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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 434x439, kanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3223524 No.3223524 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /jp/, can you help a novice out? I can't for the life of me figure out what this second kanji is. Please forgive my horrible writing skills, and know that it is for a noble cause.

>> No.3223525


>> No.3223527

Whole thing translates as "the pleasure of being cummed inside".

>> No.3223531
File: 78 KB, 1000x708, 12abb7d1ce8cec01fc7796011da74f85e05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant to my interest

>> No.3223533

Yep. That is most definitely what it should look like when not written by a douchebag.
Please don't bring your personal expertise in on this. It's a work-related matter.

>> No.3223534

thumbnail looks like the twin towers burning

>> No.3223536
File: 30 KB, 486x332, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being cummed inside really all that pleasurable?

>> No.3223537


Why the hell are you coming to 4chan for help for your job? You deserve whatever retarded answers you get.

>> No.3223539


Singularly its construct, if I'm reading it correctly.

>> No.3223540

Yo mama.

>> No.3223543
File: 29 KB, 346x345, bawww1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3223544


pronounced as either こう or かま, depending on grouping.

>> No.3223548

Get Rikaichan

>> No.3223552

AAAAAANNYYYYYYYYYYWAY... To get back on track, this is for a vn translation that some people on 4chan might actually benefit from if we ever get it done.
If you can type it, you can tell me how to pronounce it. I will gratefully take it from there.

>> No.3223555


>> No.3223565

Thanks! Anon usually delivers, despite what anon usually says to the contrary!

>> No.3223564

how can you translate anything if you dont even know how to read or pronounce this?

>> No.3223571

Dahahah! I knew it'd be something simple like that. I actually speak a lot of Japanese, which combined with a lot of hard work is usually enough to get me by, but I'm still a novice at kanji!

>> No.3223576

Stop translating. NOW.

>> No.3223579


In all seriousness, its a pretty common phrase, so maybe you should do a bit more study before undertaking an ambitious project.

>> No.3223589

people enroll into beginners japanese 101 and all of a sudden think they can translate anything...

>> No.3223590


I'm learning by translating manga with furigana, taking gigantic leaps with a language is really stupid.

>> No.3223591

Someone kill this guy and take over the project.

>> No.3223601

You ain't learning shit.

>> No.3223606


I'm learning more than I would without study, or by jumping too far in. Please don't be too quick to judge, Anon.

>> No.3223614


Give him a break, he's ausfailian. Anything more than killing abbies is like quantum theory to them.

>> No.3223625

It's a very common phrase, but this was the first time I'd ever seen it written in kanji.

>> No.3223631

Then stop translating until these things are no longer new to you. Seriously. The finished product is likely to be much better.

>> No.3223638
File: 160 KB, 806x625, ufb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could translate eroge with lots of furigana too

probably be even easier

>> No.3223645


Except I can translate manga on the train and the like, Eroge require some form of tact.

>> No.3223649

You could have just used JDIC and saved yourself the humiliation.

>> No.3223698

hahaha oh wow.
