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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3227481 No.3227481 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ the poll is open now

>> No.3227494


I could go for an iced tea right now.

>> No.3227504

Go and vote for Wild Androgynous!

>> No.3227520

I'm not sure what I should vote for. Air or Yosuga no Sora. Yosuga I guess.

>> No.3227529

Fuck I am too lazy to register.

I hope you guys vote Baldr Sky in so I can vote for the real poll.

>> No.3227534

Why don't you vote for something you'll never be able to read in Japanese because of their difficulty, like Gunjou no Sora or Saihate no Ima?

>> No.3227551

Also, you can vote up to three things.

>> No.3227553

I'm not really familiar with most of the titles on the list.

>> No.3227555

Magical Language Lyrical☆Lisp

THIS. It's informative and it has loli-Nanoha

>> No.3227565

There are a couple things I want to downvote.

>> No.3227578

Is anyone else not getting their activation email? Usually they come instantly but either it's taking a while or it's not coming at all.

>> No.3227582

Because it may just all be Greek to him, and just get the titles he knows a few things off and appeal to him the most?

>> No.3227587

I'm still waiting for mine.

>> No.3227591

I just don't see much point as he can already read enough Japanese to read something like Yosuga. But, whatever.

>> No.3227608

Mostly because I want a larger fanbase to enjoy something that I enjoy. Like I can already read my way through Little Busters, but I'd still like it to be translated so other people can enjoy it.

>> No.3227628 [DELETED] 

You can't be serious...

>> No.3227640

I just disabled activation and activated everyone. It was working yesterday when I tested it but I have no idea what's going on with it right now.

>> No.3227645

vote for Sekien no Inganock people. We need some translated liarsoft.

Also forest.

>> No.3227652


>> No.3227654

I'd actually want to see Kizuato or the infinity series.

>> No.3227680

Oh fuck yeah! I'm both delighted that this made the poll and saddened that it has only the slimmest of slim chances of winning.
I'm still going to push for Suigetsu though.

>> No.3227692


>> No.3227719

I disagree

>> No.3227723

You should have told me earlier, I already upvoted it.

>> No.3227727

downvote Hoshizora no Memoria

>> No.3227741


>> No.3227754

Using caps lock does not make your point any more valid. Your opinion is bad, and you should feel bad.

>> No.3227762


Swan song is good but I definitely dont want it translated over any other titles available on the list

>> No.3227782

So how will this work? The 10 or so titles with the most votes gets put through to the final vote, or something?

>> No.3227789

Once ixrec decides that the voting is stable he'll close voting and choose the top 10 for final round

>> No.3227794

Voted for GSS, Swan Song and Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-

>> No.3227797

No votes for the infinity series makes me a sad panda.

>> No.3227809

For the most part all other infinity games aren't that good

>> No.3227812
File: 58 KB, 450x613, 655ee9b9f0ea587dc5632acf2e062a25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who does not vote for Magical Language Lyrical☆Lisp is a horrible, horrible person.

>> No.3227816

Needs more votes for Never7.

>> No.3227817

Doesn't Air already have a translation project? Or is it dead?

>> No.3227820

It's still going, but it's going at a snail's pace.

>> No.3227823

It doesn't look very good.

>> No.3227840


>> No.3227841

Beat Blades Haruka
Gore Screaming Show

I have a hard time choosing between
>Ikusa Megami Zero

>> No.3227845

Misuzu route is already done. I dont see the point in voting Air.

Get Baldr Sky in, We need more eroge with gameplay.

>> No.3227848


>> No.3227854

Thank god it's only the preliminary.
So far Sekien no Inganock seems to be doing the best.

>> No.3227857



>> No.3227858

But you learn lisp, which is a useful and marketable skill! What do you learn in the others, besides "masturbating to drawn pictures"?

>> No.3227864

I don't think anything I voted for will make it ;_;
If you still haven't voted, please give some consideration to Never7.

>> No.3227865

Am I supposed to care or something?

>> No.3227866

Downvote GSS, please.

Man, guro feels bad.

>> No.3227871

Why would I waste my vote for something mediocre?

>> No.3227873

>lisp >marketable

>> No.3227875

You don't have to read it then.

>> No.3227877

Well, as you're currently browsing /jp/, yes, you should actually care about what's going to be translated in English. Unless you're a true nihonjin with kakkoii nihongo skills and you already yomu all these VNs in nihongo.

>> No.3227879

But Never7 isn't very good.

>> No.3227880

No, when someone posts a thread they don't expect everyone to automatically care, you're supposed to judge for yourself whether the topic interests you, and if it is sufficiently interesting you might consider replying, otherwise you ignore it.

>> No.3227888

Yeah, don't worry, I won't read it. But I'd like a VN I'm actually going to read to be translated instead, you know?

>> No.3227893

I just hope you guys spend more time promoting your favorite VNs than downvoting others.

>> No.3227898

I was kidding. But learning a language besides a smidgen of maths oriented C could be fun, and delicious Nanoha pictures would make it more rewarding.

>> No.3227900

Gore Screaming Show
Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora Ni
Yosuga no Sora

GSS doesn't seem to be doing too badly. This pleases me.

>> No.3227902

There isn't too much gore in GSS, and most of the gore is mosaic'd out

>> No.3227910

What won that shitty poll we had? I don't want to vote for Flyable Hearts or whatever it's called

>> No.3227913

Fuck you ;_;

>> No.3227919

Is that so? I thought it was a VN only for gurofags. But there are definitely too many votes for it too be only guro bullshit.

>> No.3227920

Hoshizora no Memoria.
Also if you guys want to vote for a Black Cyc title, at least vote for Extravaganza, it's superior to GSS in every ways.

>> No.3227921

Hoshizora no Memoria

>> No.3227926

But it is still a low tier VN which only has people suggesting it because they heard the name and thought it sounded cool and edgy.

>> No.3227937

Not really, at first glance it looks really good so I can understand the hype. I liked it but it wasn't as good as I expected, though.

>> No.3227943

Unofficial vote count

I separted upvotes/downvotes because I thought it was more interesting to see. They are ordered by effective votes.

Here are the votes as of reply #39:

15 01: Sekien no Inganock
16 05: Swang Song
12 03: Gore Screaming Show
08 01: Baldr Sky Dive1
07 00: Himawari
04 00: Saihate no Ima
06 03: Hoshizora no Memoria
04 01: RuiTomo
03 00: Air
02 00: Forest
02 00: Ayakashibito
02 00: Gunjou no Sora wo Koete
02 00: Magical Language Lyrical☆Lisp
02 00: Mugen Kairou 1
02 00: Narcissu 3
02 00: Never7 -the end of infinity-
01 00: 12Riven -the Ψcliminal of integral-
01 00: H2O: Footprints in the Sand~
01 00: Hatsukoi
01 00: Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora Ni
01 00: Killer Queen
01 00: Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
01 00: Suigetsu
01 00: Yosuga no Sora - In solitude, where we are least alone.

>> No.3227958

GSS review :http://www.erogereview.com/2008/02/03/gore-screaming-show/

>There are over forty scenes total, ranging from benign consensual true love to rape gangbangs to outright tentacle inflicted disfigurement and dismemberment.

>outright tentacle inflicted disfigurement and dismemberment.

Do not want.

>> No.3227961

But GSS has more momentum, we can't afford the vote split ;_;

>> No.3227962

Fuck, get some more votes for Ayakashibito in there

(yes, sure, I could register and vote in the poll myself but shfdjkhf too much work)

>> No.3227966

You can if you start now.
Would you rather have an average title translated or a great one?

>> No.3227978

After all that I/O faggotry, nobody seems to vote it.

>> No.3227982
File: 44 KB, 800x600, gore screaming show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be nice if it wasn't all censored

>> No.3227986
File: 158 KB, 800x600, 2337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himawari needs to make it through the preliminary voting.

>> No.3227998
File: 76 KB, 806x625, evf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't look very realistic if it was drawn - gore in eroge rarely is. Mosaic-ing it makes it more terrifying.

>> No.3227999

Why the fuck do so many people vote Sekien no Inganock?
Does it even have some sort of gameplay?

>> No.3228002

Yes, if you put "gameplay" in danger quotes.

>> No.3228003

VN's are just so boring to me.

>> No.3228007

How many are chosen from the preliminary voting?

>> No.3228012

It has some gameplay but it's pretty minor, basically it's about you guiding a conversation, happen at the end of most chapters if I remember correctly.
And for the reason it's getting so much votes now, who know?
It's pretty good though.

>> No.3228013

The reason most of these titles are 18+ is that people your age just don't have the attention span to enjoy them.

>> No.3228015


Then don't post in threads about them. Its a simple concept that even a 5 year old could understand. Are you stupider then a 5 year old?

>> No.3228022

10 if i remember right

>> No.3228026

damn, GSS gets a lot of hate ;_;

>> No.3228037

Man, I definitely agree with you, reading is so boring. So many letters. It's for fags.

>> No.3228039

It's not hate. I like it but I'd downvote it if I could vote 4 times instead of 3. It's just not very good in comparison to all the other great games on that list.

>> No.3228053

heh, what happened to all those Flying Heart moefags?

>> No.3228072

Because it is awful compared to the others.

>> No.3228074

I wish I could downvote the same game 3 times.

>> No.3228078

I decided for:
Beat Blades Haruka
Gore Screaming Show
Ikusa Megami Zero
I could have voted for Baldr Sky, but I'm kind of hoping Yandere Translations will pick that one up instead.

>> No.3228087
File: 146 KB, 600x800, ing_chara02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inganock of the Brightest Blaze's main heroine.

Enuff said.

>> No.3228089

Being more civilized people than the kiddies spamming GSS, they probably come mostly from timezones in Europe, and so will probably be asleep right now.

>> No.3228091

Dude. It's too specific. Just imagine there was a VN with a lot of peeing fetish (Princess Lover, for example).

Sure pee lovers would be all over it, but everyone else wouldn't be interested at all.

>> No.3228095

>>your age
And what mite you think that is?

>> No.3228101

>Princess Lover

>> No.3228105

Because you have to be a "kiddie" to enjoy GSS, instead of whatever your VN of choice is, right? Get over yourself, douche.

>> No.3228106

Fuck that shitty game. I think it would be better to get the pee lovers behind Suigetsu, which is a MUCH better game and it still contains all the peeing they could ever want.

>> No.3228107
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090802212418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy you're piss

>> No.3228108

Like I said, the focus isn't really on gore. There's a lot of slice of life-y stuff in it, and some nice romance. It's also pretty creepy/scary, there aren't a lot of horror VNs translated.

>> No.3228121


>> No.3228128

Suigetsu has lots of peeing in it? Oh, I can now barely hold off my desire to play through it raw with my lowly grasp of the language, but I must resists, and work my way up on simple fapping games.

>> No.3228134

Whew, good thing I decided not to vote for it after all.

>> No.3228137

The scenario writer for the game (Tonoike Daisuke), while being (in my opinion) one of the best VN writers ever loves the peeing scenes. You'll find a number of them in Garden and Sakura Musubi too.

>> No.3228140

What's the matter, too insecure about your fetishes?

>> No.3228143

Been a long time since I played Suigetsu but I think only the fandisk had peeing.
I'm probably wrong though.

>> No.3228145

I think your troll detector is broken. I mean seriously, the whole Europe thing didn't tip you off at all?

>> No.3228147

Not a fan of them myself, but they hardly spoil the game. I suppose it's sort of like the Yukiuta writer and bath/shower H scenes.

>> No.3228155

I played through all the scenes a bit ago and counted a total of 5. I don't recall the fandisc (Mizukabe, right?) actually adding to this count though.

>> No.3228160

>>and so will probably be asleep right now.
Not for this UK fag.

>> No.3228166

Yeah I'm probably confusing the ero scenes, it's been so long.
Anyways it doesn't change the fact that Suigetsu is fucking great.

>> No.3228168

There seem to be a few people who have played Suigetsu in here, can I ask how hard the Japanese in it is? Say, compared to a game like Mei Shoujo, or the Japanese in kodomo-h games?

>> No.3228190

Sorry but I don't play that sort of eroge so I wouldn't know how difficult they are.
Anyways Suigetsu is fairly difficult if I remember correctly, lots of folklore with weird kanji so you should ready your dictionaries.
If you want to play it for the porn, don't, it's story oriented unlike what you may think, it's not a sex romp.

>> No.3228192

Much harder than those, but not all that hard as far as plot-oriented eroges go.

>> No.3228201

Suigetsu isn't all that difficult, but it sports some unusual kanji and the writer's style is fairly elegant/refined compared to what you might be used to.

>> No.3228233

Thank you, it sounds as tough as I heard, but I might give it a go some time reasonably soon then, playing with a dictionary should hopefully give me the +1 bonus to translation attempts that'll let me get something out of it. So long as the Japanese folklore isn't too obscure and I can find it on Japanese wiki if I realize somethings making a reference to it.

>If you want to play it for the porn, don't, it's story oriented unlike what you may think, it's not a sex romp.
I was aware of it being story orientated, that's one of the reasons I was hesitant. I gave those as examples as I've never felt confident enough to play any untranslated story based stories that I could use as examples.

>> No.3228293

>Possibility of getting licensed
>2. Giga!
What are they smoking? Giga licenses were a possibility 3 years ago. It's an impossibility now...

>> No.3228299

Keep voting for Himawari!

>> No.3228311

more votes for yosuga no sora

>> No.3228327

>What are they smoking? Giga licenses were a possibility 3 years ago. It's an impossibility now...

There was recent discussion between Jast and Giga

>> No.3228338
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Sekien no Inganock is for furries.

>> No.3228348
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>> No.3228350

And emo kids.

Downvote ASAP.

>> No.3228351

wait, we dont like catgirls here.

oh god where have I gone to.

>> No.3228365
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>> No.3228374
File: 94 KB, 600x450, ing_event11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I counter your nekomimi with lolis.

>> No.3228387
File: 86 KB, 600x450, ing_event10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet loli trapped in a isolated steampunk fantasy city.

>> No.3228393
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Sekien no Inganock has more furry h-scenes than loli

>> No.3228400
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Combo end.

We want one Liarsoft game translated, so let's go with Inganock of the Brightest Blaze.

>> No.3228405

It was all bullshit. Giga isn't going to be giving their latest franchise Baldr Sky to the foreign market anytime soon. Maybe in 5-7 years if you're lucky, and by that time I bet you there'll be some sort of "technical issue" popping up to hinder the deal. Just like Baldr Force.

>> No.3228421 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 600x450, ing_event15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Kordox's fan would be here. They'd love to see marionette heroine. Dolljoints + Loli > Furry.

>> No.3228426

Hi guys,

My friend pointed me to a boat plans site at:
<a href=http://www.myboatplans.com><b>Wood Boat Plans</b></a> & <a href=http://myboatplans.com><b>Free Boat Plans</b></a>

Has anyone built a boat using these plans?

How does it compare to buying one instead?


>> No.3228430
File: 101 KB, 600x450, ing_event07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat is fine too.

I mean, why not?

>> No.3228433

For the major contender, their openings.
Swan Song

Sekien no Inganock



Gore Screaming Show

Baldr Sky

Hoshizora no Memoria

Saihate no Ima

>> No.3228435

Fuck there are just too many I want to vote for.

This has got to be the oddest spam yet.

>> No.3228441

That's a pretty nice boat.

>> No.3228449

I'm looking for some VN with ACTION AND PORN ACTION AND PORN ACTION AND PORN exactly in this order. What should i play, /jp/? Japanese is not a problem to me.

>> No.3228452

Fuck off Raide.

>> No.3228456

Mindead Blood.

>> No.3228467
File: 110 KB, 600x450, ing_event16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heterochemic nekomimi and loli are best friend and you get to do both of them (unconfirmed lol)

Thanks for posting the OP video links.

>> No.3228474

All the boats of /jp/ are Nice Boats.

>> No.3228594

Downvote this shit, we need some real deal games!

>> No.3228622

Don't worry, furry stuff won't win. Not on my watch.

>> No.3228702
File: 102 KB, 600x450, ing_event02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The logic is:
1. Anything that is popular = sucks
2. Inganock contain some furry characters, so it'll be known as furry vn
3. It will never be popular at 4chan due its status, or being pretentious/DEEP in its presentation so most of the fans and anyone recommending it will be bashed
4. It'll never be popular, hence it will never be suck

Those who play it without much discrimination will find it a hidden gem. I think that's cool.

>> No.3228703
File: 87 KB, 790x590, 1232464828010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give Little Witch Romanesque more votes. ;_;


>> No.3228735

I refer you to >>3228452

>> No.3228736

On the contrary, popular games are usually good. Things like Shuffle! and Da Capo are actually rare exceptions to the rule.

The point is that things are popular for a reason.

>> No.3228752
File: 32 KB, 256x360, IO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inganock is not just furry, I've never heard of it before now. Should it get this many votes just because it's suddenly popular?

Vote I/O instead, it's from the same writer as Ever17.

>> No.3228761

I don't agree with Popular = Sucks.

And even if I did, your argument is invalid because it assumes that in order to suck the item in question must be popular. Thus by being unpopular something is incapable of sucking which of course is not true.

>> No.3228770

Both numbers are sufficiently near 0. If someone's playing Inganock for porn, they are seriously doing it wrong. Just about every eroge ever written, including all of the ones by Key are better for porn than Sekien no Inganock. There's even a few non-H VNs like Deathlori that are better for porn than Sekien no Inganock.

>> No.3228778

Hey VDZ, shouldn't you be editing Cross Channel instead of posting here?

>> No.3228796

First of all, I'm a QCer, not an editor. Secondly, no, I should be going to sleep instead.

>> No.3228799

Do you not understand sarcasm?

>> No.3228810

You've never heard of it before now because you're an underaged newfag and your first VN was probably Fate/stay Night.
Let's see, which is more well-known?
283 votes or NINE?
Heck, even if you add all of I/O PS2's votes to I/O's score, Inganock still has nearly 5 times as many.

Not to mention Inganock is actually a good game - that should matter at least a little, right?

>> No.3228824


>> No.3228858

>You agree with me, therefore your knowledge on VNs is very limited
Sorry, but no. First VN was Narcissu, by the way.

>Let's see, which is more well-known to the Japanese?
Well, I don't know. But I'm talking about the English VN community, which is currently voting here, you know, the community that never so much as mentioned the name Inganock.

>Not to mention that in my humble opinion, Inganock is actually a good game - that should matter at least a little, right?
It doesn't.

>> No.3228869


>> No.3228886

Ignanock is the gem of the list. All of the other popular candidates are likely to be done by others. With Yandere, just a little pressure, and we've got baldr. The community is very aware of Swan Song. Any profags know of Himawari. I/O already has small side discussions about being translated, and the last remaining, Memoria, isn't NEARLY as good as Inganock.

>> No.3228890

So you'd rather a popular game than a good game? Shit, you should have said so. I can bring up far more popular things than I/O that haven't got a translation.

Oh, and we've never even mentioned the word Inganock? Nice try, since I admit collectively our memory is pretty poor, but you forgot that we have an archive: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?task=search&ghost=&search_text=Inganock

This goes back quite a while. We've discussed it a lot more than I/O - in fact, we haven't discussed I/O much at all.

>> No.3228894

Holy shit. Both Yandere translations and amaterasu Transations are both doing polls? Which one has the most superior quality and speed? They are both fucking fast and good from what I've played but I want to put the VN's I really want to play on the one with better quality.

>> No.3228895

Go to bed, you pretentious, self righteous nuisance. Stop demoralizing support over a good game for your own personal tastes.

>> No.3228896

Saihate no IMA is safe because nobody else is hardcore enough to take it on.

>> No.3228905

Pardon me, I agree with this too. Although, I still think Inganock is a better game.

>> No.3228908

>>So you'd rather a popular game than a good game?

Good is entirely relative, and you make that sentence out to sound like popular = bad.

>> No.3228914

I'm pretty sure I'm actually one of like maybe two people here who have played I/O (PS2 version admittedly, but I don't think it's that much different, and besides, the PC version didn't exist at that point). It's definitely not well known.

>> No.3228932

More people should be voting for Saihate no IMA, there's still a chance of it being overtaken and pushed out.

>> No.3228937

Popular isn't bad at all; in fact, I wrote both these posts:
However, popular is not BETTER than good, and I think you'd be much better off going for good than popular.

>> No.3228947

>I/O already has small side discussions about being translated

Since when does anything like that ever come to fruition?

>> No.3228952

>>However, popular is not BETTER than good

I don't even understand what you're talking about. Something can be both popular and good.

>> No.3228954

Irrelevant because Sekien no Inganock is better AND more popular than I/O.

>> No.3228956

So is Never7 supposed to be better than Swan Song? If not, I don't see why everyone keeps down-voting Swan Song and ignoring the worse of the two.

>> No.3228976

No; it's just that nobody cares about Never7 so it's pointless downvoting it.

>> No.3228988

They should translate Silent Sinner in Blue and Silent Sinner in Blue 2, otherwise who gives a shit about anything else

>> No.3228991

I don't mean that 'popular _games_ are not better than good games' - I mean that, if you consider them in terms of independent variables, you'd probably be better off with a game that 50 people think is awesome than a game that 75 people think is okay.

>> No.3228997

I think you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.3229001

people just seem to be down voting whatever gets the most votes. GSS, Swan Song, etc. Which is irrelevant because the top 10 are going to be moving on.
I think you'd be better off with a game that 100 people think is bad, but you think is good.

>> No.3229002

If you could ask for anything I would be saying 'Translate Triangle Blue and Innocent Blue'.

>> No.3229017

What the heck is the original name of Triangle Blue anyway? I've typed every rendering of the name I can think of into EGS and haven't managed to return anything.

>> No.3229035

とらいあんぐる BLUE
I think.

>> No.3229056

Argh, fucking hiragana. Thanks.

>> No.3229131
File: 509 KB, 640x480, cross channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, I never claimed I/O to be popular. It was not released by KID, and therefore many people don't realize it's an infinity game. I only claim I/O to be good as it's written by the same person who also wrote Ever17 and Remember11. R11's translation hasn't finished yet, but Ever17 is generally very well-liked in the English VN community.

Also, for people who liked Cross Channel: CC's writer, Romeo Tanaka, also worked on I/O.

>> No.3229237

Too bad Ingarock is so superior, amirite?

>> No.3229246

I'm voting for Narcissu and Gore Screaming Show, what in this list is good for cryan/DEEPNESS/grim&dark for my final vote?

>> No.3229256

Baldr Sky.

Scifi, rape and gameplay.

>> No.3229272

Swan Song

>> No.3229274

Well, if you truly think Inganock is that amazing, you could vote for both Inganock and I/O, and we'll see in the final poll which game will win.

>> No.3229279

Swan Song:
>It is a snowing Christmas Eve… Everything seems so peaceful when a huge earthquake occurs. The earthquake causes the city to be in ruin, and the surviving people need to find ways to stay alive. Some go crazy and rob others, some cling onto God, some gather to live together. The 6 main characters meet at a church while they were trying to find shelter from the snow. What will they see and experience in this extreme situation…?
With Kira Kira writer.

>> No.3229283

Rather not waste my votes considering there's so many other things on the list better than I/O.

>> No.3229296

Waaay better than Kira Kira, and I liked Kira Kira.

>> No.3229313

Because I/O is stupid. Obsessed fanboy.

>> No.3229317

I don't think I/O is going to make it to the finals, man...

>> No.3229329

That's why you need to vote for it. No votes = no finals.

>> No.3229458

So here is the top 10, not including the few invalid votes, as of reply #91:

24 03: Sekien no Inganock
30 11: Swang Song
18 02: Baldr Sky Dive1
19 04: Hoshizora no Memoria
15 00: Himawari
13 01: RuiTomo
12 00: Never7 -the end of infinity-
21 10: Gore Screaming Show
10 00: Saihate no Ima
06 00: Air

>> No.3229480

Swan Song has a surprising amount of downvotes.

>> No.3229490

i'm perfectly ok if you guys decide to translate all of them in this order.

>> No.3229503

I think I'm the only one who voted Gunjou no Sora. Pity, looks pretty good but I don't have the courage to try to read it.

>> No.3229519


If it makes you feel any better, one other person did vote for it.

>> No.3229538

why does Sekien no Inganock have more votes than Shikkoku no Sharnoth. I thought we were all about moe Agatha Christie

>> No.3229519,1 [INTERNAL] 

Probably because it's full of emo material, and no indication of the usual moemoeshit if you look just from the surface of character design (similar to I/O somehow).

Poor Sir Romance tripfag, because all those Flyable Hearts rally turns out for naught. Hoshizora no Memoria turns out competitive.

>> No.3229560

I voted for it.

>> No.3229575

Probably because it looks to be full of emo material, and no indication of the usual moemoeshit if you evaluate just from the surface of character design (similar to I/O somehow).

Poor Sir Romance tripfag, because all those Flyable Hearts rally turns out for naught. Hoshizora no Memoria turns out competitive.

Because a new tlfag offers to translate Shikkoku no Sharnoth few days ago, those curious with Liar-soft games think it's much safer to bet everything on Sekien no Inganock. Some anon also said that the latter is better game overall.

Not much news from that tlfag these last few days, I'm afraid.

>> No.3229603

Which would be better a Baldr Sky and Swan Song translated by Yandere translations or amaterasu translations?

>> No.3229677

Yandere for Baldr Force
Amaterasu for SWAN SONG

>> No.3229681

Looks like SWAN SONG will win.

>> No.3229689

Either that or Gore Screaming Show.

>> No.3229691

Let me join in has well.

>> No.3229703

Its rather strange, I've been to that site maybe two times in the past month, well altogether two times even before this month. And yet it tried logging me into some email i havent used in fucking 3 years, i dont even know the password to that email. Something tells me I'm gonna get IP banned for making another account even though I'm positive I never made one before.

>> No.3229725

You're fine. You'll only get IP banned if you try to vote multiple times.

>> No.3229747


Ahh alright thanks. Oh well it wouldn't matter anyways, half the games on that list I wouldn't mind winning. Mainly the ones people are voting for

Also I love GSS guys, I really do, hell I've been uploading scenes to youtube for a week now from it. But I honestly hope it doesn't win, who the hell is voting for it? It CAN'T be people from /jp. Every time I mention the game here I get trolled horribly

>> No.3229751

I voted for it.

>> No.3229763

>I've been uploading scenes to youtube for a week now from it
I saw those. Hey Feni.

GSS is pretty popular in /jp/ among those who haven't read it. Most people who have read it think it's good but not great, and it's definitely not the best title in that list.

>> No.3229767

From what I've been counting (I've only been keeping tabs on Swan Song, Hoshizora no Memoria, and GSS) (Including minuses)
Swan Song 23 votes
Hoshizora no Memoria 18 votes
GSS 10 votes

>> No.3229771

I was actually thinking of going to the local library to vote again because I fucked up my original vote.....

>> No.3229784

Probably the guys from JAST USA's forum.
IIRC the various eroge communities across the net are:
Otakuism - loves dark games and black cyc stuff in general
Darktranslations - loves dark stuff
Animesuki - loves moe games
/jp/ - well I don't know what we love anymore
Gemot - loves loldeep games
lemmasoft - ???

>> No.3229788

I hope so. I'm interested in Swan Song but I didn't like Kira Kira that much.

>> No.3229789


Oh wow surprising someone here saw em, lol what's up.

But yeah what you just said is my feelings exactly, I love it and all but....just not worth it.

Swan Song looks amazing though, and /jp/ seems to like it so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.3229793

>/jp/ - well I don't know what we love anymore
We have a diverse taste and low everything when we don't troll it.

>> No.3229826

I think we like NTR. I saw a huge discussion of Triangle Blue and Innocent Blue a week or two ago.

>> No.3229834

Yeah and it's the reason why we can't win in any poll. ;_;

>> No.3229842
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 1251049482915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just assumed those were trolls, like the guy who keeps posting this picture

>> No.3229853


Who would frame a picture like that?

>> No.3229855

Which game is looking like it's going to win?

>> No.3229856

I saw a /jp/er go into /m/ trying to recruit some Baldr Sky votes... None of them except a few knew what the hell he was talking about. One said Baldr Force and MuvLuv was better.

>> No.3229858

It seems to be mostly the moefags who are downvoting Swan Song. Tasteless cunts.

>> No.3229860


lol nice one, can't unsee now

>> No.3229863

This is just preliminaries so 10 will win here.

>> No.3229870

come on /jp/ more Sharnoth votes!

>> No.3229875


Fuck, I forgot about that game. Oh well, I already voted.

>> No.3229881

It's nice to see that Hoshizora no Memoria and Swan Song will be making it for sure.

>> No.3229882

I have framed photos of ex girlfriends with other men all over my wall. Each afternoon I stare at the wall for two hours of meditation before I go out and hunt.

>> No.3229883
File: 137 KB, 800x600, cg311a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest assured at least one of them is not a troll, I like NTR. I'm not the one spamming that picture though. It's /jp/ fault I discovered NTR in the first place.

I don't remember a thread like that.

>> No.3229891

Swang Song
Baldr Sky Dive1
Gore Screaming Show
Are probably gonna be the semi-finalists. Baldr Sky and Swan Song will be completely dropped if Yandere's poll gets a yes for wither of them. I think in Yandere's poll Baldr is winning but I dunno.

>> No.3229901

>Swang Song
How do you keep making the same typo? Even if it's copy-pasted wouldn't you notice it by now?

>> No.3229914

They were talking about the endings for each of the routes I remember one guy mentioned about another NTR game where a doctor fucked the MC's girlfriend and has the girlfriend's sister who was saving her virginity for you was gangbanged.

>> No.3229928

At least I noticed.... After I hit the submit button..... I'm >>3229891

>> No.3229948

Wang Song

>> No.3229958

Stop it, you're killing me.

>> No.3229959

Not him but I know what thread he is speaking of.
After a while we started talking about NTR in general.

>> No.3230109

Someone should translate an NTR game, describe it as a bakappuru game or something and release it on April Fools. Watch the ensuing shitstorm.

>> No.3230169

Swan Song is being downvoted so much it might not even get into the finals

>> No.3230175


Are you serious? I need to re-check the forums then, last time I looked it was fine

>> No.3230207

I left it there for an hour or two and 3 pages happen? There are definitly extra accounts goin on. I'm gonna laugh when IP banning starts happening. Unless there under a proxy.... Besides I can't even get to the library until tomarrow to make my other account. Note: I'm >>3229771

>> No.3230220


Well I can only pray they find out who you are too and ban both your accounts.

>> No.3230224

sup proxy-using-Swan Song-downvoter guy

>> No.3230238

Man, Gore Screaming Show is a fucking tank.

>> No.3230242

I said I fucked up my original vote ;_;

>> No.3230259


>> No.3230266

Whats the stats now?

>> No.3230270


Swang Swon is at -15

>> No.3230290


Sorry chief, I voted up swan song.

>> No.3230291

Nah, it's more like at 17. Which is kinda fucked up since it has like 33 upvotes.

>> No.3230300

It's trendy to download Swan Song.

>> No.3230305 [DELETED] 

Nah, it's more like 17. Which is kinda fucked up since it has like 33 upvotes.

>> No.3230313

Stop blaming moefags for everything.
It's one of the rape/NTR guys.

>> No.3230336

Snazzy your a clever troll. Realized you messed up, so you edit, then re-edit to what you want claiming the first edit was a mistake. 7/10

>> No.3230341


>> No.3230345

IIRC Swan Song has rape.
Anyway based on the posts it looks like most of the people downvoting Swan Song also upvoted Inganock.
Someone must be organizing it from another forum.

>> No.3230350

Nah, I just F5'd, and his vote was the same before he edited it as it was now.

>> No.3230364

It's good to have friends~

>> No.3230372

I don't even know what the fuck Swan Song is but I just upvoted it to piss you off.

>> No.3230381

>Someone must be using proxies.

>> No.3230385

I don't get why people waste a vote on downvoting. Are there really not 3 games on that long list you have any interest in? It just seems rather spiteful.

>> No.3230389


>> No.3230397


That's because it is, I think they're doing it just to piss each other off. I did 3 up votes as well, Baldr, Gore, and Swan for me. Although I would have down voted I/O if I had seen this coming

>> No.3230413
File: 121 KB, 1440x900, Aqua02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Swan Song, Baldr Sky Dive1, and Himawari.

Oh yeah is Himawari the one with Aqua?

>> No.3230460


Nerds love to spite each other is my only guess. I didn't downvote anything because I'm not a prick.

>> No.3230764

Woah, Baldr is getting a lot of votes....

>> No.3230891


>> No.3231118

> Are there really not 3 games on that long list you have any interest in?

More like there are 53 games on the list I'm interested in and I don't want the 54th to win.

>> No.3231181

The poll may end tomorrow(around 12 pm pacific time) if there are no major changes

>> No.3231446


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>> No.3231446,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks Henry I'll check it out.

>> No.3231446,3 [INTERNAL] 

Nice boat plans.
