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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 185 KB, 882x800, djt-rtk-easymodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32249975 No.32249975 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>32221151 (#2646)
>>32195104 (#2645)

>> No.32250196

My autism is satisfied

>> No.32250243

i like it

>> No.32250541

Opening/closing 日(ヒ) is possible. Opening/closing 見 is...

>> No.32250730

I higly underestimated the amount of alt+tab for Dictionary use when playing Witcher 3, anyone else had trouble with this? for what its worth it does feel like playing an RPG novel, but I miss a whole lot of words when characters speak of names/locations faster than I can read them

>> No.32250791

jesus why would anyone ever subject themselves to this. the full 4 minute version below is even worse lol

>> No.32250827
File: 45 KB, 638x638, Returns_to_Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32250840

dont learn japanese bros youll end up like this

>> No.32250906

that pellet clip was pretty fucked up, not gonna be looking at any other stuff in that thread lol

>> No.32250927

based youtuber fuck ccp

>> No.32250987

@jamal アイマスク isnt atamadaka
even more proof that you cant acquire pitch without studying a bit of it

>> No.32251044



>> No.32251074

why does djt hate shinsekai yori

>> No.32251119




>> No.32251258

wanna put all the resident scumbag trips through that pellet gun treatment man oh man would it be nice (minus fucking them at the end)

>> No.32251570

remember that you don't need to sound like a native when speaking japanese in order to fluent

>> No.32252220

looks like shit

>> No.32252248

this is actually pretty nice, why did redditors meme it?

>> No.32252511

i've learned from reading japanese news that lots of bad things happen in bathrooms and playgrounds

>> No.32252625

no big change i wager

>> No.32252691

sometimes you gotta relax and listen to mellow songs bro

>> No.32252860


>> No.32252935

why are you talking about yourself

>> No.32253028
File: 179 KB, 1024x1146, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? he turned her down before and told her he loved emelia.

>> No.32253161

qm has probably not even immersed outside anki since the first date with that girl

>> No.32253193

if you allow me to cope for a month

>> No.32253265

so by learning japanese i've effectively locked myself out of over 90% of viable partners.
just great.

>> No.32253386
File: 38 KB, 320x340, 1504025252927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you
i have a few more groundbreaking ideas, hope to implement them soon
>all the goats
that's a good thing because less size > more size

>> No.32253406
File: 217 KB, 1422x789, 7046357_ext_col_03_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only date onna geinin
jk but i bet the girls im gonna date in japan will look similar to many of them

>> No.32253453


>> No.32253535


it still saves space if you convert without compressing unless the image is very small already. the addon will also resize for you which I found nice (since anki won't display your image in full size anyway)

>> No.32253586


just checking, with this is it possible to say "paste my image but don't process it"? like when I take a small screencap using sharex and it already converted it to webp

>> No.32253767


fair enough, I'll test if it works
it's just that it takes time to convert so I try to avoid converting twice
I don't take those screencaps that often instead of just dragging the image, but sometimes it's necessary because I only want a small part of an otherwise unrelated image

>> No.32253865

lossy -> lossless has artifact loss

>> No.32253919

as usual nobody gave a shit about my japanese-spanish puns

>> No.32254120

u need the original blu ray or remux source in order to truly make high quality anime cards

>> No.32254334

dont use spyware wouldnt know

>> No.32254344

That better not be a chink font bro

>> No.32254683


>> No.32254693


>> No.32254708
File: 144 KB, 512x512, illust_224232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes honey.

its epson

Thanks bro

cause I already have a deck to 書き取る and mining deck is to review while i'm laying down or pooping. But you have a good point

>> No.32255352

laugh all you want if the dude is really a GoM he probably has much higher IQ than the retards here....

>> No.32255391
File: 32 KB, 370x536, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32255760

iraqis have the highest iq

>> No.32255814

just feel it out bro

>> No.32255827

he was bullshitting

>> No.32256060

stop bullying the memory kid

>> No.32256278

what should i read to fully master the keigo
rarely ever see it being used at all in the stuff i consume

>> No.32256294

i can read this but if i heard it in an anime i guarantee i wouldn't understand it.

>> No.32256388

no it's a bad idea, memorizing things for sole purpose of memorizing them isn't going to get you anywhere in life. i guess it's true that having a good memory doesn't make you smart lol or else you'd already know this

hell you won't even know any japanese if you do this, just a bunch of useless english keywords. you're better off learning all the pokemon!

if you're actually interested in learning japanese, since this is literally the subreddit for that, then just learn japanese. apply you autistic palace to some core vocab deck or try reading a damn visual novel with a dictionary

>> No.32256533

yeah i mean at the end of the day they're nukige with plot
but in 3 there's a lot more focus on the plot and it's good stuff

>> No.32256766

sometimes when i read these meido doujins i wonder if id be able to secretly fuck my servants had i been born 150 years cop a feel while theyre feeding me grapes or something lol

>> No.32256912

raw meat is kinda hard on my stomach but probably safe in america, my brother is a body builder and he eats meat mostly raw including ground beef (just sears the outside)

>> No.32256981

speaking about raw meat i want to try 馬刺し

>> No.32257066

>westerner eats raw meat
haha such an idiot weirdo wtf
>asian eats raw meat/fish
omg so sophisticated, we have so much to learn from them

>> No.32257164

literally no carnivore does this, it's not needed

>> No.32257523
File: 183 KB, 2048x1451, 1610480687602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any telegram japanese learning related channels?

>> No.32257697

Always try to convert abstract information (like names) into pictures. The brain loves images, but hates abstract info like names and numbers. The next time you meet someone, try to associate an image to their name! For example, when someone introduces himself as Stephen, try imagining (Step)ping on his face (although that's pretty brutal yikes). The next time you meet him, you may not remember the name, but you'll remember an image where you're actively stepping on his face, then you'll remember his name is Stephen! The brain is weird like that.

>> No.32257763

now go try learn japanese for a few months at least
have you read the ajatt table of contents? no joke there is pretty much only solid advice on there
its all you need really

>> No.32257921

i said i dont think most japanese people can read 祠 and people here said i was retarded and i asked my exgf and she couldnt read it
i still think that's true. unless youre playing zelda it's not that common to see it

>> No.32257969

looks like a virus link

>> No.32257970 [SPOILER] 
File: 546 KB, 761x1026, 1610745865711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh card!

>> No.32258293

祠 is a good iq test for natives

>> No.32258344

idk ask this guy he made it >>32257808

>> No.32258363

fyi its not necessary to say that every time you dont click a link

>> No.32258509

if a white girl does it then yeah
in the way people look at dogs and call them cute for doing something stupid like get its head stuck

>> No.32258513


>> No.32258961


>> No.32259111
File: 868 KB, 1920x1080, 0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32259303

it just means she looks stupid

>> No.32259923

okay probably retarded question but what's going on with the はずさ in this sentence?
外す with a sentence ending さ at the end? yomichan's telling me it's 恥ずさ but i don't think that makes much sense

>> No.32259928

lets fucking gooooooo

>> No.32259951

筈 + さ

>> No.32259955

read more

>> No.32259963


>> No.32259979

thank you

>> No.32260050


>> No.32260054

dunno whats comical about offering someone a drink

>> No.32260638

i'm slightly drunk and don't know what this post is trying to express but i feel like i wouldn't get it in a 素面 state either

>> No.32261020


>> No.32261066

two 勝手にs so far

>> No.32261082

read kachite like 20 times in a few hours when i played ever17

>> No.32261106

been finding myself misreading kachite recently till the lightbulb goes off

>> No.32261119

youtube has lots of disjointed shit but you can also import books marketed to native adults for 美文字 or w/e

>> No.32261146

used to misread it as aite

>> No.32261151


>> No.32261373

didn't she sing that one song for that one goat show?

>> No.32261385
File: 524 KB, 1536x1536, 20210115_182751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32261413


>> No.32261416


>> No.32261441

lets see jamals migiharai

>> No.32261931


>> No.32261935


>> No.32262054

what the actual fuck is this post lol

>> No.32262143




言 (say) + 羊 (sheep) + 我 (we)

>> No.32262173

no there isn't
you should read and watch more and don't worry about stupid shit like radicals

>> No.32262180

no idea what a radical is try reading more

>> No.32262256
File: 5 KB, 192x66, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate this guy
I fucking hate this guy with every fiber of my being
I wish I could stab him, strangle him with his keyboards cable, rip his eyes and make him eat them

You humongous attenthionwhore
You are not studying
You are not smart
You are not gonna make it
You are a fucking holonigger attentionwhore


>> No.32262264

no takesies backsies

>> No.32262278

take ur meds

>> No.32262279

whats your problem?

>> No.32262318

the 議 in 議論
you'll get used to seeing them just by looking at them, there are a lot of kanji out there

>> No.32262401

>硝 is a joyo kanji
>嘘 isn't

>> No.32262421

i found the first season extremely boring
ok show just very boring
idk if the second season is any better

>> No.32262469

how long would it take me to learn enough about shogi for the game scenes to not be boring as shit

>> No.32262537

the definitions in the japanese one arent even that long lol 99% of that is examples which are obviously way more helpful for getting the feel than those shitty english translations

>> No.32262543

not really equivalent since the average person has enough preexisting general knowledge to get the general gist of whats going on in shows like that or at least to be able to understand the exposition. if u dont know anything about shogi u cant understand literally anything about those scenes.

>> No.32262560

also to be clear, such a thing doesn't exist, you'd have to make it if you want it. but like I said if you've made it all the way through KD then you'll be able to figure it out for other kanji that aren't in it

>> No.32262617

what iq do i need be at to understand japanese onomatopoeia

>> No.32262672

you just need to have been exposed to the japanese sound system for long enough for them to make sense by themselves. it's not something you can anki so dont worry about it

>> No.32262689

mined 背に腹は代えられない
can you guess what it means?

>> No.32262703

i already know what it means

>> No.32262730
File: 345 KB, 1024x576, 1640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great 喩え

>> No.32262886

yeah seen it a million times

>> No.32262958

thought you werent going to read it

>> No.32263003

wait til you check an eng dic one day and the def is completely wrong

>> No.32263080

yahari bros my konomi are elfs

>> No.32263090

name ONE

>> No.32263091

yaku ni
yaku ni tachi
yaku ni tachi dess
yaku ni tachi dess

>> No.32263140

just read manga to pick them up
etc they use them all the time as sfx

>> No.32263147

never happened never will

>> No.32263254

the one you linked is essentially wrong since its missing the
(一)[0][4] 本来の起因を追求し、指摘することを表わす。
definition. the "whatever (is the matter)" which is already weird is clearly for 一体全体

>> No.32263287


>> No.32263297

you got it wrong nigga it's yama ni tachi masu

>> No.32263310

should i watch utena

>> No.32263328

mined 前人未到
wonder if this can apply to women

>> No.32263345

is it smart to use jp dic for words like 根幹 and 根拠
can't tell the difference in meaning between these two

>> No.32263371

if you exclusively use JP > JP dictionaries you're a fucking retard and you're wasting precious time that could be used to immerse

JP > English dic
[1] Orange (fruit, colour)

JP > JP dic
[1] A round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind.
[2] The leathery-leaved evergreen tree that bears the orange, native to warm regions of South and Southeast Asia. Oranges are a major commercial crop in many warm regions of the world.
[3] A globose berry with a yellowish to reddish-orange rind and a sweet edible pulp
[4] Any of various small evergreen citrus trees (genus Citrus) with glossy ovate leaves, hard yellow wood, fragrant white flowers, and fruits that are oranges

>> No.32263405

if you look that word up at all you are a fucking retard

>> No.32263411

disingenuous and dishonest post, shameful really

>> No.32263455


>> No.32263533
File: 10 KB, 212x219, callin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna make it like jamal with my crypto shit

>> No.32263571

konkyo is basis in the "proof" sense

>> No.32263582


>> No.32264077

for me its the kuso atusi one

>> No.32264104

umineko had a few issues in the later answer arc, but was mostly amazing. ciconia is where he really shit the bed

>> No.32264116
File: 458 KB, 449x542, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember the truth about open borders...

>> No.32264134
File: 386 KB, 600x564, 2bf1400145f3f9be146511bb5127445a_600-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished core 3k and started mining my own words
should I be mining stuff like 御託?
sounds like something I would want to know, but it being ranked 25048 in my frequency list makes it scary
what if I'm mining a useless word

>> No.32264211

every western youtuber does many cuts even in english

>> No.32264268
File: 667 KB, 1280x720, 1588534135304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did the time fuckin go bros

oh right i spent it shitposting on 4chan for 10 years straight haha

>> No.32264272


1) if I don't see english words my eye will go to the picture instead, which is good for avoiding translating the word. I don't need the definition unless I fail it, and then it's fine to take my time
2) english dictionaries often miss details, the importance of which varies. here's a recent example that's very minor but still shows a difference:
abandoned mine
disused mine

going by the english definition you would think 廃坑 and 廃鉱 have no differences

>> No.32264321


if you encountered it in the material you're interested in it's not useless, don't mine from dictionaries or something though

>> No.32264374

do you think moot ever feels guilty about creating a site that has done nothing but make people even more miserable than they already were

>> No.32264399


>> No.32264431

you're right but ur example is kinda shit cause the difference between those words is exceedingly obvious even if u just used an en dictionary since 坑 and 鉱 are commonly used in other words

>> No.32264457

theres no useless words below 50k

>> No.32264557
File: 19 KB, 225x757, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also here's that frequency range in English, from the first list I found on google (wikipedia)

>> No.32264614

im here from the hololive thread
where is the core 2.3k deck

>> No.32264692

know all of them but didnt know what the fuck a bestest was for a second lmfao

>> No.32264720


apparently that list is from TV/moves, it's just linked on wikipedia

>> No.32264723
File: 1.83 MB, 640x360, 1610643576763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatre you talking about this is higurashis peak

>> No.32264746

her japanese is better

>> No.32264797

wow what a gay language

>> No.32264860

>vtuber subhuman bullshit trash
doesn't count

>> No.32264985

i clicked that shit and it was literally a 'girl' squealing

>> No.32265013

Is there any method to use Anki on an iPhone/iPad? What about switching it back and forth between devices?

>> No.32265038

see me after class

>> No.32265043

finna crush pathetic holotards with my giant cock

>> No.32265058

vtubers are aight emersion but imagine watching english vtubers lmfao

>> No.32266044

i repped another 10 cards before you read the jp def

>> No.32266158

dont read the jj definition though btw

>> No.32266193


>> No.32266321

just use a picture, a picture says a thousand words

>> No.32266349

show me your picture for 直訴

>> No.32266590

guess people get the chink jp subs from bangumi.moe

>> No.32266669

i mean i do that too
i was just talking about the glossary field
i only leave that empty for animals and things like 篝火 for example

>> No.32266717

would fuck

>> No.32267023


>> No.32267062
File: 378 KB, 900x1200, ayaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, do you use vpn to watch japanese content and post in japanese boards? im thinking about nord vpn but im not sure, i guess it should be fast bc of streaming

>> No.32267109

does anyone know a browser extension where you can easily take the audio from a section of a Youtube video and turn it into an mp3 file? or, better yet, one where you can take the audio and directly (or with as little indirectness as possible) add it to an anki card?

>> No.32267182

crazy how you can memorize thousands of rare japanese words and kanji and still not know japanese as well as a native 5 year old who can barely read hiragana

>> No.32267392

It's almost like the common words are more useful than the rare ones.

>> No.32267617

hate this
you have to buy a vpn so you can buy a subscription and watch what that service locks from you
at this points you might as well just get the vpn and pirate the stuff

>> No.32267815

not really bc it is a well made childrens show tho its still very weird to actively be a fan it as a man

>> No.32267841

this is on /jp/ meme i wont be missing. glad it will be dead soon

>> No.32267919

it should be
>To whom are you quoting?
if your going to use capital letters and punctuation get the grammar right

>> No.32267955

retarded higurashi blogposter hope u get hung from a tree

>> No.32267975

but at least it works when it is cold tea

>> No.32267988

wouldnt be surprised if they put sake, mirin, sugar, onions sauce and miso into their tea.

>> No.32268017

shit i wish i cared enough for it to depress me lmfao at least its more eventful than the first half of the season

>> No.32268118

def miso or shouyu

>> No.32268137

Greentexting is more annoying.

>> No.32268154

lol imagine doing core to 6k ahahahhahahahaha ngmi

>> No.32268155

i unironically watched that vid when it came out

>> No.32268157

you don't belong here. higurashi is sitewide culture heritage.

>> No.32268241

everyone who made it did core 6k

>> No.32268247

no its not

>> No.32268351

>accidentally set random order of new cards to ALL DECKS instead of a single one in Anki
Can I go "reset" a single week of progress in this piece of shit software? Like, going back in time.

>> No.32268423


You're also wrong, you quote something FROM someone if anything. Although, you could quote TO someone, no one would read that sentence that way, and I'm not sure if it's grammatical or not anyhow.

>> No.32268463
File: 2.98 MB, 3628x2162, IMG_20210115_200759590~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kachite ni shiyagare?!?

>> No.32268562

you mean 10k

>> No.32268683

i could literally drop you to the ground in agony with 1 calf kick

>> No.32268876

will you teach me

>> No.32269103

Oh, I really have backups. I think this is set up by default. Thanks.

>> No.32269105

if you're just fat and the same height you'd get btfod i was more referring to weight difference as result of height and/or muscle mass, though a calf kick by someone who is decent will basically incapacitate almost any untrained person instantly. people dont get how much those hurt if u arent conditioned to them.

>> No.32269162
File: 38 KB, 512x329, a3f6448e4d93fabed6e9a1f40d1bb8f6e8b10849r1-1080-694v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its weird when you see that rare japanese that looks good with blond hair. from afar they almost look white

>> No.32269177

post videos from ur recommended that you're never going to watch

>> No.32269253

had this exact one too and didnt watch it.

>> No.32269336

based takumi

>> No.32269466


>> No.32269481

that wouldnt 通用 against me because you would hit just straight fat

>> No.32269547

shes probably finnish

>> No.32269633


imagine logging into youtube

>> No.32269668

she's not, that's dream ami and she's 100% nihonjin. bet she has pink ちくび

>> No.32269756


>> No.32269775


>> No.32269811


wow great tag

>> No.32269827


>> No.32269853

uuaaaaa my dopmaineee

>> No.32269854


>> No.32269885

>immediately taken over by white pigs
i hate twitter

>> No.32269897

how else are you gonna debate in the ytb comments though

>> No.32269905

any good podcasts or other audio ways to learn japanese? I do a lot of road trips and backpacking, lots of time to just listen to stuff

>> No.32269941

can someone translate this video

>> No.32269945

i dont aim for anything but i usually end up with 0-15

>> No.32269963


>> No.32269971

5 or less if i wanted more i'd have to read shit i don't care about

>> No.32269972

good for nothing Noblemen

>> No.32269996

made one just so i can like and comment on every video of my oshi and feed the youtube algo

>> No.32270013


>> No.32270047

who is it

>> No.32270053


>> No.32270095

thanks i asked for that yesterday

>> No.32270103


>> No.32270139
File: 311 KB, 1408x795, t3_571s4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32270186

a throw in a chink and its a perfect representation of djt

>> No.32270215

at least its a kitunekko

>> No.32270302

acquired ユダヤ人

>> No.32270346


>> No.32270364

been banging since yesterday

>> No.32270383

hate to see it

>> No.32270396


>> No.32270475

the anime version is better

>> No.32270555

why aren't they wearing masks?

>> No.32270558


>> No.32270568

if lazy studios wont pay their lazy animators to animate the full song, im not gonna apologize

>> No.32270730




>> No.32271088
File: 326 KB, 1280x720, ドラゴンボール超 第077話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32271304

because you dont learn japanese to watch anime
that shit gets subbed in an hour after release

>> No.32271827

never watched fate zero never will

>> No.32271851


>> No.32271877

watched it with jp subs
might rewatch it raw one day

>> No.32271948

thats right i dont watch shit anime

>> No.32271953



>> No.32272015

i already made it

>> No.32272033

think i need to get to 15k words b4 i try anime without subs

>> No.32272115

dont mine anymore and hitting more read characters than ever before proof anki is just a cope

>> No.32272136

anki is just for getting extra input retard

>> No.32272164

anki is good in the beginning and for rare word autism
for everything else it's pointless if you just read

>> No.32272167

id know more japanese if i dropped anki but i cant stop making anime cards send help

>> No.32272203

where to get good children’s lit in japanese

>> No.32272221

dont fall for ogs bullshit

>> No.32272248

making anime cards is pretty fun putting them together is like a crafts project

>> No.32272318

but there are words like 唸り声 that i can't seem to remember the reading no matter how many times i come across it

>> No.32272337

that was og? i’ve heard jamal say similar things

>> No.32272357

it means growling faggot

>> No.32272373

unarigoe see i did it so you can do it as well just read more

>> No.32272447

nice google faggot

>> No.32272488

how many japanese children’s books have you read

>> No.32272580

words in books never come up in real life

>> No.32272602

about 20

>> No.32272617

you dont know japanese og

>> No.32272642

they do if they’re children’s books or slice of life manga

>> No.32272644

yes i do ive been learning longer than u have wtf

>> No.32272860
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

children’s books are 子供向け and contain the basics of the language which most natives will use in daily life without focus on obscure words and kanji

>> No.32272870

you may have spent more time """learning"""
but you havent spent more time acquiring

>> No.32272910

>> No.32272913

basic enough that ppl never speak lke that so why learn it

>> No.32272935

just read is a meme

go fuck yourself

>> No.32272940

who the f says ため息 irl

>> No.32272945

you gave away that you clearly don't know japanese. nice self-own

>> No.32272955

those mojis are cute

>> No.32272993

still know more than u

>> No.32272999

not it's not

kill yourself

>> No.32273008

because more advanced speech builds from it retard

>> No.32273009

clearly not because you don't even have a gradeschool understanding

>> No.32273012


>> No.32273060

i know how to read the books 4 little retards but i dont need to

>> No.32273347


>> No.32274092


>> No.32274297

this is not a sentence

>> No.32274446


you got brainwashed by two jews matt and krashen

anki is great for retaining the words you encounter in immersion

most of us aren't doing japanese all day so anki is the glue that keeps it all together

go fuck yourself

>> No.32274667

you are n5 retarded faggot go back to r learn japanese

>> No.32274713

i'm conflicted

i like play ff7 and mine from it but i feel like i'm fucking myself over since it's unvoiced

>> No.32274748

man college really is a scam

>> No.32274871

u can complete genki in less than a week (all 3books)

>> No.32275054

imagine spending 3 years on nihongo courses and still still buying more beginner materials instead of reading more

>> No.32275179



>> No.32275414

>大麻「使用」に罰則 検討へ
good stamp out degeneracy

>> No.32275735

at what amount of mined words did you find you didn't have to look up that many things up?
