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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 500x276, ffxiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3201314 No.3201314 [Reply] [Original]

>This interview tell us that this game is NOT free to play. And many deep question about the game's contents are mentioned! FF fans can find your questions got answers here.

It's shit.

>> No.3201319

Its MMORPG, why the fuck would you expect it to be free?

>> No.3201317

We already knew that.

>> No.3201326
File: 42 KB, 447x383, 1223304664723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously thought it was going to be free?

>> No.3201320

Why the fuck would it be free to play? FFXI wasn't free to play.

As a matter of fact, all free-to-play MMOs have been shit.

>> No.3201330

FF is Japan-related you dumbfuck. And is much better than the random shit posted right now.
Well it's shit since it's p2p though.

>> No.3201332

I don't give a shit about anything except this.

Are galkas still invincible while still having decent mp for mage jobs. while taru's remain to be one shotted on nearly every job

>> No.3201339

You fucking lie, scumbag.
Everyone had their doubts. Everyone.

>> No.3201347


Japan min wage is like 1300 yen.

>> No.3201349


Japan-related, but not /jp/-related.
As a real videogame it obviously belongs in /v/.

>> No.3201362

Well, FFXI was kinda shitty. I expect FFXIV to be a bit better and lay low on the team play thing. It sucks when you're all alone.

>> No.3201502
File: 316 KB, 640x838, ff11fa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy Elvaan princess.

>>I expect FFXIV to be a bit better and lay low on the team play thing. It sucks when you're all alone.

That's true, FF11 was too hardcore for me.

>> No.3201516
File: 163 KB, 600x800, ff5208998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3201529

>It's shit.

>> No.3201533
File: 317 KB, 600x800, ff1751704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3201543

rude sage

>> No.3201572
File: 246 KB, 1064x1654, ff56357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But /jp/ loves Online Ronery Games.

>> No.3201598

You have to be a special kind of retard to think this was going to be free. Also /v/ thread.

>> No.3201598,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey zunners!bar what sever did you play on?

>> No.3201975

>Its MMORPG, why the fuck would you expect it to be free?
Games like Guild Wars don't have a monthly fee, you just pay for the original game.

And that's how it should be.

>> No.3201975,1 [INTERNAL] 


There's really no point in me living after that, goodbye everyone.

>> No.3202776


>> No.3202801

But there was no reason to expect SE to follow that model. Pay to buy, free to play is an option that you only would choose to go with if you can't get people to buy the game AND pay you monthly, which they have proven to be able to do.

>> No.3202805

FFXI wasn't free, and almost all MMOs have some sort of fee. Why the hell would you expect this one to be free?

>> No.3202819

If you weren't stupid, you were pretty sure this was going to be a pay to play game.

>> No.3202825

private server where?

>> No.3202849

Can't fucking wait for FFXIV.

>> No.3202855

Final Fantasy has been shit for a while, OP.

>> No.3202909

It's going to be shit no matter what if they don't make regional servers. If they go with the old ff11 system, it's bound to fail


>> No.3202914

Looks like you've got some pent up anger there, anon.

>> No.3202923

actually I'm hoping for the opposite, I always used the Japanese client from an American account, and if they block off or split regions I don't think I'd want to play

>> No.3203676

If 6 years of XI has taught me anything, it is that SE can't design a MMO if their life depended on it.

Honestly, you got to be a real shitty company if you create a job and a whole spell system called "spirits" but then never once in 6 years manage to make them useful.

It is like making a soccer game, but you can't score because the developers didn't find the time to add goals.

I'm not touching XIV unless SE managed to make it perfect from day one, because they sure aren't able to patch their MMOs.

>> No.3203683

'sup angry summoner.

>> No.3203982

I feel stranded between FFXI (since I haven't played any since april) and FFXIV; seems pointless in a sense to put more effort into FFXI when I'll be moving anyway, but I need something to play. ;_;

I hope the voice acting in the English version of XIV isn't abysmally american sounding. FFX killed my ears.
