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3209156 No.3209156 [Reply] [Original]


So, now that UBW trailer is out./jp/ thoughts ?

>> No.3209172

Repost time, already?

>> No.3209176

It's like I'm really the bone of my motherfucking sword !

>> No.3209177

It has been out for at least a week

>> No.3209183


I think you're a slowpoke

>> No.3209184


>> No.3209186

90 minutes, its going to be shit

>> No.3209190

It was already going to be shit the minute it was announced.

>> No.3209192

Only 90 minutes?

That's harsh. No way they can do it right.

>> No.3209204


Nobody says it's the latest news, get over it you elitist shit.

>> No.3209205

They can fill it with high quality non-stop action. That would be good.

>> No.3209211


They did that in the first FSN anime.It didn't come out so good.

F/SN is 50% shounen and 50% philosophy anyway. Filling it to the brim with shounen and moe shits only are so fucking wrong way to do it.

>> No.3209214

You mean 70% cooking 30% shounen.

>> No.3209224
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>> No.3209225

In order to get the UBW experience, you need lots of people pointing out what Shirou's behavior is like vs. what a normal person does, and also his own feelings of disconnect between his memories and his real ideal.

Which means you have to include every Archer scene.

>> No.3209244

Is it just me or Ilya really look different in this trailer ?

>> No.3209246

>In order to get the UBW experience
I really don't care about the whole UBW experience thing. There is no way they will be able to do it in 90 minutes, so I just want a high quality action flick and fuck it. .

>> No.3209254

Hooray for settling for shitty things.

And people wonder why the industry never bothers doing things right. It's because everyone will settle for nothing!

>> No.3209269

I'm sorry, but I don't want to watch a movie about angsty teens cooking. Maybe that's your thing, and that's fine, but not me sister.

>> No.3209275

Is there another way? Considering none of us will pay for it, even if we refused to watch it, it would mean jack shit.

>> No.3209282

UBW doesn't do cooking. You must be trying to meme for HF.

UBW has a bunch of introspective shit that, except for "THERE WAS A FIRE A LONG TIME AGO.", actually manages to be halfway interesting and plot-relevant.

>> No.3209293

Let's see, DEEN, UBW. Hmm, I wonder why this is shit.

>> No.3209303

Everyone just expects everything to be scrapped for Cooking with Shirou and Sluts since loldeen, and lol90minutes.

>> No.3209330

We just need one consortium of millionaires to begin funding projects with competent animation studios for our benefit.

>> No.3209331 [DELETED] 

I like that too.
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>> No.3209372

>>3209293 I wonder why this is shit.
I wonder if you can tell me the lotto numbers from that future of yours.

>> No.3209377

Fuck this shit I want my HF movie and I want it now

>> No.3209385

They should make an Illya HF movie. Getting rid of Sakura and making it about saving onee-chan would probably make it the best route.

>> No.3209396


>> No.3209411

You want a movie about cooking?

>> No.3209413
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>Illya movie

Enjoy your loli delusions.

>> No.3209418

This, many times over. Give him the ability use UBW at the end, with Nine Lives in it and it'll be the best movie ever.

>> No.3209423

Sure, if it contains an awesome Kotomine vs Shirou fight.

>> No.3209424

You just can't counter that she'd be better in every respect to Sakura. It's basically the same plot if you make Illya the heroine, except it's more about her and Sakura just becomes an old maid at the end after you "rescue" her.

>> No.3209429

A movie consisting of her playing in the park and having sex with Berserker.

>> No.3209458

HF minus Sakura

>> No.3209465

>Gil stroking Ilya's cheek

Oh god they're keeping the heart-ripping scene.

>> No.3209468

+Longer Kotomine team-up

>> No.3209472

Hopefully by "Old Maid", you mean the grail drains all the life out of her and leaves her a shriveled, yet still alive, husk that is then employed by Ilya and made to do hard labor.

>> No.3209477

ITT fags butthurt by canon end

>> No.3209480


>> No.3209487

Needs less "SHIROU IS WEIRD" and more Archer fucking people up and over.

>> No.3209502


>> No.3209512

Yeah, she is ALIVE!!

>> No.3209520

Fuck this shit, where's my ciel route movie.

>> No.3209522

It suddenly sounds a lot more promising.

>> No.3209530

It's where the Sacchin movie is at.

>> No.3209537

>HF movie
Oh fuck I hope this never happens. I couldn't finish HF. After day 11 or so, I skipped the entire novel, read the summary on wikipedia, and watched both endings. This route was complete shit.

>> No.3209545

More like it's the only decent route.

>> No.3209546


Or they may just change it to gil rubbing her cheek then make her unconscious by striking the back of her neck.

>> No.3209549

Fuck yes, one hour of Shiki in a bed followed by him raping Kohaku and kicking RoSHIaKI's ass.

>> No.3209552

ITT: We say the movie is going to be shit, but pirate it anyway.

>> No.3209558

Of course we're going to pirate it anyway. It costs us nothing but 30 minutes of downloading and 90 minutes of watching. Do you think NEETS have anything better to do for 2 hours.

>> No.3209562

I could spend those two hours fapping and orgasm edging.

>> No.3209569

I said BETTER, not something else.

>> No.3209571

Hey now, let's be serious.
some of us have a shitty internet connection. getting the movie in the best quality will take more than 30 minutes.

>> No.3209582

UBW = 40 minutes of cooking + 40 minutes of flashback + 10 minutes of actual plot

>> No.3209589

So cooking gets the exact amount of screentime it had in the VN while everything else gets downsized?

>> No.3209590

10 minutes of flashback + 80 minutes of AWESOME

>> No.3209602
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>> No.3209604

Oops, I think I described all of FSN.

>> No.3209608

Oops, I think I described all of F/SN.

>> No.3209610

The one truly despicable thing he did.

>> No.3209613

It lasts too much fucking more.
And the ratio differs per route.

>> No.3209623

It's funny how Ilya had almost no role in UBW but her best scene with Berserker was in this route.

>> No.3209629
File: 119 KB, 1022x580, 1249337070070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean best.

>> No.3209632

It's too dark Berserker. I can't see you


>> No.3209638

what about Shinji in UBW

>> No.3209667

What is this? Something official? Looks like it..

>> No.3209680

I think it's concept art?

>> No.3209682

Can't be Takeuchi's. That side view actually looks halfway decent.

>> No.3209686


>> No.3209730


>> No.3209748


Serves her right for turning me into a freaking doll.

>> No.3209774

You're the only one to blame for getting the bad end.

>> No.3209851
File: 60 KB, 800x600, illya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the fuck Illya route?

>> No.3209862

Sitting on Nasu's computer in the same folder as Sacchin's route

>> No.3209866


Not added just to piss people off, really that's the reason. Welcome to type-moon, afk demon souls

>> No.3209869

Vault 54. Where it will survive the Nuclear War.

>> No.3209881
File: 59 KB, 320x240, tiger dojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's 40 of them.

>> No.3209887
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>Welcome to type-moon, afk demon souls

>> No.3209945

It's probably going to suck, just like the visual novel itself.

>> No.3210478


Sure smells like a fake little girl here

>> No.3210570

And then he gets Bad End'd by Ciel for raping Kohaku.

>> No.3210576

I wonder if this is gonna have the jackhammer.

>> No.3210602

It's Realta Nua-based.

Enjoy your fish.

>> No.3210607

Rin jackhammering on the big screen would be marvelous.

>> No.3210613

What did Realta Nua replace it with?

>> No.3210651
File: 53 KB, 640x480, worksafe jackhammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, plus fish.

>> No.3210655

Where exactly do the fish fit in?

>> No.3210678

I have absolutely no idea.

>> No.3210693

Don't shatter my dreams, you bastard.

>> No.3210747
File: 50 KB, 476x513, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i never understood the sakura fish thing.

>> No.3210757

This isn't about Sakura fish, it's about Rin's jackhammer being replaced by fish.

>> No.3210765

It better have a fucking epic version of Emiya.

Like full orchestra epic.

>> No.3210796

/v/ is thet way
You can troll there and stuff, yoy will probably like it.

>> No.3210811

It will consist of you having to listen to Emiya manually.

>> No.3210815

>Please play Emiya.mp3 now

>> No.3210819


>> No.3210820

But I already am!

>> No.3210879

This so fucking hard I'd go and kill their studios and their entire family if they don't fucking do it.

>> No.3211089
File: 34 KB, 300x224, ubw10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we get to see this epic smile ?

>> No.3211134

We'd better, or I'd be pissed.

>> No.3211176

We'll get to see everything except the loss of Rin's virginity.


>> No.3211212

>Will we get to see this gay smile ?

>> No.3211254

What's your idea of a "straight" smile?

>> No.3211265
File: 53 KB, 400x400, archerstuckwithblades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they're going to show the ultra depressing Archer'll never be saved Answer after the happy Rin and Shirou part.

>> No.3211321
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, goodendforarcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Archer does get a good end!

>> No.3211348


More like generic shitty end in fighting games amirite

>> No.3211373

More like hey fuck you he gets to bang Rin every day

>> No.3211413
File: 59 KB, 500x600, archerkiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how they should end the UBW movie. Archer gets to stay with Rin and Shirou moves on to Luvia.

>> No.3211429


>> No.3211442

So everybody gets an upgrade?

>> No.3211444

It's going to be ages until it comes out, and it's going to be ages until it comes out on DVD so us poor Gaijins can watch it. Make a thread about it again in 2011

>> No.3211481

January isn't that far away, bro.

>> No.3211491
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>implying tsunderes aren't generic shitty female type

>> No.3211492

That's when it's in theatres though bro.

>> No.3211534
File: 63 KB, 515x555, laughingmagicalgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Rin is a tsundere

>> No.3211547

She is one and she is a bad one

>> No.3211553
File: 4 KB, 126x110, 1250767529544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying she is not

>> No.3211565

How come this is so often brought up around this site?
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>> No.3211569

Shit adaptation of a shit visual novel by a shit studio.

>> No.3211582

She's not. She's all tsun, no dere.

>> No.3211591
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>> No.3211592
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>> No.3211601

Lookin pretty tsun there, Rin.

>> No.3211611


Yeah. She's mostly tsun, but as soon as Shirou says something embarrassing, the dere comes out.

>> No.3211621
File: 315 KB, 512x582, those eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sprites are taken out of context.

I'll bet you think she's trying to hypnotize you here.

>> No.3211645

"D-don't look at me like that! It's not like we're having sex or anything!"

>> No.3211655


"This ain't no Code Gayass bitch"

>> No.3211680

Seriously, Archer's more tsundere than Rin is.

>> No.3211717

When is Archer ever dere?

>> No.3211780

Why is she so adorable?

>> No.3211782
File: 250 KB, 800x600, AH01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, when I read f/sn I expected Rin to be some sort of shit tsundere like any character voiced by Rie Kugimiya. However, she only acts like a generic tsundere 10% of the time at most, the rest is spent mostly on cockteasing Shiro or being a useful character.

I found the jackhammer scene rather stupid after seeing her rape Saber in front of Shiro in the Fate route

>> No.3211806
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Rin as a crazy slut as well.

>> No.3211813


Being concensual is not called rape,kid.

>> No.3211889

Rin REALLY got into it, though. Hell, she was wetter than Saber.

In the jackhammer scene, she was timid and afraid. It's a shame, she can be so hot when she wants to be.

>> No.3211901

I think she's hotter when she's being raped

>> No.3211920
File: 68 KB, 700x544, rinarchersexytime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because she'd already fucked Archer in the Fate route, that's why.

>> No.3211925

I think she's hot in general. Much more so than the other two.

>> No.3211956

That makes sense, actually.

>> No.3211990


Consensual forced sex. mugenjohncel agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.3212014

She wasn't raped. She wanted Shirou's hard throbbing cock so bad she didn't even wait to get wet first. The slut.
