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File: 726 KB, 900x1200, 86649080_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32136803 No.32136803 [Reply] [Original]

hello i'm a dumbass who's trying to get the sprites out of GST Complete, but I've got no idea how you'd go about doing that. kindly asking anons for help, if anyone knows how.

or you can just post about groping these fat pillows.

>> No.32138848

It's made in game maker so just use https://github.com/WastedMeerkat/gm81decompiler/tree/master/decompiler


>> No.32144764

I was going to say be nice, but I'm no different.

GST Thread.
Remilia is hard as FUCK

>> No.32144868

If you think Remi is hard, wait till you get to Flan. I can't count how many times I've reloaded my save against her.

>> No.32144981
File: 27 KB, 640x480, FMW [E] Sakuya battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't reload saves mid game.
Sakuya is straight murder. That's not counting the Meiling shenanigans and having to evade or block damage and rely on Dai to heal units. I'm compelled to take time to heal everyone, but that doesn't solve the spirit usage and MP costs.

>> No.32145102 [DELETED] 

This one in particular I reloaded because I wanted to fight Yuuka the first time around, but Sakuya's World wiped everyone out. One thing on the list of many regrets.

>> No.32145175

This one in particular I reloaded because I wanted to fight the special guest the first time around, but Sakuya's spellcards wiped everyone out. It's just one thing on the list of many regrets.

>> No.32149098

Kogasa's funbags

>> No.32151759

can't seem to get it to work, after searching through and downloading gamemaker and stuff, all I can get is the stuff like the damage number sprites to show up. guess i'm just dumb.

also flan was a lot less hard in complete box, I feel like? they really defanged scarlet in that.

>> No.32158648

Are people still working on translation patches for GST complete? I remember playing the games years ago and as they went on less and less of the menus and cutscenes were translated.

>> No.32163328

I believe so. It was mentioned in the last GST Thread.

>> No.32169339


I think something was mentioned about 4 but I'm not sure.

>> No.32174934

gonna try again. wish me luck.

>> No.32181008

thought it was Kogasa at first but it's actually Makura.
everything is easier in complete box. sp regen trivializes early and mid game (reimu vs marisa stage becomes a joke to kill everyone). kinda hope they would add the classic mode with the old spirit system.

>> No.32188296

>it's actually Makura
I should have looked closer...

>> No.32191239
File: 106 KB, 600x520, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

968 HP and Youmu blew it
2 good critical hits from Marisa and Reimu taking of 8000 from the already damaged Remi and she blew it. 68 vs 62. She just had to roll that 34%.

>> No.32191264


>> No.32201791

You should've boosted accuracy with spirit commands

>> No.32205189
File: 70 KB, 640x480, MEDIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it shortly after yesterday

>> No.32208202
File: 335 KB, 1473x1200, Ef277tpUwAAwl9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32213087

>wait till you get to Flan
How ripped is Flan? I'm at the Kurumi portion of the game. I haven't seen end credits yet so I'm loathing the possibility that she's harder by a far margin.

>> No.32213117

Chapter 12 Kurumi I mean.

>> No.32219489

Without spoiling anything, she hits really really really hard. Plus her attacks can hit from 1 to 8(?) tiles.

>> No.32219758

If you're going in blind, all I can say is that the change of game over is extremely high. I don't remember how many times I loaded on hard but it's a lot.

>> No.32219949
File: 550 KB, 980x735, flanstare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus her attacks can hit from 1 to 8(?) tiles.
> ... the change of game over is extremely high. I don't remember how many times I loaded on hard but it's a lot.
I'm capital F fucked.
Question, does Cirno tag along? Asking for spirit reasons.
I can go back and reload the saves and redistribute points in preparation if nobody from the previous boss carries over.

>> No.32226053
File: 6 KB, 624x132, Marisa the shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32234204

You have to compile that right?

>> No.32242004

Cirno will be there. All 9 characters will be there.

>> No.32243034

I could have sworn they announced a non-specified console port a few months ago for GST
I hope some anon doesn't pump hours of time into it only for the console release to throw in an international English translation

>> No.32250641


>> No.32251210


>> No.32255859
File: 17 KB, 640x480, slight anger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that for 5 points.

>> No.32256619
File: 34 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32260965
File: 10 KB, 212x320, fml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She regenerates HP...

>> No.32261089

Flan has many surprise.

>> No.32266139

I'm not looking forwards to it.
The previous boss doing 7200 crits is enough for me.
This is going to take longer than it should.

>> No.32270538

>many surprise.
I expected this.
Whatever you do, don't break formation.

>> No.32271913
File: 399 B, 101x30, The face of despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I better get nothing but Crits and misses.

>> No.32279666

Take 2...

>> No.32294612

Shit caught me off-guard too. I was healing my units up after hitting Flan with Master Spark then suddenly she was at full health as well.

>> No.32304535

Doesn't that do like 4k damage though

>> No.32308645

Are the other two like the first?
I read something about a 4th game, but I'll check the last thread.

>> No.32308990

Gameplay is still the same SRW style but many systems are different including skills and WP. Also, you don't lose points if your units are destroyed. Overall, the second and third games are better than the first one and the fourth game is the best. The serie gets better every game.

>> No.32313678

Yeah, but I took a while setting up after healing and didn't check on her health.

>> No.32319324

Thank god wife points actually work like wife points now.

>> No.32343386

>Thank god wife points actually work like wife points now.

>> No.32347163

You know, like a system that's used to upgrade your favorite characters, instead of going the opposite way and artificially crippling the rest by disabling their skills.

>> No.32355669

Was that an issue in the past?
>crippling the rest by disabling their skills
My only regret is not redistributing points to other characters.

>> No.32360650

The soundtracks in this game are astounding.

>> No.32365856

How are the character interactions in these games? Close to canon or more fanon?

>> No.32366172

It's pretty close.
Reimu is ok, same with Marisa.
The game is from 2010-11, so everything is pretty close for the most part.
That's just the first game though.

>> No.32371848

Here's to hoping a certain somoene doesn't crit me in every attack.
... If I can pick up the controller that is.

>> No.32390533

More towards fanon actually, but its very good fanon. Feels like it could be canon.

>> No.32393988

Yeah, it's not over the top so you wouldn't notice too much.

>> No.32400142

Why is she such a tank in the final phase...

>> No.32401182

It's her spell card's effect. Bomb it if you still have some left.

>> No.32403356

I know, it's just that I don't have many remaining from the previous spell card.
If Dai stayed alive, I could set up again and have her bomb in two waves. It doesn't help that it resets with each go and she attacks after. It's almost a guaranteed hit.
I already loaded once so I'll see if I can grind a few levels if I don't manage to get it in the next few tries.
The newcomer I don't think levels either- so much for that. She's useful though.

>> No.32407628

Seiran-san be like

>> No.32419545


>> No.32431465

here we go again...

>> No.32442801

It might (not) happen. I don't know.

>> No.32453078 [DELETED] 


>> No.32459366

Is there a specific position for Master Spark? I set up 4 tiles away and had Mari focused. Above the required power, held above the MP requirements. It feels like she's hanging me each run. I don't get it.

>> No.32467491

what do you mean a specific position? Master spark is a non-p attack so you can't move and use it.

>> No.32467909

I set her 4 spaces away, I even check her other moves to make sure that it would hit, but she just sits there not able to use it. Malice Cannon works though.

>> No.32474018

Master spark in the first game also uses bullet (3/3). Maybe a screenshot would help.

>> No.32478982

I found a spot in the southwest corner.
I counted the squares manually this time. Hopefully I won't lose Alice again.
