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3217908 No.3217908 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any difference at all between a VN and a dating sim? If so what is it that makes them different?

>> No.3217913


>> No.3217916

VNs do not always involve dating, routes, or even allow you to make choices. A dating sim typical allows you to raise affection for a girl, maybe has stats, and has more interaction.

>> No.3217928

Play Fate/Stay Night, Umineko, or Ever17 and ponder that question again.

>> No.3217952

Of course, semantics is involved here. Recall the question "Why do you can an RPG and RPG? Can you not roleplay in EVERY game?"

The idea also generally applies to VN and DS

>> No.3217956

>VNs do not always involve dating, routes, or even allow you to make choices.
I have yet to play a VN that does not involve routes or some kind of love story, then again I haven't played that many.

>allows you to raise affection for a girl
In VNs routes that involve dating you raise/lower affection for various girls based on the actions you choose.

>maybe has stats
So the introduction of stats makes it a dating sim?

>> No.3217974

>Why do you can an RPG and RPG?

>> No.3217984

VN = Text on the whole screen
Dating sim = Think True love, you must usually manage some stats.
ADV game = Text usually on the bottom of the screen, Clannad is a good example.

>> No.3217986

I asked because games like KS and Clannad tend to be pitched as VNs when they have an emphasis on a love story with whatever girl you've chosen.

>> No.3217990

Get out KS devs

>> No.3217997

It has nothing to do with the sort of story these game focus on.

>> No.3217998

lurk more

>> No.3217999

A visual novel is a novel with visuals. It can be about anything.

Dating sims are only about dating, and to be called dating sims they have to have stat bars and such, I think.

>> No.3218001

Clannad and KS has no stat grind, though.

Date sims usually involve a gameplay element with numbers to play with.

>> No.3218007

sorry i have on english at least tried to properly use...

>> No.3218009

It's kinda like how 07th works are called "Sound novels" yet they have no voices. Don't bother thinking about it too much it's a waste of time, and it's an even greater waste of time asking these idiots.

>> No.3218019

>>I have yet to play a VN that does not involve routes or some kind of love story, then again I haven't played that many.

Umineko and Planetarian come to mind. Neither have any interaction.

>>In VNs routes that involve dating you raise/lower affection for various girls based on the actions you choose.

Not in the same way. A VN has routes, and its not like you can generally start going down one girls route while raising another girls affection as well and switching to her.

>>So the introduction of stats makes it a dating sim?

Stats related to dating.

Check out the Tokimeki Memorial series for an example of a dating sim.

>> No.3218024

So by that definition Mass Effect could be a dating sim?

>> No.3218028
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How could you not love her? or am I misunderstanding what you said

>> No.3218037

You are misunderstanding. It was just an example of a visual novel where you don't pursue routes or make choices.

>> No.3218039

>Dating sims are only about dating

>> No.3218040

What's ADV stand for?

>> No.3218044


>> No.3218048


>> No.3218072

Mass Effect has a dating sim subgame, you could say

>> No.3218075

Fuck mass effect, wouldn't let me pick Tali

>> No.3218076
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What exactly makes it an adventure? When I think of adventure there's usually traveling to far off lands slaying dragons and saving princesses and that sort of thing. How is staying in one town going through home and highschool drama an "adventure"?

>> No.3218077

Tokimeki Memorial is the preeminent example of a dating sim. There is a huge difference between Tokimemo and say, Ever 17 in terms of gameplay and amount of text.

In Tokimeki Memorial you spend the majority of your time building your own personal stats in order to be more appealing to girls who you then call up and ask out on dates. It is possible to make it through entire games several hours of stat building and never ask a girl out on a date. There is very little reading to be done. It is nothing like a novel at all.

Ever 17 has no stat building whatsoever and the primary actions taken in the game are reading, reading, and reading. It is very much like a novel with the only 'game' elements being the fact that you sometimes can make choices.

>> No.3218079

Lifes an adventure. Too DEEP for you?

>> No.3218084

Every day is an adventure if you make it!!

>> No.3218088

1 a : an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks b : the encountering of risks <the spirit of adventure>
2 : an exciting or remarkable experience <an adventure in exotic dining>
3 : an enterprise involving financial risk

>> No.3218100

The people who coined and labaeled the term ADV were east asians. The connotations of ADV fit the vn genre when it was labeled as such.

>> No.3218124

Mind = BLOWN

>> No.3218157

So for it to be a dating sim it needs the player to control all of the main character's actions and stats, for a VN it has to be a "choose your own adventure" style book without dating, and for a ADV it needs to be some bastard child of the two?

>> No.3218199

For all intents and purposes, the way east asians use "ADV" is the same as how the west fanbase uses "VN".

considered ADV:
School Days
Tokimeki Memorial

not considered or borderline ADV:
Princess Maker
Ar Tonelico
Ace of Spades

>> No.3218202

No, once again VN mean text on the whole screen and ADV mean text on the bottom.
Ever17 is an ADV game, FSN is a VN.
That's how they are classified in Japan, of course /jp/ doesn't have to follow this.

>> No.3218211

FSN is not considered an ADV.

>> No.3218213

So as a westerner I don't have to follow the rules of how the world classifies their textey datey games?

>> No.3218214

There can be plenty of dating in a visual novel. The difference is you have less control of the progression of events and the main purpose is reading.

Stats in a dating sim are simply one way to give increased control over dating than a visual novel which presents information in a more linear fashion.

The other dating sim I own is Sentimental Graffiti which has no stats and all the girls begin the game already in love with you. The purpose of that game is to juggle the girls in such a manner that they don't become jealous of each other while trying to choose which one you like most. Events happen more randomly and once again the focus is not on reading.

>> No.3218220


In China and Taiwan, it is considered as such. May be debatable elsewhere.

>> No.3218222

Put something in mind guys:


Games like True Love are outdated.

Just because you're DATING a girl doesn't mean it's a dating sim, you know.

>> No.3218224

Tokimemo series is considered 恋愛シミュレーション.
Who cares what China and Taiwan think?

>> No.3218227

80% of east asia

>> No.3218229


What are you talking about?

>> No.3218235

Except, we're talking about Japanese VNs and Dating sims here. The Chinese opinions are just as meaningless as the Russians or any other place.

>> No.3218238

There's a new upcoming one for DS.
Love Plus I think is the name.

>> No.3218239

sadly true. The last Dating Sim I've seen was Tokimemo 3 which was 2001. Tokimemo online was a disaster as well. I don't think we'll have anything like them again.

>> No.3218242

Didn't alicesoft just make a dating sim...

>> No.3218248
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VN don't always have to be about dating or making choices.

Umineko is an example.

>> No.3218252

Except, there are plenty of Dating Sims. Amagami came out just it march, the last Tokimemo game came out in 2008, Konami is making a Dating Sim for DS that is supposed to be out soon.

>> No.3218268

I know. I wasn't talking about the games themselves.

My point was, labels like VN, Dating sim, ADV, eroge, etc are fluid. What Japan calls one thing doesn't HAVE to be called the same in another place.

One shouldn't be inflexible about cultural things. It's important to realize another place's pov- and why. And "why" is why this thread exists.

>> No.3218288

Umineko is a sound novel.

Planetarian is a kinetic novel.

Get it right.

>> No.3218390

Those are both visual novels.

>> No.3218444


Umineko is a sound novel. And Planetarian is a kinetic novel. Ryukichi07 and Key agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.3218518

We talk here about the contents aniki, not about some marketing schemes.

>> No.3218537

Umineko is a sound novel not a VN. Learn the difference

>> No.3218559

Sound novel is a synonym for visual novel. There is no difference.

>> No.3218670

Visual novels have no sound.

>> No.3218711

Just call them galge. If it has ero, eroge.

>> No.3218714

A galge is actually about fucking girls, without any consistent story behind it.

>> No.3218804

that's nukige, silly.

>> No.3219150

You're actually asking us to accept 'Dating Sim' as an alternate for 'visual novel'? Keep dreaming. That's like asking people involved in movies to just call everything Science Fiction because it's easier that way.

It's not simply a matter of semantics, it's a case of jargon. When you're an auto mechanic you learn jargon that other auto mechanics know and recognize in order to talk to each other. If you said to an auto mechanic, hey get me a screwdriver and they asked what kind it would be pretty stupid to say "who cares? they're all the same"

Learn the jargon of those of us who play galge and you'll realize there's a difference between classifications of galge. Treating them all the same and asking us to do the same is pretty rude.

>> No.3219203

What if it's a yaoi game?

>> No.3219212

well fucking stated.

>> No.3219271

Tthis is about as amusing as people trying to categorize music.

>> No.3219291

>Just call them galge
Yeah sure, that fits Umineko perfectly

>> No.3219307


Well, the mothers are all pretty hot...

>> No.3220281

I'm so fucking confused.

>> No.3220294

You sound like a guy who doesn't know how to classify music.

>> No.3220439


>>3218714 is wrong, the other guy is right.
