a1765f435cd9857056191916d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translations never

>> No.32380259

Anyone else here trying Ikegobu? I started it just now, and I have to say that the damegami that greeted me is pretty cute.

>> No.32385660

I hate these phone screen size games, such a waste of space if you play it on PC.

>> No.32389147

Apparently Ikegoblin also has memory leaks but maybe not as bad as Lost Noah had.
Edens Grenze went straight into maintenance after a short time of availability. They finally realized they won't be ready until noon on the 19th.
And I still don't know what the hell is wrong with Lost Noah's daily missions

>> No.32389325

Memory seems fine to me but it's a pain moving between screens, it has a small load and then it refreshes the whole game screen.

>> No.32390494
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What do you get from doing this?

>> No.32391711

how hard do the girls get gobbed?

>> No.32392218

From the scenes I've checked for the gacha girls it's just the MC (green skinned human "goblin") so not much, still pretty rapey though.
There's also another section for "mob girls" (Villager A, B, etc) that you get as random drops during quests, with 50 of them you unlock a scene, those might be more "classical" gob rape, though it'll take a while to unlock them.

>> No.32393876

Anyone having a problem with escalation heroines where it'll frequently crash to a gray screen and will tell you this browser doesn't support webgl until you restart the browser?
I enabled webgl and override software rendering list in flags and have hardware acceleration on.

>> No.32396948

I just refresh and it works.
Help if I'm not playing on a toaster.

>> No.32396991

We've had several girls whose only Cross scenes are rapey stuff since a long time ago you know

>> No.32397068

When I refresh it tells me webgl isn't supported until I restart the browser.
I'm on a toaster yeah. but it can't be harder to run a dmm game than it is to run a modern game and I can manage newer games without crashing.

>> No.32401596
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>> No.32404475
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>> No.32404497
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>> No.32404524
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>> No.32404555
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>> No.32410851
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We got rance last year, which collab do you think FKG will have this year?

>> No.32414353

Just downloaded it and am raping the cute goddess right now. Soild goblin king move so far.

>> No.32417945
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>> No.32421256

Damn I didn't realize Deep One would be on maintenance all day until the end of the event, didn't manage to buy half the stuff I wanted from the second half shop.

>> No.32423712
File: 285 KB, 1062x752, 67285214_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stepped away for like 5 months and what in the absolute fuck happened to /jp/? It's like the entire board turned into /v/ overnight.

>> No.32423785

You're really not helping with that choice of image

>> No.32424075

>Taimanin collab in Otogi Frontier has 6 5* gacha characters.
The spark system seems like a nice excuse for them to bloat the amount of 5* characters each banner. Coupled with the game innate shitty rate up this is a total nightmare.

>> No.32424330

Yeah but it's fucking Taimanin
Compared to earlier collabs with eroges nobody heard of these last few collabs have been quite lucrative

>> No.32425341
File: 490 KB, 1018x522, Deep One Event Shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The event shop is still up for 2 more days. Wish it was longer though like in other games where it's a week after the end.

>> No.32431016

I don't think it's even been a month, but yes, that's literally what happened. The /v/ and /pol/ kiddies in the Hololive threads broke containment and mods don't care. They said to wait it out.

But also this.

>> No.32431541

>wait it out
Yeah just wait until they've infested this board completely and turned it into their home. How did it come to this

>> No.32432492

Is QT Project a Japanese version of something from Nutaku?

I always leave Deep One running on auto somewhere when I leave my computer. That's usually the only way I can make a dent in event requirements. I didn't farm enough to buy the large limit break crystal from the second half.

Also wasn't expecting a limited set so soon, on top of another room outfit for Giselle. Kinda want Erika's SSR, but I'm pretty far from being able to exchange for any potential upcoming outfit so I'm going to save. Though, the furniture scenes are superior but they have the cruel caveat of not being part of the active set.

>> No.32432630

>Is QT Project a Japanese version of something from Nutaku?
Of course.

>> No.32434397

>Also wasn't expecting a limited set so soon
They've been doing limited sets almost every other event now, getting pretty bad.

Erika looks really nice though, New Years destroyed my saved up gems

>> No.32435382

Post your ikegobu friend code or add me:
Using a friend as 助っ人 gives more points.

>> No.32436263

So, what's going on with Edens Ritter gachashit? Is there any news about maint length?

>> No.32437758

The server was overload and there was a game breaking bug that allowed people to roll gacha as many times as they want. Don't expect them to be able to fix this anytime soon.

>> No.32440899

hololive is less /v/ than touhou primary onlys and these gacha games though. also /pol/ obviously has nothing to do with it.

>> No.32440947

yay my first friend.
ikegobu crashes a lot on my phone though.

>> No.32441069

>also /pol/ obviously has nothing to do with it.
You sweet, sweet summer child.

>> No.32443737

you faggy little faggot

>> No.32443837

You can go back now.

>> No.32443986

Using the browser version on phone seems to work better that the app for me.
It still crashes of you open モブ娘 on the main screen though.

>> No.32446516
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>no volume control fix
Fuck I really hope they add an options menu soon, music is way too loud, especially for fapping.
Real shame because the VA are pretty good but I feel like muting most of the time.

>> No.32449602

on the home screen there's a volume control where you can drop the bgm/raise the voices. dunno why the mixing is so bad by default.

>> No.32450106

Oh I didn't notice, thanks.
Still should be something you can change during the story sections, also some way to control the auto speed and a log, feels like very basic shit but I can see them never bothering with it now.

>> No.32453874
File: 639 KB, 550x530, EsJMZg1U0AInuY6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy cat

>> No.32457492

What game gives the most for reaching top in the DMM ranking? Highest I've seen is Deep One with 1500 which is half a ten roll, whereas Magicami only gives like 300.

>> No.32457689

A lot of times they're one off thing since ranking fluctuates daily, but just off the top of my head.
Escalation gave an SSR ticket
Eiyuu gave a 4* ticket
GBM gave a 10roll ticket.

>> No.32457769
File: 123 KB, 684x460, Clipboard327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried Princess Connect english version, it wasnt for me

>> No.32458343

Didn't Deep One give 3000 for reaching 1st before? Although, it might have been because of reaching 1st in both browser and app.

>> No.32458495

Meanwhile Kamihime doesn't give out anything for reaching top.

>> No.32459471
File: 1.02 MB, 1187x572, buffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were they thinking.

>> No.32460005

Mist Train Girls occasionally hands out either 1k or 3k crystals. There were times they were 1st a couple times in a row and crystals were given out for those days too.

>> No.32460189

Mist trains been giving out on average 2~3k a week from rankings just from 1k crystal gifts. Not sure what criteria they have for 3k but those pop up somewhat frequently too.

>> No.32461579
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>> No.32462628

It's a game from Aigis devs. Most of people will be spooked by 5 offbanners before getting her anyway.

>> No.32466880

Is buff stacking really that good? I grabbed Kajou for multitarget AoE instead.

Oh well, it's not like Shiropro has hard maps. Even war gods crumple to off the shelf unmaxed 7*.

>> No.32470131
File: 152 KB, 960x640, OnsenEma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Courtesy roll the onsen set in Aigis
>Get the onsen plat
>Give out enough rings and do some bond quests to reach pity black
>Onsen Ema
Why is this suddenly working for me?
Ema's artist has gotten really good, shame Aigis still only does one still per scene.

>> No.32471896

I like kumo, so I hope for kumo.

>> No.32476768

Shiro pro has a spark system where you can get her from 300 shrine orbs and these don't reset so you can take your time rolling 1st step gachas until you collect 300 orbs and spark whatever you want without dealing qith gacha, I wish Aigis implemented something like this as well as ditch stamina/charisma system to only one energy system.

>> No.32481191

first ikegobu crash of the day let's go.
(that's a joke it's crashed at least five times)

>> No.32484500
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>> No.32487925

this thread slides down the board faster than my mgcm rounds ffs.

>> No.32489906

>Clear Weekly D-Medal Missions in FKG
>Feel like I forgot something
>Didn't do the revival
>Rush it and only got to the first half's highest level
Well, that's 1 Gem gone.

>> No.32494352
File: 250 KB, 1069x1916, 20210120_195312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's read about these cute girls while we wait for ten minutes to get a file read error.

>> No.32496163
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Someone help me out with these please, I understand these as class upgrades of some kind but I've no idea how to use them.

>> No.32498021

They are for 5* characters with max upgrade and level. A new button will replace the level up button to upgrade their skills.

>> No.32500614
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Offbanner as usual. At least it ain't a dupe this time.

>> No.32501087
File: 97 KB, 953x635, Risley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to snag her on my pity. Also got Misa from a random tower ticket. My first black from one of those.

>> No.32501563
File: 135 KB, 1261x707, Y3TybtB8lA634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eden's Ritter is up
>2% characters 4% weapons.
Not this shit again.

>> No.32503209

>Two servers are full
>Other two time out instantly
>Now stuck on connecting, doesn't even show a queue
Time to find something else to do.

>> No.32504468
File: 745 KB, 796x669, 4c75442df3886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's me again. New magicami thing on sukebei. I'll see you there.

>> No.32511284

Thanks, anon. The one criticism I'm going to throw at this, looking at the file list, is that you're not duplicating EN and JP scenes when we know a lot of EN ones get the censored rewrites and that makes my penis sad. Otherwise fantastic job getting this all together.

>> No.32514160

>Eden pauses whenever the window isnt in focus
Well thats fucking caveman logic

>> No.32514221

You can switch window when the game is loading the battle map, but yeah it's fucking retarded, together with no x2 speed.

>> No.32518956

your awsom

>> No.32523211

Aigis please grant me good rolls.

>> No.32525006
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, Ilvina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(You) no way fag your cute dummy of a maid succubus
>Multiple times over a number of story years
>Because the MC has a sister-complex over their little sister who can't use her legs
Anyway, as part of maint apology, everyone gets a 5-star pick ticket. Shop > 交換所 in lower right > far left. You can look at the summon listings to see who is who but maybe get summons out of the way before picking.

>> No.32525953
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>> No.32526405

>Because the MC has a sister-complex over their little sister who can't use her legs
he's a real chad because he sticks to his beliefs and doesn't get swayed by random pussy

>> No.32527614

I know they have censored rewrites for rape and shota/loli. I play on both servers and I more or less understand what the girls say. When I hear "kodomo" I know it means "child" even if Nutaku translators doesn't. But I'm EOP and I still don't understand the written replies. That's why EN is useful to record in. So I and many others can get to know the context a little better.
That being said I've discussed with the people helping me to do a full h-scene archive for both languages. I'll say something here when a new batch is done. You can also check /vmg/.

>> No.32527739

>But I'm EOP and I still don't understand the written replies. That's why EN is useful to record in.
Oh, of course, but that portion being changed without voices to confirm what was changed leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. But I'm impressed if the goal is already to hit everything on both languages. Good luck and thanks for the compilation so far.

>> No.32530631

>can't use her legs

>> No.32534999

You can select MC gender but it does absolutely nothing.

>> No.32543235
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>> No.32544446

Does anyone happen to know if Peropero has a private server somewhere? The game premise and art seemed interesting but the game is sadly dead.

>> No.32546045

Huh, I thought this round of Challenge Quest was going to be another grinder in Deep One but it is a lot simpler than the last one and even the Item Drop one. Just smash them in 2-3 turns before the Encroachment stacks up. Boss isn't even as tanky as that fucking mouse.

>> No.32550230

The game itself was shit. Just look up the pics on panda or something.

>> No.32556504


>> No.32560503
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fun event

>> No.32565592
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>> No.32565756
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>> No.32579430


>> No.32588996
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>> No.32589422
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These fucking loading errors are killing me, I can't fap in peace.
They need to fix this shit because I actually love all the heart pupils.

>> No.32591473
File: 254 KB, 620x900, Eq96xiRUYAAWDFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose no anniversary stream for FKG this year, then how are they going to deliver anniversary news? Through director's letters?
I was also thinking on getting a nico premium account for the nico exclusive flowers.

>> No.32595259
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>no anniversary stream
Should I be worried?

>> No.32597008

>another fucking Unitia collab

>> No.32597020
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, EsaIyoxXcAEJpXQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unitia collab part 2.
Between all the dam limited and seasonal they have been throwing out, there's nowhere enough gem for this.

>> No.32597773

It's apparently due to the 'rona. I say that cutting the secret Nazuna on the Event Home Page is a bigger cause for concern.

But hey, another World Boss is coming next week with probably a Rainbow Scoop-chan, so.

>> No.32598221

What orb for Knight Ao

>> No.32598708


>> No.32603733

Yeah I read they will reveal it in-game news, hopefully it's tomorrow so we can get a peak what to look forward in the next gacha.

>> No.32604492
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>> No.32606808

It works fine when using my phone's browser version so I can do battles but I can't watch the h-scenes since I want to do it on PC.

>> No.32609455

And +HP% or +ATK% on sub stats?

>> No.32609710

hp makes you tanky and flat defense is still a good combo with def % or aim for a super bonus by leaving one slot free and you feel lucky

>> No.32615361
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>> No.32617503

not the best one ive seen but i goes in the best 20 %

>> No.32617781

If anyone here is playing Eden's Ritter, can you tell me what you need to do for the third-left mission on the chicken-tab mission list? That one where you need to do 10 of something, than 20 on another page, and 30 on the third one.

>> No.32618193

Level up the starter girl Ilvina to level 30

>> No.32618450


>> No.32619096

pastebins fucked, fix it

>> No.32622154

Not sure what text I have to delete to make it public again, so Ilm looking around for alts. Here's one for now.


>> No.32623179

pastebin cucked hard so they're basically worthless now
ghostbin is one I saw floating around a lot

>> No.32630227
File: 736 KB, 1228x868, EsKhdx8VkAA6vXF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32637493

well shit that sucks. i've never had trouble with the h scenes on phone, and didn't think the pc version was so fucked.

>> No.32638753

Who's this?

>> No.32646483


>> No.32651264
File: 592 KB, 492x501, the catte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play them off, shamisen cat!

>> No.32651386

So the AW2 that gives her a damage aura is worthless because she has a laughable 120 ATK, right?

>> No.32651421

Isn't 45% the worst value of a main stat on an UR orb? I thought it goes 45-60%.

>> No.32652123

i think i saw even worse but it might be my memory playing tricks on me or they changed something along the way.

>> No.32653036

Yes it's pretty bad. Demon summoners have like 3 times her ATK and even then their dps isn't that great. Stealth is nice and apparently she deals double damage on skill, but that's not enough to make it worth it in my opinion.
Meanwhile the other path adds nothing new, just straight up improves every part of her kit.

>> No.32659095

45-65% for UR main stats.

>> No.32669346
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>> No.32670366

Isn't there a chef that can be paired with her?

>> No.32675135

Sick of getting UR speed orbs with a speed stat lower than my baseline SR speed orbs

>> No.32676799
File: 32 KB, 128x133, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32683424

Nope. I don't know if there's one coming up but none of the current chefs target her.
There are of course plenty of units that buff youkai but with a base ATK of 120 they don't do too much.

>> No.32693363
File: 131 KB, 800x545, Esjk8WlVkAAZv-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably a Rainbow Scoop-chan

>> No.32695679

I mean, it's youkai. They'll eventually make a fancy new loli zashiki-warashi class that works like a chef but can be put on ranged spots.

>> No.32699925

>No anniversary stream
Came here hoping for news and only discovered that the game is dying because of Corona.

>> No.32701238

Marriage is implemented and it consists of a 3rd affection level, you unlock it with the marriage heart, and you can level up their affection through special presents (marriage ring and some kind of flower jewels). For now is limited to certain characters.
Also an special 6th roulette with a 6* pick ticket at 5% and a dupe rainbow flower at 1%
I'm kind of disappointed as well, I expected them to reveal some upcoming flowers and a roadmap of the events but for now is all unknown, probably after this it comes valentines, hopefully it's not a character I like.

>> No.32705262
File: 1005 KB, 1040x1264, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added you. My ID is 18711028 if anyone else wants to add me.

Though all these loading errors really are making it hard for me to keep playing.

>> No.32705794

>Also an special 6th roulette with a 6* pick ticket at 5% and a dupe rainbow flower at 1%

Oh man I just love having to RNG well if I want my rewards. I'm glad the developers of this game are always so generous and thinking of the players.

>> No.32708010

I mean, there's also 90oo Gems and other stuff too, but sure.

>> No.32710759
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>> No.32711951

I hated it when aigis killed the tickets for the free 10 tickets and I hate it even more now because instead of free 10's it's an even bigger 'just get lucky bro' with the roulette
At least granblue guarantees the top prize for their roulette events on the final day so you don't end up with a player that got nothing and a player that got 1000 free rolls from pure luck

>> No.32721411
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, 1611595875440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did everyone marry?

>> No.32721720

the best girl You

>> No.32721852

I don't play FWG but I'm curious how it works, do you get a new h-scene when married? and can you marry multiple girls?

>> No.32722077

>I'm curious how it works
Already explained, is like getting the bloom scene but you get instead a wedding.
>do you get a new h-scene when married?
No so far
>and can you marry multiple girls?
Yes, you get wedding hearts and presents in the blue shards exchange tab.

>> No.32723583

Saving for Nazuna.

>> No.32723715

Probably the only right answer, if 7th anniversary is a thing I can see Nazuna finally being a unit The first seven star unit

>> No.32727516

I've found some success switching between the app and the browser version whenever one gives me problems but it's definitely inconvenient and if it isn't better in a month i might drop too

>> No.32731900

Any info sites for eden's ritter? I have only found the wikiru but it doesn't have a lot of info on it. I am a mindless drone that needs some kind of tier list or second opinion before I start investing resources into raising girls and weapons.

>> No.32732867

The only thing I've really noticed is there is a stat bonus for on-element weapon equips. I saw some toshiaki musing that weapons seemed more important for combat power, so you should make sure you're buying the limit break materials from the weapon shop. They also posted a video showing the slime girl with some silly HP regen but may not be strong enough to actually finish anything and I did not see what setup was needed.
Otherwise the fights seem too chaotic to think of any finesse past brute strength. I constantly have girls out of position or somehow not close enough to the boss to ougi despite being in melee range.

I'd suggest working on favorites for now, eventually you'll want strong teams in each element, like you would do for any other game of this style.
Have you decided who to pick for your 5-star ticket?

>> No.32733190
File: 2.08 MB, 1594x898, 1601289805051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I've held onto the ticket for now since I'm not sure on who to pick with it. This is what my current roster looks like so far, only cutting out the 2* and 1* I got from SP gacha. If what you say is true about wanting a team for every element, then I should be looking to ticket a 5 star in the elements I don't have a 5 star in yet? Or should I be looking to complete some kind of generalist team?

Also I'm gonna assume that weapon elements are completely random as well, so I'll have to just pray I'll get on-element weapons my 5*s can use?

>> No.32735601
File: 1.04 MB, 1146x650, 1587597825517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa La

>> No.32736772
File: 524 KB, 1280x338, EdensRitter_CharacterPower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems a lot of combat power comes from ability unlocks, those mats are from grindable stages. I'm trying to figure out reaching 40k team combat power, where I'm currently sitting at 15k for most teams just with max available level and some random weapons. But I haven't done any ability unlocks, so maybe a good strategy is to work on a team that can farm one color so you can unlock those abilities for everyone and move on to other colors?

I got a 3-star to double their combat power from 2300 to 5500 by unlocking her stats. Doing only the Attack column for a 5-star added about 700. That 3-star is now my strongest character, wth.
>7700 after a passive unlock and trust level 2
Not saying to work on 3-stars but they're easiest to do this with.
But that team only got to 20k combat power. Reached the second wave of level 3 red, so clearly not enough. Going to be annoying trying to do this with the poor 3rd tier drops from level 2.

>> No.32737410

Can you upgrade lower ability-unlock materials to a higher tier? I just used some AP potions and skip ticketed a bunch of entries on stage 2 of the red ability-unlock material stage. Have a bunch of lower and medium grades now but very few high tiers and was wondering if there is a way to use those excess lower and medium grades.

>> No.32737503

Nope, in the same rut as you because I did the exact same thing. Maybe they'll do something later but there doesn't seem to be anything right now.
I'm still not sure where the ougi mat stones come from. It's the last task I have for beginner missions.

>> No.32737748
File: 467 KB, 1213x1524, Upgrade Eden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can upgrade ability mats.
Also, the ougi mats drop unreliably on the daily stages and the 3rd stage of ability mats from what I observe.

>> No.32737837

Very cool, thank you for sharing.

>> No.32737912
File: 906 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20210126-002058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't view the 3 and 4 stories, is it happening to anyone else?

>> No.32738897

Magicami jp changed how the pearl/orb system works can somebody explain

can you still spam a single type of pearl/orb (agi) or do you have to use the other types now as well

>> No.32739182

Game is still buggy as hell even with all the maintenance downtime.
Raids are absolutely hilarious to join.

>> No.32739350

Oh, I started this because I dropped the goblin game since it's also broken as shit, well at least this one doesn't take an eternity to move through the menus and the porn is better.

>> No.32739666

So apparently in Eden's Ritter, Cornelia, the dark lamia 4*, has a broken ougi? It's a multi-hitting move where each independent hit does the % mod damage the entire ougi is supposed to do. Just started playing today and my Cornelia literally does something like 3.5k x 4 or 5 hits whereas my 5* characters ougi for a total of around ~4-5k damage total. Wonder if this will be patched and how long I can get away with abusing her in this broken state.

>> No.32739766
File: 1.35 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2021-01-26-00-33-02-891_jp.co.dmm.games.flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for this so long, now wait until the golden ring is avalible.

>> No.32739884

It hasn't changed yet, but the update is scheduled to be a month away.

-Orbs will no longer be set to individual dresses/sub-dresses. Instead, each unit will have 1 main and 4 sub-dresses pooled together first, then your main orb and 4 sub-orbs will be applied to the stats of the pool.
-The main orb adds 100% of its stats to the unit. The 4 sub-orbs will each add 50% of their stats to the unit. This means a general increase in stats compared to the current system of attaching orbs to sub-dresses for 20~30% stats.
-You will only be allowed to equip up to 2 orbs with the same main stat per unit. You can equip 2 speed orbs, but the remaining 3 orbs need to be something else. Flat increase and % increase of the same stat will be treated as the same. For example, if you equip an atk orb and an atk% orb, you can no longer add either type of atk orb in the remaining 3 slots.
-The sub-element effect on orbs will be changed to apply to all sub-dresses of the unit, instead of only the one it's assigned to.
-They'll be implementing something to allow you to exchange the main effect of any SR/UR orb obtained before the update on 2/22, 1 time per orb. So don't worry too much if you've made nothing but UR speed orbs from the events.

>> No.32739976

Change doesn't happen until 22 Feb? So there's time to prepare before it hits. Nothing has changed for my decks yet.

Apparently you'll be limited to your best two(?) modifications of any stat, after that any additional orb bonuses won't apply. So you won't be able to stack for damage agaisnt BF nor stack for speed in babel or pvp anymore. You'll need to use a blend of orbs for each main dress. I don't know how this exactly applies to orb sub stats or if it's only for orb main stats.

It seems like % boosts are even more valuable now as they apply to the whole pool of dresses whereas the flat bonus seems like it'll still just be added once?

Fuck I need to improve my reading comprehension.

>> No.32740032

This is gold thank you.

>> No.32741700
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>> No.32742407
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>> No.32742438

anybody know the direct link to Ayarabu mp4?

>> No.32750598

Guess this makes it a bit harder to Agi stack, since you'll have to rely on sub attributes to go fast.
>The sub-element effect on orbs will be changed to apply to all sub-dresses of the unit, instead of only the one it's assigned to.
This doesn't really make sense if the orbs are being applied to the resulting stats instead of each dress.

>> No.32751521
File: 474 KB, 1138x2817, 210125_changerune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they had images to explain. Just the one subelement orb gives the entire sub stack that element.

>> No.32751956

I'm illiterate. What do the rings even do and what's the difference between the two? They're both in the shop.

>> No.32758691

The golden one gives you a special line and the kiss scene also it's only one golden ring for free since you can marry a flower every month.

>> No.32761354
File: 1.69 MB, 1275x720, onigashima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I like to imagine the devs snorting cocaine in full Tono cosplay when they create new skills.

>> No.32765309
File: 213 KB, 960x580, EsjoVo-U0AA0m-H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize a pair of these tits. Pretty sure they got me to start Gemini Seed one summer but I never rolled them, even after they did a rerun. I don't play anymore but looks like they're getting a slightly early start on Valentine's season.
I think I have enough rolls in other games but maybe not enough to beat RNGesus.

>> No.32765749

>Seems a lot of combat power comes from ability unlocks
The majority of combat power actually seems to come from the luck stat upgrade. I think upgrading those lines nearly doubled the unit's power. No idea what the stat really does though or why it's weighted so much.

>> No.32767290

With 12 10 rolls you can assure to beat RNG but yeah it's kind of a hard beat even when the game gives a fair amount since UR rates are 1% I'm still impressed how recently I actually got Madeline VT so this time it might be your charm as well.

>> No.32769682

On the rerun, I managed to do twelve 10 rolls, but they didn't include any pity mechanic because the set originally came out before that was implemented
I'll do the half-off roll on this and stop there. I'm not going to spend time grinding, as I'm more concerned about what other games may do for the season.

>> No.32777197

Well fuck me. I just got kicked from mgcm mid pvp for maintenence.

>> No.32782251

Huh, actually ran out of Gold levelling up my Rainbows in FKG. Guess I need to run a lot more Gold Rushes then. Still have a ton of characters to level up.

>> No.32783269

You're in luck, there's a 2x in gold, wait until friday(saturday) for special gold rush so you can get a good chunk of them.

>> No.32784163

Pointless unless the gold map is discounted since the 80 stamina map down to 56 is more valuable than the 100 stamina map with no discount. They usually don't discount the weekend gold daily when there's a gold bonus, but it looks like the dailies are discounted this week, so maybe we're all in luck.

>> No.32786403

>Unitia new collab is just a rerun with 2 new 5* slapped in instead of having a new event about them.
Talk about cutting corner.

>> No.32787196

I'm never in luck when it comes to this game, this kusoge fucking hates me.

>> No.32788598

We're at the loosest possible definition of "castle" now, huh.

Also odd they gave up on the hell \theme that Eljudnir and Enma-cho's events had going on. I was betting on Dis being the next in line, or maybe the court of Xibalba.

>> No.32792184

I can't wait for this to transition fully to Cool Place Project: RE.

>> No.32793227

pastebin down

>> No.32796598
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, EdensRitter_NYroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit, that's the wrong one. Only 5-star character out of 70 rolls, kept getting 5* weapons instead.

>> No.32797057

>a lot of EN ones get the censored rewrites
Have EN version caught up to Seira's(or was it Ao?) Anubis scene?
I don't play EN and I dropped JP Mgcm a long time ago but I'm curious how are they going to handle it.
How do they censor shota and loli scenes by the way?

>> No.32797358

Shota scene I think was rewritten to hide the age

>> No.32797797

Shota scenes don't actually show the shota anyway so you just have to censor the dialog.
Shounen -> Young Man and anything that makes him sound young gets removed.
No Anubis yet and for loli I think the kinda loli nymph demon one from the Christmas event was fine, next event should have an even more loli looking demon so we'll see what they do there, but the real test will be the very obvious elementary schooler loli Iroha getting fucked by a very obvious shota, won't happen for another couple months though.

>> No.32802668

So what is general consensus on Mist Train Girls?
It stays high in the ranking so there must be something the game does right?

>> No.32802727

region locked

>> No.32802820

But it wasn't region locked before. Is it a recent thing?

>> No.32802874

It was region-locked from launch, IIRC.

>> No.32803025

It's really flashy and looks like something with an actual budget, and the porn is pretty nice too but >>32802727 made me drop it, I manage to keep up with Imys but with this one using a vpn made the load times unbearable.
For me it got locked a couple of weeks after.

>> No.32803311

Is it not region locked to burgers? Don't think I've ever had an issue accessing the game.

>> No.32803440

It has high production value and the combat has flashy animated cut in.
The H scene are vanilla so they all look the same after a while.
The grinding is atrocious.

>> No.32803535

Rip, I got 2 5* characters in 41 rolls, including the limited. But both her scenes looks to be tentacle related, which is super disappointing considering the mini antagonist of the event, if you can even call him that, is a minotaur

>> No.32803749

>getting 5* characters
I am around 130 rolls post-reroll right now with zero new 5* characters. Thinking about maybe just rerolling a new account since I've only been playing on my first one for 3 days.

>> No.32804162

Well the minotaur gets to rape the elf instead.

>> No.32804780
File: 2.08 MB, 1599x894, cow reroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the first reroll
I guess I'm switching.

>> No.32808010
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>> No.32808043

Bro what the actual fuck are the rate-ups on Otogi?
Went to 15 rolls so I could pity Rinko and didn't hit a single rate up. So then I went to 30 so I could get Rinko and Shiranui. Not a single rate up.
I wanted to get Asagi too, but I got fucked so bad.

>> No.32808289

Otogi "rate up" is the biggest joke in DMM kusoge market.
I got 3 rate up characters in whole 2 years playing that shit. It got even worse now with spark system, they have excuse to bloat the fuck out of the banner with 5* just to fuck with people.

>> No.32808511

Jesus, that's bullshit.
Maybe I should have tried to figure out who the two best Taimanin sluts were before I pulled since I like them all. I could probably muster another pity if I thought over who was the best.

>> No.32809073
File: 131 KB, 1088x271, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i being retarded? I don't see an option to use this anywhere

>> No.32809393

The exchange is in the Shop.

>> No.32809394

I rolled more, got a dupe of the same 5-star, and ended up revenge rolling despite wanting to save for any new Ilvina.
Eventually got her in the end but I doubt currency gain is going to be very good, especially with daily login seemingly not working.

Apparently each server is a separate account, but I don't know what stays or carries over.
Looks like you already figured something superior anyway.

Shop > 交換 (lower right) > far left tab if it doesn't sit you there.

>> No.32809470

This new account I'm on started with a lot of 5* characters but seems to be having trouble getting good 5* weapons. Meanwhile my previous account was swimming in EP-regen 5* weapons. It's the trade-off I guess.

>> No.32809687

Can't believe that was the one place I didn't look.Thanks

>> No.32810158

>Most of the characters ougi don't active in Eden's ritter raids because of the bullshit hitbox those huge ass bosses have.
How long till they fix this shit.

>> No.32815339

New Unitia units in ayarabu seem underwhelming. I got the light girl in 30 rolls but not sure if I'll use her except in peak difficult content.

>> No.32819012

The gacha was actually pretty decent for me. I was able to get an SSR pretty much every banner and was only off bannered once.

Having to keep the game running on auto in the background all day to make progress got pretty old though. I prefer something where I can just log in for 5-10 mins and get what I want done.

>> No.32822088


>> No.32822899

Link for 18+ versiom, there hasn't been a game with animated h-scenes since Mist Train Girls right?

>> No.32824310

A lot of new games recently, but how many have closures have there been?

>> No.32824321


They fixed Hatsune, my day is made.

>> No.32826116
File: 296 KB, 1189x1443, 1611819421819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fixed android, which satisfies me.

>> No.32827118

Is Koihime dead?

>> No.32827829

Meanwhile, poor Setsuna is still the purple-haired stepchild. Hatsune gets the best of both her skill and SAW now.

>> No.32828044

The winter festival points are out so don't forget to claim them https://games.dmm.co.jp/cp/festival/winter/

486p with 86 unspent roulette rolls, so I'm guessing each roll was 1 yen. Now I'm left wondering if I made anything at all from the time I wasted doing them.

>> No.32834776
File: 927 KB, 1138x642, Koihime Musou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 2 SSRs in the same 10 roll
>it's the same fucking character

>> No.32835285

Maybe? I don't know much about Koihime but I think the only announced game is the Karin spin-off sequel.
I guess any big eroge is going to keep moving to DMM, can't really have 10+ heroine games anymore with the current state of the industry and that sort of stuff fits better for a gacha anyway.

>> No.32836139

With the double SSR rates and reduced pick-up rates it's not that unlikely, but I know your pain.

>> No.32838712
File: 882 KB, 1138x640, 12_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iroha is finally getting an event UR. Seira is the gacha UR, didn't show an SR.
But this time the bonus given is a damage buff, not drops, but there's still an item gacha.

>> No.32845163

Nice to see that Iroha is finally getting an Event UR. Wonder if this means that she will be the Event Scene's character too?

>> No.32846090
File: 461 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20210128_193450_jp.co.dmm.dmmgames.edensgrenzex_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit

>> No.32850039

Can some bigbrain bro translate to me what I need to do for the third page bottom right quest on chicken hatching page in Eden's Ritter?

>> No.32851548

Upgrade a character's ougi. It's the far right tab in the character upgrade screen. You will need to trade for the material necessary to upgrade. The currency you use to trade is farmed in Hard stages. You can just trade 10 of the more common purple rock for a 1* character ougi upgrade material if you just want to finish the quest fast.

>> No.32853957

Thanks. Do you know what to do about an error on the second stage of bond farming, that doesn't allow you to start a stage?

>> No.32854220

I also get this error and haven't resolved it yet. Heard you need to set your device to JST timezone.

>> No.32860220


Pretty much, will she generate a chocolate Tobio or will Kaori get to lick the melting chocolate off Iroha?

>> No.32867215

Which MGCM girl has the least vanilla content?

>> No.32867347

I want to say Seira has the most extreme ones but she might not have the most non-vanilla. Possibly Kaori because she's a giant slut.

>> No.32868045



If anybody want to do a headcount

>> No.32869334

So they went back to making buffs completely shit in Eden's Ritter. Wonder if they will ever get this right.

>> No.32870197

hanabi scenes are most gross so hanabi

>> No.32872064

the only thing i've gotten from fkgs new roulette is the seed things and basically I just want to say this is the worst gacha anniversary i have ever seen in any game ever

>> No.32876997


>> No.32878505

I'm betting it'll involve the twin demon villains, but not sure in what manner they'll do this time if they're keen on keeping the style from January.

>> No.32878731

I hope no more chocolate, Marianne's scene looks nasty.
