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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3226686 No.3226686 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is full of touhou today

>> No.3226696

like every day

>> No.3226701

/jp/ is full of touhou everyday

>> No.3226703

When is /jp/ not full of Touhou?

>> No.3226702

/jp/ Touhou/VN

>> No.3226724

/jp/ was full of touhou before it was even made.

>> No.3226729

what about pooshlmer or whatever its called? i thought touhous left jp for that.

>> No.3226732

I would ask moot for a Touhou board but he probably hates Touhou.

>> No.3226740

this is the touhou board.

>> No.3226745
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>> No.3226747

Even if he likes it he wouldn't.

>> No.3226749
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Where else would they post the Touhou, bro?

>> No.3226750

/jp/ is full of Touhou and Umineko

>> No.3226754

what the fuck is touhou?
i've been in this board for two weeks and I've seen people talk about it all the time, could somebody explain it to me?

>> No.3226762

It's like Twilight with lolis.

>> No.3226770

Sure! There are these 7 dolls, and they are trying to steal each other's precious things to become Alice. That is Touhou.

>> No.3226778

And more sparkles.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.3226779

/jp/ is Touhou, always was and always will be. It was created to rid /a/ of Touhou and other weeaboo shit that moot didn't want there.

>> No.3226799

>rid /a/ of (...) weeaboo shit

Gee, that sure had a chance to succeed.

>> No.3226804

Hell, it didn't even get rid of all of the Touhou.

>> No.3226831

Or type moon.

>> No.3226845

Touhou's in her /jp/, all's right with the world.

>> No.3226876
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a game. with extensive range of lolis.

You are confusing touhou with umineko ;)

>> No.3226886

Let's not ruin the thread with trolling

>> No.3226887


Proof that moot is a faggot who can't even accomplish the shitty, useless goals that he sets out with.

>> No.3226908

it's funny how he wanted /a/ to be anime/manga again and it's pretty much /b/ right now

>> No.3226914
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>> No.3226945

Even ALTERNATIVE said everywhere on 4chan is shitty.

>> No.3226952

I just went there thanks to you. Akinator + waifu thread, nightmare fuel thread, "how attractive you are" thread, AMV thread, feminist thread, Yotsubato thread, Real Drive thread, Asuka thread, Onani Master Kurosawa roulette (what) thread. Oh well.

At least someone was saying how we all should rewatch Seto no Hanayome, and that's a good thing.

>> No.3226964

/a/ is shit because it has no mods or janitors. The only thing that gets deleted there is the occasional CP post.

>> No.3226965

>feminist thread


>> No.3226966

That's nothing
There was a camwhoring thread the other day 200 serious replies

>> No.3226985

you got to be shitting me.

>> No.3226991
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>Onani Master Kurosawa roulette

>> No.3226993

They even posted pictures of themselves cosplaying
I'd try to find it in the /a/rchive but search is broken.

>> No.3226994

fuck you

>> No.3226995

It had mods and janitors during the Geass summer. That sure made it better.

>> No.3227008

I'm just saying. If they actually had janitors who seemed to give as much of a shit as /jp/'s does, it would be infinitely more bearable.

>> No.3227033
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>It had mods and janitors during the Geass summer.
I didn't notice during the 10 pages of chess spam.

>> No.3227038

/jp/'s one janitor does a pretty fucking awesome job.

Deletes shitty threads and laps up the delicious tears of 3D/Idol/Japan fags.

>> No.3227059

You were concentrating too much on Geass threads, then. If you were following other series, you'd notice how frequently threads miraculously dissapeared.

>> No.3227080

If there is too much spam and no janitor is around you can go get on IRC and ask moderates to delete spam.

>> No.3227083

You know he did change the name of /tg/ to touhougames for a few hours because he was tired of people (see: same two faggots) bitching about it being there.

>> No.3227089

But the mods that go on the IRC channel aren't very good people.

>> No.3227104

It's not even funny how moot geniunely failed with reforming /a/. They still have touhou and VN threads which are shit quality, because they ooze from low powerlevel.

>> No.3227113

Why are you jacking off the janitor? He does a terrible job; tripfaggotry, Type-Moon power level discussions, Cirno BAKABAKA KoG threads, Umineko "which mom do you want to impregnate threads," embarassingly bad fanfiction threads, idol threads and trolling go undeleted - often for threads in excess of 100 posts, while NEET threads get deleted.

I hope Moot cans him.

>> No.3227117

2 days /jp/ had 20 dawson spam threads, i went on IRC and pmed Alternative to do something, he instantly went here and took care of it.
He even said i can ask other for help if he is not around, my faith in Moderators went up because of that.

>> No.3227126

around the c76 was the point i noticed a huge amount of touhou/umineko in both /a/ and /v/, which make me rage.

>> No.3227140

I was following you, but not agreeing, until

>while NEET threads get deleted.

Thank fucking god. If I see one more "piss on the floor" thread, I swear I'll go to a frat party.

Well, that's respectable. Maybe they aren't such bad folks, after all.

>> No.3227145

Really now. as long that it isn't aginst the rules he has no reason to delete a thread.
besides, stop being content nazi, if people are enjoying a thread and you don't like it, then hide it.

>> No.3227157

And your opinion is rendered meaningless from the fact that you claim to be sexually experienced, would consider going outside and because you're a tripfag attention whore.

Get out, and don't come back until you're unemployed, not in school and have forsaken your vain, ritualistic fetishization of the toilet.

>> No.3227163

Hell, guys, there's even a metathread on the first page. Our janitor is not doing his job today.
