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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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320108 No.320108 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up, and find yourself in the real world. You are ugly, alone, unemployed and still a virgin. A computer hums in the room, it's hard drive filled with japanese cartoon pornography of young boys being forced to dress up in girls clothing and engage in humiliating sex acts by domineering women. Food wrappers litter the floor. Your somewhat cum-stained boxer shorts cling to your thighs and crotch.

What do you do?

>> No.320121

Go to class.

>> No.320119


Brosw /jp/

>> No.320124


Browse /jp/

>> No.320133

Go to /jp/ and talk about going to Gensokyo.

>> No.320135

Browse /jp/ and this thread is boring as hell!

>> No.320139


>> No.320127

Post on 4chan

>> No.320151

Wonder how I missed another lecture.

Then write it off as a one off mistake, go on /jp/ and post.

By the way, there were times at university last term where I would literally sleep all day and post on 4chan all night.

4chan is actually really fucking addictive to be honest. I don't think any of us talk enough about just how addictive this site is.

>> No.320159

Fly out and start danmaku fights

>> No.320198
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What are you saying? I'm not addicted... I can quit 4chan any time I want.

>> No.320200

fuck, i dont even know why it's so addictive

it's even worse on /jp/ because it's so slow moving. I got home from the store (had to get some milk for cereal) at around 2, and I'm still here on 4chan wtf

>> No.320238

I sometimes sit and wait for someone to reply to my single post in a thread for HOURS, refreshing the page faster every time someone does

>> No.320234

It's because 4chan is the most enjoyable place on the internet.

Laugh all you want, resort to your usual self-deprecation, but deep, deep down you know that it's true. Once you found 4chan you didn't give a shit about normal forums. You know that was passes for 'humour' on the rest of the internet, links to slapstick youtube videos, people talking about lemonparty 5 years after we all found it etc... is boring, and whatsmore, you know you dont fit in on the 'rest of the internet'.

Even if the place is an anime/manga related forum, a video game related forum and so on, people will all talk about their 'girlfriends' on the off-topic section, they'll all recount times they got drunk with their normal buddies and went clubbing... To put it simply, 4chan feels like home, and night-time /a/ (and now /jp) is like the warm and cozy living room with a log fire burning at the hearth.

>> No.320245

Fap. I don't know how to do anything else.

>> No.320253

[X] Search for more cartoon pornography on the Information Superhighway.

>> No.320258

ITT: AnonAnon

>> No.320266

I miss night shift /a/.

>> No.320280

Same, but it's moved over to /jp/ so it isn't so bad.

>> No.320283
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>young boys being forced to dress up in girls clothing and engage in humiliating sex acts by domineering women.

why you gotta describe my computer ;_;

>> No.320288

Very addictive.
Fuck you anon, I'll post tomorrow.

>> No.320295

Is that SO?

>> No.320296

How did life come to this?

Where did we all go wrong?

>> No.320305

>Where did we all go wrong?


>> No.320306
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>> No.320314


>> No.320326

>> What do you do?

Existential vacillation, apparently.

>> No.320329


True, but it doesn't have the same dicussion threads that old /a/ or nightshift /a/ use to have. /jp/'s terribly limited to touhou and VN novels.

>> No.320322


>> No.320334

>>I'll post tomorrow

Man, it's gonna be cool to continue this in April.

>> No.320339
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As sad as it is, 4chan is all I have left. My day revolves around 4chan now because nothing else seems interesting anymore. I can't remember any of the sites I used to regular before 4chan anymore. I can't remember anything besides 4chan either. 4chan has consumed my life. 4chan is my life.

>> No.320348

Hmm, I dunno, I've seen a few good ronery/hikki/incest threads on /jp/ to be honest. But yeh, it really tore me up inside when /a/ was split, I hate to admit it and I know I'll catch flak for saying it, but it really felt like some outsider had come into my home, smashed it up and then left saying "Look, it's better now!"

>> No.320358


>> No.320360
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/a/ will never recover from this blunt trauma.

>> No.320363

I don't think I've gone to any site as many times as 4chan. It has /a/ and /touhou/ which consumed my life.

and to add to that I come here hourly to check if there's any more Woke Up in Gensokyo ;_;

this place is my adoptive family

>> No.320364

in b4 Kagami sad college life

>> No.320367


Problem pinpointed!

>> No.320374


>> No.320392

I'm so fucking pathetic I've been running the Caramelldansen remix on loop for about 3 hours now.

>> No.320403
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>> No.320409


Sorry for asking this, but who are the little kids supposed to represent?

>> No.320420


Immature children on the internet. Gaiafags, neopets, any weeaboo forums with a random rambling board.

>> No.320421

I guess non 4chonners. or maybe lolis.

I'm obviously represented by the longcatness monster

>> No.320433


pretty much.

>> No.320482

The reason real children are pig disgusting.

>> No.320526

hmmm... my general reason to be ronery and browse 4chan instead of actually making friends is because I have "esquizoid personality"(dunno if that's the right translation).

The criterion is this:

1. Don't want or don't like intinate relationships. Or don't want to be part of a family.
2. Almost always preffer lone activities.
3. Has little or no will to have sexual relations with another person.
4.Has pleasure in few activities, if any.
5. Lack of close or intimate friends, other than family members.
6. Is indiferent to critics or praise.
7. Emotional coldness, lack of facial expressions.

>> No.320547
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reminds me of someone

>> No.320551


pretty much defines my life.

>> No.320566


I'm somewhat like this, except I'd like a sexual relationship with a woman. And I mean, why the fuck is it that people pretty much hate you if you don't? It's not my fucking fault that I'm woeful with women and have never had sex! Well... I guess part of it is, but we're more than happy to extend the hand of sympathy to drug addicts and other scum, but not having sex is fucking unforgivable apparently.

>> No.320607

I've been part of a couple before, and I have to say i feel no difference whether I'm together with someone or alone. I mean, it's nice to be able to talk to someone and touch someone. It had almost no affect on me when we separated, even though we were really close.

my friends have kicked my ass for breaking up. I could never understand what was wrong with them

>> No.320670

I guess I should probably clean up a bit in here. Then maybe I'll beat off to some of that straight shota porn.

>> No.320711

Buy a death note from some anime store on the corner and write your name in it for 'security purpouses. Theirs a fine line between anime affecianado and straight up Weeaboo

>> No.320768

You wake up in America...and you're unemployed. What do you do?

1) Become night watchman at a small office building.
2) Develop Java-based web applications for a travel agency.
3) Wait tables at an upscale downtown Italian restaurant.
4) Design ads and brochures for a chain of hardware stores.

>> No.320771


It's called "Schizoid Personality Disorder" in english.

I have it too.

>> No.320778

>What do you do?
I post on /jp/

>> No.320780

i've already finished the 4 route...

I'm going to pick 2

[ ] Become night watchman at a small office building.
[X] Develop Java-based web applications for a travel agency.
[ ] Wait tables at an upscale downtown Italian restaurant.
[ ] Design ads and brochures for a chain of hardware stores.

>> No.320809

>It's because 4chan is the most enjoyable place on the internet.
Really, it's just the most populous place with no-hassle anonymous posting.

>people will all talk about their 'girlfriends' on the off-topic section, they'll all recount times they got drunk with their normal buddies and went clubbing...
That part of the internet has taken over /b/ completely. /r9k/ is our last refuge.

>> No.320823
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This place has had a great effect on me. Nigh nothing can surprise or horrify me anymore. People talk of incest, pedophilia, crime, and other such things ready to vomit, but I just stand there brushing it off like dust in the air. I've always been a loner of sorts and I never made any intimate friends in my early childhood, so I fit in here. Though disregarding here, in life I'm seen as amiable and "random" by others. What ensures is a pseudo "hypocrisy" between the "nice guy" and the "horrible demon". Yet this set of contradictions may make sense without the appearance of facade. Here is a catharsis of human soul. The innate goods, evils, roneriness, and others can be unleashed in full. It's not a self-detrimental nature. Rather more of an extension of the person that produces an oddly charming "depravity" and looses anything that if used incorrectly by the wrong outside forces, could become a menace to civilized society. Freedom reigns here and hardens us in an occasionally not so sobering disillusionment to the world's true black heart. Forget the safe kiddie pool of the internet called anime forums and other such tripe. We dove into the deep end and after the initial shock of not having our feet touch the bottom, we lavished in the open waters that permitted us anything we could conjure. Perhaps this is why we don't find others' tired and boring "random humor" so new and entertaining?

>> No.320897

It took me about 4 months to get over that. You'll eventually reach your lurk tolerance and be fine.

I fucking love that song so much.

>> No.321122

>Nigh nothing can surprise or horrify me anymore.

>> No.321156

That's more confusing than horrifying.
