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3226741 No.3226741 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored and can't draw, so here's a writefag thread.

Make up random VN scenes or a paragraph of a story, it can be a short summary or you can writefag harder and come up with everything even the dialogue I don't care

>> No.3226744 [DELETED] 

I came buckets... NOT!

>> No.3226763


>> No.3226774

Who are you talking to, bro?

>> No.3226820


one day patchouli was reading in the library

she let out a fart and said mukyu at the same time to mask it

the end

>> No.3226821
File: 186 KB, 456x449, 1251219750123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitori Kawashiro is the shy kappa who also happens to be an engineering genius. While at Youkai Mountain demonstrating a new missile she's captured and wounded.

Her captors want her to assemble a missile for them but instead she creates an armored suit and a means to prevent her death from the shrapnel left in her chest by the attack. She uses the armored suit to escape.

Back in Gensokyo she announces her company will cease making weapons and he begins work on an updated armored suit only to find that Kanako Yasaka, second in command at Youkai Mountain has been selling Kappa weapons to hell's minions.

She uses her new suit to return to Youkai Mountain to destroy the arms and then to stop Kanako from misusing her research

>> No.3226830

Isn't writefaggotry banned?

>> No.3226835


>> No.3226870

Was there ever a VN where a character is drawing something or is writing in a diary all the time but they won't show it to you, then later you secretly look at it yourself or they show it to you and you discover that the canvas/pages they've been working on for ages are completely blank?

>> No.3226880

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.3226897
File: 259 KB, 1024x1024, baae3eda6ddf7d08cb036ce1b03c3a85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a bright sunny day and everyone was out enjoying themselves except for a young raiven-haired girl with big brown eyes that were filled with was sitting alone in her room hugging a pillow close to her body."Why? "she whisperd "Why did you leave me Inuyasha?" Her tears started rolling down her cheeks and she buryed her face in the pillow crying her heart to be told she knew perfectly why Inuyasha had left just didn't want to accept that he loved his job more than he loved her...if he loved her at last thought made her cried even -her silver-haired,amber-eyed half demon boyfriend...well,now loved him more than anything and thought he felt the same way but apparently he didn' that day Inuyasha had asked her to meet him at the park-her favourite place at this time of the she had got there she had seen him sitting on a bench away from had walked up to him and before she could even say "hi" he had blured out in one breath that he had gotten a very good offer from some company that needed young dancers for their new video and he was leaving for LA later that he had kissed her one last time and told her that it was over between before she could respond he was gone.

Kagome knew Inuyasha was a very talanted dancer and he had dreams of becoming one of the had no doubt he would succeed because she had seen him dance and Kagome herself was very good at unlike Inuyasha she did it just for also knew that he would do just about anything to reach his goal but this...to leave her like she was some toy that he got tired of!?

>> No.3226890

No, it always turns out to be how much they secretly lusted after you and wanted to suck your cock.

Sad really.

>> No.3226909
File: 377 KB, 1000x780, 6edad19418238aec5191592e91e392bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"God,how could he do this to me ?" she thought "He was my first love...and probably my only...my first everything..." Kagome's crying became louder but she didn't care.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Go away!" the girl cried.

"Kagome,it's open the door!" came the voice of another souded really worried and the last thing Kagome wanted was to cost trouble for her friend so she slowly got out of bed and opened the soon as the door cracked open in the room stormed a woman with long silky-looking blond hair and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes that were currently staring at the sobbing girl in front of her.

"N-Nira,what are..." Kagome couldn't finish as she collapsed in Nira's arms and continued crying until she fell before she drifted off completely the raiven-haired girl made a decesion."I have to forget about him...no matter how much it hurts or how much I love him,I have to move on with my life...just like Inuyasha has..." that was Kagome's last thought before she let tne darkness take her to the world of her dreams...a world where Inuyasha and her were together and happy.

>> No.3226915

lolwat seriously ?

>> No.3226916

That'd be quite the mindfuck and good for a yandere/yangire character, unless you know some way to spin it positively

>> No.3226921

Mokou started sniffing Kaguya's freshly pooped diaper.
And so she did so.

MEANWHILE Kaguya and Eirin were taking a bath in an onsen while Tewi and Reisen were forced to scrub every inch of them.
''Au au au!'' Screeched Reisen.
''Au au au!'' Screeched Tewi.
And then Eirin gave them dicks and they fucked.

>> No.3226922

Silly little black girl, that's not Inuyasha. That's Canada.

>> No.3226923

There was trouble in Gensokyo. Reimu went around beating up people and youkai. Afterward, everyone went to the shrine and had tea. Reimu had to clean up the mess they left. She was still broke.

The End.

>> No.3227550

"I knew you'd have trouble sleeping", he said without facing her, his attention focused on the boiling device in front of him.
After a brief pause, she said the first thing to pass through her head. "How did you know I was here?".
"You walked. The wooden deck knew you walked." Turning around with a beaten mug in his hand, he continued. "This ship is an extension of me, you're basically stepping on me".
She knew he was messing with her, the boards probably creaked and moved the small airship. Extending her hand, she received the smelly hot mug. Breathing in, she perceived herbs, spices and too many things to know what was really in it.
"Poison." She declared.
"Tea." He corrected. "Nothing too fancy, just to keep you warm."
A cautious sip was enough to pull her in. She hadn't had a chance to taste such a tea before, back home. Taking care to not burn her tongue, she kept drinking excitedly.
"You need something rocking the ground." He stated as he checked some nearby ropes.
"What?" It was only a brief stop before she kept chugging the sweet drink.
"Why you couldn't sleep. You have lived all your life on top of that beast, and your body is used to its movement." He mimicked the slow and massive steps as he explained. "Being static is driving your body crazy."
"That 'beast' has a name," she didn't bother to look up, gazing at the almost empty mug. "He's called Bruno. Remember that."

>> No.3227580

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
It's not a new idea, but it could work with a good character and setting.

>> No.3227596

poolshmer bro

>> No.3229741

