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3214774 No.3214774 [Reply] [Original]

Any fans of Flyable Heart here? I tried it out a bit. It is a refreshing change from the serious "real deal" eroge I've been trying recently. Plus, I love the art.

>> No.3214799

what's up with so many "real deal" references lately?

Well, delicious paralel world female version. Must screw the time axis.

>> No.3214825

Everytime I see a Flyable Heart artwork now I'm reminded of that retarded tripfag from earlier trying to rally FH fans with Hoshizora fans.

>> No.3214839


>> No.3214864

>what's up with so many "real deal" references lately?
New form of trolling.

>> No.3214871

Any game not "real deal" is not worth playing at all. Sage your shitty moe shit.

>> No.3215047

I wonder why the "real deal" fags are so much more annoying and retarded than us moefags. At least you don't see us bombing the "real deal" threads with trolling as much as the other way around.

>> No.3215175

But are they nonvirgin sluts? I don't care about nonvirgin sluts.

>> No.3215189

Fate/stay night is the king of "real deal" eroge.

>> No.3215218

There are "real deal" fags? I thought it's just a single troll.

>> No.3216330

ZUN, don't countertroll with something that it's as annoying as a real troll.

>> No.3216336

It was a single troll, but then a couple of us (me included) started joking around using it outside of the poll threads. I'm pretty sure it's just a joke. Just like these guys >>3215175

>> No.3216343

Pretty average.
Unisonsoft did much better in the past.
Honestly I don't understand why there's so much hype about it recently.
Even on the pure moe front there's a lot of much better eroger, even if you only count recent ones.

>> No.3216355

And what the hell does "real deal" mean anyway?
The side of the spectrum opposite of moe?

>> No.3216359
File: 838 KB, 1280x1024, 1246705749312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, does this hame have a satoko ripoff?

>> No.3216366

it means the creators think it is True Art and, if they could have gotten away with it without sales going down the crapper, they would have cut out the h-scenes. As it stands, they make-do by making the h-scenes shitty.

>> No.3216378

Fuck you moefags, real deal power. Ixrec should translate Fate/HA.

>> No.3216379

umineko sells without sex scenes, so thats no excuse

>> No.3216386

>real deal
FHA is just fanservice.

>> No.3216391

Its sales would double if it included Battler stakes rape and Bern and Lambda sex.

>> No.3216392

It doesn't sell that much though.
In term of pure sales, Umineko is far below Higurashi.
All age VN, on PC, that sell well are rare.
The only one that managed to break the 100000 is Clannad.

>> No.3216395

Are the heroins in Flyable Heart virgins? I don't want to play a game with non-virgin sluts.

>> No.3216421

you and people like you are shitting up the entire industry. please die.

>> No.3216416

Sorry, can't help you there.
I only play real deal games where the heroines aren't nonvirgin sluts.

>> No.3216420

Flyable Hearts seems to invite controversy similar to Gore Screaming Show (lol). Most of those who have played it confirm that there's better titles from the same company or genre, but the moefags main audience just doesn't care to listen.

Just move to Hoshizora no Memoria or Himawari, guys. I'm sure you'll get much more support that way.

>> No.3216426

Seconded, if they aren't virgins I'm not voting for that piece of shit.

>> No.3216437


Pretty much these two posts sums up my feelings on the matter. I believe the only reason it's popular is the huge amount of worship Noizi Ito gets for designing the characters of Haruhi. I'm a huge moefag and even I dislike the game.

>> No.3216443

Umm, you're clearly not playing real deal games. Real deal games aren't afraid to face the reality that is the fact that there can be nonvirgins who aren't sluts the protagonist already fucked them before the game even started and that sometimes the heroines are sluts.

>> No.3216458

I want Suigetsu because it has a cute loli.

>> No.3216463

Well fuck you and your realist way.
What's wrong with wanting your heroines to be pure in VNs?
Do you think making the heroine nonvirgins would make a game better in anyway?
Fuck you and go back to your American literature where the heroines are sluts. Oh look the heroine is sleeping around with everyone! She's so mature!!

>> No.3216478

Several cute loli in fact.
Waha is the most famous but you should forget the twins.
And Izumi, while not really a loli in term of age, sure does look like one during her ero-scenes.

>> No.3216491

I only know about white hair loli and Waha, but if there's more lolis then that's even better.

Some anon said it was a good VN too.

>> No.3216496

She is also popular thanks to her Shana artworks. Yeah.

>> No.3216498
File: 16 KB, 412x357, hau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can not kill! <3

>> No.3216504

White hair?
You must mean Yuki, sorry but she isn't a loli.
She is a delicious meido though.

>> No.3216509

Protip: there are bad moe VNs, bad real deal games, good moe games and good real deal games. It's all in the execution, not in the moe factor (or lack of it).

>> No.3216515

>moe games
lol this is what moefags actually believe

>> No.3216518

>she isn't a loli
>She is a delicious meido though.
This is fine too.

>> No.3216553
File: 242 KB, 449x572, haaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3216604

So what's a better game by UNIONSHIFT?
I have Alice Parade here but I haven't played it yet.

>> No.3216615

Nanatsuiro Drops and Peace@Pieces.

>> No.3216657

Death-sensei ;_;

>> No.3216708
File: 94 KB, 600x450, ing_event11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presenting Sekien no Inganock's loli.

>> No.3216720

But do you get to fuck her? And she isn't a nonvirgin slut is she?

>> No.3216734
File: 86 KB, 600x450, ing_event10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's virgin, pure imouto-like character.

>> No.3216755
File: 146 KB, 600x800, ing_chara02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure loli in a decaying fantasy/steampunk isolated city.

Plus beautiful presentation and music. Get the trial by downloading the .lzh file from one of the mirrors at the link below.


Plus vndb.


>> No.3216768
File: 138 KB, 600x800, ing_chara05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of supporting character is a doll-joint moe.

>> No.3216781
File: 117 KB, 600x800, ing_chara11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one more loli.
